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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
r.GE fccr. DAILY EAST OREUOXIAN. PENW.EToN. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 11. 1806. KK.11T PAGES. HOW TV0 BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED PELVIC CATARRH BY AID OF PE RU HA. Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catarrh. Pe-ru-na Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. f "Wears Like f AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Daily, Semi-Weekly and Weekly, at Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGOXIAN PrUUSniNG COMPANY. Member Serlpps-McKae News Association. The East Oregonian la on sale at B. B. Rich's News Stands, at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins. Portland, Oregon. Telephone Main 1. Entered at Pendleton Postoffice as second-class matter. THE MEANING OF EASTER. The following beautiful Interpretation of Easter is from the pen of William Allen White, the gifted Kansas author and editor, and Is taken from a recent Kansas newspaper story In the Saturday Evening Post. It expresses the meaning of Easter so fully and so beautifully that the East Oregonlan gives It to its readers In full, as a most fitting Easter lesson: The celebration of Easter is the celebration of the renewal of life after the death that prevails in winter. , People of many faiths observe a spring festival of rejoicing, and of prayer for future bounty. Probably the Easter celebration Is like that at Thanksgiving a survival of some ancient pagan rite that men established out of overflowing hearts, rejoicing at the end of a good season and praying for favor at the beginning of a new one. But to the Christian world Easter symbolize a divine tragedy. The com ing of Easter, as it Is set forth In the Great Book, Is a most powerful story of one of the deepest passions that may move the human heart the passion of father-love. Once there lived In the desert n man and his little child a very little boy, who sometimes was a bad little boy, and who did not do as he was told. And on a day when the father was away about'hls business the child, playing, wandered out on the desert and was lost. From home the desert beckoned the little boy; it seemed fair and fine to adventure In. When the boy had gone for many hours the father returned and could not find him, and knew that the child ,was lost. But the father knew the desert; he knew how It lured men on; he knew Its parching thirst; he knew Its thorns and brambles, and Its choking dust and the heat that beats one down. And. when he saw that the boy was lost, his heart was aflame with anguish; he could all but feel the desert fire In the little boy4s blood, the cac tus barbs In the bleeding little feet, and the great lonesomeness of the desert In the little boy's heart: and. as from afar, the man heard a walling little voice In his ears calling. "Father, father:" like a lost sheep. But It was only seeming, and the house where the little boy had played was silent. Then the father went to the desert, and neither the desert's fire murmur ing at his brow, nor the sand that filled his mouth, nor the stones and prickles that cut his feet, nor the wild beasts that lurked upon the hillsides, could keep the bleat of that little child's voice crying, "Father, father!" out of his ears. And when the night fell, still and cold and numbing, the father pressed on, calling to the child In his agony; for, he thought it was such a little boy, such a poor, lonesome, terror-stricken little boy out In the desert, lost an J In pain, crying for help, with no one to hear. And wandering so. the father died with his heart full of unspeakable woe. But they found the wayward child In the light of another day. And he never knew what his father suffered; nor why his father died, nor did he under stand It all till he had grown to a man's stature, and then he knew; and he tried to live his days as his father had lived, and to lay down his life, If need ' be, for his friend. This Is the Easter story that should come to every heart. The Christ that came into the desert of this weary life, and walked here footsore, heart broken and athlrst, came here for the love that was In His heart'. Who put It there whether the God that gave Shakespeare his brain and Wagner his harmonies, gave Christ His heart or whether It was the God that paints the Illy and moves the mountains In their labors It matters 'not. It is one God, the Author and First Cause of all things. It Is His heart that moves our own hearts to all their aspirations, to all the benevolence that the wicked world knows; It Is His mind that Is made manifest In our marvels of civilization; it Is His vast, unknowable plan that Is moving the nations of the earth. Whether tt be spirit or law or tendency or person what matter? It is our Father, who went to the desert to find His sheep. 1 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Forty-oij years ago today, on April 14, 1865, the great heart of Abraham Lincoln ceased to beat. How greatly this great and noble man was misunder stood, misinterpreted and misjudged by his own countrymen, Is made more and more clear as the years go by. How many of those who stood with uplifted bayonets opposed to his great principles of freedom and emancipation 41 years ago, would oppose the same great principle today, were It at issue? How many of those who nurtured a hatred for the martyred president at the close otjthe Civil war, now hold such a hatred In their hearts? The evolution of time, the unfolding of liberty and the development of the human mind have opened before thinking men the grandeur of the senti ments and Ideals of Lincoln. How paltry and Insignificant now seem the po litical lines which divided men 40 years ago! How splendid has been the universal enlightenment which followed Lincoln's martyrdom! CLEANLINESS IN OFFICE. Mrs. lassie Redding, 8131 B Clifton Place, St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I found after trying many different medicines to restore me to health, that Ferona was the only thin; which could be depended npon. I began taking it when I was in a decline, induced by female weakness and overwrought nerves. ' "I began to feel stronger during the first week I took Feruna and my health improved daily until now I am in perfect health and enjoy life as I never did before." Lizzie Redding. J Mrs. Mable Bradford, 18 Church street, Burlington, Vt., Secretary WhitUer Oratorio Society, 'writes: "Feruna is certainly a wonderful medicine for the ills of women. I have heard it spoken of in the highest praise by many, and certainly my ezperienoo is well worthy of a good word. 1 began to have severe pains across my back about a year ago, brought on by a cold, and each subsequent month brought me pain and distress. "Your remedy was prescribed, and the way it acted upon my system was almost too good to be true. I certainly have regained my health and strength, and I no longer suffer periodical pains and extreme lassitude."- Hable Bradford. diseases, including pelvle ca tarrh a life long study. Peruna cures catarrh, whether of the pelvic organs or any other organ of the human body. Pe-ru-na, a Natural Beautlfler. Peruna produces clean, mucous mem branes, the basis of facial symmetry and a perfect complexion. The women have not been slow to dis cover that a course of Peruna will do more toward restoring youthful beauty than all the devices known to science. Many a girl has regained her faded beauty, many a matron has lengthened the days of her comely appearance by unlng Peruna. In Feruna these women find a prompt and permanent cure. Thousands of testimonials to this ef fect are received by Dr. Hartman every year. The good that Peruna has ac complished In this class of cases cuu scarcely bo over-estimated. Thousands of Women Cured Every Year by Correspondence-Tills Is What Dr. Hartman Proposes to Do For You Without Charie. . Women who suffer should read the evidences presented here. We have thousands of letters from grateful friends who tell the same Btory. Half the ills that are peculiarly woman's own are of a catarrhal Character, female weakness was not understood for many years. Dr. Hartman deserves the credit of having determined its real character. He has mado culurrh and catarrhal IU-vImjI Formula "For a number of years requests have come to me from a multitude of grateful friends, urging that Pe-ru-na he given a slight laxative quality. I have been experimenting with a laxative addition for quite a length of time, and now feel gratified to announce to the friends of Pe-ru-na that I have In corporated such a quality in the medicine which, in mjr opinion, can only enhance Its well known beneficial character. "S. 1!. HA HTM AN. M. D." If you do not derive prompt an.l satisfactory results from the use o! Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart J man, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice grails. Address Dr. Hartman, President; of The Hartman Sanitarium, Colitin-? bns, Ohio. All correspondence held, strletlv confidential. IICHIAL OF LIXCOLX. And so they burled Lincoln? Strange and vain. Has any creature thought of Lincoln hid In any vault 'neath any coffin lid. In all the years since that wild spring of pain? TIs false he never in the grave hath lain. , You couid not bury him although you slid Upon his clny the Cheops y mid, Or heaped it with the Rocky 11 untaln chain. They slew themselves; they but set Lincoln free. In all the enrth his great heart beats a- strong. Shall beat while pulses throb to chiv alry, And burn with hate of tyranny and wrong. Whoever will may find him, any where Save In the tomb. Not there he Is not there. James McKay. The East Oregonlan cares not one whit for the politics of a candidate If his moral character and his principles are all right. It does not care whether Tom Word Is a democrat or a republican, If he enforces the law In Portland, where the law has never been enforced before. It does not care whether Judge Lowell Is a democrat or republican, If he will be truly a representative of the people In the United States senate, which the East Oregonlan believes he will be If elected. The government Is honey-combed with graft and law violation. It is the most serious menace of the century and the people must take steps to check It. Officiate who have the moral courage to oppose the powerful mon opolies, enforce the laws without fear or favor, are In demand and for this reason the East Oregonlan Is supporting every man on the list who Is a moral, fearless man. It does not ask a question as to his politics If his character and courage are right. The trusts and combinations arc spending money to defeat Judge Lowell for the United States senate, because they do not want a man In that office whom they cannot handle. The law violators are fighting Harvey K. Brown, Tom Word and Walter Pierce, because they cannot handle such men and therefore do not want them In office. The East Oregonlan believes that one of the greatest principles Involved In ' any election, Is w hether candidates respect the law and will represent the whole people. Paltry political differences count for nothing among the people, when the great questions of the sacredness of the law and the overthrow of corrupting Influences In government are at Issue. 111 Wedding Stationery This is Cupid's headquarters for many things before and after the nup tials have been celebrated. Engage ment, Announcements, Wedding and Reception Invitations, "At Home1 Cards, etc. Also Engraved Calling Cards and Embossed Monogram Sta tlonery. We have an extensive line of samples to select from. "GOOD FORM" and HONEST PRICES guar antecd. Let's have your order as much In advance as possible to Insure "on time" delivery. Frazier's Book Store THE Rl-rriCOTIIAL. We ride In silent rapture, she nnd I, While a row of merry milestones flit ted by. And It seemed the night grew darker With each sputter of the spnrker,' But the loveilght In my heart was burning high. We sat behind the headlight's golden glare, And the scent of fragrant naphtha filled the air. While my arm, like Cupid's tether. Stole around her waist of leather To the music of the horn's Inspiring blare. Long I gazed Into her goggles, and I said: "Oh promise me that some day wo will wed!" Then a chap who'd lost his hearing Got entangled In our' gearing, And she answered: "Yes, I promise on the dead!" Puck. By a close vote, the Tacoma school board has demanded the resignation of A. II. Warner, who has been city superintendent of schools four years. Competent and Impartial observers claim that all that Is the "matter" with Warner Is that ho is up with the times as to present methods nnd plans for the future. Outside school men arid women roundly denounce the board as a bunch of mosshacks. Five councllmen of Eugene favor raising the saloon license from $500 to SS00. - Three councllmen and the mayor oppose. It will probably be done. The DOLCEOLA A new, a Wonderful Musical Instru ment; its tones are sweefer than those of the Harp or Piano, yet any. one with the. least knowledge of music can play it after one weeks practice. Don't Buy A Piano and pay out so much money for music lessons until you have seen and heard the. DOLCEOLA Call and hear the latest music as played . on this wonderful instrument. Prof. 0. H. Hart ling Room 4 New Schmidt Bldg. Over Great Eastern Iron" Don't, let your finish wear through by neglect. If you want to pre serve the wood finish and beautify the home, try JAP ALAC MURPHY'S The Home Decorator 1 1 1 Court St. Chop, Barley, ' Stock Food and Poultry Supplies THE CONVENIENCE of eloctrlc power Is a thoroughly es tablished fact. Aside from this, Its absolute safety, economy of space, low cost of operation and GHEAT EFFICIENCY will recommend it to all manufactur ers or to any parties using power for any purpose whatsoever. Northwestern Gas and Electric Co. CORNER COURT AXD GARDEN ST C. F. COLESWORTHY i 137 and 129 East Alta. DON'T IiOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOITII. We don't pretend to give away our elegant stock of i.p-to-datn vehicles. Hut we do say that we will sell you the most stylish nnd well-made trap, buggy, runabout, phaeton, surrey or buckboard ut lower prices, quail v Considered, than you can buy t any place In Pendleton. We sell Winona Wagons, Hacks and Huggles. Easy running and made from bone-dry material. Guaran teed to give satisfaction In this climate. See us about Gasoline Engines. We are agents for the Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for Irrigating and mining mnchlneiy. Estimates given on Irrigating plants. Call and get our prices. Neagle Bros. ttto 11 atUvitiltlis TOM This Fact bears directly on your Pocketbook : If the price and article are both right what more could be asked. Dutch Henry Office, Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage Company. 'Phone 1-ala 178. Also nt Henneman's cigar store, op poslte Great Eastern store. 'Phono main 4. Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grcwa. Good bread la as sured when 3YDRS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. ' PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS I W. 8. BYERS, Frurrietor. HOWS YOUR WOOD SHED Does your woodshed need filling? Is your coal bin empty? If you find you are in need of either, rins up Main 5 and we will fill them up for you with WOOD or COAL Laatz Brothers : 'Phone Main 5. Walters' Flouring Mills Capaolty, 1(0 barrels a day. , Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped r to., always on hand. i