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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1906)
rlWaMMUMriiMMWUNlJWIua.UquriWlKlMi;'.1 PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST ORKGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRU, SO, 1906. , ' EIGHT PAGES. Ever Occur? t LO YOU That an exclusive house should carry the best of everything and ell at a price that gets busi ness? That's what we're doing now while making room for new goods and .shoppers .for Monday and Tuesday will find these bargains: 64-plece Dinner Set, complete for 6 persons; fine grade seml-porcelaln; dainty pink or green spray of flowers .. $8.00 100-plece set, same as above; complete for 12 persons I8.&0 One-third off on glass Butter acts for this week only. By the way, wouldn't you like a pound of fresh roasted Java and Mocha Coffee? We roast our own coffees and blend to suit your Individual taste. The rich "fruity flavor" Is found in only the EMPIRE BRAND. Valuable and useful presents given with each purchase of our Teas, Coffees and Baking Pow der, Extracts and Spices. Empire Tea & Crockery Company G. M. VINTON, Mgr. Successor to Owl Tea House. v 220 E. Court St. 'Phone Black riSl. Shipped Baby Clothes. A shipment of children's clothing made by Pendleton women during the past week was sent by express to the San Francisco relief committee Sat urday evening. The clothing was made from new material purchased with $25 relief funds furnished by the Pendleton relief committee and con sisted of little dresses, gowns, pinning blankets and wraps for children from large number of babies have been born in the parks since the San Fran cisco disaster, and a considerable pro portion of the clothing sent was de signed for these unfortunate babies. Shrlnsrs Conclave Postponed. O. R. A N. ticket effiees have been notified that the Shrlners conclave, "which was to have been held in Loft Angeles from May 7 to 10, has been indefinitely postponed and the reduced "it' j a that meet'"' have hates offered W" . been cancel at present A large fauhiWr ii Bnrintri wirfe toittf from Oregon, a special train having been arranged; of from Portland. Several "member of the order from this cits Intended to go. Limp, Limp "Oh That Corn" How one can suffer with such a corn! To look at it is almost nothing, but the hurt that's where corns oount. We have a corn cure that will take out your corns, roots and all. If used according to directions It will leave no soreness. Call for F. & S. Corn Cure. Put up and sold by The Place is Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists The man who is known to his friends and neighbors at a safe and , successful business man does not Invest his money in every scheme , that presents itself with the "promise" of large returns. He Is satis- ; fled with a reasonable rate of nterest and the absolute security on , both princ.pal and Interest. c as this strong bank offers to Its Je- poaitors. This course may not appear so attractive as some of the , schemes offered, but Is tor the safest and most satisfactory In the . end. Commercial National Bank j Pendleton, Oregon Capital $ 60,000.00 Total Resources $200,600.00 15 ILL ADVERTISED LEADING INDUSTRIES KNOWN WORLD OVER. Moorlmuoe Pictures, Pendleton Indian Robes, East Oregonlan, Women of Woodcraft and Fine Horses and Sheep Bring the City Prominently Before Every Purt of the World- East Oregonlan Is Sent Into Several Foreign Countries as Well as Into Hnlf the States of the Union. Pendleton for its size Is one of the best known towns in the northwest. Seeral things have contributed to ward bringing It and keeping it before the public. Probably the Moorhouse pictures which are sent to every state In the Union as well as to many foreign countries, is one of the principal causes of Pendleton being so widely known. Another thing that served to adver tise Pendleton very widely was the celebrated Tendleton blanket which was so vigorously advertised by C. J. Ferguson and which was so favorably received wherever it was introduced. The location of the head offices of the Women of Woodcraft in this city with their correspondence over the northwest, is another factor that has helped to make our city known. Still another factor Is the location of the A. C. Ruby stables here. From all over the northwest horse buyers come to Pendleton to select Imported stallions, and sheep buyers and wool buyers come here from everywhere, buyers come here from everywhere. These Institutions have helped spread the fame and good name of our city throughout the world, but there is an other agency that has contributed largely to Introduce the fame of Pen dleton throughout the whole west and middle west that is often overlooked. It is the East Oregonlan. Strangers who have seen the East Oregonlan are greatly surprised when they com to Pendleton for the first time. "Why, I thought you had a city of 12,000 or 15.000," they exclaim. "You rarely see a paper like the East Oregonlan in a city of less than that size. Tou are certainly giving the people a splendid newspaper," they add. And It is true. Not only has the East Oregonlan by far the largest circulation of any pa per In Umatilla county, but it tells the message of Umatilla county to a large number of states and foreign countries. Ed Sen-ell. who went to Xashult, Sweden, last week from Ithls city, had the paper sent there for a year. A large list Is sent to Alberta, Canada. Ed Besthorn, who Is in Germany, gets the E. O. regularly, so does J. A. Boris, down In Mexico, and Rev. W. E, Pot wine, In the Hawaiian Islands. It will no doubt be a surprise to many of our readers to know that the East Oregonlan has subscribers In the following states on the semi-weekly list alone, as the semi-weekly miscel laneous i!3 alone was usea ln maHlng the list below, In addition to this, of course, there fire many of a like nature On the weekly and daily lists, but the one list quoted will serve as an Illustration. Many of these people are persons who formerly lived here or ate others who are intending to come west and are taking a western paper to become fa miliar with conditions in the west. We have subscribers ln the follow ng states for the semi-weekly East Oreironlan: California, Pennsylvania, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Virginia, Iowa, Alberta, Ohio, Texas, Illinois, Missouri. Louisiana, New York, Colo rado, British Columbia, New Jersey, Kansas, Florida, Arizona, Alaska, In diana, Honolulu, Sweden, dermany, Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklaho ma. This certainly spreads the fame of Umatilla broadcast. In addition to this there Is scarcely a week goes by but what we receive requests from all over ihe United States for sample copies by Intending settlers. The fact of the matter Is that one of the best assets a town can have Is a good wide awake, progressive newspaper. The town and the enterprise f the merchants Is frequently Judged by the kind of a newspaper the town sup "There Is no chance of missing It." Satisfaction Is a certainty when you have your watch fixed here. We spare no effort to make your timepiece as good as new when we overhaul It Good work speaks for Itself; ask any of our patrons. Winslow Brothers JEWELERBOPTICIANS. Postoffloe Block. PEN TON ports. The large list of outside sub scriptions goes to show that the paper Is as well thought of abroad as It is at home. I. O. O. F. ENTERTAINMENT. Excellent Literary and Musical Pro. (mi in and Elegant Banquet Saturday Night. The entertainment and banquet given by Eureka lodge No. S3, I. O. O. F of this city on Saturday night In honor of the 87th anniversary of the founding of Odd Fellowship, was a success In every way and was highly enjoyed by the members and fumilier and Invited guests. thlt About 100 were present and the program committee by which a num ber of excellent songs and recitations were rendered during the progress of the banquet. This proved to be a pleasant variation from the usual banquet procedure and was highly en Joyed. The following program was render ed at the banquet, the program for the entertainment having been rendered Just as published in the East Oregon lan las', week: Toastmaster, J. H. Lawrey. Our Anniversary M. J. Carney Recitation Mrs. W. H. Bleakney Scenes From Abroad Miss Rozena Epple Fraternity and Citizenship Dr. C. J. Smith Sovereign Woman and Mere Man. ... Walter M. Pierce Vocal Solo . .,. . Dr. D. W. Harrington Goodfellowshlp ..Dr. T. M. Henderson Problems of the Hour ...... Cecil R. Wade Vocal solos. Mitchell and Marquis, who were called back several times to re spond to hearty encores. Singing of "Auld Lang Syne" by the guests. The address of the evening at the entertainment preceding the banquet was delivered by Walter M. Pierce, who spoke eloquently for 40 minutes on the subject of "Friendship, Love and Truth." It was an able address, filled with eloquent sentiments and was highly appreciated by the guests. W. H. BLEAKNEY SAYS THE CITY IS EXTREMELY HOPEFUL Big QufNtlon Before San Francisco Is What' to Do W hh Chinatown Property Owners Are Letting Con tracts on the Smoking Hums and the City Will Be Immediately Re built San Francisco Seminary Was Damaged to the Extent of $25,000. Rev. W. H. Bleakney, principal of Pendleton academy, who went to San Francisco to attend a meeting of the board of trustees of San Francisco Seminary, a few days after the fire nil earthquake in the Bay City, re turned home last evening. He found San Francisco Seminary, which is situated at Ran Ansemo, a suburb of the city, badly damaged by the earthquake, although the fire did not reach it. The towers were shaken down on top of the seminary build' lng and crashed through the roof Into the lower floor, doing an Im mense amount of a.vM.,Ee i0 the equipment, and also the walls were badly cracked. The total damage to the seminary Is estimated at 125,000. it Is a Presbyterian school, and will be Immediately repaired. Mr. Bleakney says the greatest building question now confronting San Francisco Is what to do with Chinatown. Leading business men de clare It shall not be located In the heart of the city, and It la the general sentiment that the land belonging to the Chinese will be sold and the Chi nese district removed to one separate section of the city, where It will al ways be kept alone. The San Francisco seminary owned a valuable lot In the heart of China town, where a Chinese Girl , Rescue home was conducted. The trustees of the home will not rebuild It until the matter of the location of China town is definitely settled. The Seminary has rescued BO Chi nese girls from Chinese slave owners in San Francisco, and when the fire started the girls were taken to the seminary buildings and are there guarded by students of the seminary against the Chinese of the city who make nightly attempts to kidnap the girls. Four would-be kidnapers are now under arrest. The girls are de lighted at being rescued from their horrible lives In Chinatown and ac cept the kind offices of the seminary willingly and co-operate with the school authorities In trying to evade their former masters. Mr. Bleakney says the people of the city are extremely' hopeful. Everywhere the large property own ers are letting contracts on the smok Ing ruins of their buildings, - He says there Is no suffering ex cept from lack of shelter. Food and clothing are plentiful. Thousands of people are leaving the city but many expect to return. Scarcely a chlm ney Is left standing In Oakland he says, but outside of that, little dum age was done by the earthquake there. . - HAMILTON-HUSTON. Married In Baker City, Will Reside In Pmdteton. Married at Baker City Saturday John Huston and Miss Rose Hamll ton. The former Is well known here, being now proprietor of the Pendle ton Prlntery. He was formerly In the mechanical department of the East Oregonlan, and left here several years ago to accept a position In the gov ernment printing office at Manila, I. Mr. and Mrs. 'Huston 'arrived this morning frdm Baker 'City, and they will make their home temporarily at the Nye house, corner of Water and BACK FROM FRISCO College streets. TROUT IS KILLED DEATH PRECIPITATED BY SQUEEZE BETWEEN MULES. Opinion of tlie Attending Physician Is That the Deceased Was Afflicted With a Heart Trouble and That Uic Accident Would Not Under Ordinary Conditions Have Caused Dentil Mr. Trout Was a Ranch Hand, Well Known and Popular. Sum Trout was killed about dark last evening by being crushed between two mules on the Marlon Jack ranch, nine miles northeast of Pendleton. At the time of the accident Trout had Just returned from Pendleton, where he attended the ball game, and he was engaged In rounding up some mules. While tying some of the animals up he became wedged between two of them In some manner, and as they squeezed him between them Trout was heard to groan. The Injured man was quickly car ried out and Dr. C. J. Smith was sum moned. However, Trout died within a few minutes after getting hurt, and he was beyond medical aid when the doctor arrived. According to Dr. Smith the deceased was suffering from heart trouble, and this was largely responsible for his death. The squeeze which he received was not sufficient to be fatal under ordinary circumstances. Sam Trout was about 35 years of age and has been employed most of the time ln the vicinity of Athena, and was well liked by those who knew him. He was a member of the Pen dleton lodges of Eagles and Redmen. and a delegation of the former order went to the Marlon Jack place last night to take charge of his remains. The body was brought to the Baker ft Folsom undertaking parlors, pending funeral arrangements. The deceased leaves no relatives In this section of the country. APPRECIATED AND ENCORED. Eagle'' Band Concert Excellent and Drew a Large Audience. Last night the Eagles' hall was well filled for the concert given un der the direction of the Eagles' band, and the various numbers were appre ciated. After the overture by the band, a comic sketch was given by Doty and Troxcl, which created much amuse ment. A vocal solo. "Sing Me to Sleep," was beautifully rendered by Gertrude Fltz Geralj, and following the same Miss Frances Fltz Gerald re cited "Where's Annette?" In a man ner that elicited much applause. Master Millard Nelson recited "The Fly" In his usual clever manner, and an Illustrated song, "Two Little Or phans Are We," by Elvln Lampkln, was treated to an encore. A dolceola duet by Prof. Hartung and Mrs. Wy rlck furnished a novelty, and the pro gram was brought to a close with an JHustrated song by R, C, Lawrence. TWO NEW' vilVRClIES. Pendleton Presbytery Closes an Ex ert (Wit Meeting at Freowater. The meeting of Pendleton presby tery which closed In Freewater Sat urday evening, was the most profita ble session held for a number of years. The sum of $8000 was appro priated for home mission work in Pendleton presbytery district, embrac ing the counties between the Blue and Cascade mountains, two new churches were established and the services of Miss Eula Van Vranken of Milton, were accepted ln the foreign mission ary field, and Miss Vran Vranken will leave for the Lakawn region in Laos, Slam, this spring to take up her work among the natives. The churches petitioned for and which will be established In June were In Valley precinct, near Hudson bay In this county, and at Redmond, Crook county. The next meeting of the Pendleton presbytery will be held with the Ore gon synod, some time ln October, either at Portland or Newport. Have Bought I-and Near Portland, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. White, formerly of La Grande, left here yesterday for their home near Portland after a few days' visit with their daughter, Mrs. F. L. Coykendall, In this city. They purchased a tract of land about 20 miles west of Portland ln the richest section of the state and expect to make that their future home. Mra White Is an Oregon pioneer, having crossed the plains In 1852. She lived for three years at Umatilla Landing when but a young girl, about 40 years ago. Photos of 'Frisco Ruins. Major Lee Moorehouse has dls played In the window of his office some pictures showing scenes ln San Francisco after the fire and earth quake. They were secured by the major while ln Portland Friday, and are the first photographs that have reached Pendleton, Stomach Ills ARE SOON FORGOTTEN when Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is taken promptly at the first symptom. No wonder so many people use it in preference to anything else. Then there is a 53 years' record of cures back of It, too, which ought to appeal to every man or woman. One bottle Of HOSTETTER'S will convince you that It Is the best for Poor Appetite, Flatulency, Head aclie, Bloating, DypPt IndlR tion, CoMtlvvtiem or Female tils,. Try ft today. "SMART STUFF" A touch of Spring and we think of Spring Clothes y j Roosevelt's "Man Horses to Oklahoma. A. H. Baughman of Thomas. Okla., shipped out a carload of 26 head of Swltzler horses last evening from Umatilla, the shipment being con signed to Thomas. The horses are intended for farm puropses and were among the heaviest and best to be found on the Swltzler ranges. Mr. Baughman expects to return to Uma tilla county this summer to purchase more horses for the Oklahoma mar kets. He was directed to Umatilla by the literature sent out by the Umatilla County Development league. An Old Subscriber. Levi Fanning, of Echo, who has read the East Oregonlan for the past 25 years, continuously, passed through the city today on his way to Starkey, where he will spend the coming summer. Money to Loan on Monthly Installments Long Time Loans Real Estate In Any Part of the City for Sale Frank B. Clopton & Co. 112 East Court Street , To the Brides and Grooms of June It's a great mistake to wait until the last minute before select ing your furniture, draperies, rugs and carpets. While we ave a wonderfully large assemblage of all the articles that have a part in making the home attractive, we would Impress upon your minds the advantage of early buying. ' Today we probably have the very Buffet, Brass Bed, Library Table, Chiffonier, Davenport, or Rug that you admire above all. Others are looking and buying and other: may, take what you wouldn't miss for the world. So come at your earliest convenience and pick from the gems of our stock. Weil reserve whatever you may fancy, for future delivery. And then again, It's so much more satisfactory to buy leisurely than hurriedly. Weil suggest many pretty Ideas that you would never think of. Furnishing homes Is our study, you know. BAKER & FOLSOM FURNITURE AND CARPETS -OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. FRAZER THEATRE ONE MIGHT ONLY Tuesday, May 1st "Nothing But Fun" ELMER WALTERS "A THOROUGHBRED TRAMP" Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 IIIIIMMMMIMIIMMn.l Byers ttest i'lour la made from the choicest whsat that grows. Good bread Is as sured when 3TER8' BEST FLOUR Is used. Bran, Shorts, Stsam Rolltd Barley always on hand. I PENDLETON W. 8. BtTTRfl, Prorrletc. Our Argument Nobby Fit Quality Let U.Tel You About Them I Boston Store I Dressers" : THE CARE OF A WATCH Do not wait until your watch stops before having It cleaned. If It has been running longer than a yVar and a half without attention, it needs It now. Small particles of dirt once In a watch does a great deal of damage to wards wearing It out. To In sure a longer life to your watch and better time keeping, have it attended to Immediately. Royal M. SawteDe JEWELER. 1 ROLLER MILLS f t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft 1 1 1 T t ' ' ' '