A ,,. PAGE SCC DAILY EAST ORKGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL S, 1906. EIGHT PAGES. BRIEF RECORD OF COUNTY EVENTS Special NEWS OF MILTON THE RURAL TELEPHONE LINES TO INCORPORATE. Peddlers ol Vehicles for Foreign Companies Claim Not to Fenr Pros ecution on Action to Collect County License At Lca. Half a Crop of Fruit of Excellent Quality Is Confi dently Expected. Milton, April S. A meeting of those Interested In the Milton rural telephone lines will be held at the Opera hall over the bank In Milton this evening, for the purpose of form. lng a corporation and electing a board of directors for said corporation and transacting any other business that may legally come before the meeting. Selling Buggies. The company that loaded two car. loads of buggies at this place persist In selling them, and It is learned that they do not fear prosecution In the least, as the comrany has referred to the supreme court, and they have declared that they might go on selling them without paying the license of 1500. A number of buggies have been sold to parties over the state line. where It was easy for them to evade the license. It is still believed by some that the county can and will take up the matter, and that It will be necessary for the company to pay the required license. Mayor S. A. Miller, who Is inter ested in the Milton nursery, says that he expects a very good fruit crop this season. The frost has Injured about half the fruit, but what remains will be of better quality, and a half crop In this section has been sufficient number of seasons heretofore. ALBA NEWS NOTES MARCH OCT AND APRIL IN WITH A BLIZZARD. Six Inches Snow and More Coming Feeding All Stock Vet Except a Few Horses Turned 350 Cattle Onto the Range Too Soon Con tin led Winter Weather Will Cause Loos of Stock Recovered From a Severe Case of Pneumonia Measles Are Epidemic. Alba, April 1. Weather Is squally, March went out with an old-fashioned blizzard, continuing Into April. There is now six Inches of new snow and still snowing. The old snow had nearly disappeared before this storm. Stock of all kinds with the excep tion of horses, has got to be fed yet. Fred Martin, thinking the winter had broke, drove In 360 head of cat tle from Pilot Rock and turned them on the range last week. He will now have to buy hay and feed them, as there Is no new grass to do any good yet, and the old grass had been pretty well skimmed off last fall. Stock will not Uv6 on the range yet. Hay Is getting short, but no stock that has wintered here has suffered for feed yet. But if this weather con tinues much longer there will be loss of stock. Professor Uret, who has been teach ing the Alba school, has just closed his term, and will keep bachelor's hall on his homestead, this summer. School Superintendent Frank K. vteiiM, was In the valley lust week visiting schools. John Harvey came in from Pendle ton a few days ago to look after his stock Interests. Miss Hattle Fisher has recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia, "j A large number of children have the measles, but all are getting along as well as could be expected, with no bad results. FREEWATER ADVICES COUNTY COURTS VIEW SEVERAL ROUTES. Walla Walla Commissioners Will Agree to Any Route the Umatilla Commissioners May Choose At Least Half a Crop of Fruit is Ex. ported Aged Man Hod an Arm Broken Diphtheria Quarantine Has Been Raised Much Improve ment to Streets. rreewater, April s. The county courts or Umatilla and Walla Walla counties met In Freewater the early part of the week for the purpose of making a selection of the road to be macadamized from Walla Walla to Freewater. The entire party drove out to the state line on the lower road, nnere a careful Inspection was made of the road conditions. It is not yet known which road will be decided upon, but a decision will be made early this week. The Walla Walla commissioners state that they will agree upon any road selected by Umatilla county. Prospects Good. The weather of the past week shows that prospects for fruit are splendid. and at least a half crop will be on me trees. The late rains and sun shine are bringing things out fine, and the frost is not near so bad as at first supposed. Arm Broken. James Shaw, aged 70 years, who re sides near Sunnyside church, had the misfortune to have his arm broken Just above his wrist last Wednesday, wnne at worn In his orchard. Owlne to his age he has been suffering con siderably from the injury. The family of Robert Camnbell has been released from quarantine after being confined to their home for several weeks on account of dlphthe in. i Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ireland are here rrom Pendleton on business connected with their ranch three miles from town. The Ladies' All rociety will alve a social at bunnyslde church Tuesday evening, April 3. The streets of Freewater have been greatly Improved of late, a number of citizens working out their road tax. The Idea of erecting a building with a glass front for the purpose of ex hlbiting fruit and other products of mis section near the depot by the citizens of Milton and Freewater, is stil lbelng agitated, and this will likely be carried out In the course of the next few weeks. Walter D. Dudley, the Freewater Times publisher, made a business vis. it to Walla Walla yesterday. of Mukden, one of the greatest achievements of the late war. The principal feature of the day will be an enormous parade of 100,000 men, Including veterans of the late war and, especially the prisoners of Mukden, who have only recently re. turned to their homes. The parade will start from Hlblya Park, will pass the Imperial palace, to cheer the em peror and will then proceed to Uyeno x-urn, wnere commemorative exercises will be held. ALL ABOUT ONE-FIFTH PENNY. German Red Tape Affair That Breaks the Record. Berlin, April S. One of the most curious cases of red tape has devel oped from a case In bankruptcy at Duesseldorf, In which the German pi-Biai administration ilgured as a creditor for the amount of 25 cents, a claim for unpaid telephone chaarges. The dividend declared was about 7 cents to every $5, and thus the post office became entitled to 1 i-S of a pfennig In German money. Concern ing this claim six volumnlous letters nave been written by the postal auth orities to the official receiver in the bankruptcy, necessitating as many re plies, and the end is not yet. The receiver Is at a loss how to transmit the exact sum of 1 2-3 pfennig, and the postal administration declines to write off as a bad debt anything but the precise amount, including the fraction. There Is every Drosnect nf a voluminous dossier accumulating In this protentlous matter. ATHENA BREVITIES H. PRESTON AND WIFE RETURN FROM HONEYMOON. Heavy Rains Responsible for Great Amount or Silt in the Public Water Supply Excursion Rales From Pendleton and Wullu Walla to the Itoseball Gume Here Caledonian Society Has licgun Preparations for the Picnic of May 25 and 26. An Interesting Anniversary. Queenstown, April S. AlthouKh no special celebration was held It was recalled at the Chamber of Com merce and among the veterans of the shipping district that 68 years ago today, on Ajrll 3, 1838, the Slrlus, the first steamship that made the western trip across the Atlantic, sailed from nere ror New York, which trin It completed in 18 days. On June 18, isi'7. the Slrlus was lost off th south coast of Ireland. In May of last year the wreck was raised, and now most of her metal has been made over Into steam fittings and taps Her crank shaft, which was of solid brass, has been sawed into small u.acs, wnicn nave been suitably en graved and distributed as souvenirs. Once More for the Patrick Case. New York. April 3. The hearing of the motion for a new trial in the case of Albert T. Patrick, who is un der sentence of deuth for the murder of William Marsh Rice, was begun before Recorder Goff today. District Attorney Jerome will strongly oppose the motion for a new trial, maintain ing that no new evidence has hoen submitted to weaken the case of the state. He will make the formal de mand that Putrick waive his privilege ana allow his attorney, Frederick B. House, to testify to the confession made to him by Patrick, which Dras tically tallied with the testimony of t-naries r . Hones, the valet It Is not expected, however, that Patrick will permit his lawyer to testify to that effect. IS E MANAGERS Nothing will relieve Indigestion that Is not a thorough digestant. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, and allows the stomach to rest recuperate grow strong again. A few doses of Kodol after meals will soon restore the stomach and diges tive organs to a full performance of their functions naturally. Sold bv Tailman & Co. Don't tie a cough or a cold up In your system by taking a reemdy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It Is dif ferent from all other cough syrups. It is better. It opens the bowels expels all cold from the system, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. An Ideal remedy for young and old. Children like It. Sold by Tall man & Co. .(. : Archbishop OTonnell Honored. Boston, Mass., April 3. The Cath olic clergy and laity of the archdiocese of lioytun turned out en masse this afternoon at the reception given In honor of Archbishop W. H. O'Conncll, the newly appointed coadjutor to the venerable Archbishop Williams. The affair was held In the cathedral of the Holy CroKs and the program Included an address of greeting on behalf of the clergy and a reply by Archbishop O'Conncll. Benediction of the blessed sacrament followed, and the "Te De um" was sung. The reception was attended by over 400 priests, each wearing his cassock and surplice. California Prune Wafers. Purely vegetable, they are nature's Sroduct and should be In every house old. They cure constipation and all disorders nf the stomach, liver and bowels. Tailman 4k Co., 62S Main St, Pendleton. Oregon. 100 Wafers IS Cents. Athena, March 3. D. H. Preston, manager of the Preston-Parton Mill ing company returned to this city yes terday accompanied by his bride. He was married to Miss Stella Anderson of Portland, Wednesday, and Mr. and Mrs. Prenton left Immediately for British Columbia and the Puget Sound country to spend their honeymoon. II rs. Preston was graduated at the. Mate .Normal school at Weston and the Washington Normal at Ellens burg. Mr. and Mrs. Preston expect to make Athena their future home, and they have the best wishes of a host of friends In the county. Heavy Rains. The late heavy rains did considera ble damage to the water works In this section. The large reservoir fed by the gravity system contains about two feet of silt, and the water that has been piped Into town has been muddy and entirely unfit for use. Yellow Kids. The Yellow Kids will play Walla Walla Saturday, the return game Sunday. Elaborate preparations are being made for this event, and the Kids are practicing up in fine shape. KxcurHlon rates will be made from Walla Walla and Pendleton. The ball which will be given Saturday night for the benefit of the team promises to be one of the most uccessful af fairs of the season. Caledonians. The annual picnic of the Caledonian society of Umatilla county will h :J Its annual picnic at Athena on May 25 and 26. An extensive program will be arranged. American Athletes Diart. New York, April 3. A laree crowd thronged the North German Lloyd pier today at the departure of file steamship Barbarossa and waved an enthusiastic adieu to the team of ath letes who will uphold the honors of America In ' the Olympic games at Athens this month. The entire team numbers 30 men, but as several sailed iur curupe last weeK mere were about 24 left to take the trip on the Earbarosww. All appeared to be In splendid health and the best of spir its. The Barbarossa will reach Na ples In about 12 days. If the connec lion witn a Bteamshlp sailing for Athens is missed the party will be conveyed to the Grecian capital by a warsnip or private yacht. REPUBLICANS WHO WILL LEAD IN THE CAMPAIGNS. I Republican Senators anil Itopresciita- uves Take Prellmliiury Steps In Relation to the Campaign of 1000 in the Congressional and State Leg islative Districts Expected That the Chan-manslUp Will Go to Slier. man of New York Old Officers of Committee will Retire. Washington, D. C, April 4. The men who will bo entrusted with the management of the republican con gressional campaign this year will be selected tonight at a Joint caucus of tne republican mombers of the sen ate and house of representatives. The election of the new officers of the committee will not take place at this caucus, but the various state delega tions will report the selection of a representative on the committee of each stute. These committeemen will then hold a caucus to determine on their own officers and executive com mittee. If the slate Is adopted as at present framed by the republican leaders, the committee will bo In charge of prac tically an entirely new set of officers. An effort undoubtedly will be made at the caucus to persuade the officers who served In previous years to con tinue to serve In the coming cam paign, but their is no likelihood that this will change their determination. Representative Babcock of Wisconsin long ago announced his determination to retire from the chairmanship and Representative Overstreet of Indiana, who for eight years has been secre tary, and W. B. Thompson of Michi gan, treasurer, have likewise pre pared their resignations. Unless all signs full the chairman ship will go to Representative James S. Sherman of New York. Mr. Sher man has been vice-chairman of the committee for eight years, and has rendered valuable service in conduct ing previous campaigns. To succeed Mr. Sherman as vice-chairman of the committee. It is likely that Represen tative Tawncy of Minnesota will be chosen. He has done efficient work In western campaigns, and his serv ices always have been greatly in de mand as a campaign organizer and stump speaker. For the place of sec retary, the most likely candidate ap pears to be Representative Albert F. Dawson of Iowa, a new member of the house. Mr. Dawson has directed the speakers' bureau for the republi can state committee In Iowa, and be fore his election to congress he was for six years secretary to Senator Allison and gained much experience in western campaigns. THREEFACTS For Sick Women To Consider Fibst. That almost every operation in our hospitals performed upon women becomes necessary through neglect of such symptoms as backache, Irregular and painful periods, displacements oi me lemale organs, pain in the aide, burning sensation in the stntnooh bearing-down pains, nervousness, dls- amen ana sleeplessness. Sbcond. The medicine that holds the record for the largest number of absolute cures of female ills is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co It regulates, strengthens and cures diseases ot the female organism as nothing else can. For thirty years it has been helping Tvutucu w ma strong, curing Dacuache, nervousness, kidney troubles, inflam mation of the female ortrana. weak ness and displacements, regulating the periods perfectly and overcoming their pains. It has also proved itself luvBiuaois in preparing women for childbirth and the change of life. Third. The rreat volume nt nnan. lid ted and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to time published by permission, give ab solute evidence of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham's advice. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to Srompuy communicate with Mrs. Pink am, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. From symptoms given, your trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her decease she has been ad visingsick women free of charge. Outof the vast volume of experience in treat ing female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. For Rent-i-Sulte unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Oregon Ian building. Hot and cold water and both on same floor. Inquire this office. A Positive CURE Ely's Cream Balm CATARRH 0H li quickly sbtorbed 8ive Hells! st Once 1 1 cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the dis eased membrane. It cures Co tar 't and drives away a Cold In the Head qulckl,. Re stores the senses of taste and smell. Full stse, 60c, ai druggists or by mall. Trial size 10c by mall. Ely Mrothers, 66 Warrec street New Yorlt HAY FEVER Get The Best Good Dry Wood and ROCK SPRING COAL ne Coal that gives the most t MM. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. 1Y1INNIS X Leave orders at Hennlngs' cigar X tore, Opp. Peoples Ware- J honse. X 'Phone Mais I. X National Cash Registers GEO. II. PAYNE, Sales Agent Room 21S Ransom Building. Walla Walla, Wash. LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal " Recognised as tl.e best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you Ur your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAIN 4.TREET NEAR DEPOT Roslyn Coal $6.50 deliv ered, $6.00at the shed Roslyn Coal, .or thorough exhaustive testa, has been se lected by the U. B. government for the use of its war vessels, as It stood the highest teat. PROMPT DELIVK IT. ROSLYN WOOD COA CO. Office at W. - C. R. Depot PIION3 MAIN I. Dally East Oregonlan nnfv 16 cents a week. by carrlar. DO YOU GET UP WITH A I,AME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful G4 iisr i CIXKISHATING FALL OF MUKDEN (Vilni'ldt'iit With Anniversary of Jlm mu Ton no In 660 li. C. Toklo, April 3. There Is nearly as much enthusiasm and excitement In this city today as there was during the exciting days of the late war. The whole city Is decorated, partly in hon or of the anniversary of the accession of Emperor Jlmmu Tenno, In the year 660 B. C, and "partly In honor of the celebration In memory of the fall cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, liver and blad- . der remedy. i It is the great med- l ical triumph of the rQXg of scientific research oy ur. Kilmer, tne eminent kidney and bladder socialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright'! Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to fimlout if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar size bottles are Ho not sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N, Y., on Dottie. e e e ARE YOU TIRED OF PAYING BLUNDER TAXES" n Many a business man pays as much money for the luxury of blunder ing as a steam yacht, or a private touring car would cost. "Blunder Taxes" cannot be evaded whatever else waits, these must be paid. If a business man gets Into the habit of making the same blunders more than once, the taxes will soon amount to confiscation "Bl nder Taxes" are levied with amazing frtq-ency upon store adver tisers. Among the blunders which are assessed at "full value" In adver tising are these: , Selection of poor mediums. Using too little space In good mediums. Detotlng less attention to preparing t .0 dally sore advertisement than to the storing of some empty boxes Jn the basement. stopping the ad altogether for one or more dnys now and then. Figuring the advertising appropriation on the basis of what you can 'afford" after all other expenses are provided for. The use of "programs," schemes, circulars, posters, fence-signs, pla cards and Jim-cracks, under the Impression that you re securing real pub licity, and that somewhere, somehov, sometime someone will be influenced by some of these things to come to your store and buy something. xOUR "IlLUN'EKR T.VY" AS YOUR USE P.IGGER. HILL GROWS SMALLER AND SMALLER OP NEWSPAPER PUHLICITY GROWS RIGGER AND CONTINUOUS PUBLICITY IN THE WILL PREVENT PAYING "BLUNDER TAXES." Illllllltttllllltlllllllltllllltllllltllllttllllsa................... ee ee e ee e ee ee ee ee ee es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee I ee e