EIGHT PAGES. s BRIEF RECORD OF COUNTY EVENTS Special DATLT EAST OKEGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 20, lOflg, ORTURED ITCHING ECZEMA Suffered Tremendous Itching Over Whole Body-Scratched Until Bled Worse at Night, With Soreness and Excruciating Pains A Western Lady's WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "Last year at this time I suffered with a tremendous itching on my back, which grew worse and worse, un til it spread over the whole body, and only my face and hands were free. For four months or so I suffered the torments of the damned, and I had to scratch, scratch, scratch, until I bled. At night when I went to bed things got worse, and I had at times to get up and scratch my body all over, until 1 was as sore as could be, and until I suffered excruciating pains. I did not know what it was, and resorted to a number of blood purifiers, using at times also Cuticura Soap. They told me then that I was suffering from eczema. Then I made up my mind that 1 would also use Cuticura Oint ment and Cuticura Resolvent. I used them according to instructions, and very soon indeed 1 was greatly relieved. I continued until well, and now I am ready to recommend theCuticura Rem edies to any one who suffers as did your obedient servant. Mrs. Mary Metzger, Sweetwater, Okla., June 28, 1905." I Humors, Eczemas, and Itchings Cured by Cuticura The agonizing itching and burning of the skin, as in eczema: the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of hair and crusting of scalp, as in scalled head all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills are such stands proven beyond all doubt. Sold tfcroof hot tb world. Catkvra gop, -Sc., Oirrt aarai. JOc Rfaolvn. 40c. lis form of Chocolate Coatad Fills. Vr. per rial of I. Bin or bad of all draffiM. A atnfla act uftrB roraa. Portar Prof a&d Cham. Corp., Sola Prvr- . Bnaton. Masa. mr Hailed Fraa, " Bo to Cut Bab Hunon." Spr ays I Preserve your trees and plants. Make them clean and product ive. n.PHVK LONDON PURPLE BLVE STONE PARIS GREEN WHALE OIL SOAP FORMALDEHYDE SOAP ARSENATIC OF LEAD ordeaux Mixture ready pre paredconvenient to use. THE PENDLETON DRUG COMPANY That was Brock & McComas Co. Get The Best I Dry Wood ROCK SPRLVG COAL rbe Coal that give the moat beat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Hennlngs' cigar store, Opp. Peoples Ware house. 'Phone Main f. EGG MAKER COLESWORTHY. BONE SHELL GRIT 127 and 1!9 East Alta. Poultry and Stock Supplies. Hay Grain and Feed. MAIL LET I S KILL YOVK BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognized as ti.e beat and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you fr your winter's supply. We da liver coal or wood to any part of ths city. Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET NEAR DEPOT OF BEAVER COLONY FELL TKEES AND FLOOD LAND, Marring? of Popular Young Folks Deputy Game Warden Appointed Kebekah Will Celebrate Aimiver. sary Nichols A Son Sell College Place Business Coiiuncccial Club Will Be Organized Will Remove to Xampa Daughter Was Born- Two Removals to California. Milton, March 20. The marriage o Miss Emma C. Storla and Thomas W Hewett took place In this city Sunday the Rev. H. B. Smith, rastor of the Christian church, of Milton, perform lng the ceremony Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the newly furnished cottage which the couple will occupy, Miss Ida Storla, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. Parker, of Walla Walla, was best man. Both the bride and the groom are employ ed at the Smith-Allen Hardware com pany, the groom as clerk and the bride as bookkeeper. They have n host of friends In Milton and vicinity who extend best wishes and congrat ulatlons . StiUey-Rnckman. Married, in Walla Walla, last Sun day, March 11, 190, Mrs. Ada C. Sta ley and Dr. R. J. Ruckman, Rev. Robert J. Reed, of Walla Walla, per forming the marriage ceremony. The couple will reside in Milton, Dr. Ruch- man being engaged In dentistry. Beavers Do Damage. Uncle Jack Crlgler reports that a colony of beavers have dammed up a stream running through his farm to such an extent that a portion of the land was overflowed and badly dam, aged. Apple and other fruit trees were cut down and destroyed by them, which they used In their dam-making operations. Game Warden. C. C. Shumway. who resides in Couse creek has been apoplnted dep uty state game warden for this dls trict. Commercial Club. Steps were taken last evening to organize a Commercial club for Milton last evening, and the club expects to make some wonderful Improvements for the city shortly. It will send $25 to Pendleton to the Umatilla Develop ment league In a few days. The offic ers of the new club will be announce' later. Station Agent R. E. Bean has pur chased the residence of D. Talbot on Broadway and expects to occupy it soon. The local Rebekah lodge will cele brate the fourth anniversary of their organization tonight. The Weston lod,re has been Invited to participate. A lunch will be served and a general good time Is expected. William Nichols and son have dis posed of their merchandise and livery business at College Place. Jaycox & Dise, of Walla Walla, were the pur chasers, paying $12,600 for the prop, erty. Messrs. McMahen & Carrier have received a Master Mechanic rasollne engine and pump, and expect to use it lor irrigation purposes. Rev. Baker, of California, who ha been conducting a series of meetlne at the M. E. church for the past week to good houses, addressed the young people of the FDWorth league Sundav evening, and afterward he preached a sermon to the young people on "What Alls JIe7" This sermon took un Ideal! that young people should live un to and was very highly spoken of by all wno attended. He d d not abuse th, amuwments for young Deonle. hnr r how they were so often abused bv tne young people. Henry Huffman has sold out hi place s'x miles east of town to P. .1 Kelly for JliOn and he expects to bo to .ampa to reside. Mr. Kelly wl use this place for a stock ranch an it joins his ranch. The people of North and South Forlt expect to see the free delivery route in snortly. A quartet has been organized In sniton by the following singers: W A. Davis, W. H. Steen, O. A. Coll anc J. E. Cherrv. Tnese nntlnman ., at the revival being held In the Pen dleton Christian church last Satnrdnt and Sunday. Thomas Frazler left vesterdnv tnr California where he expects to remain inaenniieiy ror his health. Mr. Pro zler has been assistant cashier In the Lank of Milton for some time, and a very popular young man. His many inenas nope to hear that he will soon be much Improved. Dr. Mortenson exDects to lev tnr ajiornia snortly where he will re main. . mis father resides In Califor nia, having come out some month. in from Minnesota, and they will live In California together. Porn, Thursday. March IK. to vr- and Mrs. Robert Frazler. a i-o pound daughter. She Is now l-nn, as Miss Eleanor Marguerite Frazler. A. Li. Elam and fa mil V hava turr.ed from California, Mexico and lexas points, where they have been for three months. curs Scalding Urine. Backache, Rheu matism, Nervousness, Loss of Flesh Sediment In thai TT-ln& 1 Diabetes nnrl all VMnaM . 1. 1 , eluding Blight's Disease. They' art pureiy a vegetaDie compound and act directly on the weakened tissues and blood Vessels of tha klrinov an -n. ary organs. Sold at 60c a box br xallman Co., 62$ Main St, Pendle ton, Or. m MILTON FREEWATER ADVICES MANY TRANSACTIONS IN FREEWATER REAL ESTATE. The Electric Road la a Certainty New Hardware StoreChanges in Teaching Force Petition for Mn oulain ltoad New simper Man In the Stork Business Much Damage to Fruit by the Recent Freeze the Late Varieties Being the Least Hurt Candidates Are Active. Freewater, Ore., March 20. Oa Saturday E. S. Isaacs, of Walla Walla, purchased six lots in block 54, in Freewater, for a consideration of $400; S. A. Scott, of Walla Walla, ono lot In block 52, consideration $140; Mrs. McDaugherty, of Seattle, one lot In block 55, consideration $175. The sales were made by the real estate dealer, A. S. Pearson. Miss Edith Perry, who has been teaching the third and fourth grades nl the Freewater public school since its opening, has been compelled to re sign her position on account of ill health. She is being succeeded by Miss Fdythe McCully, who recently closed a very successful six months' term in the Fruitvale district. Mayor Fred Evans has returned from Portland, where he had been subpoenaed to appear as a Juror In the federal court. A petition Is being circulated for the macadamizing- cf the lower or what Is known as the Ferndale road. This road Is traveled a great deal. Charles Rled and family have mov de to Athena, where Mr. Rled expects to engage In the butcher business. Albert Davis, of Portland, has been visiting friends and relatives In this vicinity recently. John C. Rice, formerly connected with the Freewater Times, has engag ed ln-the hog raising business, and ex pects to raise stock on a large scale before long. Line Will Go. A. S. Pearson, who Is right of way agent for the electric line which is to be constructed between Walla Walla and Freewater, reported to the corres. pondent that the road would go with out fail. The ties and rails for the line have already been ordered, and work will soon be going on. New Hardware Store. A. J. Bicknell has purchased the hardware stock of C. A. Wright at Mil ton and has moved the same to the building owned by Harry Badgero In Freewater, and he is now running a first-class hardware store at this place. It Is Mr. Blcknell's Intention to add a good stock of furniture with his hardware stock. Candidates at Work. Petitions are being circulated In these parts for J. T. Lieuallen, A. D. Stlllman, Cecil Wade and other candi dates who are in the race for election to the different offices. Politics are becoming interesting. Fruit Damaged. Since the fruit growers of this sec tion have had an opportunity to fully Investigate the extent of the damage done to the fruit by the late heavy frosts. It is found that it was far more severe than it was at first supposed. In both the Freewater and Milton dis tricts all apricots are killed, nearly all the peaches, pears, and even the ap plet are lost, especially where there Is no shelter. In some sheltered places some fruits were saved. S. A. Miller, the nurseryman at Milton, reports that a very small percentage of fruits will be raised of the early varieties. The later varieties and berries are un harmed. Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Ken neth Mclver, of Vanceboro. Me., is the subject of much Interest to the medi cal rratern'ty and a wide circle of mends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe Inflammation of the throat ana congestion of the lungs, three aoctors gave me up to die. when, as last resort, i was Induced to try Dr. ivings ew Discovery and I am haDDV to say, it saved my life." Cures the worst coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, xonsuitls. Weak Lungs. Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guaranteed at Tall man 4c co.'s and Brock & McComas drug stores. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tie free. Losw to Cattlemen. Fears are expressed that tho re cent cold weather will mean some loss to the cattlemen of the county. Range came at this season of the year are usually In poor condition and In some sections no feed can be secured, so that it Is iulteprobable that a num ber' of cattle will be unable to sur vive the present cold spell. It Is stated that George Malcolm of Hun sen's ferry, and E. L. Routh of C!o verland, have already sustained some loss and that other cattlemen will also be losers to a considerable ox. tent. Asotin Sentinel. Sold Out. This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business In Pen- dleton. Parties Indebted to our firm will kindly call and settle immedl. ately. ORAT'S HARBOR LUMBER CO. AH Leading Grocers Pell Cleveland's Baking Powder. While cleaning a rifle, W. C. Curtis. of Thornton, Wash., accidentally shot himself In the side, Inflicting a pain ful and dangerous wound. s s s s ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss s s ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss OREGON'S OUTPUT GOLD PRODUCTION FOR PAST YEAR $1,412,180, Baker County Leads With $790,828 for the Past Y'ear Baker County Also Produced 1800 Pounds of Copper About 300 Producing Mines In the Baker Mining District. According to the United States gee logical report for the year 1904, which has Just been Issued, Baker county alone produced nearly two-thirds of the total gold output of the state of Oregon, and this is not Including what Is known as the Baker district, says the Baker City Herald. The vulue of the gold produced In Baker county in L04 Is $T90,82S and the total out put for Oregon Is $1,412,186. The output of gold by counties In the two mining districts is given as follows: For eastern Oregon Baker $790,828 Crook 820 82,280 23,063 400 lo.ose 3,723 9.394 Grant Malheur Wallowa Wheeler For southern Oregon Coos Curry Douglas , 8.S18 Jackson 108.553 Josephine and Lane 373,670 Lincoln 640 This report also shows that In the year 1004 Baker county produced only isuu pounds of copper while Josephine and Lane counties produced 263,000 pounds. But Grant county produced 4710 pounds of copper during this year. It will be Interesting to watch Baker county climb to the top ranks in the copper production of Oregon with the copper belt opened up and developed as it Is now. It is con fidently expected that the report for tne year 1906 will show Baker county iur in tne lead. But Baker county for 1904 produced more lead than all the other counties of the state combined. It will also be Interesting to note the report for 1905 on the number of mines operating and producing In the Baker district. For 1904 there were 84 ore producing deep mines and 211 placer mines and 520 reporting but non-producing mines. A majority of these mines will be producing In 1905 and 1906 reports and will swell the totals sufficiently. It Is hoped, to give Oregon a high rank In the gold pro ducing western states. Land Scrip. For sale will take surveyed or un surveyed land. Military bounty warrants bought. W. D. Field, Overland ulock, Boise, Idaho. ARE YOU TIRED OF PAYING "BLUNDER TAXES" 9 D Many a business man pays as much money for the luxury of blunder ing as a steam yacht, or a private touring car would cost. "Blunder Taxes" cannot be evaded whatever else waits, these must be paid. If a business man gets Into the habit of making the same blunders more than once, the taxes will soon amount to confiscation "Blunder Taxes" are levied with amazing frequency upon store adver tisers. Among the blunders which are assessed at "full value" In adver tising are these: Selection of poor mediums. Using too little space in good mediums. Devoting less attention to preparing t'.e daily store advertisement than to the nor.ng of some empty boxes In the basement. Stopping the ad altogether for one or more days now and then. Figuring the advertising appropriation on the basis of what you can "afford" after all other expenses are provided for. The use of "programs." schemes, circulars, posters, fence-signs, pla cards and Jim-cracks, under the impression that you re securing real pub licity, and that somewhere, somehow, sometime someone will be Influenced by some of these thing? to come to your store and buy something. YOUR "BLUNTER TAX" BILL GROWS SMALLER AND SMALLER AS YOUR USE OF NEWSPAPER PUBLICITY GROWS BIGGER AND BIGGER. CONTINUOUS PUBLICITY IN THE WILL PREVENT PAYING "BLUNDER TAXES." JOHN DAY RIVER TO UMATILLA, Tenuorary Reservation Looks Like Revival of IroJect. A number of filings for land on the John Day In township 9. range 25, Wheeler county, have recently been rejected at The Dalles land office on account of a temporary reserve. It has been learned that the withdrawal was made in the interest of the Uma tilla Irrigation project. it win be remembered that the feasibility of taking water out of the John Day for the purpose of Irrigat ing large tracts In Umatilla county was tamed of two years ago, and corps of government engineers visited Spray and took the altitude at various points along the river. The project did not attract much attention at the time, as those familiar with the con tour of the territory sold It was an Impossibility. However. It appears that the reserve has been made for this purpose. Spray Courier. Wild Ilorsot Dying In Modoc Ullly Lunsford came In from the Garden this week. He has been out on snowshoes chasing wild horses. He says many have died and many more will succumb before spring. Some that he found refused to run but made battle. It was. of course, im possible to anything with animals of this character. A few were got out however, and brought In to feed Billy says that the snow Is so badly crusted It will bear a horse up so long as he walks but when he attempts to trot or run he goes down. Among oiner items he said he saw deer on Blue Ridge by the hundreds. They will all pull through, as they can walk' on the snow and subsist on browse. Alturas Record. One would think the Laxative Idea In a cough syrup should have been advanced long before It was. It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and colds would be to move the bow els and clean the mucous membranes of tho throat and lungs at the same time. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this. It Is the original Lax. atlve Cough syrup, the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Whooping cougn, etc. Tastes good and harm, less. Sold by Tallman & Co. All Leading Grocers Ball Cleveland's Baking Powder. Primary election petitions East Oregonlan office. at the W.D.FLETCHER THE PIONEER WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, SOS Court Street. Jewelry made to order. Wedding rings a specialty. AU work guaran teed. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. " ' Flour sxchangad for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Cboppsd Fs.d etc, always on band. ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss s ss s s ss s s ss s s s ss ss ss ss ss s s s s s s ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ss ss s s ss s s s s s s ss ss ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s To Chicago and the East Fust tr.'.ins daily, through to Chi cago without cliance, Irom pints in Oregon ;;nd Washington, via the Cliicag'i, I'niott Pacific and North Western Line, the route of The Oi crl ir.d Limited, ovi r ,lie double track rai wav between the Missouri River and Chicago, making direct connection at Chicago with all lints to the Last. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. For lurti.er inf.Tinaii.' n npt'ly to W. A. Co. General Ajt. C. N.-W. Ry. 133 Third Strert, Portland, Ore. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED VaTTII YOUR JOURNEY If your f kets read over the Dsn vsr ft Rio Grande railroad, ths "Scenic Line of the World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of Interest along the Una between Ogden and Denver that ths trip never becomes tiresome. If you are going east, write for In formation and get a pretty book that will te'l you all. about It. W. C. McBRLDE, General Agent, 124 Third Street, Portland, Oregon Roslyn Coal $6.50 deliv ered, $6.00at the shed Roslyn Coal, usr thorough exhaustive testa, has been se lected by the V. B. government for the use -of Its war vessels, as It stood the highest test. PROMPT D ELITE-IT. ROSLYN WOOD A COA'. CO. ! Off lea at W. av C. R. Depot PHONE MAIN it.