;1 1 i EIGIIT PAGES. PAGE TWO. DAILY EA9T OREUOXIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAT 4, 1MM. Made in New York THE thought of Fifth Avenue conjures up a picture of well dressed men and women. A minute's walk from Fifth Avenue brings you to the tailor shops of Alfred Benjamin & Co. Every garment that bears the Alfred Benjamin & Co. label must be worthy of a place in the Fifth Avenue Style Show. If you would have relief from the mo notony of a world of o AAKERS. commonplace sack suits ask the local agent for the distinctive Benjamin kind. Correct Clothes for Men j Exclusive Agent Here. Bond Bros. Pendleton, Ore. GENERAL NEWS. Isadore Jacobs has leased ground on Sixteenth street. Pan Francisco, and Is putting up frame buildings for a cannery. May 17 he will have 600 1 01 ENTIRE STATE OK IDAHO IS IT IN ARMS. ordinate councils In Washington, Oregon and British Columbia at Vancouver, B. C. Bellingham. Seat tle, Tacoma, Spokane and Portland. In the Butte Miner, his own news paper. Senator" W. A. Clark, of Mon gols at work, besides the usual pro- tanlu announce8 officially that he is portion of other employes. I , a candllja,e for re-election to the Lieutenant Colonel Louis Brech-, United States sennte. He says he x man, who has charge of the medical return to Montana to supervise his In-1 ' supplies at San Francisco, states that terests in the close of his present 1 Prosecution of Gamblers Going oil ne im on nana a sumciem store oi term. medical supplies to last till May 10 at ' ' " the present rate of distribution. ! , Caal George Humphrey, bailiff in me xeuerai court at Portland, is 73 years of age. and witnessed his first baseball game on May 2. He expressed considerable Interest In the sport and announced his intention of Charles Furery. aged ?3. made an unsuccessful attempt to cut his throat at Leavenworth. Wash. The knife was taken away from him, when he ran directly to the Wenatchee river, jumped In and was drowned. For 35 years John B. Brosseau has seeing much more of it during season. In Nearly Every County and Hie Stuie Hits Determined to SiipprcnM It Law Enforcement Is the Cry All Over the Suite GnmblcrM Arc Ileuily Fined In Muny Counties of the State. the, The Boise Statesman review's the Kaon n .-...., .-, .1 nMn1n.. I .U . I firm of Tiffany & Co.. New York. Of , ;c,vs trom u,e New E"uI fight which Is now being carried on late years he has been custodian, on statcs , against gambling in that state in the a salary of J3500. He is under arrest, j " a"l' one naB any doubt as to the following: comprehensive manner: having admitted heavy defalcations vlrtUfc Foley's Kldnev Cure, they In many parts ot i(lano campaigns from the company. ; nceJ only to refer to Mr. Alvln H. have started against the gambling Jerome Crick, aged 16. a machln-! , of Wllllmatic, Conn., who, ev,. Officers of the law have become ists helper In the Great Northern ' af,er almost losln? hPe of recovery, more nd more gtrlcti and low,y shops at Leavenworth. Wash., fell off on aceou"t of the failure of so many there lf) creeping over the state a the Lamb-Davles lumber company's remedies, finally tried Foley's Kidney Kreat nloral wave Hy, the statesman, dam and was drowned. Efforts to Cure- which he says was "Just the Tne "pasteboard proclivities" of eer find the body have failed. His rela- ,hlnS' him. as four bottles cured taln caS8es of our population are be tives reside In Arkansas. h'm completely He Is now entirely lng sllbdued. Within the last several John Stelnman, a member of the', 1 an1 free from a" tne suffering weeks there have come news from California National Guard, has been J"cdent t acute kidney trouble. ' varlous points telling of victories for arrested charged with murder by ; KePPen drug store. tne reformers or ot fight, instituted shooting and killing without provoca- ' for the enforcement of the law. Qam- tion. Joseph Meyer. Meyer was keep-' CHICAGO SHEEP .MARKET. j bllng openly and defiantly In the face er of the children's playground at j of tne Iaw nag aiready In many sec- Golden Gate park, and the shooting Lamb Trade Has Been Very Active ' Hons of the state become a thing of took place about a week after the ,5 r , , . the past. In other sections the fight earthquake. ' , . . , , , The Chicago Livestock World gives ls sml on' The members of the proposed Far-'the fonowlnB of the mmtol, In a recent Issue of the Cocur mars' Co-operative Store company at j marltet tnere for tne paBt week. ; d'Alene Press an account is given of Sprague.JVash recently held a meet- j A mouerate , , k, pulck punishment administered one ui iiiainri irufneu. jrilUVS Ugam nrknn the mAmhors Will TTlPPt In Sprague to elect a new board of nine struck ,he h'Khet level since the low "Monday night Sheriff Doust made directors. The organization has al- j polnt was rached, Colorado lambs a raid on Cabinet and succeeded in ready adopted the Standard Rochdale i wth wo' on 8ellin& UP to $7.50 and roping in Charles Quarmey, who was by-laws. clipped lambs to J6.15. Sheep were running a black jack game. The only , ' I also In better demand, although ex- party playing at the time the sheriff porters were hot In harness, and it arrived was Joe Garrison, a young was largely a local demand. The boy about IS years old, who had vlstt market was quotably steady to 10 ed Cabinet that evening and was en 15 cents lower. Some stuff sold tlced Into tho game by Quarmey. steady early and It did not look like Tuesday Quarmey plead guilty to the a very active trade. Later demand charge In the probite court and was NORTHWEST NEWS. Ed Williams shot W. I. 'Harrington at Grant's Pass. He shot at him thrfe times, but only one shot took . . ...... .1 n . nl tli pHn crtrtfi'a eiieci. uiai uauiaB'MB " ,i,,i .l .1 . ... i,,., ,,a f05 W U-h:,t. T,lro l,n " Williams Is In lall. The quarrel "" "". -'""- - ' ---. " leg. was over Williams' wife. Mrs. D. Jackson and X. Hurly are dead, and T. B. Hunter will die, and a half dozen others are very 111 at North bend, B. C, from drinking wood alcohol, of the poisonous nature of which all were ignorant. T!ie funimw session of the Univer- made J7..r,0. Shearers got a string of convicted on trial and punished. This Pity r.f Oregon will be held from July thin-flashed Colorado-fed western Is the beginning of the real strong J to 27. One of the Important courses iambs at $7, the high price of the crusade against gambling In Washing Is for those preparing to he librarians, year, hut they were heavy shearers, ton county, but It Is not the end. The It will l,e taught by Miss Cornelia In clipped lambs It was a $6 market prosecutor In that county Intends to Marv'n, secretary of the state library for the general run of good stuff, with enforce the law and It Is said he has a few above that figure, the top being plenty of citizens with him In his res- J6.ir. or 15 cents higher than tlon among buyers. Quality of the In the present term of the district high-priced lambs today was of super- court of Washington county several excellent quality, and buyers went to gambling cases were set for trial, them with avidity. A lot of Colora- Several of them were dismissed on dos sold at $7.35 Iff 7.40. j motion of the prosecuting attorney Lamb trade was active and steady because of Insufficient testimony to to 15 cents higher. Several loads of convict, but one man pleaded guilty i KS-lb native Colorado wool lambs and was heavily fined. Others were commission. Villi.jm T. Kelly, aged 40. Is dead from diopr:y. at Portland. He was trallti? freight agent of the New York Central lines, and one of the best known railroaders in the north-we.-t. He had been located in Port land over 10 years. i Of J740.229.32 subscribed at Port-! land for the relief of San Francisco. ' only $:02 was remaining unpaid on May 3, just two weeks after the sub-' scrlption list was opened. All but the amount named has been paid in In cah or Its equivalent. ! Gus Kobards, a veteran stockbuyer of Garfield, was last seen, about u month 'go, In Spokane. He had a large sum of money In his clothes, and It Is suspected has been foully dealt with. Friends and relatives have begun a search for him. any thing old at last week. Lots of 6-' cent lambs today would have hail hard work making $5.90 on Friday.' Good lambs sold down to $5.85. Some heavy native Wlsconslns, averaging !)S pounds, were In the $5.90 notch. Under $5.15 It was a market for off quality goods. Yearlings were about the scarcest article on the list. It was a $5,605.65 market for such I wetherr as made $5.50 5.55 late last week, and the sheep end of the deal was ny where from strong to a dime higher. Western ewes sold up to $5.40 . a strong price, and choice ewes orj wethers were quotable at $5.75 or( even higher. i California Prune Wafers. The great tonic cathartic, an Invalu able cure for Malaria, Biliousness Constipation, Nervousness, Catarrh o the Stomach, Bad Breath, Oily Skin Sleeplessness, Wind and all Liver Stomach and Bowel trouble. Tallma & Co., 623 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. 100 Wafers 25 Cents. Attention Ladies A. F. La Frelnlcrc and wife have Pirating Folcy'o'IIonejr and Tar. , Foley & Co., Chicago, originated I Honey and Tar an a throat and lung, The annual grand council of tho remedy, and on account of the great, United Commercial Travelers Is In merit and popularity of Foley's Honey session at Seattle. There are six sub- and Tar many Imitations are offered Just arrived In the city with a eom- I'jr Liie Kenuine. i nese wonniera mi , . . IIltn rtr.r. . v , ,, ., I plete line of HAIR GOODS, POMPA- itatlons have similar sounding names, j " ' Beware of them. The genuine Foley's DOURS, SWITCHES and all kinds of Honey and Tar Is In a yellow package. LADIES' HAIR GOODS made to o Ask for It and refuse any substitute. It Is the best remedy for coughs and dcr- Switches made from combings. COldS. Koeppen drug Store. Cut hair and eomhlnira hnnrht GENTS' TOUPEES made to order. olutlon. He may cause a great num ber of arrests of persona whom he has every reason te believe guilt whom he wli be unable to convict. A con viction now and then, however, will be encouragement for him and an ex ample for the law breakers to heod. In Lincoln county Prosecuting At torney Frank Dliney has been con ducting a strong campaign against gambling. He has caused arrest after arrest without conviction, but finally got one. Since then he has done con siderable good work toward stamping out the evil. Citizens who were for merly on the fence admire his pluck. They are with him now. He has had a hard row but most of It has been hoed now. In Bannock county It has been the same way, and so In other counties. The counties of Idaho have for the most part shrewd, moral, fearless prosecutors. They are working now as never before for the enforcement, not only of the gambling law, but o( all laws. Much of this new exertion on the part of the prosecuting attorneys of the state of 'Idaho ls due to the or ganization of the State Prosecuting Attorneys' association, which has been meeting annually, but which will here after meet semi-annually. It has proved a good thing. At Its meeting the prosecutors from various counties get together and talk over the con quests and their defeats. They tell what they have done. They give each other Ideas. ' The last meeting of tho association was held not long ago In Boise. At that session the attorneys talked over at considerable length their efforts to ward stamping out the gambling evil In their respective counties. And they talked to some effect. Many Idens changed minds there. Not a prose cuting attorney In the state but was looking for pointers, for Inspiration to help him In this work. The round up ls going on all over Idaho. Public sentiment Is raising to a higher standard. In Owyhee coun ty the tin horns are being put to rout and In Kootenai county and Iitah county and Canyon county. Poker chips are going out of commission. The gambling evil In Idaho is gasping for breath. Cheap Lands We have a longer list of better bar gains than ever, Including wheat la'.rl::, stock ranches and city proper ty V.'e have some good business prop ositions to offer. 1600 acres with running water; pine timber; raises abundance of tim- jn Otny WHO nay unu Krani. i-ieiny 01 outside range. Excellent cattle ranch. $5 per acre. 5000 acres, half being profitable wheat land. $7.00 per acre. Call on O. It. & X. Klram Shovel llurlnl. An O. II. & N. steam shovel which has been working on the grade near , Satisfaction guaranteed Bonneville, was partially covered up land slide a few days ago and another shovel which was at work near Durkee was sent down to dig It out. E.T. Wade & Son P. O. Box. 3:4. 'Phone Black 3111 E. o. Building Pendleton, Ore. Disturbed Uie Congregation. The person who disturbed the con-I gregatlon last Sunday by continually coughing, Is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. Koeppen drug store. 20S WEST WEIIII STREET. .May Buim Lutheran Church. A movement 1 now on foot to build a Lutheran church In this city. A large number of Lutherans are living In the city and now hold services each alternate Sunday at 2 o'cloc kp. m. In the M. E. church. They very much desire a church of their own and it Is probable that a building will be erected within the next year. Sirs. S. Joyce. 110 Sulllvnn street. Claremont. X. H., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Fo ley's Kidney Cure. It cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble of sev eral years' standing. It certainly Is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend it." Koeppen drug store. Don't waste money and don't take chances in buying promiscuously. Schilling's Beit are entirely safe; at your gro wer's; your money goes further. Schilling's Best are not ex travagan:; quite the contrary. Teasano coHees good-enoug:i; baking-.owct flavoring ex tracts an 1 spices pure and best and yet economical; soda common. Only The Best. MEAT :AND; LARD . & AugusLavo Central Market Phone Main 33 108 EastTAlta Street. Investors Your opportunity is Wireless Write, Phone or call for Illustrated Book which is free. Address, Milton Huber District Manager 20 Quinn Budding Walla Walla, Wash. Office Phone 479 Reti. Phone 167 SMOES FOR PLEH BEST $4.00 and $5.00 SHOES MADE We want the man that thinks 4.00 and $5.00 shoes are expensive to wear, one pair of our Florsheim Shoes and he will say it is the cheapest shoe he ever bought ALEXANDER'S Once a shoe customer, always a shoe customer is our motto :: :: :: e ....SANITARY BARBER SHOP.... TIIB EAGLE BATH 8UAVIXQ PARLOUS, 818 MAIN STREET. THREE DOORS NORTH OF HOTEL ST. GEORGE. Oar Parlors are newl, equipped Utroiiglioiit wiUi Uio mont mod ern mnlta. y fixtures and apparatus. Everything new and the best la tbe market. Only the highest skilled workmen employed and every sanitary precaution known Is taken. Porcelain both tubs with plenty of hot and cold water. Plrst-claHS service throughout. Eagle Bath Shaving Parlors NEAR HOTEL ST. GEORGE. J. H. ESTES, PROPRIETOR. IRRIGATION Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines One drop of gasoline, nine times more air makes the power. Expense stops when engine is shut down SPRAYING PUMPING SAWING GRINDING 2 to 50 horse-power. All sizes In stock Write for Catalogue and Prices : Fairbanks, Morse & Co. To the Brides and Grooms of June i It's a great mistake to wait until the lmt minute before select- lng your furniture, drnperlcB, rugs nnrt carpets. While we have a J wonderfully large assemblage of all the articles that have a part In making the home attractive, we would Impress upon your minds the advantage of early buying. J Today we probably have the vi.y Huffet, Pram Ited. library 4 Table, Chiffonier, Davenport, or Rug thnt you ml... Ire above all. J Others are looking and buying and other; mny tnke whot you X wouldn't miss for the world. So come at your earliest convenience and pick from the gems of our stock. j We'll reserve whatever you mny fancy, for future delivery. X And then again. It's so much more satisfactory to buy leisurely J than hurriedly. We'll suggest many pretty Ideas that you would never think of. Furnishing homes Is our study, you know. BAKER & FOLSOM FURNITURE AND CARPETS OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. 4 I TS A QVEKTIOX OP FACT thnt what you send to tho Domestic Steam laundry you get back, at tho right time, In the right way, In tho right style. Our time Is mostly taken up with th work. We'll guarantee that'B right. The prices we'll leave to you. Do you think they're right? Qjt the work done and test. ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY j Summer Wash 1 Goods This beautiful weather Is making heavy demands on our WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT, and we are enjoying It, too, for we have such a nice lot of goods at the right prices, thnt every customer Is pleased and advertises our store. Wash Goods, figured or plain 10c, 13c, ISc, 20c and 48c yard Plain Linens, white 2&C, Site, 40c, 50o and 75c yard Brown Linens 20c, 25c, 40c and 75c yard These are only a few sample prices. WE nAVE NEARLY EVERYTHING THAT is DESIRABLE FOR SUMMER DRESSESS. The Fair Dept. Store PENDLETON, OREGON , , . -