East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 11, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    Vagk six.
Get The Best
j Dry Wood
run cai.i-:ihN! ricxic.
llwrs and Itamvrs anil SliiRvr, hhiI
S-nkr Will O.ntribiitc to the
I-ivitli- lVli'Bate to (iroiul
I.otlm" -Sollil Kontl Improvement
Will (in to His Homestead In Idaho
-Vl-ltur Iron. Ijiw County, 1 onn
rrly lto-Jdi-d Hero No Dnuiai'c by
Imiilh to Winter Whent.
Athena. May 11. The members of
the Umatilla Caledonian society are
making elaborate preparations for the
Hg annual picnic which will be held
In this cltv Friday and Saturday, May
!S and 26. The program committee,
constating of Mayor Plamondon, M. L.
Watts and Will M. Peterson have the
matter well in hand.
Among the entertainers on the pro
gram who are from Portland are the
Misses Sharp and Stanton, Mr. and
Mrs. r.oblnson and Masters MeCor
mick and King. From Walla Walla
comes piper McDonald and Master
Willis Hales and the famous Caledon
ian quartet.
Mayor Plamondon will give an ad
dress of welcome and the annual ad
dress will be delivered by Hon. Walter
M. Pierce.
D. C. Kirk, of Weston, and William
M. Peterson will also deliver addresses
on this occasion. Others will be list
ed for addresses.
J-iall games will be In order, and a
lengthy program Is being arranged for
each day.
Delegates to Portland.
The following delegates have been
elected from Athena Wild Horse lodge
No. 73. to attend the grand lodge con
vention which will be held In Portland
May 22 and 23: M. L. Watts. G. W.
Gross and H. O. Worthington. The
delegates from Mignonette Rebekah
lodge No. 86 are Miss May Gross. Mrs.
H. O. Worthington and Mrs. M. L.
Road Improvement.
A half mile of county road leading
east from the head of Main street In
Athena has been graded for a surface
of crushed rock. The county pays for
crushing rock and furnishes the coun
ty roller. The rock will be placed on
the road bv T. J. Kirk. B. F. Ogie. E.
A. Dudley and David Taylor. This
Improvement will be a test of what
macadamized roads will do for the
Miss Gertie Rurden was In the city
Wednesday from Sprague, on her way
to Perdleton.. where she will spend
some days visiting with her mother.
Miss Janette Manassee spent Sun
day with Walla Walla friends.
Cecil R. Wade, the democrat'" can
didate for representative, was in the
city Wednesday on business.
Miss Nettle Cannon, a former teach
er In this city, and who is teaching In
Walla Walla at present, has been re
tained for the next term at a salary
Would Make Such a rroNsition to the
People of Pendleton, I'nlei They
Were Absolutely Sure.
Did you ever know or hear of a per
son who would offer to return every
cent you paid him If he could not
build up health and create strength
and vitality for old people, w ak
sickly women and children and the
'convalescent, create an appetite, cure
stomach troubles, make those who
are too thin, fat, rosy and healthy?
Or cure hacking coughs, chronic
colds, throat and bronchial troubles?
This Is exactly the offer of the Pen
dleton Drug company makes to every
person In Pendleton.
A member of the abo.o firm says
"Our offer is based upon what we be
lieve to be the greatest strength
creator and health-restorer known to
medicine, Vino, which Is the up-to
date form of administering cod liver
oil, recognized for centuries as the
grandest of all body-bullding agents
for wasted human strength and vi
tality. Tn Vlnol we have simply done away
with the useless system-clogging oil,
and given the people all the medicinal
curative elements of cod liver oil ac
tually taken from fresh cods' livers,
and we have never sold In our store
a medicine of more Intrinsic value.
As a body builder and strength
creator for old people, weak women,
puny children, after sickness and for
nil pulmonary diseases. Its fame has
spread so far that It Is now guaran
teed by over 2000 of the leading drug
gists of the country, and especially by
us." The Pendleton Drug Co.
First Thing
nil I O ' the
The haphazard use of a remedy
will never discover its efficacy. Try
Iicccliam's Pills morning and nij-ht,
and note the improvement in your
luring BEECHAM'S
Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 2Sc
Walters Flouring Mills
Capacity, ISO barrels a day.
Flour axchangsd for wheat.
Flour, Mill Fwd, Chopped FmI
, 'Us., always aa hand.
of J SO per, month.
George Marquis, principal of tho
Athena school, will leave when school
closes the last of the month for Cam.
bridge, Idaho, where he has it home
stead. The Criniliis-Criiwrord company, of
Walla Walla. Is negotiating for the
purchase of the lumber Interests of
A. M Glllls In Athena. Mr. Gillls will
retire owing to ill health. .
Mrs. Claude Estes, who was very
seriously ill the early part of the week
is somewhat Improved.
Arthur Douglass has returned from
Pendleton, where he went to see his
brother Len. who is in the hospital,
having been kicked by a horse lat
Sunday. He reports that the knee
cap was quite seriously affected, but
it is now believed that his limb will he
Madison Stafford, of Mohawk, Lane
county, has been In town several days
visiting relatives and friends. He was
a resident of this place 17 years ago.
and he says that he can see many
great improvements In this section
since that time. He left yesterday for
Spokane and expects to go from there
to Alberta on a trip.
Miss Blanche Mays, of The Dalles,
is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. D.
Plamondon, and will remain a few
Miss I.euella Roby left this morning
for Walla Walla, where she will re
main several days visiting with rela
tives. Steps are being taken by Interested
parties In the city to have a clean-up
day for Athena In the near future.
All yards and streets will be cleaned
and beautified.
Misses Myrtle Hawks and Grace
Crockett, of Pendleton, spent Sunday
with friends In the city.
Colt SlM)v.
A meeting will be held In the city
Saturday afternoon for the purpose
of making arrangements to hold a solt
show- in Athena this year, owing to
the success of the one which was held
here last year.
Eleln vs. Yellow Kids.
There will be a ball game In this
city Saturday and Sunday between
the Tellow Kids and the nine from
Elgin. First-class games are expect
ed for both days.
Receives Medal.
Henry Barrett has received a gold
medal from the committee of awards
for the best exhibit of hulless oats
seen at the fclr. This oats was raised
on his Pine creek ranch north of
Justice Court Case.
Attorney W. M. Peterson has
brought action In the Justice court at
Athena against George Mlllon to col
lect the sum of 170 which is due At
torney John McCourt. at Pendleton.
Sunday School Evangelist.
J. P. Condor, of Portland, the Sun
day school evangelist of the Christian
church, preached In Athena Sunday
morning and evening. Mr. Condor Is
holding a locnl Bible school institute
at the Christian church with the ob
ject of instruction for teachers and
officers In the Sunday school. A ses
sion Is being held every evening. Mr.
Conder will preach next Sunday
moinlng and evening also.
The long dry spell did no damage
to fall wheat In the Athena country,
but there are reports of damage to
spring grain and oats. -
There is more Carnrrii tn irn KH-tlon of
the cjiimn tfinn nil utn r tlixenttefl pin
together, and until tue i,iii r.-w jrnn wnn
Mipweil tit bf liiciirMhle. Fur a great
n;i;iy rear riot'tom pnnMinfft lr a local
liiiiM and irwrttjMl Ih-h1 rfiitt'dli. and
by rnniitntly fatllnu' tn cure with local
ttinlmnt. prnt iu-d If Incurable. Hcl-
nt ha firnvt-n Cntitrrh to be a constitu
te I dlMffiKi' and therefore require! con
'fhnrlfipiil nvnnii"M. Ilnll's Cntnrrh Clin,
jiii'.iifm iihi. t.y ! ,. Charity ft Vo., To
lit. Obit., til the uDlF (iitiHittutlunitl enrp
on tne market. It la taken Internally Id
umuv iruui if-u urups 10 a leaspo-onrui. n
acta directly on the dIoau and mucous sur
faces of the system. Tbev offer oc hun
dred dollars for any rase It falls to cure
sena tor circulars ani testimonials.
Address: V. J. CHENEY & C, Toledo, O.
Hold by all druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Idaho Cuttle to Montana.
Robert Jones, of the firm of Rales
& Jones, the Idaho county stockmen.
left yesterday for Culdesac to arrange
for the delivery at that point for ship
ment Monday of 20 carloads of cat
tle. The cattle were sold to George
Woodworth of the Rig Hole section of
western Montana, and they will be
shipped there and placed on the range
to be held for the winter market. Mr.
Woodworth, who is an uncle of Jay
Woodworth of this city, was accom
panled here hy his son, Fred Wood
worth. Mr. Woodworth Is a pioneer
of Montana, having gone to that state
41 years ago.
Deaths From Appendicitis.
Decrease In the same ratio that the
use of Dr. King's New Life Pills In
creases. They save you from danger
and bring quick and painless release
from constipation and the Ills growing
odt of It. Strength and vigor always
follow their use. Guaranteed by Tall
man & Co. and Pendleton Drug com
pany, druggists. 25c; try them.
Standstill in Wool Market.
The high prices which growers are
demanding for their wool, 20 cents
for the coarsest grade, has caused a
standstill In the market and permits
of the scouring mill being run only a
portion of the time. When asked
what has caused the Increased demand
In price, H. L. Sharp, buyer for Luce
A Manning, replied that It was due
to the fact that after growers had sold
last year prices advanced and In order
to be one the safe side this year, they
are demanding 3 and" 4 cents more
than last year, which buyers consider
prohibitory. The Dalles Chronicle.
The seventh biennial convention rt
the International Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Engineers is In session at
MAY 11th, 8 to 10 P. M.
LADIES. Everybody invited. This will be a treat you can't afford to miss. A little
late in the season, but as a result the show is more complete. Eastern shipments have
been delayed but they are in now and our big floor space, 2000 square feet is crowded
and even the walls are literally covered and decorated with the choicest picturesque
productions of Eastern and 'Western factories.
Buy on Credit!
this $60 Machine for $25
It Is s high-arm. droo
bead, ball bearing, lock
Hitch, double feed, Ml!
threading buttla: hat
automauc bobbin wlhdar
and other lateitlmprOT
mentn. Thli In the ANTI
the itaiDf machine agentl
are alcinftrou $60 tor. All
aUa-lmeut'o with each
machine. Sold tor only
Vt nthh and 3 monthlr.
Writ TCDIT lor free FUDHITURE MTUKH ihowlni
alt (ran c household nti we will rhin (Freight
reoild) on Eur fament-oiir new CREDIT plan.
Covurtx Furnltvre Company
173173 First St., 1-OKTLAND, OH.
Cured by our Hand Woven
Elastic Bands and Stock
ings. Over-fatness and
weaknesses relieved by
our Abdominal Belts.
Write for blanks and book.
Health Is Worth Saving, anil Some
Pendleton People Know How to
Save It.
Many Pendleton people take their
lives In their hands by neglecting the
kidneys when they know these organs
need help. Sick kidneys are responsi
ble for a vast amount of suffering
and 111 health, but there Is no need to
suffer nor to remain In danger when
all diseases and aches and pains due
to weak kidneys can be quickly and
permanently cured by the use of
Doan's Kidney Pills. Here Is the
statement of a Pendleton citizen who
has reclaimed good health by the use
of this remedy:
Mrs. W. E. Oliver, of 1915 West
Webb street, Pendleton, Or., says:
"In the cases of several members of
our family Doan's Kidney Pills have
proven to be a tried and true rem
edy, and not a single one who used
them has found them wanting In time
of need. When my back became
lame and sore and the kidneys became
somewhat disordered so that It was
difficult to attend to the simplest of
household cares, I decided to try
Doan's Kidney Pills as I knew they
bad helped others a great deal. I
was not disappointed and from the
good results obtained I can say that
Doan's Kidney Pills are the best rem
edy for backache and kidney trouble
For sale by all deulers. Price 60
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
'aZ rUZ
Stitching Machine
Has been placed in my shop. This
is the only machine of the kind in
the Inland Empire. It enables me
to put on sewed shoe soles better
than hand work and at a big saving
I have also just Installed a finishing machine. All
of the work done by electric power. With my new
machinery I am better equipped to attend to your shoe
needs than any other shop in the Inland Empire.
I can now put on a pair of sewed half soles in IS
minutes. Come in and have your shoe repairing
done while you w. i'..
128 E. Court Street
Pendleton, Oregon
Money to Loan on Monthly Installments
Long Time Loans
Real Estate In Any Part of the City
for Sale
Frank B. Clopton & Co.
112 East Court Street
I I .e t'unl ,111111 ilv.- (he niofll
I , lies I
: ' l-vi. uiiei ii h,i n ugV uiipu
I ;
I . 'I'htmt tl iio t.
I nltcd States Senator John M.
I ion rln,
I liepi-osentatlve In Congress. Second
il'lstrlit James Harvey Graham,
j Coventor (ieorge K. Chumberlaln.
I Secretary of State P. II. Sroat.
j Slate Treasurer J. D. Matlock.
Supreme Judge T. O. Ilullcy.
Attorney General Hubert A. Mil
ler. Slate Printer J. Scott Taylor.
Judge of Circuit Court. Sixth Judi
cial District A. U. Stillmun.
Senator, Morrow, Cmalllla and
Union Counties W'ulter M. Pierce.
Joint Representative, Morrow and
4-l.'mutll!a Counties V. D. Chamber-
State Senator from Umatilla County
C. J. Smith.
Itepresentatlves, from Umatilla
County J. T. Lleuallen, Cecil R.
County Judge O. A. Hartman.
Sheriff T. I). Taylor.
Recorder of Conveyances John F.
Treasurer W. R. Campbell.
Coroner T. M. Henderson.
County Commissioner James Nel
son. rrednet Nominees.
Justice of the peace, Pendleton dis
trict S. S. Darnell.
Constable Pendleton district J. M.
United States Senator (short term)
F. W. Mulkey of Portland.
United States Senator (long term)
Jonathan Bourne, Jr., of Portland.
Governor Jumes Wltnycombe of
Secretary of State Frank W. Ben
son of Roseburg.
Stute Treasurer George A. Steel of
Supreme Judge Robert Eakln of
ji Urandc.
Attorney General A. M. Crawford
of Roseburg.
Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion J. H. Ackcrmun of Portland.
State Printer -W. S. Dunlway of
Commissioner of Labor O. P.
Hoff of Portland.
Congressman W. R. Ellis of Pen
dleton. Joint Senator W. O. Cole of Pen
dleton. Senator T. J. Kirk of Athena.
Joint Representative W. M. Slush
cr of Pendleton.
Representatives C. A. Barrett of
Athena; C. W. Steen of Milton.
circuit Judge Henry J. Bean of
County Judge T. P. Gllllland of
Pilot Rock.
Sheriff E. J. Sommervllle of Pct.
dleton. County Clerk Frank Sallng of
Treasurer O. W. Bradley of Atl.e
Recorder of Conveyances Fred ...
Hendley of Pendleton.
Commissioner II B. Lec f M).
Surveyor J. W. Klmbrell of Pen
dleton. Coroner Ralph Folsom of Pendle
ton. Justice, Pendleton District Joe H.
Parkes of Pendleton.
Constable, Pendleton District II.
A. Thompson of Pendleton.
Democratic Nominee for
Slate Senator.
nn. c. j. smith.
Pendleton, ( regon.
Democratic Nominee for
Adams, Oregon.
Democratic Nominee for
Pendleton, Oregon.
Democratic Nominee for
Pendleton, Oregon.
Democratic Nominee r
Recorder of Conveyances.
JOHN p. HXLlj.
Pendleton, Oregon.