?AC3 XUilEii. at least $750,000, and possibly $900, 000, will be Inserted In the annual ap propriation bill now In course of prep aration In the house naval commit tee. ' DAILY EAST ORkuuMAX, PENDLETON, OREGOIJ MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1006. SOI LOSS N m m 6HEKP BUFFER FROM THE SEVERE STORMS. Some Flocks Had Been Shorn niul Some Were Fnr From Feed Lamb ing Will Begin In Idaho About April A Slietp In Excellent Condition for Lambing Monte Gwlnn Says fust' cm Oregon Losnes Will lie Noml-nnl. JURY FIXING SCANDALS. Senator W. M. Wayman, manager of the livestock Interests of the North western Investment company, was In the city last night, returning to the sheep camps this morning, says the Boise Capital News. "The storm which came a week ago Sunday wus perhaps the worst March freeze the stockmen of south western Idaho ever experienced," sni.1 he In an Interview. "Some floekmas ters had begun shearing and others were In the midst of lambing when the cold snow came. In such cases there will be a considerable loss and a greater damage In the condition of the animals that do not die. "Many owners had turned th stock out on the range aud the flocks were somewhat removed from feed. In such cases it was impossible to move the sheep to where they could get hay, and very difficult to haul hay and grain to them after the snow came. "Our lambs will not begin to come before April 6, and the ewes are In good condition, so that I do not antici pate any loss other than from natural causes. As to the loBses throughout the Canyon and Washington county ranges, I would not cure to muke any prediction. Those who were prepared for the storm or couM get feed after It came, have suffered but little losses, while those who could not take care of their flocks will find themselves In hard luck. The percentage In each class mentioned would be difficult to estimate." . Little Lohs In Oregoa. Montle B. Gwlnn returned from On tar'o last night, where he went to meet one of his partners in the sheep business. "While the storm was pretty severe and entirely unexpected, the stories of losses sustulned are greatly over estimated," said he, "We will not ex perience any loss beyond that in ordi nary years, from natural causes. Our sheep were not only protected from the storms, but we had plenty of feed to carry them through until good grass comes. "A good many owners who were out of feed, and realise what six or seven cold days In succession means at this season of the year, have got the blues and feel as though their losses are going to be much greater than they will be. The heaviest losses will come In the shortage of the lamb crop. In flocks exposed to the storm without any feed, and amonfg sheep that had been shorn. But few sheepmen had commenced shearing, excepting their thoroughbred stock, which is under cover and did not suffer." New York City's Lntct Dlxgraee Is Under the Limelight. New York, March 20. The Inves tigation hy the grand jury of the al leged Jury fixing scandal, particular ly the criminal charges against Am brose F. McCabe, of the law depart ment of the Metropolitan Street Rail way company, was begun here today. In a general way It Is charged that counsel for the Metropolitan Street Railway company and his assistants have either bribed or Intimidated wit nesses to be called In damage suits aganlst the company, to prevent their appearance as witnesses against the company. City Judge Seobury for some time conducted an Investigation of theBe charges and accumulated a large amount of testimony which will be submitted to the grand Jury. On the strength of the Information collected by him. Judge 8eabury had Attorney McCabe arrested. It is Understood that there are scores of cases against McCabe and his associates in the law department of the Metropolitan Street Railway company and that a large number of witnesses will appear to testify against him. The case Is attracting general In terest and has stirred up a great dealt of dust owing to the fact that Dis trict Attorney Jerome had at one time begun an Investigation Into the Jury fixing cases and had conducted It In a desultory manner for some time, but had finally abandoned It as hope less, while Justice Seabury quietly continued his investigation and suc ceeded In accumulating material suf ficient. In his opinion, to Insure the finding of an Indictment against Mo cabe and some Vnen higher up. FLASK GIVEN TO DK. VINCENT. ' III II win Iloch Made Rest Score at the Shoot Yesterday. ' Yesterday afternoon the members of the Pendleton Sportsmen's associ ation held a trap shooting meet In honor of Dr. F. W. Vincent, who is to leave for New York. As a token of the esteem in which Dr. Vincent Is held by the members, he was present ed with a handsome silver-mounted flask. The principal contest yesterday waa between James Spence and Will Hoch, One hundred reverse pulls were shot. and a score of 89 was made by Mr. Hoch. while the score of 8 was made by Mr. Spence. Mr. Hoch's score is unusually good for that kind of shooting, as reverse pulls are much more difficult than the ordinary trap shooting. LABOR MEN WANT BATTLESHIP. Will Afford Work for Many Thouwimls Now Idle. ?ew York. March 26. The labor unions of New York and Brooklyn are working hard to stir up public opin ion and arouse interest In their plan to nfk congress to award 'the construc tion of another battleship to the Brooklyn navy yard. Every possible pressure Is brought to bear upon the members of congress from, New York and Brooklyn. More than 20 labor unions are Interested In the matter and have appointed committees to take any stops that may be necessary to accomplish the desired end. More than 2000 men that were em ployed on the Connecticut will have been laid off by the end of this month, as the battleship will be practically finished within the next two or three weeks. More than 4000 men wore em ployed In the work originally and of this number 1200 were discharged tlnce the beginning of the year. The greatest dispatch Is necessary In pushing the plan, as It will be too lato unless the award by congress Is made without delay. At the last session of congress ap propriations were made for two bat tleships, but the contructs for these two new ships have not been award ed. It Is the purpose of the labor or ganizations to Jnln In a movement to prove to congress that another ship should be built here. Muss meetings are to be held and all civic organ Iza.' tlong will be asked to go on record as being in favor of the proposition. Program for the Week, Commencing ' With Tucsdny. Tuesday, 7:30 Anniversary night. Entertainment to be held In Hen dricks" hall. The pastor will read from the writings of James Whltcomb Riley. Wednesday, 7:30 Prayer meeting n the church. Thursday The Ladles' Aid will meet Friday, 6 Fellowship . lunch; 7-8, Bible study; 8-9, Bible teachers' class. Senator Mitchell Returned. Senator Mitchell, the Umatilla In dlan, has returned from Salem after having finished a year's term In the penitentiary for the sin of horsesteal ng. Over a week ago the mother of Mitchell was notified that he was to be released within a few days, and through Major Moorhouse she sent him $10 for expense money home. But before it arrived at the penlten- lary Mitchell had been released, and the money was returned. A few days later Mitchell reached home, having made his way In some manner. It was his second term In the penitenti ary. MORE WORK FOR NAVY YARD. Four Flrst-CUws Cruisers Must Be Repaired. Brooklyn, March 26. Another batch of work which has been assign ed to the Brooklyn navy yard Is that on the cruisers West Virginia, Colo rado, Maryland and Pennsylvania These ships, which are now In the division under the commond of Rear Admiral Brownson, are in need of having completed certain equipment. The work Is not extensive, but It Is deemed necessary to do It In a thor ough manner. The vessels are now at Guantanamo where the crews are engaged In small arms target practice. By April these vessels, with the other ships of the Atlantic fleet, will have their autumn target practice with big guns off the southern coast of Cuba. Upon completion of that work they will come to the Brooklyn navy yard. The other Important work destined for the plant in this city is that on the Mass achusetts, for which a special provls Ion must be made by congress. It Is hoped by the naval construct ors that an Item authorising the ex tensive Iterations, estimated to cost BAPTIST CHURCH NOTICE. Senator Smoot's Turn Now. Washington, March 26. The sen ate committee on privileges and elec tions resumed consideration of the ouse of United States Senator Smoot, of Utah, today, and in accordance with a previous agreement, Is now hearing evidence In rebuttnl. The hearing will probably consume several days, An Lending Grocer Bell Cleveland'! Baking Powder. Since the burning out of the dynn mos at Centralla, several months ago, Centralia, Wash., has had-no arc lights. Repairs are being made and lights In operation by April 15. 'This Is no time for mirth or laughter. 'TIs the cold grey dawn of the morn ing after." d There will be no 'morning after." If you win carry a box of CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFERS, and take a faw before going to bed. They will fix you all right and tone you ui before breakfast Tallman A Co., tit Main St. rondleton. ore. 100 Wafers ft Cents. DAL LET US FILL YOUK BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognized as tl.e best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you fvr your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAIN &TREET NEAR DEPOT Thoroughness Thoroughness is the right word. Thoroughness carried to its most minute detail. By far the largest and finest as sortment of Stylish Easter Wearables ever displayed here, and certain it is this years styles and qualities are unapproach able, and superior in point of excellence and desirability. The The Peoples Warehouse may be depended upon at all times to show you the Largest Varieties, the Best Assortments and the Most Desirable Styles and always at the lowest prices. This showing of the Widest Range of Varieties, and the bfferihg of only Dependable and Desirable Merchandise is making new friends for this store, and holding old ones, Its service was never so thoroughly good, in every repect, as it is today, and with the Easter Parade but three weeks away, time is short and you'll naturally turn tr this store where your wants will be supplied with thoroughness, and to your absolute satisfaction. Still Better Silks It Is pretty well understood by this time that our reputation for Silks is rather a remarkable eoie to sustain. We have been doing so well for you In the past that to do better might come as a surprise, and yet we feel confident the past has never seen the values for the attractiveness that the present and future has in store for you. This season's showing of shirt waist Suiting Silks are especially beautiful and attractive. For Monday, Tuesday wnd Wednesday you may choose from our entire $1.25 line of fancy Silk Suitings, the very handsomest variety of Silk Suiting we have ever shown, at, per yard . OoC Or you may choose Jrom our entire line of $1.00 Silk Suitings at per yard , 8 C For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. Pretty Mikado Silks, at, per yard 50C These come in very neat and pretty designs, figures and dots, on a fine quality of WalBt Silk, very desirable for waists, children's dresses, etc. Rajah Silks in tan, white and Alice blues, 29 Inches wide, at per y 98C Eyelet Embroidery Embroidery Is becoming very popular, especially Eylet Embroidery. We felt so sure of It that we bought a lot of Linen Suiting especially adapted for ylet work, and we can offer you these in several grades, at, per yard. 39c 4gC( 59c and (J9C Linen Suitings ' The Shirt Waist Suits made of these linens will be In excellent taste, quiet, and dignified, but striking and attractive, and the amount of wear and tear and washing they will stand makes them very economical. Men's Furnishings After months of preparation we have spread for you a feast of fine furnishings that breath of spring buds by their very newness and fresh ness. This will be welcome news to those who have become tired of seeing nothing but wintry styles and we know you'll turn gladly to the "relief" at this store. Our furnishings for men are now In full spring blossom, with handsome Eastern Neckwear, new Shirts in refreshing, cool fabrics and subdued patterns covering an Immense variety of styles. New, medium weight Underwear In all the popular brands, and bo to the end of the chapter. We know It will do you good to look at these furnishings though not ready to buy. We are here to Bhow you and a visit will convlnco you where to find the best and newest things In men's and boys' furnishings. Dress Goods A few facts for the consideration of White Goods buyers. Pointers that show which way the wind blows. Anticipating a record-breaking season, we have gathered together a stock of vast proportions, and re markable In Its detail. Following our usual practice, we have made efforts to bring out many specialties of marked excellence and unusual value. We take pleasure In saying that we are now ready to show our many novelties and specialties, feeling sure that your every want can be supplied satisfactorily from all points of interest to you, viz.: Style, Quality, Price. Samples for comparison can be had for the asking. We court all competition for your business. Corsets Begin at the beginning while you are buying Silks, Linens, etc.; get the Corset, too, so that you may be sure the foundation Is right, and while you are getting Corsets get the Best THE ROYAL WORCES TER, and REDFERN. Probably more women can be comfortable and satisfactorily fitted with these models than with any other make of Corset because of the great variety. They suit young girls and their mothers, slim women, heavy women, or long and short waisted types. The new spring models are all here, with sizes all complete, and we can fit you with your style of Corset at price ranging from ,"0C un $6.00 Hosiery Summer Hosiery Is a problem. It should be thin, cool, yet It must undergo harder service and more frequent washing than the heavier sort of winter hosiery. Years ago we started straight after the right kind and got It, and your appreciation of our kind of hosiery has built for us the best hosiery department In the state. We are now prepared to show you all the new Easter styles In men's, women's and children's hosiery. It's no Idle dream to say our 25c Hosiery for men and women has made a name for Itself all over this section of the country. It Is the best Hose for 25c sold anywhere and In point of wear excells them all. A trial Is satisfying. ... Gloves As each year goes by the' use of Silk Gloves grows In popularity. Why? Because they are the glove for spring and summer wea,r. To meet the great demand for these gloves we have contracted with the largst Silk Glove manufacturers of the worft. "The Kayser" and "The Amsterdam." Both of these Gloves have double tipped fingers and are guaranteed to wear. If the fingers wear out before the rest of the glove, bring back your guarantee and get another pair. These gloves are sold at 5()c (J5Cf Jfc and 85e Ribbons Dainty ribbons herald Spring. You may tell by looking at our im mense Ribbon display that Easter Is not far off. The. new patterns Just In are the handsomest we have ever seen. This year Paris is using so many of the specially Dresden effects that the fashion has spread over the world. They are wanted for girdles sashes, hair bows, hats, ruffles on party gowns, for party bags, for whole waists caught together with lace insertion. Never before have we had such an ex clusive display of rich Ribbons. Prices range all the way up, per rJ $1.75 Under Muslins SECOND FLOOR. Every day Is bringing new and dainty things to this floor. Every woman will need more undermusllns this season than ever before be cause of the strong tendency to all-white, and we are prepared for the great demand already beginning. We are always glad to have you look them over, whether you purchase of not. We make a specialty of children's Muslin Underwear, considering it Just as important to cater to the "Little Women" as to their mothers and sisters. We see to It that the prices are right too, making it a point of economy for you. a i e a e t