PAGE FOVR. PAILYEAST OKEGOMAV, PEXDLETOX, OREGON, THl'HSDAV. MAV IT, lOOfl. eight pxata. ifoasf (teoxa an ixiiKl'i:M"::.T xi:u si'.vfKit. Published ererr afternoon (except Sunday) at l'endlrtou. Oreuou. by the j EAST OUKGOMAX rUUUSUINli CO. sunscniiTiu.N iutes fully, one year, by mall ItoUy. six months, by mail t"ily. tliree months, br tiiiill.... j;, on! r ;.. , Iully. one month, by mall M)i eiily. one y-ar, by mail 1 "0 Weekly, six months, bv mall 73 i SS.Si7. ZStoriVli: : : : : : 8euil-eek!r. six months by mail..'... .75 1 8eml etkly, four munilis. by mall... .SO 1 i Member Scrlpps MclUe Xevr. Association The Kst Oreconlao Is on sale at It. II ni'-h a News Stands, at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins. Portland. Oiegon. San Krar.rlseoilureau.40S Fourth 'reot- riilratro llurenu. IHtll Security build'.ii Washington, I" C, Bureau. Jul K, teenth street. N. V. r..ft boo. Usui l. Kntered at Pendleton I'-istofflce s second class matter. NOTICE TO ADVl:itTlSl:iiS. Copy for advertising ma;t-r to apneaf lo me i.nst urogoman must ne in ny 4 n.i p. of the preceding day ; con for Monday's paper must be In by 4 :5 p. m. the preced ing Saturday. union jffiuiar. A little time for laughter. A little space for song And tears that huny after , Ere we, too, come along. s Like ripples on the river. As light on wind-swept grain, So passes our endeavor We go, nor come again. Then make me, O Eternal, Still as Thy forces are; We thrive, as grasses vernal; We fade, as fades the star. Melville Upton. 1 POLITICAL WHITEWASH. . . The following two excerpts from the editorial columns of the Portland Oregonian, concerning Jonathan Bourne, show how easily that' great organ can whitewash those whom It Is lorceo to swanow. no.vever Objection- . able the dose may be. j Here is the true Jonathan Bourne as viewed by the Oregonian on May 26, 1S96. when It saw Mr. Bourne as he really was then and is today: "Joimtluiii Bourne, a sixx-lacu-lar political hybrid, an avowed free silver flutist, a ixipiillst wolf masquerading in a republican sheep's clothing, a modem Ksuu, willing to sell his political .liirtli riglit for a iwiltry office, a mcta ' morphoscd lirodiul soli, olio I iu.s eaten the succulent corn anil I thrown the husks to the sound money republicans." And here I.- t'.io same Jonathan Bourne, w hitev.ashel by the Oregon- Ian and pre-one1 to tv!?.p?ople of Oregon as a candidate f i.- tVio United States senate. 10 years laicr, on April 26, 19'JS: "Mr. Bourne is I'.tc republican nominee for senator r.nd tie should receive republican s::pxrt In tlio same muuner and fur the sumc reasons as the republican candi dates for other offices are entitled to it. He is Hie style and t.Vx- of mall that does thing, and over comes all isusslMe obstacles and difficulties in doing them. If ho shall go to Washington as United States M-nalor for Oregon, its seems probable, there will never be occasion on the part of any one to declurc that the Influence of Oregon Ls not felt at Washington." LONG KANGE SLANDEH. In order to make his slander of democrats more Impressive, the edi tor of the Portland Oregonian goes to the ordinary. It should be a memora- i Washington, D. C, to get Inspiration, i,)e celebration. and then hurls back from the capital a column of narrow abuse and false-! END OK IROQUOIS THEATER. hood In hopes of influencing the vote i , ... , , ., I The Iroquois Theater company, of in Oregon s coming election. 1 Chicago, is bankrupt, and the many When he looks at the vacant seats ( clalmants ror me aggregating $2. in the house of representatives, where 000,000 as compensation for damages two Oregon congressmen should be ' In the Iroquois theater fire have no sitting In the Interest of their state, ' chance to recover. . ; The company was adjudicated bank how can he anathm.ulze the demo- , Jprwv cty a Bnort tlme 0lfOi crats of Oregon for protesting against but no( untl) thlg weck was the new the Oregonian and Its party which ! turn of affairs made public. The have brought the state to this condi- j bankruptcy proceedings were Involun ,. , tary and were begun March 26 and I closed April 11. A trustee was ap In place of engendering bitterness ( a( ft me(,tlng of the creditors among tne common peopio oy maKiog them believe they are ulvi.led on par- ty lines, he could be busy reforming h i own party and welding the com- mon people together in tne interest or ' their great state. The vacnnt seats of Blnger Her - MIIIPPHIN & matin and J. N. Williamson should enco the old man, until he could of- he people of tr"in some tangi ble evidence that his advice and coun sel are whole and safe. The eople of Oregon should re member that the, political name ap plied t" a public si .am does not af- feet his efficiency. Po'l'.lcs nre used largely by selfl.h r.ien, like the editor of the Oregonian, to keep the com- "ion people divided the purposes -rand.,enH.n, an,, advance- ment. , . t . Oregon knows that some of her best ',c lulm,nstratI:,n3 have come from iV-.nocmtlc governors, Just as she knows that some of her best national legislation has come through republi can congressmen and senators. All democrats nor all republicans ore not i bad. nor are they, nil good, hy any means. It ill becomes a public man to stoop to condemn all members of any party. for ho will have to look but a short distance In his own party to find shortcomings which- It Is embarrass ing to explain. This long range slander from Wash ington will only arouse the people to demand capable men for offices In Oregon, regardless of the commands of the politicians. .MAKING A SECRET EIGHT. The liquor Interests, falling to se cure the open support of any reputa ble Oregon newspapers In their cru Mide against the local option law, through a destructive , amendment now before the people, are making a strong fight through the mall, by se cret circulars, pleading letters and florid oratory and eloquence. This amendment which Is the child of the Oregon Liquor Dealers' asso- elation, destroys every feature of the j local option law, takes away the pen- j allies, makes it possible for a "vvhole- ,, nouse" to be placed In the heart of n resdence district and completely ' onnuls the wlse provisions of the local ',.,, ...... .vhlh ,he Dem,, of 0 gun passed by an Initiative vote, and wnlcn the legislature dared not repeal go gTeat nas been ,ne bI)e ,ml. nation aroused by the domination of the liquor Interests In the past,- that even the avowed friends of the saloon among the newspapers, dare not openly advocate this saloon amend ment to the people's Inw. The people who passed the local option law and who revere decency and uprightness In politics will vote "No" on this amendment. JULY 4 AND MAY 80. . Pendleton offers the people of I'matilla county two holidays for the coming summer, Decoration Day and high school field meet on May 30, and u rousing celebration on July 4. To both of these celebrations the people of Pendleton cordially invite their neighbors. Both occasions will ! be filled with fraternity and good j fellowship and on both occasions the people of this city will extend the warmest greeting to their visitors. Through various turns of fate Pen ' dleton has been denied a celebration for several years, and this year, the j city should make up for lost time. The j most splendid response has been j made to the calls of charity from I made to the calls of humanity from I Heppner, San Francisco, Mitchell anil j other stricken cities. Pendleton has given her substance freely to all the ' demands made upon her, nd now It i Is time to turn all eyes toward home and celebrate In a truly western spirit. I The people , of Umatilla county ' should be made to feel that this Is their year in Pendleton. The city should offer them something out of h h was held May 11, Nearly all of the merchandise creditors have been paid, and of the I money realized by the sale of the "J0"' ' , . 1 piny nous? to the Metropolitan Tnea- company almost nothing was left after 'he current liabilities had been ! covered, THE MODERN ISAAC WALTON who Is mastering "Ye Gentle Art,' knows that his skill avalleth nc without his tackle ls of the right kind that Is why self-respecting fishermen go to Frazler's for what they need In rods, lines, hooks, flys and other es sentlals. Our stock comprises all that Is up-to-date. All that Is of standard merit, and this Is no fish story e'ther, Frazier'sBopk Store WHEN? When will the great world learn That Its splendors but wither and fade? When will the proud hearts turn From the thrones they with vanity made ? Bridging the chasms that lie between Poverty's heir and the Social Queen: Clinsms , as measured by man, I mean. When will the great world learn T Wlvn will the great world learn How suddenly riches take flight? When will the cold hearts burn At sfme pilgrim's lone cry in the night? Turning with scorn from the Social Creed, Willingly sharing each brother's need. Out of the dark Into light to lead, Whn will the great world learn? When will the prent world learn That but one God Is father of all? When will the weak hearts yearn For strength to leave all at his call? "Child, It Is only your heart," cries he. "Vtichea and spleijdors are naught to me. Only a mist Is your vanity." When will the great world learn? M. Gertrude Robertson. COMING EVENTS. May 18-19 "Made In Oregon" con vention, Portand. May 22-M Quarterly conference M. E. church for The Dalles district, Pendleton. May 22-24 Umatilla Baptist asso ciation. Athena. May " 25-28 Caledonian picnic- at Athena. May 24-27 The Dalles and Colum bia river. Kpworih League conven tion. Walla Walln. May 31. June 2 Umatilla Pioneers' reunion, Weston. June 14 Oregon Pioneer Associa tion ineetin:-. Portland. ' June 20-21 Northwest Sportsmen's tournament. Wn Walla. July 17-19 Elks' grand lodge, Den ver. September Z-1 National Irrigation congress. Boise- City. September IS Northwest Laundry, m-n's association, Pendleton. Dates of Wool Sales. The following wool sale dates for Oregon have been fixed by the Oregon Woolgrowers' association: Pendleton May 22, 23, 29 and 30. Heppner May 24, 25; June 7, 8. 21 and 22. Condon May 31 and June 1. 27 and 28. Shanlko June 6, 6, 19 and 20, and Julv 10 and 11. Baker City June 25, 2: July 12 and 13. Elgin July 13. ADVERTISING T.OS ANGELES. Pi-cause it Is feared that the San Francisco disaster may check the tourist and homeseeker rush to Cili fornia. Los Angeles Is- now- strenuously idvertising her ndvwntagrs. The following are some classified reasons given by the Los Angeles Times, as to why Los Angeles Is n good place to visit: 1. Los Angeles Is more than 400 miles away from the scene of the dis turbance which has laid Pan Fnncls- co In ruins, partly by earthquake shock, but chiefly by fire. Only a slight tremor was felt In Los Angelo 2. In all the history of southern California, extending back to the days of the Franciscan Fathers, about a century and a half, there has not been a serious earthquake In this re gion. 3. Los Angeles and the country round about, within a radius of 100 miles, while it has experienced some slight "tremlors." has never had. within the knowledge of man, an earthquake shock strong enough to do any damage worth mentioning: hardly enough. In point of f let, "to move a brick" (anless, Indeed, the brick were lust ready to be toppled o ver. 4. In the entire history of Califor nia, nnd that of the whole Pacific const, down to the day of the San Francisco catastrophe less Inlury to property and less Ios? of life. Mas been Inflicted by earthquake than has often been caused by a single tornado In one of the eastern states. And most of the damage In San Francisco was caused by fire, as noted above. 5. A disaster similar to that of San Francisco may never occur again In any part of the United States. It is as liable to occur In Boston, or N York, or Philadelphia as on the Pa cific coast. From the Los Angeles Times, April 2!i, 1906. l'ltODt tTS OF Ij.WA. Tav.o, like ndverslty. has Its usen. It may he blown Into opaque bot tle of irnsfamer lightness, and the harder sort makes: a beautiful preen Kins nf half the welftht and double the Htrenplh of ordinary glass. Hut It Is not always the same. Every volcano pours out Its own HpeClnl brand nf mo'ten mixture, dlsaffreeable to meet on your walks, but sometimes yielding preelnus products, am ponzzo lano and pumice ftonea. Lava, like all things, decomposes under the touch of time, as the fertile plains of Sicily testify. tiii: housf: MVST GO. It Is announced that Mrs. Astor has arranged for the disposnl of all her horses- and carriages, and the man who Yipm been her coachman for 25 years has been retired. An experienc ed chauffeur will take his place. This seems to be the general tendency In fashionable clrcleB, though, of course, the horses and carriages are not des tined to vanish right away. They will always be useful for a change. New York Post. The MeKlnney hotel at Kahlntus, Wash., owned by A. C. West, burned, Loss 13700. Insured for 12000. Or! gin of fire unknown. You Cannot IVhisliey than HAYNER, no matter how much you pay or where yott get it. We have been distilling whiskey or 39 years. We have one of the most modern and best equipped distilleries in the wot14. We know of nothing that would improve our product. Perfection in the distiller's art has been reached in HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distillery to YOU, with all of its original purity, strength, richness and flavor. It doesn't pass through the hands of any dealer or middleman to adulterate. Yon thus save the dealers' big proSts. You buy at the distiller's price, at first cost. Don't you see the economy in buying HAYNER WHISKEY, as well as the certainty of getting absolutely pure whiskey? United Btatea Senate, Washington, D. C. "I have used HAYNER WHI8KB7 for medicinal purposes in my family and have found it very satiafactory. Lbelieva it to be a number-one medicinal whiskey." Tktmat S. Martin, U. 8. Senator from Virginia. mm ) FULL $ . G QUARTS 20 FULL $ QUARTS Send us the above amount and we will ship In a plain aealed c, with no marks to show contents. Try the whiskey, have, your doctor test it every brittle if you wish. If you don't find it all rijrht, ship it buck, to at OUR KXHENSK and your money will be promptly refunded. How, could any offer be fairer? I You save money by ordering 20 quarts by freight. If yon can't use so much, ret a friend to join you. You can have either Rye or Bourbon. Remember we pay the express or freight charges. Write our nearest office and THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY St. Paul, Minn. St. Louis, Mo. Dayton, O. Atlanta, 6a. Distillery. Troy, O. Capital, $500,000.00, paid In full. Established 1866. he! Birr mm James A. Snyder, Agent On dranit at irg Cabin,. Cnliforuia. Wint. I"iisr, Orcg- n Liijii r Co., Til' Stoic, Lobby and Kaiu-r B n Ha 1. Is madi from the choicest wheat that grt 'vb. Cioo.i it i i u aured tii.i ii n7.:itS' BlfifT FLOL'lt .h used. rtran. l..irw Rolled B&rley always en hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S, BTKKS, HAIR DRESSING Miss G. Hudson, formerly wi h Dr. C. F. McLane of San Krancico Has opened parlors In the Hotel Bowman, where Bhw will be pleased to have all lallft visit her for HAIll DRJ?INO. KHAMPOOIXO, SCALP THITATMLI.VT. MA.N'I CflllNO OR FACIAL MASSAGE. CHIROPODY A SPECIALTT. Outside Calls Promptly Atli'UiJeU to. Rooms 33-34 Bowman Alt Kinds of Lumber for all kinds of purposes, nre not found In every yard. Whatever your wants may be In Lumber and Building Mathrials come here and let us give you an es timate. We ran save you money,, quality considered. Oregon Lumber Yard XEAH COl'RT HOl'Si:. 'i'liono Main 8. Pendleton. Oregon. Money to Loan on Monthly Installments Long Time Loans Real Estate In Any Part of the City for Sale Frank B. Clopton & Co. 112 East Court Street LEGAL BLANKS afoguc of them. A foil supply always kept to stock, Buy Purer u 00 EXPRESS PREPAID i IET.20 FREIGHT 0 PREPAID sura do it NOW. 657 ONiMOQIED n mm r Pror'-'el"''- Hotel. Phone Main 62 11 Write the East Ore. p-onlan for a free cat DONALDSONS BEST ICE CREAM SODA ON EARTH Wo hnve opctired tlio service of Mr. Woolloy, of ClUeiiffO, tils-IH-iiMT of 111 klntln of fancy drinks. We claim e rnn now produce the best drluks that can be nuiile. .MukliiK all our fin tots from Die fruit Juice niiiiiliulutl by en expert In this line, we can guar, mi ice sntlsfiicrlon. f F. J. Donaldson Red Cross Pharmacy St Anthony's Hospital f : V Private roume, elcgnntly 1 furnlstuM Huc'iy equlp- pi'd oporntliiK room. Also M a t o r n I t v Department. !--' Every convenience rVcexxnry for the cure of the Hick. Telephone Main Ill.M. I'EMM.irrON. OltKtJOX. DONT LOOK A GIFT IIOI'SK IN Tin: iTi!. We don't preien.l to Klve away ou "legant stock of p-to-,atc vehicles. Mut we do say that we will sell you me most stylish and u-cll-made trap, ougiry. runabiiut, phaeton, surrey or liuckhoard nt lower prices, nua' consplered, thnn you can buy at any place in rvndleton. - We sell Winona Wagons, Hacks and IlugKlcs. Easy running nml made from hone-dry material. Cu.iran teeil to give satlsf icti.m in this cli mate. See us alio t fiasollne Engines. W are agents for the Kulrlmnks-Morst Gasoline Engines for Irrigating and mining machinery. Estimates given on Irrigating plants, fall nnd get our prices. Neagle Bros. the It ncksmltlm Chicken Feed Horse Food Kow Kure and Sich C. F. COLESWORTHY 127 and 129 East Alta. Wood and Coal to Bum and that will burn; try a phone order and be con vinced that I handle the good kind only. Dutch Henry Office, Pendleton Ice & tohl Store Company. 'Phono I-uiu 178. Also at Henneman's cigar ator, op posite Great Eastern store. Thorn main 4. j I -- i