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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1906)
DAILY EAST OREGON I.W, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 190. PAGE THREE. t AAAAAAAA A. A. A. a. aa.aaaaaa.aa AA a a a a iAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA A. A aa AAAAAAA AAaaaaaa AAA AAA a a a a a a aaaaaaaa AAAA A A AAAA 444AIA4444tt44tf tf Tftftf 1 EIGHT PAGES. 1SSOL tt XX xx xx xx A MERRY THRONG has crowded our store every day since we opened this sale to take advantage of the exceptional Bargains we offer in all De partments. Every puachase that has been made has made a friend to the store, because, never before have such bargains been offered to the public. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY we will plunge the knife still deeper info the values. XX XX XX XX 9 XX Men's Furnishings i 0c and 25c values 16c I Hone, tan and black 75c aolf SnlrU 39c VI .25 and $1.50 Go,f shlrl v- 89c 5()C ttnd 75C Ne8"8ce Sh'rt".. :39c Everything In thla department has been cut one-half. It tt (a anything you want to wear, we have It. Memo's Hats Six dozen Hats, extra good values, fine fur felt, all shades Special Each 59c Straw Goods 1-2 Price Everything Guaranteed or Money Refunded MEN'S " t FANCY SPECIAL Vests $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Values EACH M ATUIMP Vf Tt Remember there is nothing reserved in in our Clothing department, every garment in it has met with a terri- Vf L J 1 mil J IOr IVV. disaster, huving been cut and slashed until there is nothing left (for us) but unheard of values for you. If you have time you might drop in and we will explain the reason. s WATCH II OUR WINDOWS MHX BHER METTSSHOJ. XX IItiitltitttt A MILLION ACRES IN TEXAS WILL BE OPENED TO EARLY SETTLEMENT. Rock Island Interests Behind Uic gefcrmc Tlic Salt Lake Line Will lie Built to the Arlwna Canyon From the North, Thus Breaking Cp Santa Fe Monopoly of Yearn Standing A New System. Seeks Terminals at St. Ixrals. St. Louis, May 10. B. F. Yoakum, chairman of tho Rock-Island-Frlsco lines, believes In building up the country contiguous to his railroads at the same time ho Is building up his railroad 'properties. He believes It Is more advantageous to develop the land and then Invite settlers. Rock Island Interests are behind a scheme to throw open for cultivation 1,000, 000 acres of arid land In southwestern Texas. The plan Is being worked out through the American Rio Grande Land & Irrigation company, which owns the land In Hidalgo and Cam eron counties, Texas. These two counties lie adjoining the Mexican border and they stretch along the Rio Grand del Norte. The plan which has been made for the redemption of this land Is to clear 20.000 acres at once of all the arid growth of ractus and to Irrigate It by drawing the water from the river. For this purpose a power sta tion Is being located on the railroad right of way, which passes through these two counties, and the power will be transmitted from the central power station to tho pumps at the river, seven miles away. Scientists who have examined the land declare that when Irrigated It will yield abundant crops of sugar; and the plan, an now developed, Is to plant 200,000 acres of land In sugar cane within the next five years, a big central sugar mill Is to be erected, and It will turn the raw sugar over to the Rock Island to be hauled to the refineries. The contract tor me pow' er plant has already been let and the machinery has been ordered. Both ferry from Venice unless arrange ments can be made to use a bridge. Salt Lako to Uracil Canyon. The St. Paul road is soon to begin double tracking between La Crosse and St. Paul. Much of the line will have to be blasted through solid rock. Vice-President Kerens, of the Salt Lake route, has announced that plans have been made for a line through to the Grand Canyon. The plan as now proposed Is for a branch from Moapa, along the Moapa river to the canyon. The dlHtance Is 40 miles. The build ing of the Salt Lake branch will spoil a monopoly which the Santa Fe has had for many years. Postmnvter Robbed. G. W. Fouts, postmaster at River ton, La., nearly lost his life and was robbed ef all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of Jaundice that even my finger nails turned yel low; when my doctor prescribed Elec tric Bitters, which cured me and have kept me well for 11 years." Sure cure for Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic. At Tallman & Co.'g and Pen dleton Drug company drug stores, 60 cents. SOUTHERN BAPTISTS CONFER. Cliurch and Auxiliaries Meet at Chat tanooga. Chattanooga, Tenn., May 10. Bap tists from all parts of the south are assembled here by thousands to at tend the annual conference of tl Southern Baptist "church and the con vention of the Baptist auxiliary or ganization. Last year tho conference was held in Kansas City, Mo., and tin year before In Nashville, Tenn. It is estimated that there are mo o than 1000 delegates in attendance at the conference which opened here to day than at any previous conference of the Southern Baptist church. The delegates to the conference represent nearly two million adherents of tl e Baptist faith. Many important mat ters will come up -for consideration In the conference, which will last six days, with sessions every morning, afternoon and evening.' NEW YORK LETTER Then Is more Catsrrn In this section ot the countrr than all otn r dlaesaes rut the Rock Island and the Frisco roads i together, and until the last few years was I"! i h ..H..r supposed to b Incurable. For a great Are BIIVKHUiuuid - n company. Line Wants to Enter St Louis. The Illinois Traction system has applied for a franchise to enter ft. Louts. The company has asked to be allowed to use a number of streets. The move is to secure a St. Louis terminal, and officials state the com pany has secured options on real es tate to the value of $700,000 on which to locate freight and passenger sta tions and terminal yards. The line now operates from Venloe, opposite St. Louis, to Springfield, Decatur and Clinton, and other lines are under construction that will eventually reach Chicago connections. The entrance man? Tears doctors Dronounced It a local dsjeas. and prescribed local remedies, and treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Hei ne, baa proven Catarrh to be a conatllo .. nal disease and therefor, reaulrea con stitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney a co.. To ledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional ear. on th. market It Is taken Internally In doses from ten drops to a teaapoonful. It acts directly on th. bloeu and mnoons sur face, ot th. They offer on. hun dred dollars for any com It falls to cor Bena ror circulars ana leaumoniaiB. Address : F. J. CHUNKY a C, Toledo, O. Hold bt all drunlata. 7 5c. Take Ball's Family Pills for constipation. Bend or 'phone your name and ad' dress to Milton Huber, at the Bt George hotel, and learn all about New York, May 10. The evictions of tenants Is reaching proportions that dwarf any previous occurrences In that line that have ever happened In this city, or in Ireland. On the East Side there are a thousand of them In operation and the courts have been crowded to such an extent with women and husbands resisting evic tion that one magistrate left the bench to escape signing the papers, he declaring that If he wasn't there they couldn't make him sign the docu ments that would put people In the streets.. Up In Yorkvllle a similar state of affairs prevails, one batch of evictions number 400. In most of the cases the trouble Is caused by new landlords who have Just bought the property and have at once raised the rents; In most cases 25 per cent The proceedings in tl.e East Side cases will take at least a month and the magistrates cannot hear so many cases anyway before such a length of time, and then the magistrates sympathize with the tenants, and help them In all ways that they safely can. In the York vllle cases the dispossess warrants were all Issued, but extensions were granted In many cases. In these coses also the landlords are not so much to blame, as they were compelled to turn the tenants out In order to comply with the orders of the tenement house department for improved sanitation of the houses, and the landlords can not make the repairs as soon as the tenement' house department Insists shall be done. Losing Marino Trade. New York Is really alarmed at the threatened loss of marine trade and that the prominence of this city as a seaport will be lost on account of high charges to steamboat companies for piers. Complaints have been coming In from all directions, especially from the large steamship lines. New York rivals are formidable Indeed, Boston charging nothing for wharfage, and In New Orleans the charges are merely nominal. New York has so many advantages that she may hold her place at the head of the proces sion, but not If Bteamships are driven to ports where the charges are more reasonable. Newport News Is now attracting a large share of the trade that should come to New York, that port offering many favors, while New York seems to be putting all obstacles In the way of commerce that she can. But the authorities are awakened to the peril and a special commission haa been appointed to fix the rentals to be charged for piers In the new Chelsea Improvement area. Dock Commit' sloner Bensel says the steamship com panies must be treated with more fairness if their trade Is to be kept He says no other port can Interfere with New York passenger trade, but that all the great international freight trade will be driven away un less some inducements are held out The Chelsea Improvements so far Include seven piers, the largest In the North river, and coBt many millions. The great steamship companies have bid for the piers, but the prices fixed as the minimum by the last city ad ministration have kept others out. The matter will now receive the ut most attention as it is a fact that has come home to the city administration that extortionate charges for wharf- lng privileges are certainly driving business away, or at least making cus tomers very much dissatisfied. "Clntler Hoot or" In Town. A new benefactor has come to town. He is a cinder doctor, and standB upon the street corners with a label: "Eyes freed from cinders, 10c." "Do you stand here all day long picking things out of people's eyes?" said a woman who had been relieved of some trifling affliction. "Not in this identi cal spot," said the man. "I wander about. But I find plenty of custom ers, no matter where I go. New York Is pretty clean, as cities go; never theless there are plenty of cinders flying about hunting an eye to lodge In. Usually they wind what they are after, and when they begin to get In their deadly work, the sufferer rustles around looking for relief. That is where I come In. You make the sev enteenth patient I have treated to day. Adding the tips to the regular charges that Is not a bad day's work for a street doctor." Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVEAU, Proprietor. European plan. Everything first class. All modern conveniences. Steam heat throughout. Rooms en suite wlt'.i bath. Large, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George Is pronounced one of the most up-to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm connections to office, and hot and cold running water In all rooms. The Hotel Pendleton BOLLOXS & BROWN, Proprietors. It la possible to obtain relief from chronic Indigestion and dyspepsia by the use of KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA. Some of the most hopeless cases of long standing have yielded to It It enables you to digest the food you eat and exercises a corrective Influence, building up the efficiency ef the di gestive organs. The stomach Is the boiler wherein the steam Is made that keeps up your vitality, health and strength. Kodol digests what you eat. Makes the stomach sweet puts the boiler In condition to do the work nature demands of It gives you relief from digestive disorders, and puts you In shape to do your best and feel your best. Sold by Tallman & Co. Monster of tlio Sea Sails. Hamburg, May 10. The steamship Kalserln Auguste Victoria," the largest steamship afloat Btarted from here this morning for New York. The steamer, which belong to the service of the Hamburg-American line, car ries a large number of passengers and full cargo of freight. It Is the larg est steamship ever built It Is over 700 feet long, with 78 feet beam. It can carry 650 passengers In the first cabin, 860 In the second, 300 In the third and 2300 in the steerage. The crew comprises 660 officers and men. The ship is equipped with every mod' ern convenience and haa a large res taurant where passengers may eat a la carte meals. Send or 'phone your name and ad' dress to Milton Huber, at the Bt George hotel, and learn all about Rooms $1.00 and $1.50. Block niul a Half From Depot. See the big electric sign. ALTA HOUSE The Working Man'and Farmers Hotel Dining room and Free Employment bureau in connection $1.00 PER DAY Cor. Alta and Mill Sts. HOTEL PORTLAND OF PORTLAND, OREGON. American plan, S3 per day and up ward. Headquarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Special rates made to families and single gentle men. The management will be pleas ed at all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath establishment in the hotel. H. C, BOWERS. Manager. 1""""" California Fig Syrup Co.'s Genuine SYRUP of FIGS Sold and recommended by TR Pendleton Drug Co. The Hotel Pendleton has been re fitted and refurnished throughout. Fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths en suites nd single rooms. Ilendquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. FREE 'BUS. Rates, $2, $2.50 and $3 Special Rates by the week or month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt dining room service. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection. Only Tlireo Block from Depots. . ....,..e A -w -w nlshcd. Erected 1904. Rates: 50c, $1.00, $1.50. I GREY SMITH Proprietor Under new management Op oslte O. R. ft N. Co. Depot. Roome en sultd or single, with or without bath. Hot and cold water in cadi room. Sam ple rooms. PENDLETON OREGON i i Into St Louis is planned to be by car Wireless Telegraphy. to the companies. Wireless Telegraphy.