1 iiiii ' EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THIRSDAY, APRIL II, 1906. PAGE FIVE. EASTER: AND OXFORDS All the pretty new styles for Easter , Wear now on display : : : : Oxfords, all styles - - $1 50 to $4.00 White Canvas Oxfords - $1.25 to $2.50 New line of Sil-kid - $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes now. ready for your inspection Teutsch's Dept.fStore Large Shipment of EASTER GLOVES just received CITY BREVITIES Kaiser beer at Fergy'. Kulser beer 1h best. M Fcrgy's. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 602 Water street. "Made In Oregon" eggs, IB cents per dozen. Eust End grocery. Cabinet photos, $1.60 a dozen. Burns Bros., new Schmidt block. Fresh home grown eggs, 16 cents per dozen, at Kant End grocery. -. Buy a Pianola (or your piano. Easy terms. Ellen Piano House, 811 Main street. The new street hat, boulevard sail or. Just received at Mrs. Campbell's millinery. Wanted dirt (or general house work. Three In family. Apply 914 Johnson street. Hendricks hull (or rent evenings and Sundays.. No dunces. 'Phone Business College. Help Wanted A middle-need wo man to do housework. Answer at Frazler's book store. For family washing and plain sew ing, call at 1409 West Railroad street, or 'phone black 2912. The Eugle entertainment billed for Sunday. April 6. has been postponed tc Sunday evening, April 29. Stomp photos, 25 cents per dozen, ljirge photos $t per dozen and up. Bowman's studio, near bridge. I.oit Small gold heart locket from watch fob. Finder return to room 14, Schmidt block and receive reward. For Pale Span of good work horses at Snmple's Feed Stable, on Cotton wood street. 'Phone black 2777. When In Portland stop b the Hotel Oregon. Rates $1 per day and up ward. European plan. Free 'bus. Put Pendleton oeople to sleet peacefully and In perfect comfort on B. M. O. E. Nuff sed. ' C Ra cr. A 12 horse-power boiler and 8 horse-power engine, both In good con dition, for sale chop. Enquire at this office. For Rei.t Single roo.. in East Jregonlan bulldlm;; steam heat, 1 t mid cold water and Imth on name floor. Apply at this office. For Sale Nearly new, hhth-grnde piano. Htandard make: must sell at once for half what It cost me. In quire Bowman hotel, room 36. For Sale Daniel Best combined harvester In first-class shape. Guar' antees to give satisfaction. Address M. D. Parks. Box SI". Pendleton. Ore. Lost Gold . bead necklace with small pearl cross attached, some where on Court Btrcet. Of no value except to owner. Return lo this of flee. PFXRLETOX IH SIXESS COLLEGE. New Novelities in Belt Buckles and BackCombs. Inexpensive but beauti ful Belt Buckles costing $1.25 to $4.50. Back Combs the good kind from $1.25 to$5.00. L. HUNZIKER JEWELER AX1 OITICIAX. 720 Main Street. Xevis From the School al the Corner of Webb anil Main. More positions for our students. Mor new students In both day school and night school. Mr. ChurcHill made a business trip to Portland last Friday, and returned Sunday morning. , Miss Lucy Howell, of Baker City, entered school yesterday for a course in shorthand. The gold medal was awarded last week to John Dougherty, of Vinton. Miss McXett came In second In the contest, ancLwIII wear the medal after tort'iy, as Mr. Dougherty expects to leave us this afternoon. Roscoe A. West, well driller (or the O. It. & X. at Condon, was In town Monday and Tuesday, the guest o( Mr. and Mrs. Churchill, and also a visitor at the college. Ralph Weaver recently took a po sition as bookkeeper. John Dougherty entered school last year, with a six months' scholarship. It was almost the first schooling he had received, but he put In faithful work for about three months -last year and this yenr has been with us about three months. Very few stu dents In the college have Improved more. He has taken one prize ft rapid calculation. Is now wearing the gold medal for Improvement In pen manship, nnd if he were to stay through this month would stand a good show for securing another prize. He leaves tonight and will go to Ire land with his brother In tho very near future. The best wishes of the school are his. Lambert Clark now has a position with the Pacific Express company, In this city. The United States civil service ex amination will be held lir Pendleton next Tuesday. Victor Mnyn is spending a few days at Helix, and upon his return will leave for his home In Cleveland, Wash. Green nnd Gnynor Convicted. Savannah. On., April 12. Green nnd Gnynor were found guilty this afternoon nnd will be sentenced to morrow. The conviction of these men was upon three Indictments charging em bezzlement nnd conspiracy to defraud the rtnvernment. Captain Carter was finnlly discharged from all connection with the case. For Sale. Modern 9-room, two-story house, with basement 30x42; three lots, barn for four head of horses, harness room, buggy shed. Sidewalks. Will sell house and one or two lots, or wholo, as desired. Inquire at office of Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall. Famine, hi Husslu, St. Petersburg, April 12. The fnm Ine horror Is increasing, in many dis tricts the people have been poisoned by eating garbage. We have taken theagency for Duck etts Lightning Cure. This preparation which in the 50o and $1 Pendleton, by the Mr. Boyd was the proprietor of this article when it was manufactured in Chicago, a num ber of years ago. we carry size, was sold 'in late E. D. Boyd. manufacturer and The KOEPPENS' popular prioe drug store! PERSONAL MENTION J. D. Gregolre of Weston, was a visitor here last evening. E. B. McFarland, of Adams, Is'ln the city today on a business trip. Hill McCourt and wife of Juniper, have been In town upon a short visit. A. Sutherland, sheriff of Shoshone county, Idaho, has been In the city today. F. H. Beathe of Weston, passed through today to Umatilla on a bus iness trip. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Gould of Wes ton, came down last evening for a brief visit here. "Sid" 8aylor left for his home In Umatilla today after attending to business here yesterday. County Judge H. J. Bean went to Adams this morning In the Interest of his candidacy for circuit judge, C. A. Miller, representing Wyman, Partridge & Co., of Minneapolis, has been in the city today on business. Mrs. Cora Cooper went to Athena this morning, called by the severe Ill ness of her sister, Mrs. tjarah Estes. Will R. King, the Ontario attorney, arrived last nifht from that place and left this morning for Walla Walla. Frank Reese, representative of the Warren Construction company, was present at the council meeting last evening. Mrs. Frank Sharpstcjn and Miss Anna Parke of Walla Walla, are In tho city the gueBts of Mrs. W. C. Shoultc. Supreme Judge T. G. Halley came In last evening from his Wild Horse ranch, where he had been since Sun dny morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, McLaughlin, who have been in the city (or a (ew days, left for their home at Gurdane this nfternoon. ' Attorney C. E. Rcdfield of Hepp ner, came over from there this morn ing and left on the 9 o'clock train for Tekoa, Wash. . Thomas Mountain, agent ,for A. Kunkel, implement dealer, left (or Waltsburg, Wash., this morning on a business trip. J. It. Means, who has been at Hot Lake with an attack o( rheumatism for several days, returned to his home at Echo today. A. M. Crawford, attorney general of Oregon, arrived last evening from Salem In the Interest of his candidacy for the republican nomination for re election. Rev. Robert Warner of the M. E. church returned this morning from Baker City, where he has been In the Interest of the "new church building now being erected. H. B. Hall of Weston, came down last evening, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, who will visit for two weeks with her sister, Mrs. S. M. Richardson. Miss Pearl Porter, a graduate of Pendleton academy, now a student of Whitman college, Is In the city for a few days' visit. She was the guest of the academy this afternoon, J. F. Steinbeck, formerly an en gineer on the O. R. & X., but now agent fur the Continental Casualty company on the O. ft. & X. system. Is in the city today from his home In La Grande. Mrs. C. C Van Orsdall. grand guardian of the Women of Woodcraft, will return to Portland the last of tho week on official business. The of fices of the grand guardian will per haps be moved Into the new Wood craft building In Portland about May 1. WILL BAXQVFT THE LEAGUE. Pendleton Business Men Will Tender a Cordlnl Reception to the Dele (run's to County Development Ijcaguc. Pendleton business men will tender a cordial reception and a spread to the delegates to the meeting of the Umatilla County Development league, which will be held In this city next Saturday evening. Socretnry H."C. Willis, of the league, raised funds this nfternoon and will make arrangements for the reception nnd banquet. A number of dele gates are expected to nttend the meet ing Saturday night and after the bus iness session, which will be held at the parlors of the Commercial asso ciation, a social session nnd banquet will be enjoyed at some place to be seltcted later. - Men's and Boys' Clothing Copyright 1 906 by Hsrt Schaffner Marx HATS TIES HOSE SHIRTS UNDERWEAR the largest and best selections are here in every line of furnishings. We show the latest and best kinds in splendid varieties -:- -:- , -:- Extra Values This Week Men's .well Spring Suits at $15.00 and $17.50 Boys' Easter Xorfolk, at $3.75 and $5.00 Men's swell Easter Ties at 50C and 75C Men's swell Spring Shirts at... $1.00 and $1.50 The bcEi. $J.00 Hots are ncre 'or yur head, In any wanted shape and color. Swell Stetson Spring Hats at ' $3.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Straws of new Spring Shapes here at 5QC, 75C, $1.00 and $1.50 tell m Men's. Women's and Children's Easter Oxfords and Shoes We suit them all In every style and kind suit your foot, suit your purse and you can't do better than to come to headquarters when looking for pretty, stylish Shoes and Oxfords of the dependable, satisfactory kind. Women's Oxfords at $3.00 and $3.50 Men's Oxfords at $3.50 and $4.00 Misses' Oxfords 'nt ' $1.75 and $2.00 Children's Oxford Ties at gQC, $1.00 and $1.25 The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where It Pays To Trade Save Your CouPns CAT! OF TIIF XEW WOODCRAFT TEMPLE IX POIITLAXD. ll l;l:s AGAINST BREWERY. Accused of Selling Liquor lo Walter Arnold, n Minor. Chnrgcs have been made against the proprietors of the Brewery sa loon for selling llciunr to Walter Ar nold, a minor. During the day Dis trict Attorney Phelps hns been engag ed In examining witnesses, and If suf ficient evidence Is forthcoming an In dictment will be returned against the saloon men. Arnold, who was arrested yesterday for stealing a purse from a man In the Brewery saloon Tuesday night. Is still In the county Jail. The man whom he robbed Is E. Trnmpleasure, a wool sorter for the Jack Brown hide house. Suit (or Divorce. Leander Kirk hns sued for divorce from Jennie Kirk, the complaint be ing filed this morning by Peterson & Peterson, They were married at Ore gon City in 1901, and desertion Is given as a reason why the divorce should be granted. Head Clerk Has Occupied Rooms in Xcw Building Since March 12 Rc dnced Rates Over O. R. & X. Building Cost About $30,000 and Owned Exclusively by the Women of Woodcraft Building Will Fur nish Offices for Head Clerk, Grand Guardian nnd Grand Ranker. Marriage Licenses Granted. Marriage licenses have been Issued by the county clerk to the following: Thomas E. Owens and Cora G. Ved der. Joel Howten and Mary V. Preston. .1. W. Stnyter. of Medlmont, Idaho, hns contracted to deliver 60,000 heavy fir tics to tho O. R. ft N. The most signlflcent event In the history of the order of Women of Woodcraft will be the dedication of the new Woodcraft temple In Port land on May 16. The new building will be completed by May 1, nnd the officers will occu py their new quarters about May 5. ami the dedicatory exercises will be held on May 16. Head Clerk J. L. Wright has occupied his offices In the new building since March 12, hav ing moved from Leadvllle to Portland last fall. The dedicatory address will be de livered by Grand Gunrdlan Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall, of this city, and ad dresses by prominent citizens of Port land and members of the order will be on the program, although the reg ular program hns not yet been ar ranged. This building cost about $50,000, and Is owned exclusively by the order of the Women of Woodcraft, having been built from the general fund of the orAer. The first floor will be used exclusively by Head Clerk J. L. Wright, who employes 16 clerks In his department. The second floor Is to be used bv Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall. grand gunrdlan, who will employ from five to seven clerks and stenog raphers. The third floor will be the auilltorium. where nil the conventions of the order will meet hereafter. The basement will be used for the supply department, lunch rooms for tho em ployes and heating plants. ,J-. The building Is 60x100 feet In size. This property Is mode very valuable by the erection of the building and tho remaining 40 foot lot can be Boldj I for enough to pay for the building. The entire tract of land cost the or der f 20,000. The building will furnish office room for the three chief heads of the order, the grand guardian, grand clerk and grand banker. About 25 people will be employed In the three depart ments. The order Is In a most prosperous condition. Its Investments now amount to about J250.000 all in gllt edse bonds. Tho order Is but nine years old on April 1. and now has 49,000 members. It has paid death claims to the amount of $1,500,000, and all Its claims are paid to date. Reduced Fares on O. R. & N. The O. R. & N. company has grant ed a fare of one and a third for the round trip, for the dedicatory exer cises nnd members of the order from all the northwestern states are ex pected to attend. A number of mem bers from the Pendleton circles have signified their Intention of attending the dedication. The date o( the ticket sale will be gin May 13, tickets good (or returning on May 18. WOOD-MQIFEX. Young Business Mini and Popular Teacher Were Married. Robert C. McQueen, formerly with the Goodman-Thompson Hardware company of this city, and Miss Eva L. Wood, tencher In the Pendleton schools, were married last Mondny evening, April 9. The ceremony was performed at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. G. L. Hall, pastor of the Bap tist church, witnesses being Mrs. G. L. Hall and Pearl Montgomery. Although the hbove wedding oc curred on Mondny. the event has been kept secret and did not become known until this nfternoon. Xot even those closely associated with the two prin cipals knew of the occurrence. The bride Is still continuing her duties as teacher In the Field school. Both parties are well known hero nnd have many friends. After leav ing the employ of the Goodman Thompson company, Mr. McQueen went to Echo and was In business there until a few days ago, when he resigned to go on the road. Korinmn Succeeds Oynmn. Toklo, April 12. Oyama has been relieved of his commnnd as field marshal In favor of Kodamn, who was maiie viscount as a reward (or his Manchuriuu services. Mothers Doughnuts I've just been down to John Dyer's, boys, And feellnk kind of blue, I thought I'd look In at the store. To find out 'what was new; ; When I seen this sign a hanging Back on the "cookie case;' "Here's where you get the doughnuts Like mother used to make." And nice, warm bread at 4 p. m. Every day you'll see, And "FAULTLESS" Butter, Just try it. And "99" COFFEE. The gallon cans of "pie fruit" I next did espy, And It made me think of mother, And of my mother's pies. A sort of mist shut out the store. And standing there instead, I seen nn old whit farm house, With its doors all painted red;' A whiff came through the open' door, Was I sleeping or awake? The smell was that of doughnuts, Like my mother used to make. But then the old door creaked, And It was now John who spake; "Here's where you get the doughnuts Like mother used to make." "Made In Oregon" eggs, 15c per do. The East End Grocery J. W. DYER, Proprietor. PHOXE MAIN 636. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheal. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Fd, tc, always on hand. , J. I:.