DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 12, W6. PAGE 6EVEX. . j Among the Exchanges j j of the Inland Empire j Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN, QUICK RESULTS OREGON i EIGHT PAGES. Shearing In Southern Idalio. With scarcely an exception the uAnmnn In southern Idaho hnve hn. HiirriJi - gun shearing their flocks. The re ports are to the effect that the clip this year will be a good one. The sheep are In very good condition and the yield promises to be heavy. . Those who have not yet contracted their wool are holding their fleeces for something In the neighborhood of 23 cents. This Is a good price, but the flockmaator generally feel confident that they will get it. There Is not much wool being sold Just now, as the buyers are objecting to paying that price for It, but as the shearing season is getting under way and the wool is fast felng shorn and made ready for the warehouses, the buyers are beginning" to stir rather i lively and It Is very probable that a considerable number of those who stIH have their wool will soon be able to dispose of It at satisfactory prices. Hols Statesman. Want Shorter Honrs and More Wage , I i meeting or me local carpen ters' union held Tuesday evening, the special committee appointed to con fer with the contractors In regard to securing an eight-hour day and a raise In wages, reported that the contrac tors had taken the matter under ad vlsrment. The local carpenters' union Is de manding that the contractors agree to an eight-hour day and a raise of wages to $3.60 or 45 cents nn hour. The carpenters nre now working nine hours and receiving $3.60 a day. They have given the contractors until June 1 to accept their proportion. Thirteen applications for member ship were received, eight of whom were nrerent and were Initiated. Boise Statesman. Thousands of Hlnl Killed. A reminder of the late spring winter of March was observed by Senator i Laycnck In his farm below town. In j looking over his left-over hay he dis covered a mulltude of dead birds, mostly meadow larks, snow birds and robins, lying In heaps and rows along the oiliie of the stack and piled up on , the ground near by. It Is his belief j that the little birds had crawled Into the hny for shelter as far as possible, j and had there starved and frozen to ; death. The little creatures were piled up on each other In windrows, and the bears numbered thousands. The sen- ator thinks It very unfortunate and believes that pests of vnrlous kinds will be much more troublesome for the occurrence. John Day News. Shipping 3000 Cattle. The shipment of the 3000 head of cattle sold by John Flemmlng to A. J. Davidson, president of the Empire Cattle company, at Chinook, Mont.. will begin tomorrow, nnd two train loads will leave the North Lapwai station for the Montana stuck farm. The shipments from Lewlston. North Lapwai and Culdesac will aver age nhout IS carloads each, and these will be loaded tomorrow. From the Koopk'T and Stiles stations about 40 cars will be shipped, but these will not be loaded until Friday. Lewlston Teller. Ironside Mill Horned. Information was telephoned the Statesman nt 2 o'clhck this morning that the mill at the Ironsides mine In the Black Unmet district was com pletely destroyed by fire. It Is not known how the fire originated, hut It Is supposed to be the work of nn In cendiary. The loss Is about $30,000. The mill had not been used for the last five or six months nnd no one Will You? Won't You- Come to the Fountain? Now Pendleton Is famous For a lot of pretty things. It long has held the banner, ' For It's mud-producing springs. But since the City Council Has resolved to pave them down. Another new phenomenon Is startling nil the town. 'TIs Dyer's FOUNTAIN! A Soda Fountain! As sparkling and refreshing as can be, And when tho wind Is flyin', And with thirst you're almost dyin', Or If some goods you're buyln', Why, Just take "a glass" and see. ' You will feel some ten years younger, And perhaps a pinch of hunger, So you'd better tuko a package of the "99" COFFEE. When the twilight, and tho gloaming And the tiny sllv'ry stars, . Urge the friends to stroll out roaming ' Or to whirl around In cars, When the moon peeps o'er the moun tain, L And tho sun sets In the sea, . Bring your frlondn to Dyer's FOUN TAIN, In the EAST END GROCERY. Where the candy tree is growing, ' And the "POP-on-lce" is flowing. . And the Phosphates fall all glowing, , From the blushing cherry tree. . To the temple of the Muses, To the grove of Poesy, To the home of Peace and Plenty, To the EAST END GROCERY. The ; East Etoti Grocery J. W. DYER, Proprietor. PRIONS MAIN 83. was supposed to have been in It. It was the Intention of Charles Nelson, who Is working the Viola mine, to start the mill next week on the ore he had taken out ,of that mine. His loss, In connection with the fire, will probably be $2000. The mill Is owned by the Victor Mining company, but Is bonded by Mrs. Adams, who Is now In the east. It was stated that there was consider able excitement In the camp, the min ers being wrought up over the manner In which the blaze must have started The entire mill was a mam of flumes before the fire was discovered. Boise Statesman. Will Try to Oust Saloon. The townsltn owners In Kamlah have begun an action to stop the pale of llfiuor In the town. This Is In com pliance with the clause In the deeds from the government to the townsllo company and from the townslte com pony to the citizens which contain a clause prohibiting the jialo of liquor and conducting a saloon or brewery on the land conveyed. It appears that Frank L. Freeman purchased a lot from the company and erected a building which he has leas ed to T. H. Hughes for a saloon and that Hughes having received a license from the commissioners Is now con ducting a saloon on the premises. Lewlston Teller. Will Employ 250 Person. "When the plant Is completed and In full running order we will employ 200 women and about 60 rtien." s-ild O. N. F.dwards, superintendent of the Webber-Busse! Canning company, this morning. "We do not expect the people of Taklma to furnish us with the requir ed amount of fruit and other pro ducts for canning this summer," he fnnHnnnri "Tt la ttil firfft vpnr for US nm, j PXpprt lt wm kepp u. busy to pt enough mnterial to keep the plan running. But we want all kinds of frun nnj tnmntoes for canning pur poses." Yakima Republic. RulMlng Burn at T'nlon. The Holmes saloon and barber shop WPre burned this morning at about 2 o'clock. The building and contents ore a t0(ni nra, for a time It looked as if (ne Centennial hotel would be con ,umel as many as five times It wa discovered to be on fire, but each time fre department succeeded In sav K th- building. The origin of the fire is unknown. La Grande Observe er (I'nlon Special.) Now Freight Depot at Yakima, The Northern Pacific freight depot that Is being erected appears to the average North Yakima resident to be a very substantial one for a tempor ary structure. The timbers that are being used In the foundation are heavy enough for a warehouse that would be expected to stand for a century. The building Is 65 feet wide and 300 feet long and occupies the site of th old depot. Yakima Republic. Them Is more rstsrrn in this section of the rountrr thsn all otu r dlieaura I" together, snd until tne lust few yesrs nnonsed to In Inrnrnhle. For a ffTPH mnny vpars cl'ictors pronounced It s local dlnpnuf snil pipirrlbed local remedies, and bf contantlT falling to cur with local trentment, pronounced It Insurable. Hel cure has proven Catarrh to be constltii nnl illi'ne iinil therefore requires con (tltiltlonal trentml-nt. Hall's Catarrh Core. mnnufllrtitrf4, ll K. J. CllelfeT & t'O.. Tu ledo. Ohio, la the only tonntltntlonsl cure on the market, it la tnm-n wternaiij n rtnues from ten drops to s tenspoonfill. I A.-rit Hlreetlr on thii bloou and mucous sti rarmi of the svatem. Tlier offer or. hun dred dollars for any ran It falls to cure Hend for circulars aim icKumoninm. Address: F. J. t'HKNKV C, Toledo, O. s, it tiv a t nrucclBTS. lor. Take Hall's Family fills for constipation. MADE IX OREGON EXPOSITION. Portland, Ore., May 11)00. milt to 2tl) For above occasion round trip tick ets will be sold by the O. R. & N. to Portland nnd return at a rate of $9.16 Sale date May 25, limit May 27th, 1906. For particulars call on or ad dress E. C. Smith, agent O. R. & N Cheap Rales East. The Washington & Columbia River Hallway company announces special excursion rntes from all point on that linn a follows: To Chicago and return, 64; St. Louis and return, $60; St. Paul and return $52.50; Duluth and return, $52.50 Sioux City and return, $62. 60; Omaha and return, $52.60; Council Bluff: and return, $52.60; St. Joseph and re turn, $52.60; Kansas City and return, $52.50. Tickets will be on sale June 4, 6 ,7, 23 and 25; July 2, 3; August 7, and 8; September 8 and 10. Tickets limited going to 10 days and return ing 90 dnys from dote of sale. Stop overs will bo allowed within limits west of Missouri river nnd St. Paul. For full Information call on or ad dress WALTER ADAMS. Agent. S. B. CALDERHEAD, O. T. & P. A. Walla Walla, Wash. Animal Convention National Council Knlglita of Columbus, Now Haven, Conn., June 8-0, 1900. For above occasion the O. R. 4 N. announce a rate of $83 60 to New Haven, Conn., and return. Dates of sale May 24th, 26th and 26th, going limit June 9th, returning limit Aug ust 31st, 1906. For particulars call on or address E. C. Smith, agent O. R. & N. , Anutinl Convention Grand Lodge Be nevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Denver, Colo., July 17, 18 and 10, iiion. For the above occasion the O. R. A N. makes a rate of $48.80 for the round trip. Dates of sals July 10, 11 12, 13, 14 and 16. Limit going July 19. Final return limit. September 30. Stopovers granted within. the transit limit. For particulars call on or ad dress E. C. Smith, agent. PHYSICIANS. A. HE3T, PHYSICIAN AND BUR geon. Office in Savings Bank building. 'Phones: Office main ioi, residence, main 176. DR. C. J. SMITH OFFICE BMlin- Crawford building, opposite postoi- flce. Telephones: Main aui; resi dence, main 1691; barn, red 681. DR. AMY CURRIN, i-Htiun and Surgeon. Office uraim-u-aw- ford building. 'Phone 614. DR. R. E. RINGO, FHYHHJ1AIN jvinl. Surgeon. Rooms 8 ana 4 cnmiui building. 'Phone, office main ota, residence main 23. DR. W. Q. COLE, PHYSICIAN A in u Rtirceon. Office. Judd DUIlumg. ui- flee 'nhone main 13 1; resiaenco phone main 138. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., numr.w pathlc Physician and Burgeon, ui- flee Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red 8632. DR. D. J. MFAUL, JUDD ni.uui Telephone, main 3i; resiaence, black 101. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, FHYSI- cian and Surgeon. Office In sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone, main 1411; resiaence, main 1661. W. R. BLANKENSHIP fmysiuiain and Surgeon. Office, rooms 17-ia Smith-Crawford building. 'pnones: Office, black 8261: residence, black 2902. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO- nlc and nervous diseases, and dis- eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office phone, main 72. X-Ray and Electro- Therapeutics. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. G. S. AND EVA HOISINGTON, Graduates Klrksvllle school. Suite 10-12 Desnaln block. 'Phone red 3181. All diseases treated. DR. JOSEPHINE S. HARLOW Graduate of Boston Institute of OS' teopnthy. Schmidt building. DENTISTS. RALPH C. SWINBURNE, DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Smith-Crawford building, opposite postofflce. 'Phone main 64 3. Dlt. M. S. KF.RN, DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 15, Judd build Ing. 'Phone red 3301. E. A. VAUGHAN. DENTIST. OF. flee In Judd building. 'Phone red 1411. DR. T. H. WHITE, DENTIST As sociation block. Telephone main 160. DR. H. J. RI'CKMAN. DENTIST Located at Milton. Makes weekly trips to Athena. Athena office with Hayes & Craghead. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NAUB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary board. Office Tallman's drug store. Residence 1203 E. Court street. 'Phone main 115. T. J. LLOYD, D. V. S.. VETERINARN Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of Grand Rnplds Veterinary College, Michigan. Office nt Pendleton Drug company's store. Residence telephone mnln 131. RANKS AND IIROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton. Ore. Organized March 1. 18S9. Capital. $100,000: surplus. $100,000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchnnge bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice president; J. W. Maloney, cashier; Fred Schmeer, assistant cashier. c FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits. $250,000.00. Transacts a gcnernl banking business. Exchange bought nnd sold on all pnrts of the world. Interest paid on time depos its. Makes collections on rensonnhle ic'rnis. Levi Ankeny. president; W. F. Matlock, vice-president; G. M. Rico, cashier George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES rellnble abstracts of title to all land. In Umatilla county. Loans on city nnd farm property. Buys and sells nil kinds of real estate. Does a gen ernl brokernge business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-residents. References, any bank In Pen dleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HKNNINGER, Vice-Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest nnd most reliable fire nnd accident Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract fCo. JOHN HAILF.Y, JR., U. S. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made of land filings and proof. Insurance nnd collections. Office in Judd building, room 16. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street. Cnrney & Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at nil times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 701. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER, FUNERAL DIUEt tor and licensed cmhnlmer. Grad- unto of the Chicago College of Em hnlmlng. Corner Main nnd Webb streets. 'Phone main 1301. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER & FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor, Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 76. 25 cents a line, per month. Smallest ad taken, 4 lines. ARCHITECTS AX I) HI II.DERS. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT and Superintendent. Room 12 Judd building. Pendleton, Ore. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave oraers at East Oregonlan office. KELLFft & VANDUSEN, PLASTER- lng, brick and cement work. Esti mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. P. O. Box 104. "Phone black 2042. ATTORNEYS. H. J. BEAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Taylor's hardware store, Pendleton, Ore. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY at Law. Office In Despain block. CARTER, KALEY & RALEY, AT tomeys at Law. Office In Savings Bank building. JAMESsB. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Low. Office over Taylor's hard ware store. WINTER & COLLIER, LAWYERS. Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. ST'.LLMAN & PIERCE, ATTOR neys at Law. Mr. Stillman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 13 and 13, Association block. JOHN II. LAWREY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office Savings Bank building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, LATE COUN ty attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. rETER WEST, DIVORCE LAWYER. Office 603 Garden street. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices In Despain building, at head of stairs. ' S. A. NEWBERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Offices in Association block, Main street. DAN P. SMYTHF. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In Despain block, East Court street. CECIL R. WADE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In East Oregonlan building. East Webb street. M'COURT & PHELPS. ATTORNEYS at Law. Smith-Crawford building. COMMISSION HOUSE. THE COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO., Dean Tatom, manager. Office and warehouse rear of Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage plant. Wholesale deal ers in fruit, vegetables, sugar and salt "Phone main 17S. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLB!. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 Court street. ENGRAVED CARD3. ENGRAVFD CARDS, INVITATIONS. etc. Very latest styles. Leave or ders nt East Oreeonlan office. WANTED. WANTED SITUATION BY CAPA ble and strong woman, with 2-year-old child. Work on farm preferred. Ia good cook. Address Mrs. Mack, care of E. O. WANTED POSITION AS ENGIN- cor or fireman or stationary or traction engine, by competent man. Address Perry Bowman, Pendleton. SACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD, HIGH- est price paid for hides. See L. Shank AV Co., dealers in all kinds of Junlt; 210 West Webb street, Pendle ton, Ore. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO learn barber trnde In 8 weeks. Graduates earn $16 to $25 per week. Catalogue free. Moler system of col leges. 403 Front avenue, Spokane, Wn. FOR SAI.E. FOR SALE A $35 RUG FOR $20 rug almost new. $15' chlffoniero, used only three months, for $10. A bargain. Address Box 36 2, Pendleton Oregon. FOR SALE SEVEN QUARTERS. miles from Helix, hi mile from warehouse; big barn, machine shed and house: plenty of water; owner re tiring. $37.50 per acre; machinery thrown In; terms. Box 9, Helix, Ore FOR SALE GOOD, LOOSE WHEAT hay, nt $14 a ton, delivered. Ad dress A. J. Eisner, Pendleton, Ore, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE SIXTY dollar due bill on Eilers Piano houpe. Address Mrs. Fred A. Yates, Iiermlston, Ore. A 12 II. P. BOILER AND 8 H. P, engine, both In good condition, for Sitle cheap. Inquire at this office. 440 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 miles north of-Athena, nt $40 nn acre. Terms. Crnghead & Hayes, Athena MALE HELP WANTED. i WANTED AGENTS TO SELL OUR specialties In eastern Oregon and i Washington. Choice territory; good I pay; steady position; outfit furnished free. For full particulars address Oregon Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. ' AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS, REPAIR- men, chauffeurs and others wanted ' all over the country, 60,000 machines ; built this year in Unite I States; af fording great opportunities for our students, 6 cents a day will qualify you for good wages In this growing field. For full particular and one free lesson, Including a Dictionary of Motoring Terms, address The Corres pondence School of Automobile En gineering. Suite 74C4, Flatiron Build ing, New York. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, engraving. Jewelers' work; optics, easy terms; positions guaranteed: ..loney made learning Watchmaking-Engraving School, 1426 4th avenue. Seattle, Wash. FOR RENT. FOR REST SUITE OF FOUR rooms for housekeeping; newly furnished. 301 S. Main street. MARBLE AND OHAXITE WORKS, MONTERASTELL1 BROS., MARBLE and Granite Works. Monuments of all descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone for buildlnxs. Examine our work: 709 Fast Court St. CHOP MILL. ALL CHOP FEED. WALTERS' shorts and bran, Alfalfa, $11 per ton. Free delivery. 'Phone main 562 Ed. Maurer. Prop. Wsst Webb street. DANCING LESSONS. PROF. W. H. BOULEY'S SCHOOL of fashionable and society dancing. Beginners class and dance storts Wednesday evening, April 11. All fashion plate dancing taught. For particulars call on Prof. Bouley at Hotel St. George. Classes are now forming. Children's class Saturday at 2 p. m. Private lessons by appoint ment. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by hand, and flrst clasa. 3oods called for and delivered. 408 Court street. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 52. A. F. and A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. BOARDING AND LODGING. HELIX HOTEL, HELIX, OREGON. I nder new management. Special accommodations for commercial trav elers. Frank Myer. Prop. ATHENA HOTEL LEADING Ho tel In the city. $1.00 .and $1.60 per day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. GASOLINE AND BICYCLE SUP' plies for sale. Everything repaired from a sack needle to a traction en gine. Edmlsten's Repair Shop, 311 East Court street SQUARE DEAL SHOP, 318 WEST Webb ht. Bicycle and general re pairing. Lawn mowers, filing and wall paper cleaning a specialty. J. H. Honselmnn. HURST RAILROAD SWITCH STOCK can he purchased at a big discount by conimunicnting with W. J. Curtis. 216 Commercial block, Portland, Ore. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE- palr work on all kinds of machines, structural iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marlon Jack, Pres.; W. L. Zlcger, manager. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS 206 East Alta street, under new management, E. K. Lorlmer, Prop. Dyeing, cleaning and pressing of la dles' and gentlemen's clothlnfr. La dles' fine garments a specialty. All work guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. 'Phone main 169. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS, SUCH as help wanted; rooms or houses for rent; second-hand goods for sale; In fact, any want you want to get filled, the East Oregonlan wants you' want ad. Rates: Three lines one time, 15 cents: two times, 26 cents six times, 46 cents. Five lines one time. 26 cents: two times. 35 cents six times. 75 rents. Count six worde to the line. Send your classified adf to the office or mll to the East Ore gonlan. encloslnjc stiver or stamps t" cover the nmwint. Pennyroyal pills Rl "J"V Oriel.! and Only GtBwtna. nt ., n v- i r- c tv r.. .s-ira U KKD tnd (M nttsllio boir. ml Willi blast ribboa. Tk sa atkxr. 11 fa a DiiitNU NabaUiaUoaa mm4 IbII Ut Buy of your Drngitii, or acid 4. I ituBpi hr PftrtlrwUr, TmiIbabUU ud "Keller tor LMi,mtm Iwiar. by r. tmrm Umll. 1 0.OUO TlimBlli. 814 kf til DriMtm. CfclcaMtor CbvmleaJ n5EN AND WOMEN. Pn BlftO for onntral dlMthritM,tDflamiitUona, IrrlUlloD or ulceration rCTJB IIHttUUMUIlCt09. acnteisMP,! nun or ihibm i.o. a. , " or trot In plain or xprai. i.oo, or botuoa. 9Z.TS. HvoUr seat oa ntoMti Scott's Santal-Fepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For It flunmstlon or Oftlirrl of the Bladdov and DImmmI Kidney. Mo our) no py. Caret Quickly and Penu Bent 1 7 the wont cmart ot 4)oiiorrh04t and d)lit, no nuuterof how loo eUnd in If. Abtolatelf ntnulfeh Buld by druggists. Price 1.00, or br mail. uotUpeid, $1.00,3texeeii.7D. THE SANTAI-PEP3M CO, nilLIPONTAINd, OHIO. Sold by r. J. PonnlilsMnu axdUMON PACIFIC TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleepers dally, to Omaha and ChUoxo; tourist sleeper daily o Kan sas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted! weekly to Chicago; reclining chair. cars (seats free) to the east dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. EASTBOUND. No. 2, Chicago Specfal, arrives 5:4 m.; departs 6:40 p. m. No. , Mall & Express, arrive : m.; departs, 6 p. m. WESTBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, arrives 8:6S a. m.; departs, 8:56 a. m. No. 5, Mall & Expiess, arrives n p. m.; departs, n p. m. SPOKANE DIVISION. No. 7, Pendleton passenger, arrives 5:36 p. m.; connects with No. i. No. 8, -Spokane passenger, depart 9 a. m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. No. 41, mixed, arrives 1:40 p. m. No. 42, mixed, depart 5:50 r- .; connect with No. 2. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparia to Lewlston Leave Riparta dally, except Saturday, 4:05 a. m. Leave Lewlston dally except Fri day, 7 a. m. it E. C. SMITH, Agent, Pendleton. AND THE EAST When purchasing ticket to Chi cago and the East, see that it reads via the Chicago & North western Railway. Choice of routes via Omaha or v'a St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is the rout ef The Overland Limited and the direct line to Chicago from to E n . r, --, J.:v PhtAaffA (Mini D VjUOBk CUVl IW imii; vun,ov mwu. make connections with all transconti nental trains at St. Paal and Minne apolis. The Best of EVertthin$. All agents sell tickets via this line. For further Information spply to . V. HOLOI. nl Att, C. 4. H.-W. IBS Tklrl SI., PORTLAND, am. NW$J3 'I'M you will be satisfied; WITH YOIR JOURNEV If your ticket reads over the ver & Rio Grande railroad, ''Scenic Line of the World." Den the BECAUSE There are so many cenlc attraction and points of Interest along the line between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If you are golnc East, write for In formation and get a pretty book that will tell you all about It. W. C. M'HRIDE, General Agent, , 121 Third Street, Portland, - Oregon Washington & Columbia River Railroad TARE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Inibt, Kansas City, St- JiMcph, Omaha, and Al.Ii POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Portland and Points on the Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. 12:15 p. m. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:15 a. m. Leave at 5 p. in. dally. Leave Walla Walla, 6:15 p. m. for east. Arrive Walla Walla at 9 a. in. from west. For Information regarding rates nnd accommodations, call on or ad d.ressi .. W. ADAMS, Agent, ' Pendleton, Oregon. S. B, .CALPKKHEAD. G. P. A., Walla Walla,, Washington.