11 (.',lW:....iiA,.V..-. '.'J ia, DAILY KAK1' OHUGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATl'HD.W, APRIL 21. 1906. PAGE SEVEN. n SIL-KID SHOES AND OXFORDS Another shipment just received, Twenty different styles, $3.50-$4.00 Equal in style and wear to most $5.00 shoes. Teutsch's Dept. Store CITY BREVITIES Kaiser lost his dog; see Fergy. Found, at Fergy's, Kaiser's dog. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 502 Water street.' House to ri'iit. udjolnlng gallery. See Wheeler, photographer. Cabinet photos. Jl.tO a dozen. Burns !ros., new Schmidt hloek. John un;en'i Family liquor store. Court St.. opposite Ooldcn Hule hotel. Go to Morrow for your plumbing; 43 Main street. 'Phone I3lack 3221. Wanted A woman to do house work. Answer at Frazler's book store. New line of Hunter Rrown wash iults Just received at the Boston .store. ' Buy a Pianola for your piano. Easy terms. Kllers Piano Mouse, 813 Main street. For Su'.e One credit certificate for $95 on Filer pluno houso. Inquire 412 .'Tuslln street. Hendricks hall for rent evenings and Sundays. No dances. 'Phone Business College. Telephone operator wanted at t Echo. Address Butter Creek Tele-1 phone company, Echo, Ore. j Stamp photos, 25 cents per dozen. I-nrxe photos $1 per dozen and up.' Bowman's studio, near bridge. When In Portland stop s the Hotel Oregon. Rates Jl per day and up ward. Furopean plan. Free 'bus. Put Pendleton oenplc to Bleet peacefully and In perfect comfort on H. M. O. E. Nuff sed. T C Ra er. Koilak developing and finishing for amateurs. Call and see our latest comic stamps. Bowman's studio, near bridge. For Sale Nearly new, high-grade piano, standard make; must sell at once for half what It cost me. In quire Row-man hotel, room 36. After Easier clearance sale on all my trimmed patterns in stock. Great reduction in prices for this week only. Mrs.' Campbell's Millinery, Court St. i For Sab' Daniel Rest omblned harvester In first-class shape, Guar antees to give satisfaction. Address M. I). Parks. Box 617. Pendleton. Ore. V:mlel Knur e I li-riirators. Ad dress, giving age anil experience. I Maxwell Land & Irrigation Company,' HcrmiMon, Ore. I PERSONAL MENTION If you are to buy Jewelry, Cut Class or Silverware, you should visit our store for the display of artistic things suitable for weddings, birth days and anniversaries Is suro to de light you. L. HUNZIKER JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 720 Main Street. (His Turner of Weston,' came down last evening for o short visit here. R. X. Stanfleld, of the Rank of Echo, was In the city last evening on business. Miss Mytllene Froker visited Athe na today, where she Is teaching a class In vocal music. M. A. Gillette and wife of Echo, were in the city last evening, return ing home this mornliut. J. A. Fnllgatter olid J. E. Lucas of .Milton, are in the city today attend ing the socialist convention. Perry Gould, president of the sheep men's association, has been in the clly today, accompanied by his daugh ter. J. F. MrXaught of Hermlston. Is In the city today on business. He reports work progressing rapidly on the new hotel at that place. J. X. Rurgess, manager of the Cun ningham Sheep & Rand company, has been In the city today for the purpose of attending the sheepmen's meeting. Frank Griggs, of Echo, is in the city today on a business trip. He re cently opened a butcher shop In Echo and Is well pleased with the business outlook. Dr. E. N. Hutchinson, federal stock Inspector of Portland, Is in the city today to attend the meeting of the v oolgi owors, which was held this afternoon. Ilghlful trip. George Clark, of the engineering department of the O. R. & N. at Uma tilla, Is in the city for n few days on business. Mr. Clark was formerly In the train service out of La Grande. Rev. Daniel L. Railer, editor of the! Pacific Christian Advocate of Port land, passed through this morning to Walla Wnlla. where he goes to preach In the Wilbur memorial church to morrow. Mls Effie May King, of Wallu Walla, was In the city yesterday. Miss King was one of the party of young ladles who went to Honolulu on the Journal contest, having won in On tario. She reported having had a de- licv. George R. Sniylhe. general secretary of the Methodist Episcopal church or the Pacific const, who was scheduled to preach ot the M. E. church In this city next Sunday, has been called home by the Snn Francisco disister and has cancelled his engage ment here. His offices were In the heart of the city and went down with the others In that district. H. H. Gilbert of Pilot Rock. Is In the city today on a trading trip. Crops and stock are In excellent condition In that part of the county. Mr. Gilbert, who Is secretary of the Mutual Ru ral Telephone association of the county. Is greatly Interested In the be ginning of work on a system of mu tual telephone lines throughout the county and Is working vigorously to that end. Harold and Lottie Blakesleo, son ami daughter of Pr. and Mrs. Lynn K. Rlokerdce, are expected to arrive from Los Angeles on Tuesday, to remain permanently with their parents In the city. They are finishing the public schools at ota Angeles this spring. They will lie accompanied by their aunt, Miss Julia Olln, who comes to live with Dr. and Mrs. Rlakeslce, In this city. CHALBERTS SKIN SOAP This medicated toilet soap is ab solutely pure. Compare it with Cut ioura Soap or any medicated soap. on the market and you will be surpris ed. . It has medicinal properties it valuable. For the hands, hair and scalp, children, and for sham- which makes compl ezion, Infants and pooing. KOEPPENS' The popular price drug store. LOOKS LIKE GEEHND CUE (Continued from Page 1. Oovernor Brown. 22; Gecr, 47; Johns, 13; Sehlbrlde, 3; Wlthycombe, 40. Secretary of State Benson, 36; Gatch, 33; Pcarce, 82; Wrlghtman, 17. Treasurer Aitkin, 38; Carter, 29; Hoyt, 13; Jennings, 9; Ryan, 27; Steel, 8. State Printer Clarke, 20; Dunlway, 72; Whitney, 29. County Judge Bean, 71; Collier, 19; Fllz Gerald, 15. State Senator Kirk, 63; Proebstel, 56. Representative Barrett, 70; Hou ser. 72; Steen, 36. Sheriff Brown, 38; Sommcrvllle, 86. Recorder Hendlcy, 69; Shoemaker. 57. Treasurer Bradley, 48; Buzan, 43; Wilker, 30. East Pendleton. U. S. Senator Bourne, 15; ,Cake, 21; Lowell, 46; Smith, 4; Watson, . Congressman Ellis, 81; Lachner,, 7; Rand, 2; Shepard, 2. Governor Brown, 7: Geer, 32; Johns, 17; Sehlbrlde, 2; Wlthycombe, 31. Secretary of State Benson. 20; Gatch, 19; Pearee, 21; Wrlghtman, 24. State Treasurer Aitkin, 29; Carter, 7; Hoyt, 22; Jennings, 7; Rynn, 19; Steel, 6. State Printer Clarke, 21; Dunlway, 3R; Whitney, 28. Circuit Judge Bean, 31; Collier, 14; Fltz Gerald, 52. Stnte Senator Kirk, 19; Proebstel, 41. Representative Barrett, 32' Hou ser. 48; Steen, 35. Sheriff Rrown, 20; Sommerville, 74. Recorder Hendley, 50; Shoemaker, 45. Treasurer Bradley, 38; Buzan, 21. Pilot ItlH'k. t". S. senator Rourne 9. Coke 34, Lowell 42, Smith 8. Wutson 1. Congressman Ellis 8K, Lachner 2, Rand 3, Shepard 2. Governor Rrown 17, Geer 33, Johnson 13. Sehlbrlde 2. Wlthycombe 35. Secretary of State Benson. 51; Gatch, 22; Pearce, 12; Wrlghtman. 10. Treasurer Aitkin. 33; Carter. 18; Hoyt, 5; Jennlngs.i 9: Ryan, 10; Steel, 18. Slate Printer Clarke, 16: Dunl way. 65; Whitney, V. Circuit Judge Bean. 19; Collier. 30; Fit Gerald. 5:1. Stale Senator Kirk. 33; Proebstel. 60. Representative Barrett, 62; Hous er, 23; Steen,. 61. Sheriff Rrown. 29; Sommerville, "1. Recorder Hendley, ,"fi; Shoemak er, 89. Treasurer Bradley, 21; Ruzan. 35; Walker, 40. Echo. C. S. Senator Mulkey. 61i Rourne. 15; Cake. 17; Lowell, 34; Smith, 8; Watson. 4. Representative Ellis. 64; Lach ner. 4; Rand, 7; Shepard, 4. Governor Rrown. 12; Geer, 15: Johns, in; Sehlbredc, 0; Wlthycombe, 39. Secretary of State Benson. 27; Gatch, 4: Pearce. 14; Wrlghtman. 21. State Treasurer Aitkin. 20; Car tel4. 11; Hoyt. 10; Jennings, 5; Ryan. 9; Steele. 13. Attorney General Crawford. 51; Durham, 19. x State Printer Clarke, 23; Dunl way, 118; Whitney, 12. Circuit Judge Rean. 42; Collier. 24; Fltz Gerald, 13. State Senator Kirk, 29: Proebstel, 42. Representative Barrett. 2S; llous er. 70; Steen, 15. Sheriff Rrown. 25; Sommerville. 53. Recorder Hendley, 4 7; Shoemak er. 34. Treasurer Bradley, 22: Ruzan. 33; Walker, 17. South Athena. V". S. Senator Mulkey, 16; Bourne, 13; Cake, 3; Lowell, 11; Smith. 1. Representative In Congress Ellis. 18; Ijichner. 2; Rand, 2; Shepard, 1. Governor Rrown, 1; Geer, 13; Johns, 6; Wlthycombe, 3. Secretary of State Reason, 9. Hatch, 6; Pearce. 4; Wrlghtman, 4. Treasurer Ailkln. 6; Carter. 5; Hoyt. 3; Jennings, 2; Rvan, 3; Steel, 4. Attorney General Crawford, 10; Durham, 8. State Printer Clarke, 6; Dunlwav, IS; Whitney. 2. , Circuit Judge Rean. 18; Collier, 2; Fltz Gerald, 6. Slate Senator Kirk, 23; Proebstel, 4. Representative Rnrrett, 24; Hous er, 4 Steen, 12. Sheriff Rrown, 9: Sommerville, 13. Recorder Hendley, 15; Shoemak er, 9. County Treasurer Bradley, 22; Buzan, 3. North Athena. V. S, Senator Mulkey, 14; Bourne, 10; Cake, 8; Lowell, 32; Smith, 1; Watson, 9, Representative Ellis, 40; lachner, 9; Rand. 4;, Shepard, 4. Governor Rrown, 11; Johns, 9; Sehlhrede, 1; Wlthycombe, 3. Secretnry of State Benson, 17; Gatch, 18; Pearce, 7; Wrlghtmiui, 4. Stale Treasurer Aitkin, 14; Carter, 4; Hoyt, 13; Jennings, 5; Ryan, 6; Steel, 9. Attorney General Crawford, 23; Durham, 16. State Printer Clarke, 16; Whitney, 6. Circuit Judge Bean. 36; Collier, 6; Fill Gerald, 12. Stnte Senator Kirk, 49; Troebstel, 4. Representative Barrett, 46 ; Hous er, 9; Steen, 24. Saturday Evenings Great Special Bargains Come for These Goods After Six o'CIock MEN'S GOODS J,)( Shaw Knit Sox will go 3 pair for 50(3 Satuiduy Eve. Any ,)()( Four-ln-Hund Tie In the house J5C Saturday Eve. Any j,"5 ()() Suit in our immense stock wiil sell f"- $10.05 Saturday Eve. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs will be 3 for ,50c Saturday Eve. Men's fancy Sox will be 3 for $1.00 Saturday Eve. An' .,.2.00 Hat wl" KeU f"r $1.55 A- $2.50 H,,t wl e f(,r $1 .05 An- $:.()() Hat se f,,r $2.35 A,,y $:J.5() Hut w" e" for $2.7. Saturday Evening after 6 P. M. SHOES Our Saturday Evening sales have been ultrnctlng much attention and will be continued every Satu -day night. If the children need, don't hesitate to take advan tage of these sales. WE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SELL at these prices before 6 or ofter 9 p. m. Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8 50C Children's $1.25 and S1.35 kid and calf Shoes, sizes 8'4 to 11 $1.10 Misses' $1.50 to $1.75 kid and calf Shoes, sizes iiVi to 2 $1.30 Youths' box calf Shoes, worth $1.50; sizes 9 to 13 $1.15 Boys' box calf Shoes, worth $1.75 and $,2.00; sizes 13 to 5 $1.50 ALL MEN'S S:i..VI SHOES $3.00 DRY GOODS, Etc. 45-inch Dotted Lawns, 'worth 25c, per yard. . . ,)( 36-Inch bleached Muslin, 10c value at, yard 15c ladles' Sleeveless Vests at. each IOC 35c ladles' Sleeveless Vests at liOC $1.50 ladles' black Sateen Skirts at 05C $1.00 ladies' Muslin Nightgowns at 05C 15c Chil.licn'u black Hose at, pair IOC 75c ladles' black Lace Hose at, pair 5()C EXTRA SPECIAL After 6 o'clock only: 50c and 65c wide Corset Cover Embroideries at. yard - IJlC $1.00 Silk Suiting, this season's styles, at, ydrd (),( GROCERIES Saturday Grocery Specials 6 bars 5c Toilet Soap ''."iC 3 cans Tomatoes .. . . -25C Blue Label Catsup, per bottle JJ.'JC Green Onions, 2 bunches fyQ Fels Xaptha Soap, 10-bar carton (iOC Fresh country Butter, per roll 4-C Republic Coffee, "Best on Earth," per m....O('j Red-Ribbon Cream, per can IOC Heinz Mince Meat. 4 ',4 lb crock $1.00 Meinz Apple Butter, per crock 'G5C 10-tb box Crackers ' V'G5C Sugar, 15 lbs ,J '- $1.00 Corn, per can ' 10c Pure Comb Honey, per fb 20C Pancake Syrup, 1 gallon : - .jOC Just received fresh shipment of Dried Fruits from San Francisco, call and see them. VK GIWR AXTEE OCK PKIt ES TO BE LOWEST. i X The People's Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade Save Your Coupons i Sheriff Brown. 19; Sommerville. 33. Recorder Hendley. 34; Shoemak er. 17. Treasurer Bradley. 46; Buzan, 3; Walker. 2. North Milton. V. S. Senator Mulkey. 30; Bourne. 10; Cake. 3; Lowell, 33; Smith, 0; Watson, 1. Representative Ellis, 41; Lach ner. 7; Rand, 2; Shepard, 2. Governor Rrown, 15; Geer, 31; Johns, 2; Sehlbrede. 1: Wlthycombe. 4. Secretary of State Benson, 15; Gatch. 6; Pearce. 22; Wrlghtman. 3. State Treasurer Aitkin, 16; Car ter. 5: Hoyt. 6: Jennings. 3; Ryan, 19: Steele, 3. Attorney General Crawford, 37; Durham, 9. State Printer Clarke. 13; Dunl way. 27; Whitney. 14. Circuit Judge Rean. IS; Collier, 23: Fllz Gerald, 16. Stale Senator Kirk. 29; Proebstel. 24. Representative Barrett, 13; Hous er, 22; Steen, 48. Sheriff Brown. 5: Sommerville. 52. Recorder Hendley, 12; Shoemak er. 41. Treasurer Bradley, 15; Buzan, 23; Walker. 21. Weston. I'. S. Senator Mulkey, 30; Bourne. 4: Cake, 4; Lowell. 32; Smith. 1; Wat son, 1. Representative In Congress Ellis. 33: Lnchner, 3; Rand. 2; Shepard, 3. Governor Rrown, 7; Geer, 12; Johns, 5. Attorney General Crawford. 27; Durham. 13. Stnte Printer Clarke, 25; Dunl way, Hi; Whitney, 1. judge Circuit Court Rean, 22: Collier. S; Fltz Gerald, 12. State Senator Kirk. 8; Proebstel, 36. Representative Barrett, 21; Hous er. 1 1 ; Steen, 29. Sheriff Brown, 12; Sommerville, 30. Recorder Hendley, 29; Shoemnk er, 12. Treasure! Bradley, 23; Buzan, 5; Wulker. 13; Sehlbrede, 2i Wlthy combe, 17. Secretary of State Benson, 21; Gatch. 13: Tearce, 3; Wrlghtman, 3. State Treasurer Aitkin, 17; Car ter, 3; Hoyt, 3; Jennings, 1; Ryan. 12; Steel. 6. Supreme Judge Knkln, 3S. Adams. Senator Mulkey. 45; Bourne, 6; Cake, 17; Lowell, 22; Smith, 2". Representative Ellis, 43; Lnchner, 3; Rand, 1 ; Shepard, 3. Governor Brown, 2; Geer, 22; Johns, 3: Sehlbrede, 2; Wlthycombe, 21. Secretary of State Benson, 15; Gntch, 12; Pearce, 12; Wrlghtman, 12. Trensurer Aitkin, 13; Carter, 7; Hoyt, 6; Jennings, 12; Ryan. 8; Steel. 12. Supreme Judge En kin, 4 9. Attorney General Crawford, 38; Durham, 9. Superintendent of Instruction Ackerman, 49, State Printer Clarke. 26; Dunl way. 17; Whitney, lu. Judge Circuit Court Rean. 10, Collier, 19; Fltz Gerald, 23. Joint Senator Cole, 50. Senator Kirk, 29; Proebstel, 20. Representative Barrett, 29; Hous er, 25; Steen, 33. County Judge Gilliland. 48. Sheriff Brown, 12i Sommerville, 41. Recorder Hendley, 24; Shoemak er. 23. Treasurer Bradley, 32; Buzan, 13; Walker, 5. East Weston. I". S. Senator Mulkey, 31: Bourne. 6; Cake, 8; Lowell, 31. Representative Ellis. 36; Lachner, 7; Rand. 2; Shepard. 1. Governor Brown. 3; Geer. 19: Johns, 12; Sehlbrede, 1; Wlthycombe. 11. Secretary of State Benson, 11; Gatch, 22; Pearce, 4; Wrlghtman, 5. State Treasurer Aitkin. 19; Car ter. 6: Hoyt, 5; Ryan. 9; Steel, 6. Attorney General Crawford. 36; Durham, 10. State Printer Clarke. 32; Dunl way. 12; Whitney, 7. Circuit Judge Rean. 32; Collier. 5; Fitz Gerald, S. State Senator Kirk. 12; Proebstel. 34. Representative Barrett. 24; Hous er. 13; Steen. 27. Sheriff Brown. 15: Sommerville. Recorder er, IS. Treasur Walker. 1 -Hendley. Shoemnk- cr- - Bradley. 26; Buzan, 6; Walla Walla's Big Donation. Walla Walla. April 21. County Commissioners McCaw and Strulhers decided this morning to appropriate the sum of $5000 to the San Francisco relief fund. This, with the appropria tion of $1000 made by the city coun cil, will be used to purchase flour which will lie shipped to San Fran cisco for the sufferers by the great calamity. By n vote of 141 to 33, the citizens of Xewberg voted $15,000 bonds to Increase the capacity of the water sys tem, now owned by the municipality. WA8HINQ WITHOUT WATER la I.tke Trying to Get Rid of Dnndrnfl. Without Uerplelde, Did you ever see any one trying to wash themselves without soup or water? If yau did what would you say of him? It Is every bit as foolish to try to get rid of Dandruff and to prevent Bald nest by feeding the germs which cause It. with Cnnthrarldes. Vaseline. Glycer ine and similar substances which form the principal ingredients of most so called Hnlr Vigors, N'ewbro's Ilerplclde is successful he cause It attacks and kills the parasitic germ which feeds on the hnlr roots. It Is the original and only genuine scalp germicide manufactured. Sold by lending druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Ilerplclde Co. Detroit, Mich. Koeppcn Bros., special agents. CHEAP MEAT IS inGH AT AXY PRICE. Some meat markets may sell you a good looking piece of meat for a few cents less than It would cost you nt a reliable marke and you won't know u nt 1 1 after you have tried It that you have been deceived. Only good meat leaves the market of the Empire Meat Co. 'Phone Main 18. Mothers Doughnuts I've Just been down to John Dyer's, boys, , And feeling kind of blue, I thought I'd look In at the store, To find out what was new; When I saw this sign a hanging Back on the "cookie case;' "Here's where you get the doughm .s Like mother used to make." And nice, warm bread at 4 p. m. Every day you'll see, And "FAULTLESS" Butter, Just .!. it, And "99" COFFEE. The gallon cans of "pie fruit" 1 next did espy, And it made me think of mother. And of my mother's pies. A sort of mist shut out the store, And standln there Instead, I saw an old white farm house. With Its doors all painted red; A whiff came through the open door, Was I sleeping or awake? The smell was that of doughnuts, Like my mother used to make. But then the old door creaked, And it was i.ow John who spake; "Here's where you get the doughnut: Like mother used to make." "Made In Oregon" eggs, 15c per doz. The East End Grocery J. W. DYER, Proprietor. PHONE MAIN tit. The East Orefronlnn la Eaafrn'Oro gon'ft representative paper. It 1 etuis anil the people nppreclate It mid show It by their liberal patronage. It la the advertising medium of the section.