TB2C PACKS. PACE TWO. . ;: ;: ;: ;: . 1AILY K.T OREGONIAX, PEXDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1(H)6. mmmm Beginning SATURDAY MORNING AND CONTINUING FOR THIRTY DAYS we will hold the most profitable sale (for you) that has ever been held in the history of the city. We offer our entire stock, consisting of good depend able merchandise at less than the manufacturer's prices, and our personal guarantee goes with every article purchased. Mr. Baer having purchased the interests of his partner, will conducuL the business alone. It has taken money to do this and in order to turn this stock into cash we have decided to give the public the most gigantic bargains that has ever fallen to the lot of man. We have absolutely closed our eyes to the cost of these goods, and when you attend this sale you will witness the most phenomenal bargains that have ever been offered in this "neok o' the woods." A glance through the following prices will reveal some business getters in the way of values. Jim MEN'S SUITS $5.65 LOT I Men's AH wool worsted, cheviot and c."s-lmcre Suits; regular 410.00 to $12.50 value?.. DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE... IIP LOT II Men's nil wool Suits, in single or double breasted, ail weaves and patterns; regular $13.50 to $lii.50 values. DISSO LUTION SALK TRICE $7.85 LOT III Mon's all wool Suits In worsteds and eassimeres. this season's choicest Roods; regular $17.30 to $25.00 values; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $9.85 BOYS' SUITS LOT I Boys' Suits, all patterns and styles; regular $2.00 DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE and $3.50 values. $1.68 LOT II Boys' Suits, large assortment, all weaves and materials; regular $4.00 to $5.00 values. DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $2.98 LOT III Hoys' Suits In worsteds and cheviots; regular $5.50 to $7.50 values. DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $3.65 MEN'S HATS SON'S CHOICEST OFFERINGS AT OUR HAT DEPARTMENT IS BRIMFUL OF THE SEA- 25 Per Cent REMEMBER YOU GET THE CREAM OF THE STOCK AT THE ABOVE DISCOUNT. 1L J Ik MEN'S TROUSERS m LOT I Men's Trousers In worsteds; prop erly cut and shrunk; regular $2.50 and $3.00 values. DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $1.85 LOT II Men's Thousers In fancy worsted and cheviots; regular $3.50 and $4.50 values. DISSOLUTION SALE PRICK... $235 LOT III Men's worsted Trousers; neat, dressy effects; regular $5,000 and $7.00 values. DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE... $3.85 MEN'S SHOES $1.50 VALUES; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $1.14 $2.00 VALUES; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $1.S $-.50 VALUES; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $1.7S $3.00 VALUES; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $2.0!) $.'.50 VALUES; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $2.4 S $1.00 VALUES; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $2.7N $4.50 VALUES; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $I.1S $5 .00 VALUES; DISSOLUTION SALE PRICE $.'J.5S MEN'S FURNISHINGS 50( BALBRICK1AN UNDERWEAR 1 0(' 25c ANU 50c "08 1 !)c 75C AND $1 .00 GOLF AND XEnUOEE SHIRTS -S(. $1.25 AND $1.50 f,OLF AXD NE'-LKIEE SHIRTS NOC 5()C AXD 75C NKt'KWEAR Ol (. 50C AND 75C SUSPENDERS O (. J .COLLARS J J FOR $1.50 "LOVES s)c ALL THROUGH THIS DEIW RTM KXT YOU WILL FIX I) AX AVALAXC1IF, OF BARGAINS. AIkvo Is only a partial list of tlio Rood tilings Hint arc In More for those who arc fortunate enough to visit us during our DISSOLUTION- SALE. Everything sold Is ab solutely guaraiiUvd or your money will bo cheerfully refunded. We will have plenty of salesmen to attend to jour wants and although we will have a crush hero, we will en deavor to make things comfortable for you while with us. ItEMEMISEIt, WE IXTEXD TO MAKE THIS SALE A HUMMER FOB. THE XEXT THIRTY DAY'S. MAX BAER 729 MAIN STREET MEN'S SHOP 729 MAIN STREET 3 J i.-if . Li.. i