PACE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 100. EIGHT PAGES. 1906 You nre cordially the Second Annual Invited to attend GRAND SPRING OPENING of the Great Eastern Store Tuesday, Mar. 27th '06 ORCHESTRA WILL FIRXISH MC SIC FROM 10 O'CLOCK IXTIL 12 O'CLOCK A. M. FROM 3 O'CLOCK INTIL 5 O'CLOCK P. M. Souvenirs presented and Refreshments served to every Visitor. Come and bring your friends. Great Eastern Dept. Store GENERAL NEWS. The party prohibitionists of New Hampshire have nominated a complete state ticket, with Rev. Edmund B. Tetley, of Meredith, as candidate for governor. F. St. G. Banwell. lato teller of ths Crown Bank of Toronto, Canada, pleaded guilty to stealing $10,000 of the bank's' money, and was -sentenced to seven years Imprisonment. of others Implicated, all of whom are much older than he, and several war rants are out. FDR HARNEY SIHVEYIXO PARTY NOW AT WORK ON LINE. To Conduct Meeting In Heppner. Rev. H. S. Shnnglet presiding elder of the M. E. church, south, In this district, came down from his home at Milton last evening and preached Inst night nt the brick church. He left this afternoon for Heppner and Lexington, where he will hold quarterly confer- I"""-" U"Y'. "v "" Milton, which Is maintained by the M. the Illinois Central at DuncombeJaJ The enly person Injured was Fireman condltlon nnd the outlook for Walter E. Cutting, of Waterloo, whose .... B. F. Yoakum, chairman of the ex ecutive committee of the Rock Island and 'Frisco systems, was operated-on for appendicitis recently In New York. He rallied rapidly and is recovering. Blindfolded, Miss Rose L. Fritz, of New York, wrote 4007 words In 60 " minutes on a typewriter. She made a total of 450 errors. She beat the one hour record by 150 words and by 70 errors. John Alexander Dowle has been re-j Oregon and Kurti-rn Engineers Seek lug nn EiinV Pas Through the .Mountains Two Parties Will Soon Meet In Hartley County After Hav ing Surveyed ltoth Ways Cur Muy lie Running Inside of Two Years. The Burns Times-Herald gives out the following review of the survey of railroad lines through that county: C. J. Millar, the engineer In chcrge of the division of the Oregon & East ern railroad surveyors now working between this city and the Island Ranch, was a visitor during the week. Mr. Millar tulked freely with our peo ple regarding the movement of the surveying party and was pleased to get information regarding the lay of the country to the west of this valley. While he did not pretend to know the exact plans of his people he stat ed It was more than likely, In fact the Intention to have trains running through the Harney country in two years. His party of surveyors will continuo on to the west by way of Sage Hen, keeping to the north of that creek nnd getting toward the timber nnd as high up as poslble In order to make not a one per cent grade to reach the highest point on the divide to the west. Mr. Millar stated to several that his SWEDES RAN AWAY. The best safeguard against head ache, constipation and liver troubles Is PeWltt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills In the house and take a dose at bed time when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don gripe. Sold by Tallman-A Co. Hotel Pemllcton Arrivals. G. V.. Manchester, Portland: Frank G. Davis, San Francisco; A. L. Close, 1 . - i . n m ii'im.. tired as overseer or business manager. -" '8 """". of the affairs of Zion, and will here-W"a Walla; J. D. Straus. Portland; after devote all his time to ministerial 1 "osentnai, roruana, work alone. A hoard of trustees as sumes the fiscal management The A. O. V. W. of Illinois has de cided to raise the Insurance dues of nil members over 55 years old, 35 per cent. This action was mad necessary by the Inability of the order to meet death claims during the past three months. During the past week there have been 21 earthquake shocks on the island of Ustica, Italy, province of Pa lermo. All were vertical shocks, and every house and quay on the Island is a complete wreck, though no lives were Inst. The Island has 2000 popu lation and Is extremely fertile. Cook. San Francisco; M. J. Manfleld, Portland; Thomas Nestor, Portland: M. H. Patton, Spokane; Fred S. Davis, San Francisco; W. W. Cox. Portland; Thomas Duncan. Portland; M. E. Fo ley, Portland; G. L. Campbell and wife, Portland; J. W. Morrow, Port land: J. R. Holman, Portland. Party Brought From ClUengo by Lum ber Company Wouldn't Work. In connection with the escape of about BO Scandinavians from an O. R. & X. train at the east side depot Saturday night, Bays the Portland Telegram. It Is learned that the re maining members of the party of 120 brought from Chicago to work In the mills of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, near Eugene, refused to perform labor assigned to them. Af ter being boarded at expense of the company for two days the crowd left the neighborhood. It Is said the wages paid, 11.75 a day. wero not sufficient. An In crease to $2 was offered, but this did. not satisfy them. Board Is charged at the rate of from 14.50 to $6 a week and tla month for hospital dues. These charges did not meet with the approval of the Imported work ers, It Is said, and only three of them were ready to turn to work when re quested. The lumber company Is out the fares of 120 men from Chicago to Eugene, besides extra expense of car ing for them en route and after ar rival of those who did not desert be fore the party reached Eugene. Five men left the trnln at Pendleton and nearly 60 decamped when It pulled Into the East Portland yards. Good Shoe Sense Quick changes from hot to cold and back again try strong constitutions and cause, among other evils, nasal ca tarrh, a troublesome and offensive disease. Sneezing and snuffling, coughing and difficult breathing, and the drip, drip of the foul discharge In to the throat all are ended by Ely's Cream Balm. This honest and posi tive remedy contains no cocaine, mer- Clirv nor rtthol hnrmfill Infrrarllant corps of engineers would Investigate . TnB worBt cagea nre cure(1 ln a eUoT't every possible pass out to the west as t)me. A11 drustg, B0c, or mailed thev desire to find the best and most feasible route out and over to the headwaters of Crooked river, ns they were headed for Prlnevllle and did not want to touch the desert, ns has been the Impression. filler Engineer Wagner is expected to arrive next week and make his headquarters In this city for an indefi nite time. When he arrives the situ ation will be gone over with him and such Information as he may desire will be furnished. Those who are ac quainted with the country are satis fied they can show the engineers the advantages of the line through the mountains to the north of tire present survey. From ihc fact that there are two surveying parties and that one Is headed for Prlnevllle. instead of going to the southwest to Join the Natron line across the Cascades, the belief that a Junction will be made at th? Crane creek pass and one line go south of the lakes acress the desert and the other to Join another In the Prlnevllle country Is strengthened. by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, New-York. For Sale Nearly new, high-grade piano, standard make; must sell at once for half whnt It cost me. In quire Bowman hotel, room 36. NORTHWEST NEWS. Fred Savare, a French-Canadian, after a drunk died very suddenly In a box of the Union Star saloon, at Baker City. He went to sleep ln his chair and was found dead sitting therein. An ngine ran down a handcar loaded with Japs near Wenatchee, Wash. The handcar was demolished, but none of the Japs were seriously hurt, though one was throw n 150 feet and came down In the liver. Billy Bllston suicided at Dillon. Mont.,, by holding his face In a basin of water which he gripped tightly by either side. Apparently he had not made a movement except to breath. aft?r Immersing his face to the ears. At South Prairie, Wash., Thomas Rourke was run over and killed by a train. He was a resident there and was aboard a flat car examining some machinery when the train suddenly started. He lost his balance and fell off the end of the car. The Colfax city council has decided that no more saloons are desired ln Colfax and that the annual license fee must be raised from 1600 to $800. The cause of this action was a brewery fight between the Colfax brewery and the Spokane Interests. At present the saloons use almost exclusively the home product Jack Hopkins, aged 15 years, son of a United Brethren preacher at Col fax, Wash., has confessed to participa tion In several horse stealing episodes. He says he was acting In conjunction with an organized gang operating In Whitman. Adams, Lincoln and Frank lin counties. He has given the names New Photo Gallery. W. S. Bowman has opened his photo gallery at his old stand near Main street bridge, where he will make su perior photos. Mr. Bowman has Just returned from Portland, where he was In Aune's gallery for six months and was connected with the official pho tograph company of the Lewis and Clark fair. He brings with him the new Ideas In use In Portland and east ern cities. Best work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't frown look pleasant. If you are suffering from Indigestion or sour stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga., says: "I suffered more than 20 years with Indigestion. A friend rec ommended Kodol. It relieved me In one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years." Kodol digests what you eat, relieves sour stomach, gas on stomach, belching, etc. Sold by Tallman & Co. There ?.T2 ginjer worms and rcd-pepij'-T bujs queer board ers th; have to be looked for, not in Schilling's Best, but in making it. There are egjs cf these queer boarders, too small to be killed b'y grinding. Don't 1: ::;.-,) spicjs warm, or thjy il i- .1.1. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to Its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a sci entific wonder. It cured E. R. Mul ford, lecturer for the Patrons of Hus bandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a dis tressing case of Plies. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Bolls, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at Tallman & Co.'s and Brock & McComas drug stores. Declamatory Contest Tonight The annual declamatory contest of Pendleton academy will be held at the academy building this evening, there being seven contestants. All are Invited to attend the entertulnment. Prizes will be given to the winners In the contest Land Scrip. For sale will take surveyed or un surveyed land. Military bounty warrants bought. W. D, Field, Overland lock, Boise, Idaho. All Leading Grocers Sell Cleveland's Baking Powder. regE Life The Policy-Holders Life Insurance Co. A. L MILLS, President Adolphe Wolfe. . .First Vlco-Pres. Louis G. Clarke. Second Vlce-Pres. William Pollinan. Third Vice-Pres. Dr. A. J. Giety. . .Medical Director Geo. Sunford Smith Secretary Leo FrleJe Treasurer D. E. Galbrnlth ..Actuury J. N. Teal General Counsel L. 1L Peters Supt. of Agents L. SAMUEL, General Manager. CLARENCE S. sAmLEL, Assistant Manager, 286 WASHINGTON STREET. Maclooy Building. ' Portland, Ore. CEMENT SHIPS COMING. High Prices of Cement In Eastern Ore gem Will Soon Be Reduced. The price of cement In the interior of Oregon is regulated by the frequen cy with which cement ships arrive In Portlund. Pendleton dealers and con sumers of cement will be Interested In the following from the Oregon Dally Journal: Ships to bring cement from Europe are being engaged with such fre quency that some of the Importers are beginning to fear that the busi ness will soon become a drug on the market. W. P. Fuller & Co., announced this morning that they had chartered two other vessels to bring full cargoes of ccmeill to Portland. One of thorn Is the French bark Colde Vlllcbols, which will load at Hamburg. Her cargo will be made up of 16,000 bar rels of the product. The other Is the French bark Empereur Mencllk, which will be supplied with a ship ment of 18,000 barrels nf cement at Rotterdam. Both nre expected to reach .here by the latter part of the summer. With the charter of those vessel.-; It Is said there Is enough tonnage under charter to bring at least '150,000 bar rels of cement to Portland from Eur ope. Nevertheless It Is declared that other cement ships will soon be en gaged. This is a greater amount of that product than has even been set afloat for the Columbia river. . Twenty ships having an aggregate tonnage of 36.18S, are now listed nnd en route for Portland, as against a tonnage of 32,781 for the correspond ing season of lant year. SWOLLEN VEINS SPRAINS-STRAINS Cured by our Hand Woven Elastic Bands and Stock ings. HOver-fatness and weaknesses relieved by our Abdominal Belts. Write for blanks and book. WOODARD, CLARKE a CO. PORTLAND, OREGON THE BEST WAV TO MAKE YOUR SHOE DOLLARS DO THEIR FULL DUTY IS TO EXERCISE YOUR SHOE SENSE. THE BEST 6IICE SENSE SAYS: Buy Sorosis Shoes AND T1LYT MEANS LESS SHOE DOLLARS AND MEANS PAY $8.50 FOR THE BEST HIIOE ON EARTH. ALEXANDER'S AGENT FOR PENDLETON. "WELL DONE, WELL DONE, Thou good and tasteful Laundress," Is often the exclamation of our pa trons when they see the beautiful work we send home to them. That 1b particularly the case with ladles who have the finest and most delicate fa brics to be washed and Ironed. If anything, they really look better than new goods when they leave our hands. We have exceptional facilities for do ing laundry vork expeditiously and thoroughly, and without Injury to the most delicate goo . Pendleton Steam Laundry Pho o Main 170. ....SANITARY BARBER SHOP.... THE EAGLE BATH SHAVING PARLORS, 018 MAIN STREET. THREE DOORS NORTH OF HOTEL ST. GEORGE. Our Parlors are newly equipped throughout Willi the most mod ern wuilln. y fixtures and apiuirutus. Everything new nnd the be-U In the market. Only the highest skilled workmen employed und every sanitary precaution known is taken. Porcelain bath tubs with plenty of hot nnd cold iwtter. Flrst-chiw) service throughout. Eagle Bath Shaving Parlors NEAR HOTEL ST. GEORGE. J. 11. ESTES. PROPRIETOR.. Byers' Best, Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is as sured when 3YI2RS' BEST FLOUR Is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS X W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. IT7T Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Ken neth' Mclver, of .Vanceboro, Me., Is the subject of much Interest to the medi cal fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe Inflammation of the throat and congestion of the lungs, three doctors gave me up to die. when, as a last resort, I was Induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, It saved my life." Cures the worst Coughs nnd Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsilltls, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guaranteed at Tall man & Co.'s and Brock & McComas drug stores. 60c and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Sold Out. This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business ln Pen dleton. Parties Indebted to our firm will kindly call and settle Immedi ately. GRAY'S HARBOR LUMBER CO. Indigestion Is much of a habit. Don't get the habit. Take 'a little Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure after eating and you will quit belching, puffing, palpi tating and frowning. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Tallman & Co. AH Leading Grocers Sell Cleveland's Baking Powder. For Rent Suite unfurnished housekeeping rooms in East Oregon Ian building. Hot and cold water and both on same floor. Inquire this office. T ADIBS CDld you know that Accordion Plait ing is more popular than ever among genteel dressers? I.Hot irons injure delicate fabrics. We use the steam method exclusively. We can do your work Just as satisfactorily as if you lived in Portland. Write for free circu lar and particulars. We do Accordion Sunburst and Knife Plaiting to order. MISS O. GOULD MARQUAM BLDG, PORTLAND, ORE. EGG MAKER COLESWORTHY. BONE SHELL GR7T 127 and 129 East Alta. Poultry nnd Stock Supplies. Ha Grain and Feed. Why Pay Rent when you can use the same money to build a home for yourself. Call on FRANK B. CLOPTON CO. 1 1 2 East Court Street,. Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING CITY of EASTERN OREGON and look over the ALFALFA LANDS which fill pay you large returns on your money. We h ve several hundred jurca of tl e bent Irrigated Alfalfa Land In the, west, which yields from seven to twelve tons per acre. For further particulars writs BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon. lew Jackets We have just received a shipment of New Jackets and Silk Coats Covert Jackets, p y stylo or fitted backs, the v ry latest; KQ Q $7.00 anJ $9.50. Long, loose Co ts of all wool, light weight material, very drtssy and stylish; our price $7.00. Silk Coats, both short and long. ' " New Suits. SkirtSvfCoats Coming In every few days and we can guarantee you the newest goods as soon as they are rc dy for the market. Our Eastern buyer ser.ds us the new things as soon as they appear, and become fixed styles. Call Often at the Fair You will find something new every time you co-i 'n the store. The Fair Department Store jj : .1 I a