EiGnr pz-oet. DAILY EAST OHkUU.VIAX, FEXDLETOX, OKKGOIi WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1906. ?AC3 T3IIEK. HILL'S PROPHECY IlA'jROAD MAGNATE BUILDS FOR THE FUTURE. Declares That Western Wunlilngton, Known as tlio I'ugtt Sound Ilaxln, id as Illoh nri the ApiMtlaclilun Ilnslii anil Will Kupport a I.I Uo Population Welcome New Railroads Inlo (lie Went Population Follows Rail roads. With a network of railroads drawn about the mate of WaHhlngton; tracks laid grldlron-like across this com monwealth; oriental and coastwise fleets pouring In traffic, and three transcontinental lines tapping the richest sections of this county, James J, Hill has a position In the northwest absolutely Impregnable, His declaration that he will wel come any new railroad coming into Washington Is sincere, for his posi tion cannot be disturbed. When ho completes the Victoria, Vancouver & Eastern railroad, Hill will have a line crossing the Cascade mountains! on the northern border of this state. He has 2500 men rushing construction work on that road now. When the north bank road, which the Northern Pacific Is constructing down the Columbia river, Is complet ed, Hill will have a water level Hue reaching deep water on the southern border of Washington. Between these two roads are the muln lines of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific, with the Cascade and .Stampede tun nel routes through the Caxcades, says the Seattle Times. Tlio I'ligct Sound llawln. Hill representatives have made thorough study of the Puget Sound basin. Its resources and possibilities for development. Between Blnlne on the Canadian border, and Portland Ore., In what the Hill Interests term the Puget Sound busln, lies a terri tory 305.6 miles In length and of greater width than tlio Appalachian basin on the Atlantic. Between Washington, D. C, and New York, on the Atlantic coast, is a dlxtance of but 228 miles, there is a population of 8,000,000. The re sources of this country, much smaller than the Puget Sound basin, are not any more diversified than those of Washington. President James J. Hill Is an opti mist on the subject of Washington's growth. He believes that ultimately the Puget Sound basin will rival the section between New York and Wash ington In population and In wealth. If It docs, his railroad position is al ready secure and cannot be disturbed by any of the new lines. WOHST 8TOUM EVE II RECOItDED Lost-) of Stock Certain In SoikIhtii ' Iiluhn. In speaking of the probabilities as to losses to stockmen as a result of the recent blizzard, the Idaho Falls Post says: The most fearful storm In the hln tory of this valley Is the verdict of those who are In a position to know. Dr. Bridges, the weather observer, says his records do not show a storm to equal it, und other residents who have been here many years, say they have no recollection of ever having such a quantity of snow In March. Death and disaster huve already accompanied the storm in the form of a big fire at Dubois and a wreck at Humphrey. And unless Old Sol shines bright and warm today more death and disaster will follow the storm but this time the disaster will be visited upon cattle and sheep on the range. lloovy Loss on tlio ltuiige. Frank Hilt stated to the Post that unless the snow melted very rapidly there would be certain loss of great numbers of sheep that have been driven onto the desert for spring range. These animals have already been wenkened by loss of food on ac count of the three days' storm. It will be Impossible to drive them to feed on account of deep snows, and If the weather remains cold and the snows do not melt the sheep will die In large numbers from starvation and cold. Cattle will suffer in a like manner. Mr. HUt Btates that he found great difficulty In moving the shipment of cattle ho sent to Knnsas City, from his ranch to the cars, and that cattle caught In the storm any great dis tance from where hay Is obtainable, will suffer the samo fate as the sheep. Near Blackfoot, where there Is a shortage of hoy and whore cattlemen turned their stock early upon the ranges, the loss will probably be greater than In this Immediate vicini ty. Mr. Hitt says ho has received some reports of suffering among cat- Sprays PresetTO yonr trews mid plants. Make them clenn and product ive. CTiPiirn '"' , LONDON PURPLE BLUE STONE PARIS GREEN WHALE OIL SOAP FORMALDEHYDE SOAP ARSENATIO OP LEAD ordonux Mixture ready pared convenient to nse. pre- THE PENDLETON DRUG COMPANY That was Brock it McOomas Co, tie In that section, and expects more of It there and some here. Snow Is about two feet deep where It has remained undisturbed by the wind, but most of It Is drifted and many roads are Impassable. The price of hay has advanced by leaps and bounds since the com mencement of tho storm and y enter day $16 a ton was freely offered for alfalfa In the stuck. Those stockmen who have not yet sent their cattle and sheep out on the range are fortunute Indeed. Though the storm appears ot be over, It may be a week or more before the snow Is again off the ground. NEW ELEMENT IN MKT STORMS. Elite Dust Mixed Willi Know ami Kami of the Illlzzurd. A peculiar feature of the blizzard which lusted from last Saturday un til Monday night In Crook county, says the Madras Pioneer, was the presence of very fine particles of dusl In the air, giving It the appearance of a fog and obscuring objects at distance of a quarter of a mile. When this dust first made Its appearance In the strong gale of Saturduy it wus thought to be fog or fine snow, which It closely resembled In appearance at first. By evening, however, It began to cover the ground and all objects exposed to It, and It was found to be a fine yellowish dust of a sandy na ture. In fact the bllzzurd, in addi tion to its other disagreeable features was a veritable dust storm. It has not been ascertained over what Btretch of country these condi tions existed, but the writer hus per sonal knowledge thut the blizzard and dust storm were in full blust In the territory from Shanlko to Madras. The origin of this dust Is unknown, although the theory hus been ad vanced that It blew up form the sands along the Columbia. It cover ed the ground to a depth of probably an eighth of an Inch on an average, and was of a very different color from the sand or soli In. this section of the country. CATTLE SHIPMENTS LIGHT. Northern Movement Will Re Greatly Diminished This Year. Judge O. H. Nelson, of Amarlllo, es timates the decrease In the movement of Panhandle 2-year-olds to northern pastures at 33 per cent less than last year, says the Chicago Livestock World. "But the Increase in demand from corn belt feed lots will more than compensate," he said. "The bulk of the aged steers in the Panhandle has already been sold to go to Kansas at prices considerably stronger than those paid last year. As a matter of fact we are short of steers of all ages and demand never was as urgent "Orders are pouring In from all over the east, as far away In fact as New Jersey. I do not know where to turn to get the yearlings and t year-olds my customers want. Mar' ketlng the calves, spaying of heifer calves and butchering of dry cows are now producing results. Conditions below the quarantine line are superb. I have Just made a tour through that country and from what I saw feel safe In making the prediction that fat cattle from south Texas will be on the market early, but, the supply will be limited, owing to the same sacrifice of calves all over the state. There will be so few meal fed cattlo marketed by Texas that the run will not attract attention." TOBACCO IN IDAHO. Clearwater District Developing a New Industry. The work at the farm of the Clear water Tobacco company Is progressing In a most satisfactory manner and the cutting of lumber for warehouses and curing sheds will be commenced In a short time, says the Lewlston Tribune. A force cf men Is engaged In logging and the Gorman & Gorman mill will be moved to the farm within a short time. The preparation of the hot beds is under way and the seeding of the tobacco will be commenced as soon as the seed arrives. A number ot residents of the Oro- flno section are now considering the cultivation of tobacco as a private en terprise and It Is almost assured that a considerable acreage will be planted this season. The statistics furnished by experi enced tobacco growers Is of such a character as to arouse 41 general In terest In all sections where conditions are favorable to the cultivation of the better grade of tobacco and It Is be lieved that within a few years a large part of the Clearwater valley will be devoted to the new Industry. International Sunshine Soeioty. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 21. Dele gates of the 227 branches In the southern New York state division of the International Sunshine society opened their annual Bession this morn ing at the Sunshine Rest, Cropsey and 23d avenues, Bensonhurst, L. I. The beautiful building, which will be used as the headquarters of the so ciety as well, as for a rest home for those unfortunate poor who need rest and sunshine. The state meeting Is the occasion for tho formal opening ot the home and the official house- warming. There was a short session this morning and there will be an other meeting In the afternoon. Be tween the sessions the delegates and visitors, all of whom are welcome, will have an opportunity to Inspect the handBome and well equipped build ing. One would think the Laxative Idea In a cough syrup should have been advanced long before It was. It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and Colds would be to move the bow els and clean the mucous membranes of tho throat and lungs at the same time. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this. It Is the original Lax ative Cough Syrup, the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc. Tastes good and harm less. Sold by Tallman A Co. AH Leading Grocers Sell Cleveland's Baking Powder. I MILWAUKEE IIOAD TO STAIIT AT SEATTLE. Ry Beginning at the West End Great ExH'iiNe of Shipping Timber, Ties mid Mutcrlal Acrot Half tlio Con tinent Will Ho Avoided Am the Road Is Completed the Mutertul Can He Hauled In Its Own Cars. President A. J. Barling, of tho Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, has determined to begin construction on the west end and work eastward because timber for ties and bridge material cun be secured only on the west end, is a Seattle report. The transportation of construction materials from eastern factories to the coast can oe proviaea cneaper ny me water routes than It couli Id have been haulod by rail even though the St. Paul road handled a big share of the haul. On the lines of the Chicago, Mil waukee & St, Paul and the Chicago & Northwestern combined there is but 500,000,000 feet of standing timber. To buy In this limited market im mense quantities of ties, bridge tim bers ana oiner lumrjer tnut win De needed would mean a heavy drain upon the road and embarrassment fre-1 qUpresMentbEariing Ifound "he could get 'an' unlimited "supply" of ueaand brldce material In the country through I udsLs,ahtc idahoaUnd MontanaFu'r" Idaho and Montana. Fur- very mile of track laid n almost immediately to thermoro every would begin yield returns in the traffic handling. ROM His determination to begin operating) aul-cl wuiic a a-a.iy uiawat, wuks m F"" umtiwui. aiw ki -f- j. the line as soon as it Is built was con- I One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM. It discharges a watery fluid, form firmed when president Eariing was in jno. sores an(j producing intense itching. The head and face are the parts usually affected, Seattle on his last visit. 'K .. r ., , . , , , , 4 J water transportation ror rails by and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp, way of the Horn is vastly cheaper than J These and all skin diseases are due to the same cause burning acids and humors in the cost of carrying these materials across the continent by rail. The haul from Seattle eastward will be over the St. Paul's own line and will be ab sorbed as a part of the construction costs. In the same way the company will haul its own ties and bridge ma terials over Its own line while con struction work Is going forward. The original plan of the railroad was to push the completion of the coast extension from the east end. This would have Involved a long de lay and a heavier expense In handling the building materials and In the pur chase of many supplies. The road, too, would have been com pelled to pay out large sums to other railroads for carrying purposes and would have been compelled to buy heavily from lumber milts not trib utary to Its line. All the lumber pur chases made on the coast country will dp made from mills that will eventu ally be shipped over the St. Paul road. 11EME.MHEIC JUAIIEZ. Mexico Celebrates tlio Memory of Her Stutetiiiuin-Lllierator. Mexico City, March 21. The cen tennial of the birth of Benito Juarez, the great Mexican statesman and lib erator, Is celebrated throughout Mex ico today on an unusually large scale. In compliance with a decree promul gated by President Dlax the day is generally observed as a legal holiday. Throughout the country all business Is at rest and the people are giving themselves up to the celebration of the national hero with great enthusiasm. Especially grand celebrations are held at SultllJo and other cities in the state of Coahulla. In Monclova a bust of Juarez was unveiled In one of the public plazas. In Sublnas sev eral patriotic organizations have ar ranged for an elaborate celebration of the day and the erection of a monu ment in heaor ot Juarez. In Tamplco a statue of Juarez was unveiled on the Plaza de la Libertud. The monument, which faces the cus tom house, Is quite Imposing?'' In Chihuahua the anniversary will be celebrated this evening with a large meeting at the Teatro de las Heroes. Governor Creel will be pres ent and Lie. Jesus Urueta, the fam ous orator, will deliver the principal address. In the afternoon a fine bronze statue of Juarez will be un veiled on Juarez street. Iu Cludad Juarez, across the Ulo a Qexrj JacEcefts We have just received a shipment of New Jackets and Silk .Coats Covert Jackets, p -y style or fitted backs, the v ry latest; JUft $7.00 "$9.5o. Long, loose Co ts of all wool, light weight material, very drtssy and stylish; our price $7.00. Silk Coats, both short and long. Hew Suits, Skirts, Goats Coming tn every tew days and we can guarantee you the newest goods as soon as they are re dy for the market. Our Eastern buyer sends us the new things as soon as they appear, and become fixed styles. Call Often at the Fair You will find something new every time yon co.u 'n the store. The Fair SKIN DISEASES There is nothing more distressing than an itching, burn- i .' 1.: j: j ii l"s &viu uiocaac, auu upuu uic who are afflicted with skin troubles hnd the symptoms appear ing arid know that they will be tormented through the hot summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid matter, and as they are forced to the surface the skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skin diseases with exter nal applications is all wrong, because they do not reach the trouble which is in the blood. The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning and cover up the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disease returns. All food taken iuto the body contains, in some form, the elements necessary to sustain the dinerent parts. Une portion is used tor the making of blood, another for muscle, one for bone, still another for fat, and so on. After these different properties are ex tracted from the food there still remains a portion that is useless, or - , . , . . i i , j. wuiui ja in Ltnutu lu uc uiapuacu the natural channels of bodily waste, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. At this season of the year, however, these organs become torpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and these accumulations remain in the system and are absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition,. . and begins to throw on these acids through the pores and glands - - r t o i. -ciua, icucr, rsunasis, oan iucum aiiu smu uibcascs ui every uuicnnuon. ECZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from whicJl tliere flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, though other parts of the body may be afflintprl Tn Tt?W J Fit tTip sVi'n rln'ps rrnrkc nnrl Vilppdc arA is nftpn vprv rn?nfii1 Thf nrirl I iu tte blood dries P the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, ".lwv. "P "' - .v l, and giving it a leathery appearance. ACNE makes its appearance on the face m the form ot pimples and black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear- - - ...i -i nennu oio ri. V1.-J anJ llrif:i th:a .i treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing; effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the blood so that the skin, instead of being; blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood. It goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of waste or foreign matter, builds up the blood and cures all skin diseases promptly blood. Nothing equals S. S. general health. Write for our We make no charge for either. Grande from El Paso, where the great patriot made his headquarters for several years while he was virtu ally In exile, hiding with a small band of followers. In a wretched shack, where the postofflce now stands, the citizens hove made special efforts to celebrate the day In an appropriate way and an elaborate program hur been prepared for the occasion. Coiiimeiieeiueiit nt Carlisle School. Carlisle, Pa., March 21. This is the day for the annual commencement of BABY voie the exquisite thrill of motherhood with inc'scribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the d.mer. pain and horror of child birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders pliable all tru nnrta nnH nccicfa nntnr in its sublime work. Bv its aid thousands of women have passed this great crisis in per fect safety and without pain. Sold at fi.oo per bottle by druggists, of priceless value to all women sent free. Address BRAOFICUJ REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Oa department Store i c 1.1 4.1 icium ui waiin wcaiuer muse THE ITCHING- Dear Sirs My body broke out with a rash or eruption which in spito of all efforts to oure opntinned to get worse. The itching, especially at night, was simply terrible; It would almost disappear at times, only to return worse than ever. I had tried many highly reoommended prepa rations without benefit, and hearing of S. S. S. determined to give It a fair trial, and was inexpressibly delighted when a few bottles oured me entirely, removing every .blemish and pimple from my body. I shall not fail to rec ommend S. S. S. whenever an opportunity ooours to do so. Esoondido, Cal. L. MARNO. waste matter, , f ui luiuuu ti J 1 :.. J." r "1.. j: : .1, fl,.:j : r1pnT,SP(1 anA made mire and permanently, b. b. b. does not leave the least par ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids the blood or the cause for all skin diseases. S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry off the natural waste and refuse matter through the proper channels, instead of leaving it to be absorbed by the S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the treatise on skin diseases and any medical advice you vis2r-.. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA. the Indian Industrial school. The commencement will last two days and the program will be practically the same as last year. It had originally been Intended to change the date of the commencement to some later date In May or June, but no change was made, although It may be made next year. There will be very little orator-, but an Interesting display of the work of the students. All Leading Grocers Bell Cleveland's Baking Powder. Is tho joy of the household, for without it no happiness can be complete. How sweet t lie picture of mother and babe! Anjrcls smile at and commend the thoughts and Aspirations of the mother bending over the cn:d!e. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how ever, is so full of danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she shall feel n rP fl ffft I fta ,j! Ttl 1 i IN rV.. J ML. W.ral W W. Our biok e e ee e e ACNE, TETTER, ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, SALT RHEUM. WAS ALMOST UNBEARABLE. ot the skin, producing Acne, J iJ-7. feverish, hardened condition A;(ta -fo f rt thev will continue. The best Sl I Get The Bestt I i Dry Wood and ROCK SPRI2VG COAL f rhe Coal that give tba moat . - PROMPT DELIVERIES". W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Henn logs' cigar store, Opp. Peoples Ware honse. 'Phone Main ft. EGG MAKER OOLESWORTHY. BONE SHELL GRIT 127 and 129 East Alta. Poultry and Stock Supplies. I lay Grain and Feed. MAIL LET US FILL YOUR BIX WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognized as the best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you fur yonr winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET NEAR DEPOT W.D.FLETCHER THE PIONEER WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, COS Court Strea. Jewelry made to order. Wedding rtngs a specialty. AU work teed. Walters' Flounng Mills Capacity, 110 barrels a day. Flour xohanged for wheat Flour, lltll Feed, Chopped Fm4, to., always on hand.