PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONTA. PENDLETON, OREGON, 8ATCRDAY, APRIL 81, 1906, TEN PAGES. alast - '1 Often The Kidneys An Weakened by Ora-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now . modern I science proves that ' nearly all diseases hare their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purif y the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its dutv. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring vour kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fif tycent and one-dollar sice bottles. You may cave a sample ootue Hn.ot gmmp-Soot. ly mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney" or bladder trouble. "Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. ' Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Broghamton, N. Y. , on every bottle. CONSTIPATION ' ''I",' Trt I offered , wtih chronic eon. r .?" ?d orln thta lima 1 had to lakeaa !.0'" one. .Terr 24 boon Sit? Caeeerett, and tcLy u , well man nnlold alter? th Inurstl pll.7. ThVnkt tjotltmlm from .11 tb.t thlt moiilif. iS aa aao tue la keaaU of anserine ; hoiinltV" B. r. rutar, Roanoke, Ilk Best For lW MM Churches Church of the Redeemer. Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, Rector. Services for the first Sunday after Euster: Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a. m.; morning prayer and litany and sermon, 11; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30. Subjects of sermons: Dr. Jones will speak at the morning service and at the evening tiervlce on some phases of thought suggested by the terrible and appalling calamity which has ss suddenly and so unexpectedly come upon our brothers and sisters In our sister Btate, California. And at both services an offering will be taken to be added to the splendid response that Pendleton Is making to the cry for help from San Francisco and neighboring cities. Morning subject: "False and Irra tional and Irreligious Conclusions In Reference to the So-called Judgments of God." Evening subject: "God Is a God of Law; the Calamity at Snn Francisco Not a Judgment of God for the Sins of Some of Her People." The public Is cordially Invited to be present at both services. Vestry men will await strangers to greet them and show them to seats. CAMonrcATnume Pelauble. Potnt, Tmw Good. Do Oooa, pM la talk. Tot tannine tablet etamDea 0 O GL urealeeil to care or roar Montr back. aWllnf Remedy Co,, Chicago or N.Y. to) AUSALSALE, TE MILLION BOXES Buy on Credit F this $60 Machine for $23 FIEIGBT MENU. It It hlih-ann. am bead, ball bearing . lock stitch, doable fetid, sell threadlnf abattUi-hsl automatic bobbla wilder and other latoet lmpraTe uenta. Thlt It the ANTI TRUST MACHINE. It Is the tame machine esanU are taking ToutfiO for. All attarhmentegowitA sah machine. Bold tor only ft rath and IS monthly. Writ TOUT tor frrc HHWTUM UTalKUf ahowlnf Iff ant houtaf old fooda we will thin (FrtltM rVtsaM) on Eatt faraieata oor new eEWT plan. Bavurtx Furniture Company ITS-ITS First St. PORTLAND. OR. SWOLLEN VEINS SPRAINS -STRAINS Cured by our Hand Woven Elastic Bands and Stock ings. HOver-fatness and weaknesses relieved by our Abdominal Belts. Writ, for bianki and book. I WOODARD, CLARKE a CO. i PORTLAND, OREGON Rnptlst Church Notice. Bible school at 10 a. in.. Spencer Simmons, supt rintendem. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Junior meeting. 3 p. m.; B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Evening song and praise service, 7:30. In the absence of the pastor. Rev. L. W, Gowen, colporter for tn American Baptist Publication society and well known to many of our people, will preach at both morning and evening services. Let all come and enjoy a rare treat from his rich experience. At the morning service an offering will be taken for the relief of the un fortunate victims of the San Francis co earthquake and fire. This will be an opportunity to give practical ex pression to the sympathy felt by all hearts for the thousands of homeless men, women and children. German Lutheran Services. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock and every other Sunday thereafter, German Lutheran services will be conducted by Rev. John Sprattler, of Warren station, at the M. E. church In this city. All Germans and others interested are cordially invited to at tend these services. It Is hoped that a regular weekly service may be held here within a short time, but serv ices will be held every other Sunday tnm V. a x. . ' IATARRH IP (AY FEVER First Christian Church. :a i-ime scnooi. There Is a separate room for each class. Come and study with us. W. F, Taylor. supt. 11 a. m., song service and communion. 6:30 Young people's society. Subject for discussion "Lord's Day; How to Observe it." Miss Mable Whitman, leader. 7:30 Evening service. Rev. Wm. F. Cow den of Tacoma, will preach. Subject of sermon, "The Glory of Disciple ship." Wednesday evening prayer meeting and choir practice. Everyone Invited to all these services. Friday evening Bible school teachers' meet ing. Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. George B. Smyth, who was an nounced to speak both morning and evening, has found it imperative to return to San Francisco, where his home has been for some time. His whole tour, of the northwest has been changed. The Interests of his I home and of the church require his , presence In the afflicted city. The , services will be as usual. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Rev. I. B. Tallman j will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock. Class meeting, 12:15 p. m. ! Intermediate league, 3; Epworth league, 6:30, and evening service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening, 7:30. A cordial Invlta- , tlon to all services. Robert Warner, pastor. , A Positive CURE Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed Civet Belief at Once 1 1 cleanaea. soothes, heals and protects the dis eased membrane. It cures Catari "i and drives away a Cold In the head quIckL. Re stores the Mnaea of taste and smell. Full size, 60c, at druggists or by mall. Trial size 10c by mall. Ely brothers, 56 Warren ! street New Tork. Christian Scientists. First society of Christian Scientists, room 5, E. O. building. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. Subject, "Everlast ing Punishment." Wednesday meet ing g p. m. Reading rooms open dally except Sunday. Everyone is welcome. THE POPULAR PLACF TO EAT 18 THE The French Restaurant Everything erred first-dmaa. Beet regular mesUa tn PendJe too for SS sent. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. Conercgntloiiul Church. The pastor will preach on "The Power of Love." at 10:30 In the morn ing, and on "Neutrality in Religion," at 7:30 in the evening. Sunday school will be held at 11:45 in the morning, and Christian Endeavor will be held at 6:30 In the evening. All members of the church should attend these services and the public la cor dially Invited to worship with us at any or all of these meetings. Collection for Sufferers. At the Church of the Redeemer to morrow morning and evening, Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, rector of the church, will discuss some of the phases of the San Francisco disaster and will take as his subject for the morning sermon, "False, Irrational and Irreligious Conclusions Concern ing So-called Judgments of God." At both services an offering will be taken for the sufferers. All are cordially invited to attend the services. of $350 for hta 6-year-old trotting mans Qretchen C, sired by Caution, Mr. Banister took his promising ani mal out to the track, and artie per formed well In the company of veter an pacers and trotters now in train ing. She trotted a quarter mile In 36 seconds flat, and seemed to have plenty of speed in reserve. Qretchen C's dam was a thoroughbred by Dud ley Howard. Weston Leader. BUSINESS COUjEGE WOTKS, From the Institution at the Corner of Webb and Main. More new students. ' More positions offered for us to fill Faye Carney took a position this week m tscno. Fred Milne has taken up shorthand In evening school. The only contestants in the civil service examination last Tuesday were three In shorthand, from the P. B. C. James O'Sulltvan has a position In La Grande, B. R. Sturm, returned last evening rrom Twin Falls, Idaho. Adele Moussu haa been detained from school for the past few days by sickness. We shall be glad to see her back again on Mondav. Nona Houser has a position In the jscno bank. Herbert Yates haa recentlv hn m pointed United States disbursing agent for the Okanogan project. Lucy Howell finished the principles of shorthand In fivo' days. She will develop Into a good office worker. The P. B. C. Bible study class at ine Baptist cnurch, Is still well at tended. A, 8. Johnson has almost complet ed nis course and will leave us soon, ICE HARVEST BEGINS, First Carload Shipped Tomorrow to Bingham Springs From INnMetoti Ice Plant. The first carload of ice to be ship ped out this season by the Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage company will be sent to Bingham Springs tomorrow. The plant is now making about 12 tons of ice per day and will soon be gin making 17 tons dully, which is the full capacity of the plant. The Improved machinery added to the plant last year has Improved the quality of the Ice to be made this sea son. Orders for Ice are now being re celved every duy and soon the entire inland empire district will be supplied from this city. The cold storage facilities of the Ice plant have been enlarged and improv ed also, and more cold storage goods are now being handled than ever be fore. PENDLETON' WON AT BASEBALL. High School Team Played With Walla Walla Sigh School. By a score of 29 to 11 the Pendleton high school team defeated the Walla Walla high school yesterday after' noon. At the opening of the game the play waa In favor of Walla Walla for a time. However, Pendleton soon took the lead and made score after score. Strand and Dickson pitched for Pen dleton. . ' Young Makes Correction. Weston, Ore., April 20. (To the editor of the East Oregonlan.) I desire to correct an Inaccurate state ment in your Issue of April 19, con cerning me with the trouble over the estate of the late J. W. Young. Your article states that I entered the Far mers' Bank of Weston In company with my sister, Mrs. Mabel Warner, and her husband, at the time the re quest was made of Cashier Hall to examine Mr. Young's effects. On the oontrary, I do not enter the bank with them, but came in later to see my sister, who had but recently come to town, and Inquire concerning the health of her children. Learning that she was In the back room of the bank I entered, and remained upon Invita tion until the box of papers was exam ined. I am not connected with the trouble In any manner whatsoever, and do not wish to be. FRED R. YOUNG. "Olo Olson" Tonlirht. Ben Hendricks, the favorite Swedish dialect comedian and Northland singer, comes to the Frazer tonight. He will present his everlasting play "Ole Olson." The story of "Ole" un folds a plot of intrigue, love and comedy situations. The piny is a clean, refined nnd gentle type and In the role of "Ole" Mr. Hendricks finds a character entirely suited to his pe culiar style and one which affords him ample opportunity to display his superior anility as a vocalist and a comedian, and his Interpretation of the young Swedish emigrant Is the best work which the talented star has ever done. Mr. Hendricks' songs always have a strange sweetness. Maybe It Is the way In which they are rendered and maybe It Is the melody, but neverthe less. It is there and the audience, we are sure, will not be slow to attest their appreciation. This season Mr. Hendricks will sing six new songs which have become very popular. Refused $330 for Fast Mara. While at Walla Walla the other day Sam Banister declined an offer Notice for Bids. Bids for the stone work of the pro posed new Methodist Episcopal church will be received by Geary Klmbrell,, secretary of the building committee. Bids will be opened May first. Rights reserved to reject any or all bids. Am mmi mama -Mt. xjfc'l jrw--'ws tne tavor of many millions of well Informed II '1 ft V'M 4?3 01 their own personal knowledge nnd from ll-sltl Iff 4$$&j8 that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. V ;.; it will cure all manner of Ills, but recommend i mm. mmm itajaw 7 .3r- .ihv' jci f.m m 11 yaiei IhE Laxative of' Known Quaut There are two classes ot remedies; those of known qui. ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist ance; and, another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempc rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional ot the remediesof known quality andexcellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Fics, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system gently and naturally, and to assist one In overcoming consti pation and the many illsresultingtherefrom. Its activeprinci ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well tsw ith persons who know actual experience e do not claim that t for what it really .represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence, containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for the excellence or articles ot exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect us Denenciai eitects 11 tney do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of the drueiusts of the United States be it raid that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional H integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer U imitations or tne Genuine Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full numc of the Company California Fiz Syrup Co. plainly printedon the iront or every package, frice, 50c per bottle. One sue only. II ii-iiaiiir! ilTireSSatSSaSa PACKERS ARE CHEATS. Said to Use a System of False Weights in Shipping. Chicago, April 21. A demand Is made by the Western Weighing and Inspection Bureau representing all the railroads extending west from Chicago on several big packing com panies for money alleged to be due on account of false weights and false billing. Similar demands are said to have been made by both eastern and west ern weighing bureaus, on many of the big shippers at Chicago and unless a settlement be made it Is expected that there will be a resort to the courts. The amount Involved In the case by the packing companies Is said to be $100,000 and 1160,000. The interstate commerce commission has been In formed in a general way of the matter and Is 'making a quiet investigation with a view to a public hearing later in Chicago. Secret agents of the commission found for example that for years one of the largest shippers In the west has been sending a commodity from a factory near Waukegan to the entire west and billing It as originating at New York. In this way It enjoyed proportionate through rates Instead of higher local rates. Devil's Island Torture Is no worse than the terrible case of Piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Bueklen's Ar nica Salve, and less than a box per manently cured me, writes L. S. Na pier of Rugles, Ky. Heals all wounds, burns and sres like magic. 26c at Tallman & Co., and the Pendleton Drug Co., druggists. What good does It do to eat If your stomach falls to digest the food? None. It does you harm causes belching, sour stomach, flatulence, etc When the stomach falls, a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure after each meal will digest what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Tallman St Co. For Rent Suite unfurnished housekeeping rooms In Bast Oregon lan building. Hot and cold water and both on same floor. Inquire this office. California Prune Wafers The Only Fruit Laxative, Bowel Regulator and Liver Vitaluer Pleasant and Painless, yet Positive in Action Don't force your bowel.? with liursh mineral pills which leave had after efrtn and In time wreck the stomach and bowels. Vho California Prune Wafers Nature's true dlsmdvcnt and liver reg ulator, which act on the contents of the HUniuuii and bowels and not on the organs themselves. They positively euro Constipation, IlllloiiHiiCKs and all disordered condi tions of the liver and bowels, without Inconvenience, gripe or pain. 100 Wafers, 25 Cts. YOU CAN jiAT WHAT YOU PLEAS E, If you follow each meal with a CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFER, which quickly dissolves the most indiges tible food and helps to carry it through and out of the system In a gentlo and healthful manner, without the slightest pain, griping or nausea. Tallman CO. 613 Main Street A GIRL LOOKS "FAIRLY IN IT." when I'undry work is suggested, but experience teaches that as a rule, home laundry work Is not a success. The average housewife has not the facilities for turning out good laun dry work, and It is awfully hard and trying work when done well. We have exceptional facilities for doing quick, clean and thorough work, we never Injure fabrics, and we always have work done and delivered on time. Pendleton Steam Laundry FISIIMAN & PETERS. Tito e Main 170. RosIynCoal $6.50deliv 1 aaf rf- .fak-awt a -a a erea, $o.uuai uie sued Roslyn Coal, .or thorough exhaustive tests, haa been se lected by the U. 8. government for the use of Its war Teasels, as It stood the highest teat. PROMPT DELIVE. IT. ROSLYN WOOD COA-- CO. Office at W. C. R. Depot, 'punvff miv o S. W. P. PAINT NOW I HouseCIeaningand Paint ing go nand-in-hand We sell the kind of paints and varnishes that live up to your ex-pectations-the SHERWIN-WILLIAMS paints and varnishers, are always right, a special kind for each special purpose. Pendleton Paint Store 121 Court St. I S. W. P. 1 Z . e to A Chance Of A Life Time CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE COST I own about 250 Men's and Boys' Suits, all first-class goods and well selected. Having decided to devote myself to other lines of Merchandise, I will close out the entire line at actual Wholesale Cost, and to clinch this assertion I will keep the invoice for oD goods offered on exhibition. j& DON'T FORGET THIS SALE 19 DESPAIN'S CASH STORE Opposite Golden Rule Hotel M MM , ,