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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, i APRIL 11, 1906. EIGHT PAGES. CONTINUATION OF J Closing Out Sale Mr. O. M. Vinton today as tumes the management of the old established Owl Tea House, and as we shall entirely close out some lines which Mr. Rob bins has been carrying, we quote the following greatly reduced prices In order to make room (or many new goods now on the way. 7-pIece China Salad Set; wu no" $2.00 4-plece China Butter Set; was now $1.00 Fancy China Sugar and Creamer; was $i.25, now.. $1.50 Fancy China Salad Dish; was now $1.20 Glass Butter Sets, 4 pieces; was nw $1.00 5 4 -piece Dinner Set, complete (or ( persons; fine grade semi porcelaln; dainty green spray o( flower. $6.00 100-plece set, same as above; complete (or twelve per- n' $9.50 Sail at the store and let us show you the many other bar gains. Owl Tea House 220 East Court stmt, 'Phone Black 8131. House Cleaning WlTHYCOMB E 15 M pnur nruT uunr uliii IV PENDLETON ON 1113 FIRST CAMPAIGN TRIP. On Ills Way Farther East WIU Stay Out of Raker City and Leave Johns and Rrown to Fight It Out There Will Stay in the Field Personally Vntll After tlie Primaries O. A. C Students ami Graduates Every where (or 111m. was burned with a total loss of less thnn 14000. To those familiar with the circumstances of the fire, the Tribune's accounts seem remarkable. White It was a hard slirht to see the tnd''mirn'wlth helpless horses inside, It la harder still to conceive of the quality of bug Juice required to pro duce the Tribune's effect. Evidently the morning paper has a corner on the supply, and It Is said their next trance 'will show Major Edwards bo Ing burned at the stake by 100 paint ed Indian devils within a few miles of the "heart of the city." It Is feared by some that the "Omaha detective" who recently did such clever work In the Naylor case la utwork on the Tribune force, and was he who discovered the monstrous fire yesterday morning. Dr. James Wlthycombe, republican candidate for governor of Oregon, ar rived last evening from Portland, and after spending the night here left this morning for La Grande. After a brief stay In Union county he will re turn to the Willamette valley and de vote the remainder of the campaign to that section and southern Oregon. He will not visit Baker City, leaving Johns and Brown to fight It out In that city. This Is Dr. Wlthyeombe's first reg ular campaign trip. His work as di rector of the experiment station and professor of agriculture In O. A. C, has prevented him from making a personal canvass, although he has been over the state considerable at tending Institutes and other similar meetings. But recently he attended an agricultural meeting at Klamath Fall". However, he has now been granted a leave cf absence from the college, and will be In the field per sonally from now until after the pri maries. Dr. Wlthycombe realizes he has the lead among the republican candidates for governor, yet makes no boasts re garding the outcome. He has made a clean, dignified campaign which will be of credit to him whether he be successful or not. One source of Dr. Wlthyeombe's strength has been the friendship which former O. A. C. students feel for him. Also, the 750 students now enrolled at the college are enthusias tic supporters. However, he has stead ily sought to keep the school out of politics, and but a few days ago dis couraged the students when they pro posed forming a club In his Interest. Aids A hotfftg m cleaning; time la here, don't forget where to buy the necessary articles for clean ing and disinfecting with. We can furnish you with anything in this line at lowest possible prices. Sulphur, formaldehyde, ' chloride of lime, sulphur torches and candles, carbolic Id. turpentine, ammonia, ben zine, whiting, etc. We will put up any of these drugs In any quantity desired. The Place is Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists I Victor Talking Machines Edison Phonographs Columbia Graphophones SALOONS ARE BARRED. Idaho Will Not Permit a "Joint" Within Five Miles of Railroad Camps. About 25 applications for liquor li censes were filed with the commis sioners this morning by the sheriff, and of these 20 were granted and two refused. The total amount of money represented Is f?500, says the Lewis ton Teller. The two licenses not granted were thoe from Klppen and from Spald ing. The former is barred by the law that says that no saloon shall be es tablished within five miles of a camp of laborers employed on railroads or other contract work. Klppen Is within the five-mile limit of the rail road work. Both licenses turned down were tavern licenses, and the one at Spald ing was denied because a tavern li cense cannot be granted where there are more than 60 voters In the pre cinct. Such a precinct must take out a regular saloon license. TWO EDUCATIONAL ADDRESSES. Ackermon and Campbell at the Chris tian Church. On April 17 J. H. Ackerman, state superintendent of public Instruction, and P. L. Campbell, president of the University of Oregon, will hold a meeting at the Christian church In this city. Addresses will be delivered by the two men, and there will also be some other numbers on the pro gram. The arrangements for the meeting are being made by L. R. Traver, su perintendent of the city schools, and Frank K. Welles, county superintendent. AnBACTED AT COAL EASTERN CONCERN SENT AN INSPECTING AGENT. Agent Came Incognito Except to a Few, and Took Away Much Data In Relation to the Coal Deposits of Till County and Their Geologic Traiitfportational, Agricultural and Industrial Environment J. A. Mc Laughlin Will .Make Further Ex plorations Into Deposits. OBSERVE THE L $5.00 to $100 each. Installment price $1 per weeh, Zonophone records 4)c and tttc. Victor records 35c and 60c. Columbia records 25c and (Oc. Edison gold molds 35c. 5000 records In stock. Dally Recitals. J. A- OWENH0USE Agent Eastern Oregon tU MAIN STREET. DIESER SCHNAPPS 1ST IIELLE. Necessary to Develop a Certain Jour nalistic Standard. "The most spectacular and awe In spiring fire In the history of eastern Oregon is raging at the Immense stockyards of A. C. Ruby & Co. That the Umatilla county coal fields are attracting attention outside of the state. Is shown by the secret visit of A. L. Waterman, an agent of a strong financial concern of Ottum wa, Iowa., to the coal mine being opened up by J. A. McLaughlin at ?5r2?.D9 In the western part of this county. Mr. Waterman recently visited the mine, and took extensive data con cerning the country, the feasible routes into that district, the topogra phy and mlnerology of the country, carried away many samples of the coal and pronounced the mine to be a portion of an Immense deposit which would perhaps be encountered In the valley 200 feet below the tunnel now being run by Mr. McLaughlin. While Waterman declined to say whom he represented he was author ized to spend plenty of money In mak ing examinations of the mine and spent several days In closely Investi gating every feature of the coal de posits being opened by Mr. McLaugh lin. Mr. McLaughlin In accordance with the advice of Mr. Waterman, Is sink ing a shaft In the valley, 258 feet be low the mouth of the tunnel, which he has run Into the hillside. From the surface downward, almost the entire distance which the shaft has been driven coal veins of various thlckneBses and quality have been en countered and Mr. McLaughlin feels confident that an Immense deposit will be uncovered in the creek bot tom, i Water Is now so plentiful In the ground that It requires a two-Inch HOW MINNEAPOLIS SA- IXMNS ARE REGULATED. Doors Are Cloned From Saturday Night Until 8 O'clock Monday Morning High License of $1000 Has ' Driven Most Disreputable Places Out of Business City Keeps Record of All Suspects. "Saloons are shut tight In Minne apolis from Saturday night until 8 o'clock Monday morning," said Detec tive F. Helln, of the Minneapolis po lice force yesterday, says the Spokane Chronicle. He Is In the city to get P. Lee, wanted there on a charge of get ting away with liquor house funds. 'The lid Is on In the -city as tight as though it were clamped down with railroad Iron. The richest man in thu city could not buy a drink In a saloon on Sunday-, because such nrnoHur would mean the forfeiture of the sa loon man's license. Furthermore, the police court fine for being Intoxicated Sunday has been changed from II and costs to SO days In Jail or Its equivalent. It has been facetiously suld that the liquor men have asked for the Imposition of the heavy fines for being Intoxicated Sunday In order to make the men of Minneapolis stay at home and spend their money In town Monday. "It has proved a fact that the $1000 license, known as the high li cense, has driven the toughest and most disreputable saloons out of Min neapolis. We have no saloon boxes at home. "Regarding the social evil, the city of Minneapolis confines It to a district the same as it Is confined to a district In this city. But In Minneapolis the violators are not fined. Here they are fined monthly. To prevent street walking, two plain clothes men are aslgned steadily to its suppression. City Tabs Its Suspects. "The Minneapolis city government and police department have put In operation an excellent system of keeping track of undesirable people. Thin is done with the aid of the li cense for expressmen and tiuckmeiu No expressman or truckman there can move a family without writing In a book the name of the person moved and the address formerly occupied and the new address. This Informa tion Is turned over to the police de partment dally and a typewritten rec ord .of It Is kept by the department. This same rule applies to baggage pusslng to and from the depots. It provides the police department with an Index to the movements of all sus picious persons, I am told there Is no such system In Spokane. "Patrolmen In Spokane receive $10 a month more than they are paid In Minneapolis ana izo a month more than they are paid In St. Paul. I be lieve that there la fully 110 difference between the cost of living In Mlnne apolls and the cost of living In Spo kane, with the difference In favor of Minneapolis. It Is the belief of old police officials that $66 a month, the St. Paul rate of pay, Is not enough salary to get first-class men for the police department, the salary being so small that It tempts men to graft. "St. Paul Is a wide open town. The saloons run day and night and every day In the week. The police depart ment and the city government are said to wink at the conditions that prevail." "As regards the social evil, for In stance," said Mr. Helln, "I saw more women tonight In two buildings than in the whole city of Minneapolis. There must be 150 In the Tale and fit We are Selling Spring Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices BostonStore The Mans Costume Store 10 D O 50 L L 20 R S II eves, Is an indtaction that the price will rise higher. MOUNTAIN GEM IN SERVICE. River Boat E.ected to Reach Ken newlck Today. The Mountain Gem, the Open River Transport company's steamer, left Celllo yesterday morning for Kenne wlck and was expected to reach the Washington town this afternoon some time. The citizens In celebrating the event have arranged an elaborate pro gram and It was proposed to make the occasion a gala one. It Is expected that within a few days the steamer W. R. Todd, owned by Seattle people, will be In commis sion on the Columbia between Ken newlck and Priest Rapids. Caledonians to Meet. A meeting of the Caledonian soci ety of Umatilla county will be held) at Athena Friday evening for the pur pose of arranging for the coming picnic. pump to keep the shaft drained, as Main buildings opposite the city hall work progresses, but he will Install a gasoline engine and pump If neces- Men's East... ties. 23c, 60c and 76c. Easter hats at $2.50. $3.00 and $1.50. Bargains In boys' Eister clothing. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Where It paj-3 to trade. Gen. Bates F. Smith, a member of the Philippine committee, declares that the Filipinos would make all sorts of trouble should the Philippines be ceded to Japan. He avers thut Irrespective of race, clan, religion or occupation, that the Islanders would resist the transfer. Why not wear your Jewelery? Haven't you a piece of jewelery laid away some where because it needs repairing? If so get it out and bring it in and have me repair it for you. You may as well be wearing it. Royal M. Sawtelle JEWELER. ' Sheets on sheets of flame envelope sarv and will continue the work. an area of over two acres of lnflam-1 He Is highly encouraged by the re- J'mahle buildings filled with hundreds! port of Mr. Waterman and will pros- j of fine horses. Seven men are caught I ecute his developments with vigor f I In feA V.AI1 flra that It i hrB tOtl Itlir . hS &ft i tet. X I In the hell of fire that is threatening t to leap across ine lew vai;tiii ..,-v ; separate the stotikyards from the ! Hotel St. George. Scenes tf reckless bravery are being enacted by unme the grooms who are facing death rushing Into a veritable caldron to save some of the animals. The loss was $25,000." , No. the above Is not an extract from a description by Jules Verne, nor Is It taken from Dante's Inferno, ll Is from the accounts sent out t the Morning Tribune of the recert fire In which part of the Oregon FVd Yard bra X of 1 J' by TESTING YOUR EYES Is not merely a curW.ry examination, We make the test as thorough and accurate by modern scientific meth ods. You might pay an eye specialist One Hundred Dollurs and not set any better treatment. Yet we give It to you without charge. You have therefore no excuse for neglecting your eyes any longer. Why not come today? Winslow Brothers JEWELERS-OPTICIANS. Postofflce Block. The man who is known to his friends and neighbors as a safe , and successful business man does not invest his money In every scheme that presents Itself with the "promise" of large returns. He satis fied with a reasonable rate of Interest and the absolute security on both principal and Interest, uch as this strong bank offers to Its de positors. This course may not appear ao attractive a. some of the schemes offered, but Is far the safest and most satisfactory in the end. 4 Commercial National Bank Pendleton, Oregon are there not, Sergeant Sullivan? Sergeant Sullivan admitted there were 136 in the buildings when the last count was taken," , PROF. FRANK R. IlRIDGES OF CHICAGO, who 'a directing a chorus class this week, will give a rehearsal next Saturday night In the Christian church, beginning at 8 p. m. Follow ing this the Bridges quartet will give a concert. Mixed quartets, male quar tet, elocution, guitar and mandolin duets and Impersonations. This will be one of the best concepts ever given In Pendleton. Admission 25c TWENTY-FIVE CENTS REFUSED. hreftfter. 1Iow Kid to Play Walla Walla. The YelloW Kid will play In Walla Walla Saturday and Sunday. An ex cursion train will run foom Pendleton to Walla Walla Sunday morning, re turning In the evening, says the Athe na Press. This will give the people of the Intervening towns an opportu nity of visiting the garden city and witnessing the Sunday game. Ike Butler, the famous pitcher, will be seen at his best In that game. Long Trip by Auto. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee went to the head of Butter creek yesterday In his automobile to attend the little son of Andy Rust, the well known sheepman who Is suffering from a serious attack of pneumonia. It Is about 86 miles to the Rust home and the roads are very rough In places and the trip was extremely difficult, but . was made without accident. Figure Offered for Advance Sale of Wyoming Wool. i Hon. J. C. Davis, president of the Pioneer Sheep company of the county, arrived In Rawlins yesterday. and received word from his foreman Mr. Blaekmore, that an eastern wool concern had offered 25 cents for the Pioneer clip this year, says the Raw lins, Wyo Republic. Mr. Davis, who has visited Boston and Philadelphia twice during the past winter and kept In close touch with the wool market declined to allow (he clip to be sold at that figure. When seen Mr. Davis eexpressed the greatest confidence that Carbon coun ty wool would bring a much higher figure than ever before and believes that those men who contract their wool early are making a mistake. An offer of 26 cents this early, he he. Dancing Class Tonight. The beginners' dancing class or ranlxed bv Prof. F. W. Bouley, will have its first lesson tonight at Mllar key hall. All desiring to take lessons will apply at Mllarkey hall this even ing. The lesson will begin at o'clock. Must We Wash? We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience. may love without heart; We may live without lovers, .live without hope; But civilised women cannot live without soap. We may live without books, what la knowledge but sor row; We may live without beauty, it fades on the morrow; We may live without law suits. Indictments are quashing; But where Is the one who can live without washing. BEND YOURS TO THE Pendleton Steam Laundry FISIIMAN PETERS. CARPETS The fact Is that we carry more carpets, rugs and art squares than any store in Eastern Oregon, and carry higher grades and even In Portland you can find no higher grades of carpets than we show. Further Inducement to buy-your carpet of us Is offered by the fact we have THE MOST SELECT PATTERNS, THE NEWEST DESIGNS, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, THE LOWEST PRICES. If you contemplate buying a carpet be sure and see Uj before making a selection. BAKER & FOLSOM FURNITURE AND CARPETS- -OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. Capital TouU Resource. .... t 50,000.00 1200,000.00 ' Tea and Sale Tomorrow Night. An Easter sale and sliver tea will be given at the home of Judge and Mrs. W. R. Ellis' tomorrow night. A large number of beautiful and useful articles will be on sale and tea will be served during the evening. Recovering From Diphtheria. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mann, who was recently taken with diphtheria, Is now Improving, and no serious consequences are expected from the trouble. Extra bargains in men's spring suits at $16.00 and $17.60. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Where It pays to trade. SPRING TIME brings many ailments, especially when the system Is overloaded with winter Impurities. You suffer from Spring Fever, . Aching Honrs, Headache, Sleeplessness and Impure Mood. To stir up the liver stimulate the digest ive organs and overomo that tired feeling you'll find HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS excellent. Then also cures Ptior AiHieUlo, Flatulency, Dyspepsia, Indl ectttlon. CoMtlvenetw, Female Ills or Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try It. W.D.FLETCHER THUS PIONEER WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 05 Court Street. Jewelry made to order. Wedding ring, a specially. AU work gurn- Money to Loan on Monthly Installments Long Time Loans Real Estate In Any Part of the City for Sale 1 Frank B. Clopton & Co. 112 Ea$t Court Street Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING CITY of EASTERN OREGON and look over the ALFALFA LANDS which Tin NT yon Urge return, on your money. We h ve swreral hundred re. of U e best Irrigated Alfalfa Land In the west, which yield, from even to twelve ton. per acre. For further particulars write BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon. ; t '