EIGHT PAGEh. DAILY EAST ORE GON'I AX, PENDLETON,. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1986. PAGE EIGItr. Our Big : Saturday 3 Specials You'll never appreciate our roods until you try them. Here's our Saturday Inducement: With every can of our Victor Baking Powder goes 1 China Salad Bowl. The Baking Powder Is guaranteed by us and costs 50c per pound can. Incidentally, eur Soap De partment gives DECORATION TO BE OBSERVED be present to compete with the local students, and some Interesting events will be pulled off. TO WORK IX) 11 ACADEMY. THEK WON'T HUE IT : Saturday Only: MANY DETAII ALREADY PLANNED AND WORKED OUT. The Public School W ill Have a Prom inent lart tu tlie Excrcisr ami Pa radeThe Merchants' Association Will Co-operate With the A. It, Which Will Have, as Usual, Sole Charge of the Exercises at the Cent- .i,tv-AU . A. It. Posts hi the County Invited to Take Part High School and Track Meet at 2: SO. Bars Sunlight -Soap. 6 Bars Lifebuoy Soap. 7 Bars Silt Soap .... 25c 25c 25c 1 Bars Good ToHnt Soap OC Just receiving a new ship ment of Vases. Saturday night from 6 to p. ra;: 14-lnch. plain and graceful, swung top Ya, -at I on 19 cents Positively we to the customer. Our specials for our new crop TEAS will be found on our 'Special Taste," and remember we roast our own Coffees and blend to suit your Individual taste before four very eyes. We Invite rour Inspection of our new line of Needle Etched blown GLASSWARE some thing entirely .new ana beauti ful. Nothing finer and newer for a wedding ojlft. Empire Tea & Crockery t Company a. M. VINTON, Mgr. Saccessor to Owl Tea Haase. 22 E. Cossrt Si Telephone Btavk SISt. THE CARE OF A WATCH Do not wait until yoar watch stops before having It cleaned. If It has been running longer than a year and a half wltheut attention. It needs ft now. 6mrll particles of dirt once In a watch does a great deal of damage to wards wearing It out To 1 sure a longer life to your watch and better time keeping, have It attended to immediately. Royal M. Sawtelle JEWELER. United States Senator John M. Gearln haa been asked to deliver the Decoration Day address In Pendleton on May 30. At o meeting of the exec utlve committee held last evening It was decided tc extend the Invitation to Senator Geatln, who Is recognlxed as one of the ablest speakers In the west. This morning the request wa wired to Washington and an early ply Is expected. But whether the speaker of the day be Senator Gearln or some one else, Decoration Day Us -to be fittingly ob served by the people of Pendleton. This much was decided upon some time ago by the Merchants' associa tion, and last night their committee met to make detailed arrangements tor the occasion. The committee con fllsts of Lee Teutsch, J. W. Maloney and A. W. Robinson. As the schools are to take a prominent part In the exercises. Superintendent L. R. Trav er was invited to act with the com mtttee and did so. Prasrnun. The following program was arrang ed for the day.: 10 a.m. Parade steaded by Q. A. K. followed by band, high school pupils. and pupils from all schools. 10:10 a. m. Program at the opera house. usic - High Fchool Olee Cluo Invocation -Aroerhii" Audience Music High School Glee Club Address Senator Jehn M. Gearln Mttrtc The committee from the Merchants association will co-ooerate whh the local G. A. B. to make the day a sue cess. The exercises at oic cemeiery will be in the hands of the G. A. B. Invitations will be sent to all G. R. posts In tho county to partlclpat In the exercises of the day. The program arranged is one thst will be well worth seeing, and shou. the weather be favorable the day will be an Interesting occasion. The pa rade will be composed of the Grand Army of the Republic and pupils of the public schools. The students from the high school will ride In floats, it is also planned to have the streets in as rood condition as possmie iur marching. Field Meet at 2:30. At 2:0 in the afternoon the annual Inter-high school field and track meet of eastern Oregon will be held. Teams from Baker City and La Grande will Have You Heard It? Dolceola The new Musical Instrument; save you money. "Dolceola has a very sweet and pleasing tone, and I consider It an in strument of great merit. It will be of great assistance In picparlng begin ners for the Piano. "ALBERT GERARD THIERS," Authority on Music. New York City. As For further particulars address O. H. Hartung Room 14 Schmidt Bldg. Pendleton, Or. Limp, Limp "Oh That, Corn' How one can suffer with such a corn! To look at It Is almost nothing, but the hurt that's where corns count. We have a corn cure that will take Out your corns, roots and all. If used according to directions it will leave no soreness. Call for F. & S. Corn Cure. Put up and sold by Meeting of Board of Trustees of Pen illeton Academy Results in Plans of Action. That the scope of Pendleton acad emy will be widened and the school made better as a result of the meet ing of the board of trustees held last Ight, Is the opinion of the members of the board. The meeting was called for the pur pose of meeting Rev. H. B. Knight, the new financial agent of the acad- nty. and to outline some of the plans for future work. The board .will work toward the erection of a dormitory, and hopes to add new features to the academy and widen Its scope to extend to all the nland empire district. Rev. Knight Bl have headquarters In this city and will begin making, plans Immediately for an active summer's work In the Interest of the .Institution, Teachers for the next school year will be employed at a meeting to be held In the near future and arrange ments are r . at being made for the commencement exercises, which will be held during the last week In May. CHILLY RECEPTION FOB A WALLA WALLA PROJECT. The "Backing" for the latest Scheme for a Pendleton Baseball Team Con- not Be Located, While Those Here tofore Most Interested In Such Vln del-taking Pile Adverse Opinions and Comments Without Restraint No Attempt im Yet tu Circulate a Subscription Iupcr. FIRST STRAWBERRIES. W. Lydell, of McKay Creek, Picks Ftrwt 'Crate From His) Freewater Berry Ttstet Today. Q. W. Lydell, of McKay creek, who owns a three-acre strawberry tract at Freewater, received a letter this morn lng saying that the first crate of ber ries to be picked for the market In the Freewater district this season would be picked on Ms berry tract today. This Is a week earlier than the usual beginning of the berry pick lng season. Last year the first crate was picked about May 8 and the usual date is May 10. Mr. Lydell Is enthusiastic over his Freewater land and believes that will be one of the best parts of the Inland empire In time. The berry harvest will be at Its height by the middle of next week, In the entire district around Freewater and Milton. WILL DKCLAIM TONIGHT. Dave Hill and Mlrn Beanie Porter Will Represent Pendleton At DedamS' lory Context at Walla Walla. Dave Hill of Pendleton high school and Miss Bessie Porter of Pendleton academy, left for Walla Walla this morning, where they will represent their respective schools In the Inter scholastic declamatory contest to be held at that place tonight. Dave Hill's declamation will be "Marc Antony's Oration," and Miss Porter will render "The Whistling Regiment." It was thought that th contest was culled off and the high school had not made arrangements to send a contestant until a few days ago. However, It Is thought that Pendleton will win a place In the con test, as both contestants are In excel lent condition and will make a good showing. The Place is Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists INDIAN DAY IN POLICE COURT. Six Graduated by Judge Fits Gerald Into the City Jail. This was "Indian Day" In the po lice court, and six big redskins were brought before Judge Fits Gerald, charged with having attempted to de stroy the supply of firewater by swal lowing the same. They were Charley Whirlwind, George Thomson, George Dick. Tl-co-ney, Charley Frank and Joe Bennett, As they sat In a semi circle around the table In the re corder's office, each with a red hand kerchief around his neck, they made a unique appearance. The customary three days of $6, was Imposed by Judge Fltz Gerald, and In lieu of the money all returned to jail. That the Pendleton fans do not like the attempt made by Walla Walla people to organise a ball team for this town, Is plain. Last evening George O'Connor, manager of the Walla Walla team, was here, and this morn ing It was announced a team had been formed to ploy under the name of Pendleton. Practice was scheduled to begin today, and Qeorge Gray was announced as captain, while the re mainder of the players mentioned were from Walla Walla, Wisconsin and other seaports. Borne of those named are In part unknown to local ball players and doubtless have never heard of Mr. O'Connor's scheme. Among the business men who are Interested In baseball and among the local players as well, the Walla Walla attempt has been freely discussed to day. In every Instance It has been mentioned with scorn. "After we had decided not to have a team, they have showed poor taste to try to organize one. anyway. If we want a ball team we can get one up ourselves and have the kind of a team we want," said M. A. Rader. Much the same sentiment was ex pressed by Lee Teutsch and other bus iness men who know aad care some thing about Pendleton's reputation as a ball town. In general, they hold that If Pendleton Is to have a team It should be gotten up by local people, and Pendleton players should be secured. Carl Cooley, last year's manager, said: "Such a team as proposed Is rlmply a selfish proposition for Walla Walla and the railroad. The team would get licked to death and would disgrace the town. I understand they are going to play In the Echo suits, and if so they had better use the Echo name too, provided Echo will stand for It." . Others who were seen expressed a feeling quite as strong, and from in dications the movement will get a de cidedly cool reception should it be carried out. Thus far no attempt has yet been made to circulate a subscription among local business men. Should such be started the backers will run up against the recently formed Mer chants' association. Under the rules all such subscriptions must be Indors. ed by a designated committee before members may sign them. That the committee will Indorse the .Walla Walla Idea Is doubtful In view of the decided sentiment against Mr. O'Connor's plan. s s "SMART STUFF" A touch of Spring and we think of Spring Clothes t - - g ... i ,ia Our Argument Nobhy Fit Quality Let U Tell You About Them Roosevelt's Boston Store "Man Dressers" ! "Porch Weather" JIM NARCISSE MAY DIE. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous lot of wire cable, new and second-hand, any length; pipe of any description and size; ma chinery to suit anybody; write for prices on anything; metal scrap Iron and all kinds of Junk and machinery bought and sold. Address M. Barde & Son, Portland, Oregon. ism In the selling of Jewelry as well as In other things. It's the quality of the goods we s;Il that wins praise and patrons for us every day. If unacquainted with our stock and prices a visit would be Interesting. We offer new Bracelets, Back Combs, Hat Pins, Lockets and Chains. Winslow Brothers JEWELERS-OPTICIANS. Postofflce Block. Shot In the Abdomen, ami the Wound Docm Not Houl. Jim Narcisse, "Big Jim," who shot himself several weeks ago with sul cldal Intent, Is now at the hospital nd may yet make a "die." The weapon with which Jim tried to mur der himself was a rifle, and as Jim was drunk at the time, he took poor aim, shooting himself In the abdo men. His wounds were dressed by Dr. T. M. Henderson, and It was pre sumed the Indian would soon be well. However, the wound did not heal and yesterday Jim was brought to the hospital, where he was operated on by Drs. Smith, Henderson and Ringo. The man who Is known to his friends and neighbors as a safe and successful business man does not Invest his Money In every scheme that presents Itself with the "promise" of large returns. He Is satis fled with a reasonable rate of merest and the absolute security on both prlnc.pal and Interest, s r as this strong bank offers to lu 'e poiltors. This course may not appear so attractive as some of the schemes offered, but Is far the safest and most satisfactory In the end. Commercial National Bank Pendleton, Oregon v Capital ( 50,000.00 Total Resources 1300,000.00 Working for Equal Suffrage. Mrs. Clnra B. Colby, editor of the Woman's Tribune, of Portland, Is now making a tour of the eastern Oregon counties in the Interest of the equal suffrage amendment. She has dates at all the Interior points In Grant. Baker and Harney counties and will speak on the subject where no suf frage worker has been before. She finds Intense Interest In the subject In the Interior settlements and hopes that the amendment will carry at the June election. The principal objec tion to equal suffrage comes from the saloons. They are making an organ ised fight on the amendment In all the counties and art sending out thousands of circulars In the attempt to prejudice the public mind against the movement, but the circulars are having an opposite effect nearly everywhere. As the days and nights grow warmer, and the breath of spring permeates the air, we long to be out of doors, and that means we need a hammock. Hammocks We are sole agents for the celebrated ECLAT Hammocks, which Is the latest. Heavy, close-wove canvas, concealed spreaders, uphols tered throw-back plilows, nlckle tips, and In many beautiful designs. Prices range from ' , . $1.75 to $7.00 Just the thing for the porch, warm weather. picnic parties or lawn, during the Goodman, Thompson Co. j FISHING TACKLE j SEE OUR WINDOW PWPLAY PF REFRIGERATORS. " I "THE CHRISTIAN" TONIGHT. Company Arrives From La Grande Tills Morning and Will Present tlic Favorite Play at the Eraser. The company to present "The Christian" at the Frazer tonight ar rived from La Grande this morning on No. 1. The production was presented to a large audience at La Grande and the seat sales Indicate that a large attend ance will greet the play in this city tonight. it comes highly recommended by the press and promises to be one of the best productions to be seen here during the present theater season. Death of an Infant. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Al Carden died this morning after a brief Illness. The funeral occurred at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the fam ily home on the north side of the river, nnd Interment was In Olney cemetery. Max Delttrlch, a leather worker of Dresden, Germany, has confessed to having murdered eight women during the past seven years. Stomach Ills ARE SOON FORGOTTEN when Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is taken promptly at the first symptom. No wonder so many people use It In preference to anything else. Then there Is a 53 yews' record' of cures lRck of It, too, which ought to appeal to every man or woman. One bottle of HOSTETTER'S will convince you that It Is the best for Poor Appetite, Flatulency, Head aclie. Bloating, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Costlvenem or Female Ills.. Try It today. Recovering From Operation. Mrs. J. A. McLaughlin, who sub mitted to an operation at St. Antho ny's hospital last week, Is slowly Im proving and will soon be able to leave for her home at Gurdane. Mr. Mc LAUghlln has remained In the city with her but hopes to be abla to go home In a few days. Registered From Pendleton. W. H. Thomas. Mrs. M. Thomas, Gustln Renon and daughter and D. H. Alloway and family, all of Pendle ton, are registered at the Oregon bureau at Oakland, Cal. A NIGHT CAP Take two Beecham's Pills on re tiring and avoid any ill effects from a late meal. Then you will sleep soundly, awaken with a clear head and a high opinion of the great stomach remedy, Beecham's Pills oldEvsrywhsre. In boxes 10a and X. Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the; COMING CITY of EASTERN OREGON and look over the ALFALFA LANDS which fill pay you large returns on jour money. We h ye several hundred urea of U.e best Irrigated Alfalfa Land In the west, which yields from seven to twelve tons per acre. For further particulars write BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon, SPRJNG IS THE TIME to do your repairing. You will need LUMBER for yous fences, road bridges, repairs on your house and barn, etc. We are In a position to offer special Inducements to early comers, giving you the best possible material at prices that defy competition. Oregon Lumber Yard NEAR COURT HOUSE. 'Phone Main 8. Pendleton. Oregon. Office Changed San Francisco disaster will havejnoj effect on our filling of Orders. April 21, 1906. Our business will continue as always, shipping all goods direct from our New York house. PROMPT DELIVERIES ASSURED Temporary Office. 3600 Clay Street SAN, FRANCISCO Hoffman, Rothchild & Co. . WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS t t