East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 08, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Alfred enjaiqln s
Made in New York
A LFRED BENJAMIN & CO. make in their
tailor shops a block from Broadway a
"" minute's walk from Fifth Avenue outing
putts of tropical worsteds that are as nearly
light as a feather, as any clothes can be. The coolest
clothes for the hottest days.
It is quite out of the question for tailors in other
cities to faithfully reflect the current season's New
l ork fashions.
The Alfred Ben
jamin & Co. label is
positive assurance of
correct New Yrk styles in business, outing and
dress clothes for men.
Correct Clothes for Men
Exclusive Agent Here.
Bond Bros.
Pendleton, Ore.
up prize fighting In New York. Terry
McGovcrn and Brltt, who recently
already 'ught, and n dozen others who pro-
The Mate fair board Is
promising that the coming state fair nioted the affair, are under arrest and
will be the finest since the state began bound over under 1500 ball each.
to have state fairs. I Th ,inpr. gnii nhin
Henry Bellinger, aged 46 have practically come to a deadlock I KKSIDEM TO
years, ana a wen Known civil engineer, in tnelr attempt to reach an agree- I
Is dead at Portland. His body will ment regarding the dispute over i
be cremated, as was that of his father, ' wages. The committee met June 7. '
Judge C. B. Bellinger. ; but they were so far apart that a dls- Spiiuaculur Fighter of South Ajncrl-
Hotel St. George.
President Bert, of the Pacific Coast agreement was announced
Baseball league, has been sued by his negotiations declared off.
Wife for a divorce. She charges
cruelty and profane language and gen
eral neglect.
At Walla Walla, Judge Whitson. of
the federal court, ordered two Chi
namen I.ee Mon and Wah Hop de
ported because they cannct produce
their certificates.
B. S. Kelsay, John Bouy, A. W. Gil
bert and Mark Flemmlng have or
ganized a company with $500,000 cap
ital to develop copper discoveries it
Cresswell, 12 miles from Eugene.
Immediately upon S. A. D. Puter
reaching the Inside of the Multnomah
Jail, he was fined $2.95 by the kanga
roo court for breaking Into Jail. This
he paid at once, though sullenly and
The Baptist association at McMinn
vllle, now In session, has elected the
following officers: Moderator. J. H.
Douglas, of Independence; assistant,
Nat Tucker, of Carlton; secretary and
treasurer, J. W. Stockton, of Amity.
and the 1
can Republic Comes to Pay Trib
uto to the United State W ill Come-
in Ills $,000,000 Yacht, "Restaur-
lis U a Smooth and Wealthy Clrtnenc
The Boise Capital News ha to soy
as follows about a notorious- nnd
much wanted Chinaman:
An application for a writ of habeas
corpus was filed In Judge Stewart'
court today by Attorney J. C. Johnson
In the case of Lee Hons Quon who Is
now confined In the state penitentiary
as Toy Wing, a Chlnnmnn. who ws
sentenced to the pen 23 years ago for
a term of seven years, but who es-'
caped after serving three years of Ms
sentence. I.ee Hong Quon wns arrest
ed Inst fall at Bonners Ferry under the
belief cf the officers that he was the
murh-snnght-fnr Toy Wln. He w.'.-t
brought to the ponltentle--ttd h
since then been confined wl'.hln th?
walls of that Institution.
Judge Stewart held that a writ of
habeas corpus be directed to Warden
E. L. Whitney and that the said Lee
Hong Quon be brought before the
court June 28 at 10 o'clock for the
purpose of establishing his Identity.
Toy Wing Is a professlcnal smug
gler and Is known to be one of the
smoothest of his class that ever fell
Into the hands of the law. He has
plenty of money, which will not be
spared In his efforts to get out. His
picture was shown to Chinamen here
who did not know if his recapture.
They were not told who It was. but
their first expression wns. "Toy Wing.
where you get him?" The effort to
prove that the Chinaman In the pen
itentiary Is not the real Toy Wing
will no doubt prove rather difficult.
W. R. Ward of Dyersburg, Tenn
writes: "This Is to certify that I have
used Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup for
chronic constipation, and It has
proven, without a doubt, to be a thor
ough, practical remedy for this trou
ble, and It Is with pleasure I offer
my conscientious reference." Koep
pens' drug store.
Hurrah for the 4th
Are. yon going o celebrate? If so, let us help you. We a.j
.prepared to furnish you with material for (hat new dress at prices
so extremely low that you can't afford to miss this sale.
1000 yards Lawn, worth 12 c and 16c yard; Sale price, per yard
100' yards Lawn and Dimity; worth 20c and 25c a yard; Sale
price " 1
10 ''0 yards Cotton Panama, in white only; the 25c and 35c kind.
on sale at
1000 yards -Ozakl Pongee; regular 60c value; on sale at
Pendleton's Reliable Store
Norfolk, Va., June 8. Clprlano
W. H. Ude, Ppokane; L. Yandovltch.T
Walla Wnlla: Oeoriro MrCnh Flirln-
D. H. Lyman. Portland; M. S. Past, i Cast". president of Venezuela, Is not
Spokane; M. R. Cowell, Prince Albert;, the kind of man to take a rest while
William Gullickson. Spokane: R. A. j there la breath left in him, but he ln-
nutnerioru, Mammon, .Mont.; lwis
Berglven and wife. Athena; H. E.
Stephens, Chicago; W. F. Draker,
Greenhorn; D. Ferris, New York: E.
M. Watson, Concord. Idaho; W. J.
.Snodgrass and wife and daughter. La
Grande; Mrs. Helen M. Rugan and
daughter. Boise. Idaho; S. Glllett,
Boise; W. M. Smoot, Ogden; R. I.
Smith, Ogden; Fred Jones, Baker
City; J. A. Allison. Portland: W. S.
Gill, Spokane; W. J. Devereaux. De
troit: F. J. Saylor, Spokane; H. M.
Laskes, Chicago; Charles A. Wellman,
Chicago; E. M. Gillette, Tacoma; L.
D. Heater. San Francisco; W. E. War
rington, Indianapolis; R. M. Stuart,
St. Joe. Mo' Frank Bates. San Frnn-
At Portland, a Swiss named Slegen- ! clsco. Ira Him!, Rerville. Texas: Geo.
H. Smith and wife.' Grand Rapids;
George M. Scott. Denver; J. E. Claugh
ey. San Francisco; R. Albee. Pilot
thaler, is in custody and will be sent
-to the asylum for Insane. His delu
sion is that he Is a butcher, that his
body Is a freshly killed beef, and that
he wishes to carve himself Into steaks
- and soup bones.
A cyclone struck Goessel, a Mennon
lte town In Kansas, - destroying the
place, which was a hamlet. Eighty
perrons were hurt, though no one was
killed. There was Immense destruc-: J-
Rock: Charles Isaacs, Portland: F. R.
Hanke. Portland; George H. Payne,
Walla Walla; E. Belle Kellogg, Baker
City; Grace Bratton, Baker City.
Hotel Pendleton.
A. Oppenhelmor. San Francisco;
J. E. Walsh. Walla Walla: W. i
Preston. Waitsburg: H. P. Preston,
Baker City; J. B. Williams. Payette;
Skogland. city: H. Lloyd. Seattle;
Sturgis, New York; C. J. Freese.
tion cf property.
Senator Heyburn. according to re-. ?Jokane5 H;, ,a sb"rn' Pca"le;,G-
port, received from Atlantic City. Is eaU,et!, T
v . ... . . . J. O. McEvoy, Starbuck; J. W. Smith,
convalescing rapidly. The junior aen- starbuck; D. H.
atr.r from Idaho expect, to resume hU A(hena. w M Portland:
seat In the senate next week. R A Re p,ot . Rock. T h.
Three slight earthquake shocks : Phlpps,
were felt In Manila on June 5 and .
the last at 8:3S p .m. on the (1th. The
shriek are believed to have been se
vere on the Island of Samara, but
no details have been received.
Vancouver, Wash.: N. B.
Krause, Seattle; C. A. Miller, Minne
apolis; F. L. Anderson, Chicago: W.
Haggers, Moro; A. Shearer, Moro: H.
G. Moulton, O. R. & N.; J. Suttle, O.
R. & N.; C. J. Minkler. O. R. & N.;
I.I Glldea O. R. N - -T. X. Tlnllle
Rev. James R. Wylle, a Methodist j Spokane; j. N. runle. Jr.. Spokane;
Episcopal clergyman near Phoenix, E R Tlffi Snnkane: O. G. Shearer.
Ariz., pleaded guilty at Los Angeles. Idlino. Mrs T Murtey, Weeping Wa-i man actltel by high Ideals. He ven
, tends to treat himself to a year of
: recreation, during which he will visit
! the Jamestown exposition on the
; shores of Hampton Roads, near Nor
I folk, next Bprlng.
President Castro will come In his
; gorgeous and beautiful yacht, the
"Restaurador," which was formerly
j the "Atlanta," built by the late Jay
, Gould, and has a history. In costll
i ness and luxurlousness. she Is excellud
j only by the royal yacht of Great Brlt-
aln which has cost to date about $6,-
000.000 "the Victoria and Albert."
On the death of Jay Gould the At
. lanta pasred to his son George. By
him It was sold to the United States
government for use In the Spanish
war. After the war It is said to have
been bought by Mr. Gould, who sold
It to Venezuela, whereupon It was re
chrlstened the "Restaurador" and
equipped with armament and war fit
tings and used during the Venezuelan
rebellion of 1901-02.
At his anchorage In Hampton
Roads facing the Jamestown expo
sition, President Castro will be In
good company. Around him there
will be a fleet of the" finest yachts InJ
the world and the warships of the
great powers that formerly frowned
upon him will doubtless entertain him
right royally. There he will see rep
resentative ware-hips of all the navies
of the world mingling In friendly In
tercourse and mutually enjoying fetes
and games.
It Is learned from a source very
close to Castro that he has an object
other than the pursuit of recreation
In coming to the United States. He
believes Uiat he has not been thor
oughly understood by our people and
he desires to show them that he Is
something more than a mere disturb
er of the peace of nations. He de
I sires uh to know that he Is a states-
Rorimin Vn- Discharged.
After the testimony In the case of
the state against Ed Bormnn, charged
with changing the brand on a mare
helonclifg to W. W. Cornwall, had
been heard In circuit court today the
court ruled that there wns not enough
evidence to constitute a case nnd dis
missed the defendant, taking the -matter
out of the hands of the Jury.
Baker City Herald.
A Iewon In Health.
Healthy kidneys filter the Impari
ties from the blol, and unless they
do this good health is Impossible. Fo
ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kid
neys and yrii positively cure all forms
oi money ana oiauuer uisewse. iv
strengthens the whole system. Koep
pens drug store.
Bryan's Palm
"Destiny wrote defeat"
Carpets! Carpets!
To Replace those that were Spoiled
Are your carpets ruined?' If so, now i your chance to secure a
X new one at a bargain.
X Your might be able to clean the old one;, but it would never look
as nice as It did It would have the appearance of an old, faded, aec-ond-hand
Carpets, Rugs, Matting,, Linoleum
Cal., to bigamy, and was sentenced
to one year In the penitentiary.
An attempt Is being made to break
ter. Neb.
Pendleton Power Laundry
Tho e Main
We'll laundry your
clothes better, quicker,
cheaper than you can
have them done at nome.
Hare Yon Dimepsla, Indigestion?
If today you suffer from Impaired
digestion, sluggish liver or impure
blood, and you were told of a prepar
ation which wuld cure you at a
small cost, would you try the remedy?
There is a medicine Green's August
Flower. Go to your druggist's and
buy a test bottle for 25 cents, or the
regular Blze for 75 cents. If you have
used all other dyspepsia remedies
without satisfaction, or if you have
never used any preparation for these
distressing affections; If you have
hea ache, biliousness, loss of appe
tite, sleeL'esmess, nervousness, or
any disorder of the stomach or liver,
cure yourself quickly by using the in
fallible August Flower. It la not an
alcoholic stimulant, but quite harm
less for general use. Get a copy of
Green's prize alma .ac. Tollman &
crates the character of George Wash
Ington and has erected a statue to
his honor In Caracas. It Is his In
tention to call on President Diaz while
on his way to visit the United States.
Not every man can cut a tender
Nor will dressed meat kee in an
old lre-b-x; but must be kept In a
-old storage, where the temperature
Is Just right all the time.
years of experience and the finest
private cold storage plant In the In
land Empire enable tis to reach the
perfection In good meat.
Empire Meat Co.4
'Phone Main 18.
Cherries- Split by Ruin.
The recent rains which have of late
visited this section of country have
done considerable damage to the
cherry crop, says a Clarkson corres
pondent. The cherries, particularly
the Royal Ann and Blng varieties are;
, , ment, that they are wastefu , extrava
Crum have d continued packing In , , . ' ... . ' . "
.. . . , , ... .. ' gant ond Irresponsible, and furthei
ne,r Y.n..,eu,e nous on . ,Me(, tnat theVi the corporat,
Northern Territory Will lie Hothcd of
The hundreds of Alaskans who arc
Interested In the election of a dele
gate to congress are these days won
derlng If the contest to be conducted
on party lines Is inspired for the pur
pose of defeating the desire of .the
people of the district to attain self-
government, says the Seattle Star.
Frrm present Indications It looks
mighty like It.
Charles E. Herron, of Seattle, who
Is Interested In the Candle creek dls.
trlct. and who went north to attend
the meeting if the republican terrltor
lal committee and resigned his mem
bership In the non-partisan commit
tee, has let a goodslzed cat out of the
He has made the statement that
Alaska wants a republican delegate
who will go to Washington and de
feat any bill for territorial form of
government. He made the clnlm that
? l-KA it-.- .
WW:-. :.'
Declares Prof. Pomeroy. I took the
Imprint .of Mr. Bryan's palm during
his last political campaign and I stat
ed at that time he was doomed to
A number of men and women had
their palms read yesterday.
One lady wished to know If she
would travel, and others wished to
know If they would bo successful In
their business.
Prof. Pomeroy tells of deaths,
diseases, divorces, changes and what
you are best fitted for. A complete
life reading for one week only for
Prof- Pomery,
Ndw at Mrs. Carney's residence 777
Thompson SLreet
Hours: 10 a. m, to 8 p. m. Daily
Put, Wing j to Your Work
An electric motor will do mor and
better work than any other power
that you can use. The economy ot
Its Is r. demonBt.-a ';d fact. If yo
want good, quick work st a minimum
of cost yeu want an electric motor.
We will be pleased to give you or
prices and to fnrr.lsh complete esti
mate to suit your needs.
Northwestern Gas and
Electric Co.
Hounds funny, doesn't it? Hut you.
have seen them; warped, settled and
Poor I.umhiT
Is the cause of It. Houses built of
sound, well-seasoned Lumber, like we
sell, keep their shape. Remember
this when making your next purc hase.
Oregon Lumber Yard
'Phono Main 8. Pendleton. Orcein.
lack of cherrlec and small fruits in
the market
ons, do
not want self-government
This has raised the very old dlok
ens In tho ranks of non-partisans in
niilhanalnl-n Aloulrn a n ,1 nAn.ll-
statements made by those who
Ba m If you art troubled with nasal
catarrh, hay fever or cold In the head, '"" " lthe, Humboldt and
It I. purifying and soothing to the ".on P"" wo days Alaska
sensitive membranes that line the air-, wl" be plunged Into a bitter fight
passages. It Is made to cure the dls- over the delegate candidate,
ease, not to fool the patient by a short I The P"wnt fight throughout Alas
deceptive relief. There Is no cocoaln I k now to be conducted on party
nor mercury In It Do not be talked , I'ncs by those who favor an ontl-ter-Inta
taking a substitute for Ely rltorlal form of government, and the
Cream Balm. All druggists sell it non-partisans will attempt to elect a
Price 60c. Mailed by Ely Bros., S6 delegate who will work for self-gov-Warren
street, Njw York. ernment.
llieatlic Air Medicated by Ilyonicl
nnd Kill the Germs.
Now that physicians and scientists
universally agree that catarrh Is a
germ disease, the reason for the fail
ure of the old-fashioned stomach,
dosing In this trouble Is readily seen.
Trior to the discovery of Hyomel a
treatment which cures catnrrh by
filling the nlr you breathe with germ
kllllng and healing medication, statis
tics showed that nt least 97 out of
every 100 persons In this state were
suffering from catarrh of some form.
Although Hyomel has been known
only a few years, the remarkable re
sults following Its use are shown by
the much smaller percentage of those
who suffer with catarrh today.
The treatment with Hyomel Is very
simple and pleasant; a small mhaler
comes with every outfit and three or
four times a day Hyomel Is breathed
through this, making the air nt that
time like that found on the mountains
where the pine forests give off their
fragrant and healing balsams.
Used In this way, Hyomel pene
trates to the most remote cells of the
nose, throat nnd lungs, absolutely
killing all catarrhal germs and effect
ing a complete and permanent cure
of the disease. -
The complete outfit costs but one
dollar,' while extra bottles enn be ob
tained for 60 cents. Tallman & Co.
have seen such remarkable results
from the use of Hyomel, that they sell
It under an absolute guarantee that
It costs nothing unless It cures.
Byers' Best Flour
Is made from the choicest wheat that grcn-s. Oood bread Is as
sured a 3 TURS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts. Steam
Rolled Barley always on hand.
W. 8. BYERS, Proprietor.
Bingham Springs
THE POPl tAR niit'E MOUNTAIN RESORT llliighuin Springs
Hotel, beautifully located in t l heart of the Blue Mountains. The
Umatilla river flows past the hotel, making an Ideal place for the
lover of trf ut fishing. On all sides rise the tree-clad mountains,
making Bingham Springs one of the coolest and most restful resort
in Oregon. The hotol malntilns its own herd of cows, furnishing an
bundance of milk and cream for its guostB. Our garden furnishes an
abundance of fresh vegetables for the table. V spare no pains to
add to the comfort or pleasure of our guests. Our swimming pool
Is one of our most popular features. Rates, 12.00 and tS.SO a day.
$10.00 a weeU for one, or $25.00 for two. Table board, $8.00 a week
to campers. Camping privileges (1.50 each per week. This Includes
all prlvlleg s of the grounds, including the use of the swimming pool.
Address, M. E. FOLEY, Bingham Springs. Gibbon Postofflce, Ore.
Do not continue to p rent for the balance of your life, but bu
and build a place of your own.
We will sell you property in any part of the city, or will loan you
the money to build, on the monthly Instul ent plan.
Frank B. Clopton & Co.