EIGHT PAGE& UAILY BASTT OREGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FJtlDAY, APRIL 27, 1906. PAGE FIVE. 1 Closing Out Sale ! I Of Wool Shirt j Waist Suits 28 left and they must go this week. I Pretty shades of Gray, Blue, Brown : : and Fancy Mixtures. :: :: :: :: j See Window Display j ! Teutsch's Dept. Store ! CITY BREVITIES Kaiser lost his dog; tee Fergy. Found, at Fergy's, Kaiser's dog. For Sale Hiick nnd harness. E. Q. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 602 Water street. Hourc to rent,' adjoining gallery. See Wheeler, photographer. Cabinet photos, $1.60 a dozen. Burns Bros., new Schmidt block. Wanted A woman to do house work. Answer at Frnaier's book store. John Oa-en's Family liquor ti re. Court St, opposite Oolden Rule hotel. Two hundred paintings In Elson art exhibit at court house, May 2, 8, and 4. Buy a Pianola for your piano. Easy terms. Ellers Pluno House, 813 Main treet For Pule One credit certificate for 195 on Eller piano house. Inquire 412 Austin street. Hendricks hull for rent evenings and Sundays. No dunces. 'Phone Business College. Our prices are as low as can be made for plumbing of equal merit. Morrow the plumber. Help buy pictures for the public schools by seeing the art exhibit May 2, 2 and 4 at court house. Telephone operator wanted at Echo. Address Butter . Creek Tele phone company, Echo, Ore. When In Portland stop a the Hotel Oregon. Rates $1 per day and up ward. European plan. Frea 'bus. Put Pendleton oeople to sleet peocefully and In perfect comfort on B. M. O. E. Nuff sed. C Ha cr. 120n-aere slock ranch In Harney county, for rent. Is fully equipped for running stock. Inquire Dr. M. S. Kern. Kodak developing and finishing for amateurs. Call and see our latest comic stamps. Howinnu's studio, near bridge. Wanted Four good Irrigators. Ad dress, giving ugo and experience. Maxwell Land & Irrigation Company, Hcrmlstnn, Ore. Proceeds of art exhibit at court house May 2, 3, and 4 will ho devoted to buying pictures for public schools. Don't fall to help. For Re; t Single roo... In East Oregon la n building: steam heat, 1 t If you ore to buy Jewelry, Cut Class or 'Silverware, you should vl"lt our store for the display of artistic things suitable for weddings, birth days nnd anniversaries Is sure to de light you. L. HUNZIKER .IKWEl.KU AXI OITICIAX. 720 Main Street. and cold water and bath on same floor. Apply at this office. There Is no element of speculation In the quality of Morrow's plumbing. It Is good beyond comparison. 643 Main street. 'Phone black 322. After Easter clearance sale on all my trimmed patterns In stock. Creat reduction In prices continued this week. Mrs. Campbell's Millinery, Court street. Cooked Food Sale The ladles of the Presbyterian church will hold a sale of breads and cakes at the Peo ples Warehouse Saturduy, April 28, commencing ut 10 o'clock. Conked Food Hule The ladles of the Presbyterian church will hold a sale of breuds and cakes at the Peo ples Wan-house Saturday, April 28, commencing at 10 o'clock. The Japanese government offered by cable to Washington, to send a fully equipped hospital ship to San Francisco. The lender was- rejected with appropriate thanks. Musical and literary program each evening at Bison art exhibit, court house, May 2, 3 and 4. Proceeds for public school pictures. Catalogues for sale at door; 200 famous paintings In the collection. I Kill l lNt; KQTAI, KlFIItAtiE. Portland Liquor INwIers' Association Sending Out Circulars Opposed to Women Voting. The Liquor Dealers' association of Portland, which bus branches In all Oregon towns. Is now flooding the state with literature against the equul suffrage movement. It says the sa loon Interests arc emphatically op posed to women, voting and are lin ing up every possible voter to oppose the nmendment. In this movement against the equal suffrage amendment the saloons are enlisting not only liquor dcnlers, but many people who claim to be law abiding and law-loving, are found shoulder to shoulder with the saloons fighting the equal suffrage movement. The saloons admit that women would perhaps change the political situation with regard to the domination of the liquor interests and they are therefore especially Interested In preventing women from voting. The campaign for the equal suf frage amendment is progressing satis factorily and it Is believed that peo ple of all parties and all creeds will Join in giving women the ballot, es pecially since the saloons are direct ing their fight, against this amendment.' llecii Visiting School-. Frank K. Welles, county school su perintendent, has returned from a visit nmong the schools north of this city. Several schools in the mountain dlstr'et near Weston were visited. At one of these, No. 4!, on Weston moun tain, there Is an attendance of 80 pu pils and two teachers ore now employ ed. Superintendent Welles, also visit ed the Juniper school while absent. At that place he found an attendance of four. Expect Carload of Furniture. M. A. Kader, the well known furni ture dealer, is preparing a circular de scriptive of a furniture opening which he will give at his large establish ment at the corner of Webb nnd Main streets, on May 11, on receipt of a carload of spring furniture from the east. Tho opening will be accompan ied by musical programs and the large stock ot furniture will be displayed In nn elegant manner for the occasion. BED BUG DESTROYER Quick and oertain extermination of Bt la ha ne ie i t or o e bed bug8--Koeppen's Bed Bug De royer kills every single bug--rge or sma 1 1 --ha t ched and un-tched--and postively destroys th sts and eggs. 25 cent bottle extremely oonven nt to use. Being a thin liquid, quickly trickles down every ack and: penetr&tes every crevice Wundersohns Furniture polish 25 nts a bottle. e KOEPPENS' The popular price drug store., PERSONAL MENTION T. B, Wells, of Meacham, has been In the city today. S. F. Wilson, of Ontario, has been a guest at the Hotel Pendleton today. E. P. Marshall left for Echo today on business connected with the Fur nish ditch. J. C. Leggett, of North Yakima, has been registered at the Hotel Pendle ton today. Major O. C. Edwards and wife were In lust evening from the agency upon a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Collier left this morning for Echo to visit their son. Dentist C. S. Collier. B. E. Kennedy, business mqnager of the Baker City Herald, has been a visitor In the city today. ; Mrs. C. E. Roosevelt and "daughter returned last evening from a visit with relatives In Walla Walla. Major Lee Moorhouse went to Port land yesterday to attend a meeting of the republican state central com mittee. Mrs. R. T. Brown, wife of the dep uty clerk, has gone to Halsey, Linn county, for a month's visit with her relatives there. A. Smythe, the Arlington sheeprals- er, came from that place this morning and accompanied the Umatilla dele gation to Walla Walla this morning. Fred Hamilton, O. R. & N. brake man on the Portland passenger run who has ben seriously 111 with pneu monia, Is on his run again and Is com pletely recovered. Commissioner Horace Walker arriv ed homo this afternoon after' a busi ness visit to Helix. Crops In the en tire Helix district are In excellent con dition and i large yield Is expected. E. B. Waffle, -who Is attending the medicnl department of the University of Oregon, Ib expected home tonight from Portland, having completed the examinations of the sophomore year. Lewis Lymnn and wife, who visited the family of B. S. Waffle here sever al weeks ago, have arrived home at Sioux Falls. S. D.. after a most en loyable visit In both Oregon and Washington. Praise East Oregon Ian. The Pilot Rock Record makes the assertion that the circulation manager of a newspaper has more to do with the success of that publication than any other part of the business. This as- sertlon Is not quite true, for if tho publication Is not a good paper and filled ' with choice news, the best of circulation managers cannot keep up Its subscription list no matter how good a talker he Is or how hard he works. Hut the East Oregonlnn Is a good paper and the men who edit the paper are well, known us being honest and upright, and men who will stand up for the right In the columns of their pnper no matter If they could get paid for taking, some other side of the question. This Is the reason the East Oregonlnn Is so popular that republicans ns well ns democrats ore numbered among its subscribers, because they know what the E. t). says Is true, os near ns truth can be published. Echo Register. . . THIRD AXM'Al, PICNIC. Echo Will Celebrate Appropriately on Monday nttil Tuesday. The Echo Register gives the fol lowing notice of the third annual Mn Day picnic to he given -in thnt city next Monday and Tuesday: The third annual May Day picnic and carnival will be given in Teel's grove, Just south of town, next Mon day and Tuesday. April 30 and May 1. The long looked for day Is nearly at hand and extensive preparations have been made to make It a grand success and one that will be long re membered by those who attend. Governor Chamberlain will be pres ent nnd speak on "The State." There will be a number of other speakers In fact there nre more who want to speak than will be allowed the privi lege, for those who have the matter In charge do not want the speaking to extend until after noon and tire the hearers so that they will not enjoy the rest of the attractions. 'At ConjrregiiUomil Church. , At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning the convention of the Mld-Columblu asso ciation of Congregational ministers and churches will be called to order at the Congregational church In this city. All are Invited to attend,, the meetings being open to the general public. HKSVIrs OF ATHENS SPORTS. Three Americans Take the I,end In SHrt. Swimming, 100 metres Danles. American, Fencing Dillon Knvnnnugh. French. Standing long Jump Ray C. Awrey, American. Free-style discus throwing M. J. Sheridan, American. Bicycling, five kilometers Verrl, Italian. Dlcycllng, 20 kilometers W. J. llott, English. Standing broad Jump R, C. Awrey, American. Pole vnult Gouder. French. Five-mile rnce Hnwley, English. At this Juncture sugar and coffee are most needed nt San Francisco' In the1 .way. of provisions., whtlo bedding Is more needed than any other kind of clothing. Saturday Evening Special Bargains Come and Save These are for Saturday Evening after Six o'Clock Men's and Boys' Clothing GOOD Any ,5()C Four-ln-httnd Tie J"l the store for 2.C Any y.jC Suspenders will sell for 0C 0(J dozen Johnny Jones Huts, the very latest. HATS WJLL SELL FOR $1.95 3.00 HATS WILL SELL FOR $2.25 3.50 HA WILL SELL FOR $2.70 Shaw Knit Sox, regular 2.C Krade' wl" Bel'i 3 l'alr for - 50c Saturday Eve. Any $1 .00 Golf Snlrt 1,1 ,he house to go for (J5c Regular J ,)C, 2 for 5C Collars- wl 8e" for 3 50c $1.25 FANCY VESTS GO FOR J). $1.50 FANCY VESTS GO FOR $1.15 $2.00 FACY VESTS GO FOR $1.55 $2.50 FANCY VESTS GO FOR $1.85 $3.00 FANCY VESTS GO FOR $2.30 AH Straw Hats go ut a grand reduction Saturday Evening. 50c HATS for :j7e. 75c HATS for 1 .00 HATS 7()Ct y ! 5() HATS $1 ,1 g Pure Fresh Grocery Specials for Saturday only. For 14 lbs Sugar $1.00 For 18 lbs small White Beans $1.00 For 1 gallon Syrup , 50C For 6 lbs of 25c Coffee $1.00 For 10-bar carton Fels Naptha Soap (()C For 3 boxes Toothpicks J For 20-bor box Soap 75C For 1 bottle of Blue Label Catsup '.)C For 1 lb of pure Rolled Oats 5c For C. & B. Olive CJI1 85C . Dependable Shoes Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! The Saturday Evening BARGAIN SHOE SALE from 6 p. m. to 9 p. m., will be on again Saturday night. If you need Shoes for the family, GET BUSY. Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8 50C Children's kid and culf, heavy soles, sizes 8 to 11; worth 1.25 to $1.35, at $1.10 Misses Shoes In vicl kid, box and kangaroo calf; worth $1.50 and 11.60; sizes lltf, to 2, at $1.25 Youth's and boys' box calf Shoes, solid bottoms; worth 1.50 to 12.00; sizes 9 to 6; at. . . . . .$J p30 Ladies' 14.00 patent kid Shoes $3.00 Men's 13.50 Shoes, all leathers $3.00 These prices from 6 p. m. to 6 p. m. ONLY. Women and Children's Ready-to -Wear Garments Ladles' 85C iIUH"n Drawers at 50C Ladles' 15c s'eevates Vests at 'lJC Ladies' $1.25 Kid Gloves at 98C Ladles' $J g() black Sattecn Petticoats, at each $1.00 Ladies' $.() Percale Wrappers at, each 70C Ladies' 85C S"k Gloves at 65C Ladies' 75C ace Hose at 50C Ladies' 25C fme Iac0 Hose at 1QC Ladles' 12C an 15C s"koIlne8 at. yard 1()C 3.JC and 25C Corset Cover Embroideries and Flouncings, Great Special Bargain foe Saturday Evening at, yard 19c The People's Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where It Pays To Trade Save Your Coupons WOl'LD NOT APPEAR. When Ilu-baiul Was Arraigned Curs ed With Abuse. The old saying that an abused wife will not appear In court against her husoand was verified this morning when W. H. Eaton was charged before Judge Fltz Gerald with disorderly con duct. Yesterday afternoon Marshal Gur dane was summoned to the Eaton home, complaint being made that the husband was terrifying his wife. Eaton was placed under arrest and kept In jail over night. However, this morning Mrs. Eaton refused to appear against him, and accordingly the case was continued awaiting further evi dences. Meanwhile Eaton was releas ed on ball given by Will Wells, of the Idlo Hour saloon. Other prisoners this moinlng were Pete, on Indian, who was given three days for being drunk. Daniel Clarke, who was charged with vagrancy. MIKE POWERS "HAS WENT." small favors, though It may be that he looked upon his leave taking as a friendly thing to do. - TOfR OF INSPECTION. Will View the Cemetery and Alleged Obnoxious Slaughter Houses. This afternoon the members of the city council and Mayor Fee started upon a general Inspecting tour of Ol ney cemetery and the west end of the city. They assempled nt 1:30 and went direct to the cemetery for the purpose of noting conditions there with a view to providing water for the place. On their way back they will Inspect the slaughter houses In the west end which have been com plained about by residents of that section. Trusty Resigned Ijlwil-Mower .loll I'lidcr Janitor Wurroii. Michael Powers, county jail trustee, has been false to his trust, nnd Is now n fugitive from Justice. While Work ing on the court house lawn yester day for Janitor Warren. Michael evi dently became tired. Whether he despaired of fighting the dandelions, i which arc as. thick as grass on the lawn, or whether some other attrac tion lured him away. Is not known. Hut should he be found again he will be placed at some occupation where he will not be so tempted again. Powers was brought here from Echo for stealing a suit of clothes while drunk. His was not a bad case, and as he appeared penitent, the district attorney secured him a Jail sentence rather than send hlm'to the peniten tiary for the offence. However. It seems Michael does not appreciate Overland Trip to Kliiinntli. A. L. nnd H. L. Swaggart and John Akers. of Athena, accompanied by their families, will leave Athena on Slay 5 for an overland trip by way of Prlneviile and Klamath Falls, where they expect to look over the country thoroughly. They will take three wag one and will be well supplied with camping outfit and will enjoy an out ing as well as look at the country. H. L. Swaggart will perhaps remain there nil summer but the remainder of the party will return In about two months. I,ow- Ihiivs for Meat. The Garden city Packing company, the new meat market. Is creating a sensation among meat buyers. See their nd In today's paper. Quality as well as astonishingly low prices, will be found to prevail there. The Achen-Munlch Fire Insurance company and the Achen Reinsurance company, of Berlin, announce that they estimate their Joint loss In Snn Francirco nt $5,000,000. They will pay only fire nnd not earthquake losses. 'A. C. RUBY CO., Importers and Breeders of Percherons, Belgians, Shires and Jacks. As the breeding season is now on, we call your attention to the fact that we have just received a carload of imported Percherons." The best of this lot will make the season at my stables in Pendleton. 1 For terms or further information, call on or address A. C. Ruby ( Co. Oregon Feed Yard PENDLETON OREGON DONALDSONS BEST ICE CREAM SODA ON EARTH We Jiave secured the services of Mr. Woolley, of Chicago, dis penser of all kinds of fancy drinks. We claim we can now produce the best drinks that can be made. Making; all our flavors from the fruit juice manipulated by an expert In this line, we can guar nntee satisfaction. F. J. Donaldson Red Cross Pharmacy Mothers Doughnuts I've Just been down to John Dyer's, boys. And feeling kind of blue, I thought I'd look in at the store. To find out what was new; When I saw this sign a hanging Back on the "cookie case;' "Here's where you get the doughnr'.s Like mother used to make." And nice, warm bread at 4 p. m. Every day you'll see, And "FAULTLESS" Butter, Just ;t It. And "99" COFFEE. The gallon cans of "pie fruit" I next did espy. And It made me think of mother, And of my mother's pies. A sort of mist shut out the store. And standin there istead, I saw an old white farm house, Wlp Its doors all painted red; A whiff came through the open door, Was I sleeping or awake 7 The smell was that o. doughnuts. Like my mother used to make. But then the old door creaked, And It was ,.ow John who spake; "Here's where you get the doughnut: Like mother used to make." "Made In Oregon" eggs, 15c per dot East End Grocery 3. W. DYER, Proprietor. PHONE MAIN 636.