it!i!i!i:i!t:i!i!t!!!??;??t? . Having purchased the Market and good will of the Pendleton Meat Co., lately located at 636 Main Street, we are now in a position to offer to our patrpns, and all Pendleton people interested in meat of any kind, the largest line of u ;: :t ;: it it it it it it it 1 Fresh, Smkdl gunnel Cured Meats 1 ever handled by any market in this City, or in fact this part of the country. If you don't care to take our word for it, put us to the test; we don't talk much about our different meats ; we don't have tothe quality and price speak for themselves. Everything Fresh and Good Everything Neat and Clean Low Prices Courteous Attention Prompt Delivery These are the leading characteristics of our Market. If you buy anything of us and it is unsatisfactory, bring it back and get your money. Don't want your money unless you are satisfied. This is not sentiment-its business. It pays us to treat you right. We have large markets throughout the Inland Empire, and handle meat in quantities that stagger the small butcher-thus we offer you everything on the market, and some times a little ahead of the other fellow, at prices that appeal to the publics pocket book. V) The Meat Business Is Our Business Some Prices for this Week-Subject to Market Fluctuations Loin Steak - 12,2c per lb. II Round Steak 10c II Shoulder Steak - 8c Plain Roast Beef - 8c Prime Rib Roast 10c Veal Roasts - 12 lUc If Loin Mutton Chp 12 12c" Plain " Chops 10c Veal Chops - 122c Pork Loin - - 12 c Pork Sausage - 10c Hamburger - - 10c a a Bologne - - - - 8c Weiners - - 12,2c per lb. Link Sausage 2l2c Corn Beef - - - 6c Boil Beef .... 6c Spareribs - - - 10c Corn Pork - - 12i;2c Veal Stew -Bacon from -Ham from - Pickle Pigs Feet Pickle Tripe -Lard - - - - - - 8c 16c up 16c up 12' 12 1 2C 2C 12c WATCH FOR OUR. SATURDAY SPECIAL-Beginning Saturday, April 21, we will inaugurate a Weekly Special Sale, to be held every Saturday, at which time, for the benefit of all Cash Customer we will PUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. Our competitors wonder how we can do it; they say it is impossible as the price of Beef, Pork and Mutton at this time do not justify it. It is very simple; low prices and large sales, and handling meat on a large scale is the whole thing in a nutshell. it n If ?! - - - Gairdei City Packnmig Gonaapainiy S Prompt Delivery Successors to PENDLETON MEAT CO. I Satisfaction Guaranteed t;;i!i!l!t:i!t!i:!!i!i:!:t!i!!t!ii!f tt