k t; :: ;: ' m m Going To Use Meat This Week? If So, Read Below SAVE YUR, won jiu If IEYS By buying meat, from the Garden City Packing Co., of Pendleton. Our sales heretofore have been tremendous, but we are not satisfied yet. We are reduc ing prices on all kinds of meat, so you will give us a call, for your pocket-book's sake and at the same time get acquainted with us. We wish to prove to you that we can satisfy you as to attention, delivery and quality. j& j& j& MEmT BY BUYING of us you prove the truthfulness of the old adage "A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Earned" These Are The Prices Loin Steak - 121c per lb. Round Steak - 10c Shoulder Steak - 8c Plain Roast Beef 8c Prime Rib Roast 10c Veal Roasts - 12k Loin Mutton Chp 121c Plain " Chops 10c Veal Chops -Pork Loin - -Pork Sausage -Hamburger - - Bologne - 121c 121c 10c 10c 8c U U U u u u a We Will Charge This Week Weiners - - 121c per lb. Link Sausage Corn Beef -Boil Beef - , Spareribs -Corn Pork - Veal Stew - Bacon from Ham from Pickled Pigs Feet 121c Pickled Tripe - 12k Lard 12c - 12k - 6c - 6c - 10c - 12k - 8c 16c up 16c up a Watch for Saturday's Big Cut in Prices Garden City Packing' Compamty 1 u tt TUdg Heat HoiSDDDesSn Ds dDooip GBwisniniess" Stop the Yellow Wagons Ring up Main 45 Call at 635 Main Street