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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1906)
PACK SIX. DAILY EAST ORB GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1906. EIGHT PAGES. VInol builds you up and keeps you up Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without ofl. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantee. PEXDLETOX DRUG CO. tCet The Best Good I I Dry Wood: and ROCK SPRING COAL rfae Coal that rives the moot heat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. t ! W. C. MINNIS I Leave order at Hecnlngs' dear tore, Opp. People Wi house. ThoDe Ifain t. Roslyn Coal $6.50 deliv ered, $6.00at the shed Roaljn Coal. -or thorough exhaustive testa, has been se lected by the V. 8. government for the use of Its war Teasels, as It stood the highest test. PROMPT DELTVE-iY. ROSLYN WOOD CO. CO. Offlee at W. C. R, Depot. 'PHONE MAIN IS. HAPPY RESULTS. Have Made Many Pendleton Residents Enthusiastic. No wonder scores of Pendleton elt liens grow enthusiastic. It Is enough to make anyone happy to find relief after years of suffering. Public state ments like the following are but troth' ful representations of the daily work done in Pendleton by Doan's Kidney Pills: Mrs. It. Hodson, of TIT Aura street. Pendleton, Ore., says: "I Just as en thusiastically Indorse Doan's Kldnek Pills today as I did nearly three years ago. They relieved me of kidney trouble which had bothered me for a considerable time. There were aching pains across the small of my back and down through my kidneys. which were aggravated by colds which settled in the back and loins and caus ed an awful lameness. This was my condition when I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy banished the backache and pains through the loins, regulated the kidney secretions and removed every symptom of the trouble. From that day to this there has been no recurrence, and I give Doan's Kidney Pills all the credit I consider them to be the best kidney remedy procurable and recommend tbem whenever the occasion arises." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. BRIEF RECORD OF COUNTY EVENTS .Special -Correspondence ATHENA BREVITIES a breakneck speed, demolishing the hack, and Mr. Carmlchael was thrown out and somewhat injured. One of the horses was quite seriously Injured also. It was a very exciting runaway. Another Rnnnunv. TRADES RANGE HORSES while oomlna- t h oltv Mnnrtnv IXR 100 STOCK CATTLE, from his ranoh near Adams, Ike Chrla- topher and family experienced an ex- I citing hunaway. After running some Horse Severely Injured by Running distance the horses struck a telephone Awar Helix People Trade Else- pole wn,ch "8 them to a stand- vm it? ,,i me uurovs nua siiiuiy here Because of Obligatory Clodng of the Store There May Locate in Idaho After Selling Out Here Threatened With Typhoid Fever Road Reins; Pnt in Good Shape. still. cut In the wire. None of the occu pants of the carriage were injured, however. Trades for Cattle. W. R. Taylor, brother of Sheriff Taylor, has exchanged his band of range horses on hia John Day ranch for 100 head of stock cattle at Hepp ner. He went to Heppner after them Wednesday. NEWS FROM ECHO. Athena, April 27. Tomorrow the Walla Walla Boosters and the Yellow Kias will again be seen on the local diamond, when a cracking good game Is expected to take place. ,On Sunday) the second game between these two , r,. ,.j ,,. ...... ii,i.. teams will be pulled off at Pendleton. . Lawrence Lieuallen, of Odams, one of iwnuy lor inrnnni. the Yellow Kids' standbys, was com-1 Echo, April 27. Frank Griggs has pelled to resign on account of his purchased the interest of his partner business interests on his farm. Frank In the butcher business. Mr. Clark Knapp. of Pendleton.' will play second will withdraw from the business to en- base with the team during the remain der of the summer. M. L. Watts and Attorney W. M. Peterson went to Helix Tuesday on le gal business In connection with the W. T. Parker tore. Mr. Parker made an assignment of all goods and chat tels and book accounts to R. L. Sabin, of Portland, for the benefit of his creditors. He was Indebted to the amount of 1900. and the assets are estimated at $13,000. Helix only has one store, and It is now closed on ac gage in other work. Messrs. Bray and Richardson have given up the Hotel Echo which they recently leased from M. H. Gillette. Mr. Gillette has resumed the manage ment of it. W. H. Babb was In Echo on business this week. The Echo Gun club engages In prac tlce almost dally and some excellent shots are being developed. All things are being arranged for the big Eagles carnival which will count of invoicing. It has been clos- Pn neT Monday next. The, business ed since Saturday and will probably houses are arranging to decorate for be closed another week. This Is work- tne occasion, and it promises to be one of the most glorious history of the city. events In the SHEEP NOTES FROM GILLIAM. ing somewhat of a hardship upon the people of Helix, who want to trade, and they are now compelled to go to outside points. Mr. nnil Mm Chflrle Nnrrls have one to Lewlston. Idaho, where thev 2300 shroP Averaged Pounds of will look over the country with a Wool Eacii. view to locating. Mr. Norris has been ' We believe that William Smith has a harness dealer in Athena for the Just disposed of a bunch of the finest past 10 years. yearling half-breed Iambs that have Editor Fred Boyd, who has a broth- ever been raised In the United States. er in San Francisco, nas not been able says the Arlington Record. There to hear a word from him since the were 2300 of them and they are half disaster, and is beginning to be very Merino and half Llncolns. They aver uneasy over the affair. 'aged 12 pounds of wool each, after W. W. Jacobs has received news of the death of his brother, H. C. Jacobs In Fairfax county, Vlrglnta. . ' Miss Velma Wilkinson, who taught a very successful term of school In the South Cold Springs district, has returned to Athena to remain with her mother this summer. I Bruce Wallace, proprietor of the Pioneer Drug store, is ill and threaten ed with typhoid fever. The roads are being repaired be tween here and Weston, and will be put In first-class shape. Mrs. Ed Manassee has word from San Francisco the "tare" of wool sacks or a total of 2S.S42 pounds of clear wool. Mr. Smith received 2114 cents per pound for the wool, making a total of $6168. 0S for the wool clip. 'These lambs were disposed of this week for $3.60 per head. For each head and the wool from the same netted Mr. Smith $8.18 per head, or a total of $14,214. This Is the largest price that has been paid for sheep In the northwest for years. Mr. Smith is the leading sheepman of Gilliam county, and has received . been In this business for the past 23 relatives years and has made Arlington his who lost their homes and all In the home during that time. He still owns earthquake and fire. Jesse Cohen, a 9001) head of sheep. Thirty-one hun brother of Mrs. Manassee, landed In . dred of these sheep lambed this spring San Francisco and found his aunt and and the lamb yield was more than ex family destitute and their homes gone. centlonally good this season this He sent the family to Stockton, where large band, averaging 110 per cent of they will reside temporarily. lambs. The Athena auxiliary of the Chris-, All of Mr. Smith's sheep are being tlan Woman s Board of Missions, will sheared by the new shearing plant give a social tea at the residence of south of Arlington, of which he owns Mrs. W. P. Wallaby this afternoon, a hilf interest, A. Smythe & Son Marcel Gagnoon, of this place, an owning the other half of the plant Indian war veteran aged 72 years. Is I making application for a pension. Mr. ORDER IS BEING RESTORED. Gagnoon was a member of company B, In the California and southern Or- Only 8000 Telephones Left Out of 50,- Dally East nnlr It cents Oregonlan a week by carrlsr. egon Modoc war in '56. Mr. Gag noon has the old gun with which he fought, and which was In use before he had It. He says he knows of only one more survivor besides himself, from this company. Lively Runaway. George Carmlchael drove to town from his farm near Weston yesterday with a spirited team. He unhitched the team at the city scales and weigh ed thrm, and when he hitched them u pagain he did not fasten in the side checks. The horses began to run at llilli ssassssK. i" "i. m 'its wpk V L 1 U 1 And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can he avoided by the use of MotP.arS Pri2n1. This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses ''Motber'S Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and rood natured. Our book "Motherhood," is worth its weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. OOO Patrons. The following resume of conditions at San Francisco and Oakland gives a very clear Idea of the situation there now. The report says: Telephonic communication with Oakland has been restored. The company had 800 men at work today. A 26-wlre cable was laid along Mar ket street in a cable slot. Only 8000 subscribers are left of 50,000. The only vessel allowed to leave port was a big freighter bound for Hamburg, and the shipping. business Is at a standstill. The San Francisco Gas & Electric company has a small army of men at work. The United Hallways has men clearing Its tracks and re-erectlng poles along Market Btreet. Coffee and sugar Is no longer needed. Other provisions are becom Ing plentiful. Meat is being sold at normal prices. . Dr. Ward, president of the statej board of health, states that there Is less communicative diseases In the city than at any time during the past seven weeks. He will issue dally kealth bulletins. Chairman Phelan reports contributions to the relief fund as follows: Outsldo, $1,917,000; local, $540,000; total, $2,263,000. The steamer Shasta unloaded 20 tons of general supplies and another largo vessel was expected during the day. A steamer Is due from Seattle with 1000 tons of supplies. The Hosii 2. A Thankful are They Who Escape The Surgeon's Knife Thousands of surgical operations are per formed every year In our great city hospitals upon women afflicted with serious female troubles. Sometimes the operations are suc cessfuloftentimes they are not , It Is safe to say that certainly nine out of ten operations for female troubles might have been wholly avoided. The most valuable tonic and re-bullder of the female organism, the medicine with a record of thousands of cases Hterally' snatched from the operating table, Is lydiaLPinluhams Vegetable Compound Do not consent to an operation which may mean death until after you have given Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial Note what it did for Mrs. Paul Oliver, whose letter follows : Dear Mrs. Pmkham: I was suffering from pains In my side and a serious female trouble. The doctors said to get veil I must have aa - operation performed, but 1 vould not consent to that. I heard of Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and sent for bottle ; the first dose did me good, and after taking the first bottle I could sleep all right and I did not have those pains In my abdomen which 1 had all the time before. Nov I can ride ten miles In carriage, my color has returned, and I am full of life. I ova all this to the Vegetable Compound. It has also done wonders for my thirteen-year-old daughter. I will never cease to praise It and recommend It to my friends. Mrs, Paul Ouver, St. Martinsville, La. Thousands of women, residing in every part of the United States, bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It cures female Ills and creates radiant, buoyant female health. For your own sake try It Lydla E Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail STORIES OF 'FKIKCO. Grewsome N'urrnttven of tlio 'Quake ami Fire. L. Curtis, mate of the steamer Ne vadan, was a busy man when that steamer was at San Francisco, says the Seattle Star. In the first place he was to be married upon his return there, which was expected to be with in a few days. Now comes word that the steamer will sail direct for Hono lulu and he will send for his affianced bride. At San Francisco he assisted his sweetheart from Russian hill, where the fire was raging, to the home of his parents at Alameda, During the destruction of San Fran cisco many heart rending sights were seen by Mr. Curtis. One woman with three children was walking along the streets. He asked If they had been able to secure food. She said "yes," and held up a bottle of blueing, which she had been carrying around with her. At Oakland a woman was passing along in a dazed condition, carrying a baby. She was asked If she had any place to go, and reprled, "No."- Lift ing the shawl, covering the baby, It was found dead. In this manner she had carried the Infant for hours, be ing unconscious of its condition. Mr. Curtis saw one man gored to death by a steer on Mission street, near the corner of East. A drove of 12 steers were on their way to the water front, when a lodging house collapsed killing 10 of the steers, also the driver. The two steers un injured charged the crowd, and one cornered a man against a building, goring him to death. A policeman shot the steer and the other one was last seen running up East street to ward Black Point. With fire raging on both sides of him, a Dutch saloon keeper at the corner of East and Market streets, was calmly sprinkling his sidowalk, his saloon opened for business. Two hours after his place was a mass of ruins. "People seemed to be dazed and absolutely unconscious of their move ments," said Mr. Curtis. Sold Out. This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business In Pen dleton. Parties Indebted to our firm will kindly call and settle Immedi ately. GRAY'S HARBOR LUMBER CO. Barley-Malt is the foundation and the principal essential for a really good beer. The grand lodge of the I, O. O. F. of Washington sent $5000 to the San Francisco relief fund. BIUBWEIISED The King of Bottled Beers is brewed from the choicest Barley-Malt obtainable, in combination with Select Hops and Special quality Yeast. In consequence it has the exquisite taste, the mellowness and the delicious flavor which can be found in no other Beer. Budwelssr Is brewed and bottled only N at the Home Plant of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. PENDLETON ICE Sk COLD STORAGE CO., Distributor, Pendleton. im. r n Gofiptd Closing Out Clothing At Cost I am going to dote out my entire line of Men's and Boys' Suits, and in order to do so at once, I will cut prices unmercifully, z n a C ALL WOOL SUITS-HALF PRICE c. Do Need a &? : C. H do not buy before looking over these-bargains $20 Clay Worsted Suits, while they last $18 Clay Worsted Suits, while they last $16 Brownsville Woolen Mills, All Wool Suits $14 Brownsville Woolen Mills, All Wool Suits $ 5 Boys' Two-Piece Suits ... $11.50 $10.00 $ 8.50 $ 7.50 $ 3.00 DESPAIN'S i CASH C I Make Nothing on These Goods but Must Have the Room Opposite Golden Rule Hotel All My Goods Are Guaranteed as Represented