J . ... V EIGHT PAGES. PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, ptiMIULmx, uiusuua, w r.u.-iiSU.AX, ni.inin zo, nun. 1906 You fire cordially Invited to attend the Second Annual GRAND SPRING OPENING of the Great Eastern Store Tuesday, Mar. 27th '06 ORCHESTRA WILL FVRXISII MU S1C I'UpM 10 O'CLOCK IXTIL 12 O'CLOCK A. M. FROM 2 O'CLOCK VXTIL 5 O'CLOCK P. M. i Souvenirs presented and Refreshments served to every Visitor. Come and bring your friends. Great Eastern Dept. Store RUSTS HE FOR T SEXATOHIAL CAXMDATE A I IUK.Xn OF MOXOl'OLY. I'nlllng to Secure the Indorsement of the Comnicrt'lnl Hodles of the Stnto, Jl. M. Calif Now Turns to the Sueur mid Tobacco Trust fur Aid Circu lar Letters I'rslne Cuke's Candida cy Sent Out by liirtlniul Agent if the Big Trusts. SOME ARE RESEEDING. Eurckii Much Tilt" use of the commercial orguniza. Hons and the bis mercantile Institu tions of Portland by H. M. Cake, to j i ,iolng fine. further his candidacy for the United , out 'and she expects a large yield. States senate. Is causing a strong re- v. ,1. Scott returned this morning lint Farmers Find W heat Killed. Farmers on Eureka Flat are busy reseedlng their land on which the fall sown grain was frozen out by the re cent cold snap, says the Walla Valla Statesman. Lnet week Grote Brothers finished reseedlng 110 acres on their farm and have about twice that much more to put In. John Hoffman began this mornln? reseedlng 5000 acres on the flat. He has employed a large number of farm hands to do the work. He will use 30 drills and 120 head of horses to put In the seed. Mrs. Charles Bowman, who Is farm ing considerable land near Whitman station, states that she put in 1200 ncres to wheat last fall and the grain None of It was frozen Arnold Mohairs Just the thing for that early spring suit. Look like wool, washes like linen. Sold at 25c and 35c a yard. Sale Price GENERAL NEWS. I The paid-up capital of the new insti tution is $1.00(1.1100, and resources . 'about $10,000,000. W. "H. S. Hyde, for IS years city: recorder of Marshfield. Ore.. Is dead.' The failure of the nee land. Pa., He was a lifelong democrat. .National iianK. cause.! tne Miia-umvu of Oregon for 55 years, j of the Catnwissa paper mills, tne largest In mat slate, rnoy cost f ami. oii". William P. 1'nckley is und r ar rest in connection with the !-nk f.iil- 9c If you want to know more about It, YOC SHOULD come and see them. vulslon of feeling against Cake and i fvom his farm on the Touehet. He he Is receiving the censure which he ! says that after making a careful In Justly 'deserves for resorting to this ! vest igtit ion of his grain fields he Is method of "working politics" through ! absolutely certain that none of his business interests. I wheat was frozen out. The blades of Ti e following letter from Rlchar 1 ; the (train were nipped by the frost, McCnnn, of Portland, to the East Or- ! but the roots are healthy and growing egonlan, ele.-.riy slates the situation j nicely. ;-.nd y've Mr. Cake the criticism i which he has earned by his methods. If you are troubled with Piles and Mr. McCann says: 'can't find a cure, try Witch Hazel Portland, Or., March 27. (To the 1 Salvo, but be sure you get that made Editor of the East Oregonian.) Dear by E. C. DeWItt & Co.. Chicago. It Is (Sir; On February 26 I sent to the ! the original. If you ifhve used Witch ommorclul organizations in uregon a iiai c-ane wimuui protest against the use of the Infill- 1 Is probable that you got hold of one j $' ence of commercial organisations ty , l" '"". II. M. Cake to further his Candida ALEXANDER'S j PKXDLETON'S It ELI AP.L ESTOUE. J . ! aged S3. and a citizen Hank Williams fatally shot Ezra Ogden. a rancher, at Belfry, near Iie.l Lo.'ge. Montana, during a saloon row. Williams was drunk. He is now in Ja'l. The Method'ist Episcopal of Silver ton, have doubled the capacity of then old church, which was built In 12. The structure ha. also been refurn ished throughout. Senator Pil'-s. of Washington, has filed a claim for 3'i'.'K'0 for settle ment of C.e estate of the lat- John Sullivan, of Seattle. The et:iic value.', at $00.ona. An electric line will be built this summer between Eugene an! Spring field, a distance of four miles, and a steam railway -T miles long from Eu gene up T!ue river. The Erg.-r,o woolen mills were put in operation March 2ii nfv-r two yea's ure. Mrs. Emma I.. Woolen, county an 1 .list riot clerk of Chambers county, i T-':ns. is the only women holding that office In that state. She is serv ing her recon 1 term ly election, and is said to be a very capable an 1 pop ular official. for the I'niled States senators'dp. Mr. Cake himself, since then has furnish ed the proof that he has attempted to use commercial organizations for his political ends. It is to the groat credit of the com mercial organisations of Oregon that not one of tin m has Indorsed Mr.' Cake. The Portland Chamber of Com- I nr.ece was appealed to ny .ur. cai, nil! sneaking tor the Portland Chnm- I her of Commerce, J. Couch Klandes ! a trustee of that body, and M-. Ed i ward Xowbogin. first vice president of i thai body, wrote Mr. Cake that the ! Chamber of Commerce was mm-p-ir- worthless counterfeils that nre sold on the reputation of the genuine DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sotd by Tailman & Co. rill be worked to their seen as the cleaning Is Completed. idler.'-ss. Til full c.-paelty and rfvf.tii Major Moore, of Seattle, urges a prpuinr vote on the nuestion of city ownership of traction lines before any more valuable franchises are given la that city on any terms whatever. On and after April 1. the miners of the Snowstorm copper mine, Coeur d'Aler.cs. will woik eight hours per day. The first mine in the Coeur A'. Mere? to adopt the eight-hour day. The Southern Pacific lias leased; lands in the Willamette valley upon! which It will experimentally plant! 30'i0 pounds of alfalfa seed grown ill! Montana, Utah, Turkestan and Argen-j tina. j The oldest habitable house in East j Portland Is a one-story, four-room cottage on Grand avenue, between East Ankeny and East Ash. It Is of ; wood, but a substantial structure yet, j though built over 60 years ago. j John Collins, under arrest on aj charge of wife beating, near Eugene, afterward attempted his own life by swallowing corrosive sublimate. The attempt failed. He has since been committed, to the Insane asylum. The Oregon Humane Society was organized in 1S72, and W. T. Shana han, of Portland, has been Its secre tary for 30 years. It has been sup ported wholly by private donations, but will ask the next legislature for $2000. Its work Is for the protection of dumb animals and children. 'Hie supreme court of Mc::ieo. has affirmo 1 the sentence of death again t j Itieliardson. Mason and Harle, con-' vietcd of having murdered Mitchell ! and Devers at Chihuahua. Mexico. ' four years ago in order to collect in-! rarance on their lives. ; Joseph P. Townsen 1 of Everett. : i Mass.. shot and killed 'his daughter. , i ; .M1.-T. two hours h-f a a t! have lieen married to Francis E. Pe'r- .-. then shot and killed himself. Tom- I ii-ary insanity from wholly unknown! tuses is supposed to have afflicted, even end. I tisan. Paul Sahin: Glutei Pendleton Arrival Fred F. P.ogers, Portland: Kennedy. Portland: T ,T. Oeer, ! W. A. Wise: Harry E. Lewis. San Print ico: T. J. Hannn. Chicago: Mis. Jones, Spokane; R, H. Cady, Oorvallls; A. P. A. Ttradhury, Port ; land: M. H. Patten, Spokane; L. M. i Jones. Spokane; Sig Sichel. Portland; i M. P. Shaughnessy. Clarkston:. O. A. I.iila. Lewlston; Charles A. Jones, linker City: O. D. Phillips. San Fran-oV-eo; J. V. Frankel, New York: O. J. Itoss. San Francisco; M. E. Foley, ltingham Springs. I'on't frown look rleasant. If you are suffering from Indigestion or s.jiir stomach, take Kodnl Dysiieps'a Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta. G:i., says: "I suffered more than 20 years with Indigestion. A friend rec ommended Kodol. It relieved me In one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years." Kodol digests what vou eat. relieves sour stomach, gas on stomach, belching, etc. Sold by Tailman & Co. XOKTHWEST NEWS. The Merlden theater, Merllen, Conn., burned. Loss $115,000. Two firemen were badly hurt by a falling wall. New Photo Gallery. W. S. Bowman has opened his photo gallery at his old stand near Main street bridge, where he will make su perior photos. Mr. P.owman hns just returned from Portland, where bo was In Aune's gallery for six months and was connected with the official pho tograph company of the Lewis and Clark fair. He brings with him the new ideas In use in Portland and east ern cities. Best work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Scckiii'i Aid From Trust j. Having failed to secure the Indorse- np.'i df eommer.-ia 1 holy. Mr. j C :!;. hes tu ned to the trusts. Th ; j r:ri of M.i !":. Ehrr.ian & Co., the I P'-iiicMc'l distrlbutoiB in Oregon for. ! the sugar trust and for the tobac-o ! trust, hns come out openly In support ! of Mr. Cake. -'Mason, Ehrman & Co. have written to each of 1'vlr custom ers throughout the state u g;-e their support and votes to Mr. Cake. 1 '.-I, en -toni'-rs probably are not aware of the fact that the sugar trun , an.i the t'jV'ceo trost are -willing to one: nenis sums of money te pre vent f : . e trade with the Phillp pi,. -. 'i'le-se trti'tK Jiavc -ill e-oly hceu ' strong enough in the I'nite.l S:a;et cong'-.s.i to ihwart the (ff.irts ,f President P.oosevelt ill behalf of tlu : pe ,1, 1 The people want no ni(.re senators act'.ng as the ilirect agents of the trui-.s. that oppose our preshleiit. and have had such laws enacted, that the Income of the average Amoi ican fam ily has iimk to a mere pittance, that of 27.oao.nriO children of school a---, less than one-half go to school and mo'c than "..uua.aou woik m mines, shops and factories giving their ten der years of childhood to toil and dyli.fr before maturity that the trusts may live. A vole for II. M. Cake for United Slate) senator is a vote for the sugar trust, the tobacco trust, and Is a blow at the commercial interests of the pa cific coast. I feel it a civic duty to call the attention of throughout Oregon to this state of af fairs as I believe that like the com mercial bodies in the state they will refuse to have anything to do with a trust candidate. Respectfully yours, RICH A HD M. M'CA.NX. John D. Rockefeller's oldest daugh ter, Mrs. Charles M. Strong, disap proves of her father's evasions and (lodgings of the processes of law nec essary to secure his attendance upon the witness stand in the cases brought by Ihe state of Missouri, and says so in positive terms. Goo.l f?n, rronrl coffee, 1wr,t baki;vr-iovdcr, best flavoring extracts, best spices, pure soda, fair prices and moiicyback. Schilling's Best, at your grocer's .SANITARY BARBER SHOP.... THE EAGLE P.ATII SIIAVIXG PARLORS. (US MAIX STKEET. THREE DOORS XOKTII OF HOTEL ST. GE"HOE. Our Parlors nro ncwl., equipped throughout ith the must mod ern sanltu.y fixtures and apparatus. Everything no-v ami the best in th" market. Only the highest skilled workmen employed and every sanitary precaution kiumn Is taken. Porcelain hath tubs with plenty or hot and cold uulcr. First-class service throughout. NEAR HOTEL ST. OKOIME. J. H. KSTI-l-'. I'IM'MlIETOIt. A I'F.XDI.iri'OX CASE. Many More 1..I...V. for ' : t . . d. tr Rose hike it in Pendlctcii. i-; ease is toil one of leeurring ih.hy in Pell :u ca.-y matter to veri i re. .Miroly you cannot 1 fool' t.um siieU oi'i- A Complete Stock :' Ji V i ur fai ilill- f II. for supplying you .villi It 1 l t us rj sued an.' . rt plant Is c-iilii (.ed . ."OI i : f. r Iambi oorlog. se hull.! ell- pur- :li for ind sail i ol- , 1 ; A Scientific Wonder. Th? cures that stand to Its credit Daniel F. Spiers, a negro, is dead I make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a sci- entinc wonocr. it cuieii c. . mui- ford, lecturer for the Patrons of Hus at East Liverpool. O., aged 103 years. In lSjl he purchased his own freedom for $600, being then owned In Ken tucky. The Ely Central Copper company of Philadelphia, has been incorporat ed with a capital of $12,000,000, to exploit western properties and buck the copper trust. Senator Hansbrough on March 27 reported to the senate the bill for the repeal of the timber and stone act, on which the committee on public lands has been working for several weeks. The Mechanic Savings bank and the Savings & Loan Society of Ran Francisco, have been consolidated. bandry. Waynesboro, Pa., of a dis tressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns. Sores, Bolls, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at Tailman & Co.'s and Brock & McComas' drug stores. Sold Out. This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business in Pen dleton. Parties Indebted to our firm will kindly call and settle Immedi ately. . GRAY'S HARBOR LUMBER CO. All Lending Grocers Sell Cleveland's Baking Powder. On a Hock In Mid-Ocean. Two natives, Luke Frank of How kan, ami Alfred Lkile of Kllnkwan. had an experience recently which will not be forgotten during their lives, says the Ketchikan (Alaska) Journal. Tuesday, Februaty 2 7, they were fol lowing the coast line in their canoe when the swell threw them upon a partially submerged rock, smashing the canoe. The two men manged to reach another rock nearby, a little higher than the first, but still par tially under water at high tide. The distance to the shore was too far for i either of them to swim and there they had to remain for six days and seven nights, wet and without anything to eat except seaweed and musaels, un- til on Tuesday, March fl, two small j drift logs floated near enough to be secured by them. These the men tied"! together with their clothes, and tho tide and wind being favorable man-1 aged to paddle ashore on them, land- j Ing clad only in undershirts and over-j alls and having a walk of several. miles ro make, along tho Deacn, oe fore they could secure food nnd clot!. Ing. ' t li ing on Ootioiiwoo 1 , ire t, iv -a, Helen, Ore., say.-;: JVuin's ! Kidney i'i'.'.H were first irou.'iht to! i.-.y n.itice seine four years ago wheal was living in Peoria. 111. At that j time I wit suffering severely from an attack of kidney complaint and could s arcely do a day's work. To .stoop or rise after stooping hurt so acutely j that I could hardly keep from crying out. When a man has suffered with ! a back which felt half the time as I though it was broken, which could I cmn.l the Mfhlest nrosstlrp. when l'" he could not ait down, stand or lie with anv comfort and still has to go to his daily w. u he naturally lie comes anxious about his condition. 1 procured Doan's Kidney Pills, used them , and they cured me. About a year ago I came to Washington, and r.'i-.ortly afterwards noticed symptoms of my old trouble. I procured I loan's Kidney Pills at Pendleton Drug win ! pnny's store and three boxes republicans i , ouiplntely banished the trouble leav ing no signs that I had ever had a touch of kbln-y trouble In my life. Doan's Kidney Pills do all that Is claimed for them. You are wefc-ome to refer to m" r.t any time nnd I will claiPv give : :i partk-ul rs in a per sonal Interview to any one calling upon me." ' For sale by t.U dealers. Price ?0 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember thj na...1 Doan's and take no other. -r.lci. Shin Plu - Ilapp.i,:. incut. . PIuht Laths, '-hio- i-,,i :ipp- ' :: tale or a i t i; , far a- is a laic laun dries lhoron.;li in it - has s laundry of t'ne work is com I" t In tlp-t Machinery that is mill vol cxii-i tnely iii handling of tin- fliiu-n". t f .eiV-.-.leil the ha lil-WOl k o 'rued. i-diiti! exact. Hci.to Vol i"H f long We are looking for the ti.nle of i partleu'ar people who went their linen ! v ish d right. Ironed and , finished iig.it. and delivered on lime at the right kind of prices. Pendleton Steam Laundry ITSEMAV & PETERS. Tim e Main 17S. h-, ( ? 7 ...',- !..- -i l THE CONVENIENCE of eleelrlc power Is a thoroughly es tablished fact. Aside from this, its absolute safely, economy of space, low cost of operation and GREAT EFFICIENCY i will recommend It to all manufactur ers or to any partb s using power for any purpose whatsoever. Northwestern Gas and Electric Co. COHXEU COURT AXU GAP.DF.X ST BET m niBiversary Wtm Just one year ago we moved into our present quorters, nnd wo nro fining to coinniemornto thnt event In n substiintliil way by Riving our patrons something to cnuso them to rememlKT tho dtne with Ileshmlng Tuesday morning nnd ending "Saturday night, March 31st, wo )lll conduct an OB The Policy-Holders Life Insurance Co. A. L MILLS, President Adolphe Wolfe... First Vice-Pres. Louis O. Clarke. Second Vlce-Pres. William lollman. Third' Vlce-Pres. Dr. A. J. Glesy. . .Medical Director Geo. Sanford Smith Secretary Leo Frlede Treasurer D. E. Galbraith Actuary J. N. Teal General Counsel 1 H. Petem Supt of Agents Ij. SAMUEL, General Manager. CLAHEXCE S. SAMUEL, Assistant Manugcr. liiidgc X'oai-Iy Half Coiiiiletcd. By the end of this week four piers of the railroad bridge across the Clearwater will have been completed ready for the laying of the steel. This Is the word given out by Engineer Kettering this morning. The concrete work nt the fourth pier Is nearly completed. It will be done In a day or two and the laying of the capstones at the three piers will then be taken up. Word was received this morning that the granite caps would leave Spokane on this morning's freight. When these caps are put in plnce the work of constructing the piers Is half done. Lewlston Teller. 286 WASHIXGTOX STREET. Maclcay Building. Portland, Ore, Indigestion is much of a habit. Don't get tho habit. Take a llttlo Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure after featlng and you will null belching, puffing, palpi tating and frowning. Kodol digests what you eut and makes the stomach sweet- Sold by Tailman & Co. AXXIVEHSAHY SALE. that will be different. This will not ba a sale with a few lines of un desirable merchandise reduced In price to make a "bait," but an nil-round BENEFIT to every cus tomer who buys a DOLLAU'.S worth of any kind of goods at TH E FAI II this week. All our Spring lines are now nearly complete, and our stock Is better than e,er before, being more diversified, more tasty In the selection of styles and quality of materials, and a greater range of prices In almost every line carried. With all thes advantages, and In addition to our extremely low prices In every department, we need not offer any further Inducements to get our share of the business. HUT FOIl A WHOLE WEEK we glvo every customer who buys 11.00 worth or more, EONA FIDE REBATE OF 10c on every $1.00 spent with us. "- BETTER YET. Every customer who hns not already received one of our beautiful souvenir pin trays, will be given one FREE. Ask for these If you do, not al ready have one. PRICES OX CTAPLES. Calicos, all colors Be, flc, 7c, 8 l-3c and 10c Glrghanis, checks nnd stripes Be, S 1-Sc, 10c, 12'Ac Lawns, figured nnd plain 0'4c, 10c, lc, 15c, 20c, 23c and 48c Indian LIiioiih, white 0',c, 10c, i2c, lBc, 18c, 20c and 25c All other staple lines at '. edrock prices. DOX'T FORGET THE TEX PER CEXT RE HATE on an hills of $1.00 or more. Ask for the souvenir if you want It. The Fair Hepartrcient Store If ipt.. 't-'