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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1906)
EIGHT PAGES. DAILY BAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THlltSDAY, APRIL 5, 106. PAGE 8EYKX. Among the Exchanges of the Inland Empire Negro Shot at LcwlHton. Bylvestus Jones, a mulatto boy, aged 20 years, la at the St. Joseph hospital (Uttering from two ' bullet wounds. One of the bullets pierced the left lung, and the other shattered the bone of the left thigh. His cor.' dltlon Is critical, with the prospects against his recovery. Andrew Criss man, also a colored man. Is In Jail and will be arraigned today on the charge of shooting Jones. The shooting occurred on Fourth street, near the corner of C street, at f o'clock lost night and was due to trouble over a colored girl, Miss Bhug saiiers, wno resides with her mother. Mrs. Jackson, keeper of a lodging nouse at the corner of Fourth and B streets near the N. P. depot The girl had been talking to the men but a minute before the Bhootlng occur red. Lewlston Tribune. Yonilka Will Stand a Lawsuit. At the council meting last night In the matter of refunding to the state the amont claimed on account of liquor license collections. It was de cided to make the state sue (or the tax It claims. The amount Involved Is $243.RO. This amount Is what the state claims Is due under the old law, which requires that all cities must pay Into the state treasury 10 per cent of their saloon licenses. It Is a law which hns not been enforced, and was only revived a short time ago under the present state administra tion. In the case of North Yakima It Is claimed that the records here are Incomplete and It Isnot believed that the state can obtain Judgment against this city. Yakima Republic. Mrl'nrlnml Jury DiMngrced. S. I.. McFarlaml, the Lewlston at torney, who was charged with tho embezzlement of 500 from Mrs. Martha MnrrisRey, a client, had his trlil last week, but on the fourth day of the trial the Jury was discharged after having been out 20 hours with out having been able to reach an agreement. Much Interest has attach ed to the case throughout the state, because of the prominence of the ac cused man. who has taken part In a number of oases of Important litiga tion. He Is a brother of former At torney General R. E. MeFarland, who defended him at the trial. Lewlston Teller.. . .- ;:; '" Illiclilnml Mlne-4 Litigation. In Jud?e White's court yesterday the case of the "Haines Mercantile company and Knapp was continued until 1:30 o'clock this afternoon.; This was a suit originally brought by Lomax and Clifford, attorneys, to establish a lien of $.'500. for supples The Hotel Pendleton IIOU.ONS & IlKOAVN. Proprietors. t The Hotel Pendleton has. been re fitted and refurnished throughout Kite alarm connections with all rooms. I ti tlis en suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Snmplo Rooms. FREE 'BUS. Rates, $2, $2.50 and $3 Special Rates by tho week or month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt dining room service. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection. Only Three Block" froni Depots. THE POPULAR PLACF TO EAT IS THE . The French Restaurant Everytliing served first-class. Best regular meals In Pendle ton for 2S aenta. ' 8HORT ORDERS At SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. HOTEL PORTLAND - OF PORTLAND. OREGON, . American plan, $3 per day and up ward. Headquarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Special rates made to families and single gentle men. The management will be pleas ed at all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath establishment in the hotel. , H. C. BOWERS. Manager mm i IBs furnished the Highland mine. Knapp being made defendant because he ha'd a mortgage on record against ..' the property. Knapp, by his attorneys, Smith ft Hart, denied the lien and in a cross bill set up nls mortgage for 135,000, and asked to have it foreclos ed. The Haines Mercantile company, by Lomax and Clifford, and the High land Mines company, Crawford, Clif ford and , Richards, attorneys, deny the validity of the mortgage. As de fault had been taken against . the Highland Mines for the lien for sup plies. It will be seen that tho caso Involves soma nice points of law which will be argued at the hearing. Baker City Democrat. ., Italian Cut HI Throat. Vlncenxa I.urjhl. an Italian Inmate from Kittitas county In the St. Eliza beth hospital, committed suicide Monday night by butting his throat. He used a razor and cut a gash across his throat, partly severing. one of the arteries. ; I.urjhl was a miner at Cle Elum and was a sufferer from miner's asth ma. His .condition was such that he could not work and was sent to the hospital at this place at the expense of Kittitas county. He had been hero about three weeks and was In the public ward at the hospital. Yakima Republic. Uciilh CiiiiscJ liy ii Scratch. As result of n scratch In the floe whl!- sniffling w:th some friends about two weeks ago, Henry Morgan died this morning at 1:10 o'clock from erysipelas. The young man re ceived the .scratch while In a tussel with some other young men, and thought nothing of It. The scratch was sliiih1, but I." came very sore. He wa. taken si-iir-uslv III about a week ago and continued to grow worse un til this morning, when he died, at Ih.i ii.m; i.f his patents it the ;oi:iei of College nnd B streets. Baker City Herald. New Itnttor Maker nt I -a Grande. J. AY. Bush, of Tlldcn. Neb., has arrived In tho city and has assumed charge of the butter making depart ment of the Blue Mountain Crenmcry company. Mr. Bush Is an experienced butter maker and has captured three gold medals from the Nebraska State Dairy association. He has also served as vice, president of the Nebraska Dairy nsoolatlon, and was also a mem ber of the board of directors. Mr. Buh has had 27 years experience as a butter maker. La Grande Observer. Seventy-five thousand Jute sacks per day Is the output this spring at the AValln Walla penitentiary. It AIl.HO ADS YIELD POINT. Lumber Trnst of tlic Northwest AA'lns Its l ight The matter of weighing lumber cars at the loading point rather than the destination, which has been In cronlroversy between the lumbermen nnd the railroads for years, and to cover which a law was passed by the 1905 session of the legislature, which the companies have so far refused to obey, has been settled, says Victor H. Bcckman, secretary of the State Lum bermen's association, says a Seattle dispatch. i At the regular monthly meeting of the association In the quarters of tho Seattle Lumbermen's club, at tho Olympus Saturday,' a voluntary prop osition was read from the freight de partment of t,he Northern Pacific rail road, accepting the proposition of the association, 'Which Is substantially the provision of the state law. .The association recommended to the mlllmen the acceptance of tho proposition, and left to the transpor tation committee the work out of the details. The committee, through J. II. P.loedel, Its chairman, Is to com municate with the company In the matter, accepting Its proposition. According to Secretary Bookman, of the association, acceptance of the lumbermen's position In the matter by the Northern Pacific presages a similar concession on the part of other roads. For 'lu)iMM- Lenten Pure. Senator Cloy of Georgia, In con demning certain underhand nnd mean business methods, said: "Such methods remind me of a woman whom I heard of In my boy hood. She called her cook upstairs and snld: .".'Jane, I am grieved to soo how you arc carrying on with the butcher's young man. ( , . " "Oh, he's' a very deoent, nice, hon orable person, George Is, ma'am.' . " That may be, Jane,' the woman Interrupted, 'but I think you should consult our . interests more. Why shouldn't you, now that It Is Lent' get up a little flirtation with the fish dealer?' " ' Cool In Oregon. , Coal mining has been followed in Oregon for the Inst half century. It was one of the. first sections .of, the great mineral west to open up a pro ductive coal mine. These, mines, lo cated near Marshfleld, on Coos pay, are still producing, . As early as JSHB the mines of Coos Bay1 shipped their coal by schooner to San Francisco, These mines nre still , beyond reach of the railroads and are still' shipping by water; however, the output which was then 50,000 tons yearly, has' In creased to more than five times .that amount ' ' r ' ' "I wonder what Hamlet' was really rending when he shui 'words, words, words,', to Polonlus."; "r can't Imag ine.'' answered " Senator Sorghum. I "The .Congressional Record, wasn't published then." Washington Star. PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND SUR geon. Office in Savings Bank building. 'Phones: Office main 154; residence, main 176. c . DR. C. J. SMITH OrFICE SMITH- Crawford building, opposite postof. flee. Telephones: Main SOI; resi dence, main 1581; barn, rejl 681. DR. AMY CURRIN, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office Smith-Craw ford building. 'Phone 514. DR. R. E. RINQO, PHYSICIAN AND . Surgeon. Rooms 3 and 4 Schmidt building. 'Phone, office mam 623; residence main 23. DR. W. Q. COLE, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office, Judd building. Of fice 'phone main 137; residence 'phone main 138. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO nottiln Thvatrlnn and RnrirAnn. Of flee Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 34ii; residence, rea gsiz. DR. D. J. M'FAXJL, JUDD BLOCK. Telephone, main 931; residence, black 1(1. DR. T. M. HENDERSON. PHYSI clan and Surgeon. Office in Sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone, main 1411; residence, mam 1661. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone main 72. X-Ray and Electro- Therapeutics. OSTEOPATHS DRS. Q. S. & EVA Hoislngton. Graduates. Klrksvllle school. Suite 10-12 Despaln block. 'Phone red 8181. All diseases treated. DENTISTS. RALPH C. SWINBURNE. DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Smith-Crawford building, opposite postofflce. 'Phone main 643. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 16 Judd build ing. 'Phone red 3301. E. A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST. OF flee In Judd building. 'Phone red 1411. DR. T. H. WHITE, DENTIST AS soclatlon block. Telephone main 166. . VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary board. Office Tallman's drug store. Residence 1203 E. Court street 'Phone main 115. T. J. LLOYD. D. V. S., VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of Grand Rapids Veterinary College, Michigan. Office at Pendleton Drug company's store. Residence telephone main 131. BANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton, Ore. Organized March 1. 1889. Capital, 8100,000: surplus, 8100,000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice president; J. W. Maloney, cashier; Fred Schmcer. assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEX- dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits, J250.000.00. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest pnld on time depos its. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny, president; - V. F. Matlock, vice-president; G. M. Rice, cashier; George Hartman, Jr.. assistant onRhier. IXSrilAXCE AXD LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-resl-donts. References, any bank In Pen dleton. .JAMES JOHNS, Pres. AV. 8. HEXNINGER. Vlce-Pres. C. II. MARSH, Sec. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest and most reliable fire and accident Insurance companies. Office with Hartman ADstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, JR., U. S. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made of land filings and proof. Insurance and collections. Office In Judd building, room 16. COMMISSION HOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO., DEAN Tatom. manager. Office at Pendle ton Ice & Cold Storage plant Dealers In fruit, vegetables and dairy products. 'Phone main 178. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND- hand goods. If there 1b anything you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 court street. PLUMBING. WILL M. MORROW, SUCCESSOR to Goodman-Thompson Co. Plumb ing, Heating and sheet metal work. Our work Is good; the prices are right. (43 Main street 'Phone black 3221. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTELLI BROS., MARBLE and urantte Works. Monuments of all descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Examine our work: 708 East Court street. HOARDIXG AXD LODGING. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Good home cooked meals and clean beds. Special accommodation for commercial men, , Frank "Myers, pro prietor. ATHENA HOTEL LEA DING Ho tel In the city. $1.00 and 11.50 per day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN, QUICK RESULTS g cents a line, per month. Smallest ad taken, 4 lines. ATTORNEYS. H. j: bean, attorney at law Office over Taylor's hardware store Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES L FEE, LAW OFFICE IN Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY at Law. Office in Despaln block. JOHN W. M'COURT, ATTORNEY AT law. Smith-Crawford building. CARTER, RALEY & RALEY. AT torneys at Law. Office In Savings Bans; Duiiaing. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylor's hard ware store. JOHN H. LAWREY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office Savings Bank building, WINTER & COLLIER, LAWYERS. Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTOR- neys at Law. Mr. Stillman has been admitted to practice in United States patent offices, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association block. GEORGE W. COUTTS, LATE COUN ty attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETER WEST, DIVORCE LAWYER Office 808 Garden street R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices in Despaln building, at head of stairs. S. A. NEWBERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Offices in Association block, Main street. DAN P. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In Despaln block. East Court street. CECIL R. WADE, ATTORNEY AT Law. - Office In East Oregonian building. East Webb street. G. W. PHELPS, DISTRICT ATTOR ney. Offices with John McCourt in Smith-Crawford block. ARCHITECTS AXD BUILDERS. HOAVARD & SWINGLE, ARCHI- tects and Architectural Engineers. Practical and reliable plans and sped flcatlons and thorough superintend ence of all kinds of building and con structlon. Taylor building, corner Main and Water streets. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT and Superintendent Room 12 Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. . D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone nulls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonian office. KELLER & VANDUSEN, PLASTER- Ing, brick and cement work. Esti mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. P. O. Box 104. 'Phone black 2042. ENGRAA'ED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, etc. Very latest stvles. Leave or ders at East Oregonian fflce. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER, FUNERAL DIREC- tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balming. Corner Main and Webb streets. 'Phone main 1301. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER & FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed emhalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or nleht. 'Phone main 75. AA' ANTED. AV ANTED WILL PAY 75 CENTS per 100 pounds for old castings. Pendleton Iron AVorks. AVANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO learn barber trade in 8 weeka. Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. Catalogue free. Moler system of col leges, 403 Front avenue, Spokane, Wn. AVANTED A WELL EDUCATED young man wants position as clerk. Address W. L. Jones, Box 172, Pilot Rock, Oregon. FEMALE HELP WANTED. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FAN- cy work at home during spare time: no experience required; good pay and stea y: address Fancy Work Dept 134'. Mar- et St.. sun Francisco. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A MAGPIE TRAINED to talk, with casre for same: orlee very reasonable. Further particulars call on or address A. D. Sloan, 415 Bush street. SACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGH- est price paid for hides. See L. Shank & Co., dealers In nil kinds of Junk: 210 West AVobb street, Pendle ton, Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP 320 ACRES ( miles from Athena, mile from ware house, holf In winter wheat growing fine; good buildings, well, and wind mill; half cash, half on long terms. Box 9, Helix, Oregon. 440 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 miles north of Athena, at $40 nn acre. Terms. Craighead & Hayes, Athena. FOR SALE FIREPROOF SAFE. Piano for rent or sale. Inquire of Mrs. B. B. Guernsey. t FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED House keeping rooms and unfurnished houses, with water, bath, shade, lawn; close In. See Spoonemore, 124 West Court street. MISCELLANEOUS. WANT A , WIFE OR HUSBAND? Join our society. . Hundred! of members who wish to mar.; many wealthy. Write for Matrimonial Reg ister, price 10c. Box (69, Portland, Oregon. HURST RAILROAD SWITCH STOCK can be purchased at a big discount by communicating with W. J. Crutis, 215 Commercial block, Portland, Ore. PENDLETON AMUSEMENT PAR lors, H. H. Williams, Prop., base ment of Hendricks building. Games and amusements of all kinds. Open all day and evening. Music every eve ning. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE pair work on all kinds of machines, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marlon Jack, Pres.; W. L. Zleger, manager. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS 206 East Alta street, under new management; E. K. Lorlmer, Prop. Dyeing, cleaning and pressing of la dies' and gentlemen's clothing. La dles' fine garments a specialty. All work guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. 'Phone main 169. Pendleton, Ore., March 1, 1904, Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Pendleton Wool Scour ing & Packing Co., that a meeting will be held Tuesday, May 1st, 1906, at 'he office of the company In Pendleton, Oregon, at 4 p. m. E. Y. JUDD, President F. B. CLOPTON, Secretary. Pendleton, Ore., March 1, 1906. Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Pendleton Woolen Mills that a meeting will be held Tuesday, May 1, 1906, at the office of the com pany in Pendleton. Oregon, at 4 p. m. E. Y. JUDD, . - "President C. H. CARTER, Secretary. CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. T. J. Kirk for State Senator. To the Voters of Umatilla County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the republican nomination for state senator of Umatilla county, subject to the decision of the voters In the coming primaries. T. J. Kirk, Athena, Ore. For Member of the Legislature. To the Rc ubllcans of Umatilla County: I hereby announce that I shall be a candidate before the approaching republican primary for the nomina tion as member of the legislature from Umatilla county, and I respect fully ask the support of all members of the party. Athena, Ore., March 14, 1906. CHARLES A. BARRETT. II. E. Collier for Judge. To the voters of the Sixth Judicial District: I hereby ann unce myself a candidate for the republican nomina tion for circuit Judge of this district, comprising Umatilla and Morrow counties, subject to your decision at the direct primary election to be heH April 20. HENRY E. COLLIER. Pendleton. T. P. Gllllland for County Jndge. To the voters of Umatilla countv; X hci?by announce myself as a candi date for the reDubllean nomination for county Judge of Umatilla county, suDjeoi to the decision of the voters in tho coming primaries. ; T. P. GILLILAND, Pilot Rock. T. D. Taj lor for Sheriff. I hereby announce mv canrtMncv for the democratic nmnlnntinn tn sheriff of Umatilla county, subjoct to the decision of the voters at the di rect primary nomination. T. D. TAYLOR. G. AA'. Brown for Sheriff. To the voters of this countv: t hereby announce myself a candidate for the republican nomination tnr sheriff of Umatilla county, subject to your decision at the Drimarv election April 20. GEO. W. BROWN. Pendleton. E. J. SommorvUlc for Sheriff. To the Voters of Umatilla Countv I hereby announce myself as a candi date ror the republican nomination for sheriff, subjoct to your decision, at the primary election. E. J. SOMMERVILLE. Pendleton, March 6. , Frank feallng for Clerk. To the Voters of Umatilla rnuniv- t hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for the of fice of county clerk under the direr primary law, subject to the decision of the voters. FRANK SALINQ. Fred AV. Hcndlcy for Recorder. Candidate for republican nomina tion for recorder of conveyances. I guarantee , accurate and legible .rec ords, prompt service and courteous treatment George Buzan for Treasurer. To the Voters of Umatilla Countv; I hereby announce myself as a repub lican candidate for the office of coun ty treasurer,, subject to your decision at the primary election. v GEORGE BUZAN. Parkes f r Justice of Peace, j I hereby announce mv candldacv for the republican nomination for Jus tice of the peace of Pendleton dis trict subject to the pleasure of the voters, April 20. JOE H. PARKES. s Dally, East Oregonian, br -carrier. only 16 cents a week. DANCING LESSONS. PROF. T. W. BOULEY'S 8CH00L of fashionable and society dancing. Beginner's class and dance start Wednesday evening,: April 11. . All fashion plate dancing taught For particulars call on Prof. Bouley at Hotel St George. Classes are now forming. Children's class Saturday at 2 p. m. Private lessons by appoin: ment. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. WM. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEER Cries public and private sales of all kinds. Commission reasonable. Post office box 6(6. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRT man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by hand, and first class. Goods called for and delivered. 408 Court street LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, ALTA ST., Carney & Kennedy, .Props. Livery feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection, 'Phone main 701. CHOP MILL. ALL CHOP FEEDS, WALTERS' shorts and bran. Alfalfa $11 per ton. Free delivery. 'Phone main 552. D. Maurer, Prop. West Webb street. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 62, A. F. & A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. -OREGON SH ONLINE ra union Pacihc TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard ' and Tourist Sleepers daily to Omaha and Chicago; tourist sleeper dally to Kan sas City; through Pullman ' tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago; reclining fchair, cars (seats free) to the east dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. -EASTBOUND. "'"'" " No. 2, Chicago Special, arrives 5:40 p. m.;. departs 5:40 p. m. No. (, Mail Ik Express, arrives 5:00 p. m.; departs, (p.m. " WESTBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, arrives 8:55 a, m.; departs, 8:55 a. m. No. 6, Mail & Express, arrives 11 p. m.; departs, 11 p. m. SPOKANE DIVISION. No. 7, Pendleton passenger, arrives 6:35 p. m.; connects with No. 2. No. i, Spokane passenger, departs 9 a. m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. No. 41, mixed, arrives 1:40 p. m. No. 42, mixed, departs 6:50 ji. m.; connects with No. 2. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparta to Lewlston Leave Rlparta dally, except Saturday,' 4:05 a. m. Leave Lewlston dally except Fri day, 7 a. m. , E.. C. SMITH. Agent, Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kanscj City, St. Josopli, Omaha, and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Portlnnd and Points on the Sound. TIME O -RD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, 12:15 p. m. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:15 a. m. Leave at 5 p. m. dally. Leave Walla Walla, 6:15 p. m. for east. Arrive Walla Walla at 9 a. m. from west. For Information regarding rates and accommodations, call on or address W.- ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oreg . S. B. CALDEr.HEAD, G. P. A., Walla Walla, Tashlnton, m UHICHT3TCR-SJ tNOUSH sE?,flYR0YAL PILLS .rk""V Original and Only nrsmditv IVVNL tM ClU'iHfcSTKK'S KNC.l.ISti n r. uuiu mvisuic win 1 m wlih blntrlbbon. Take then UrftiM Irr!M NubitllwUvn and latil tloa. Buy of jor druggist. f rn-t 4e. ta tump frr iartilar. TeatiMaalala td " UvllffT fur Ladl" m, by rw lam UalL 10.000 Teettmoiitalt. 814 k Jl Drug I its. ChlohMUs rfcMlMi UaUM Uia (apr MatUaaa fcara. fill LA ftA. niEN AND WOMEN. Vm BlxBfnr vnnatvrtl (m bttr erft.ln liDDl ttont, lrrtUiLdiui or Ulceration of mucoQi vwmbnniM, et turttin. I Pntanu OotftclM. famlAM, ana uoi umii or vent In plala wtwpp br pM, prptl lot ILK), or 3 bottlaa, CiruuUr tout, nuaftV Scoffs Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE lnrntih.iis.An.. w Of the Bladdejr and UiMued KtdMT. Kj our do pav. Our qntcklr and Prta ntml? the wont mmi of 4sonrrh04 and lrt, no matter of how Joiig stands In?. Abolatly narmlcia, Hiilrl tiv Hm,.-I.a. n tl.iM), nr tr mall, Lofttp,tii l.OO.Sboxoa.Jift." " VM SANTAl.PCPSI CO., ir i v -id "v-ti , . wi 'SS-'r ,"-'0"tim. Sold ty F. J". Donaldson.