East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 19, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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pace two.
Watch this Space for Specials
Extraordinary Opportunity
Beginning Monday, March 12th, ending Friday, March 16tli.
We have arranged with one of the largest manufacturing estab
lishments of carpets, for a complete line of large samples of the
latest products and designs In carpets.
These samples will be on display In our Carpet Department for
five days.
If you are contemplating buying a carpet In the near future
come In and look them over and make your selection and we will
deliver them when you get ready.
The advantages to be derived from this sale Is as follows. In
the first place you get an assortment to select from equal to the
largest assortments In New Tork.
In the second place, ourselves not having; a dollar Invested In the
stock, we are enabled to sell them to you on about a 10 per cent
margin, thereby saving you a big percentage on the Carpet.
No' matter whether you want to buy or not. Come in anJ see the
handsome line and tell yuur friends about It.
Any Carpet can be delivered within five days from date.
Great Eastern Dept. Store
Bias Mollnet, treasurer of the prov
ince of Santiago. Cuba, is a defaulter
In the sum of $30,000, and is a fugi
tive from Justice.
At Wheeling. W. Va.. ravis Paxton,
a teamster, shot and killed his wife
and then himself, after making an
unsuccessful attempt to kill their
baby. Jealousy was the cause.
It is no-v claimed that the preten
der to the Moroccan throne Is rapidly
gaining the ascendancy. Has gained
so much ground of late, in fact, that
an early attack upon Fez, the capital,
Is probable.
A snowslide down the eastern side
of Ecar Creek basin, Colorado, caught
August Heilen, a miner. In his cabin,
and obliterated both. Hellen was par.
owner of several groups or mines, a
Swede and 40 years of age.
While temporarily demented. Mrs.
T. J. Tanner threw herself and baby
In front of a Chicago & Northwestern
train at Zion City and both were klll
..ed. Mrs. Tanner was a Zionist and
member of the community.
Susan B. Anthony, lert her entire
estate of 1 10.000 to the woman suf
frage work, with Rev. Dr. Anna Shaw
as sole executrix. Nothing was left
to her sister. Miss Man- Anthony, who
is well-to-do in her own right and
quite old. v
At Moscow, Russia, Captain Sham
ansky, who refused to order his com
pany to fire on the people during the
riots there last autumn, has been sen
tenced by a courtmartial to be dis
missed from the service and confined
for 18 months in a fortress.
Frankle McHugh, formerly a
featherweight champion, has been
sent to the Ohio penitentiary for four
years for knocking down W. A. Wat
kins, at Columbus, and robbing him of
$1300. Four other men who helped
McHugh, got the same sentence.
At Silverton. Col., a snowslide com
pletely wrecked the Green Mountain
mill, recently installed at a cost of
$300,000, and in addition the assay of
fice and engine rooms . D. F. Hickey,
the mine foreman, was killed by the
tame slide and his body carried away.
advertising literature In the Northern
Pacific depot at St. Paul, white the
Great Northern gave permission with
out hesitation.
A concensus of the opinions of tho
farmers In the county around Colfax
is to the effect that recent svvere
weather has damuged the wheat from
25 to CO per cent on an average., and
in some localities the loss will be even
At Livingston, Mont., W. J. Priest,
manager of the Western Union Tele
graph company, tucked an electric
light into bed to warm his feet. He
fell asleep, the light Ignited the bed
clothing, and Priest was severely
scorched. The supreme court of Washington
has rendered a decision holding that
a man's leg is worth $14,000. This is
the conclusion of a personal damage
suit for $20,000 brought by George H.
Melse against the Alaska Commercial
During a blizzard recently only the
most strenuous and unceasing efforts
of the entire populace of Missoula,
Mont., saved the town from destruc
tion. Several houses in different
parts of town were burned. In one
livery stable 27 horses lost their lives.
Mayor Balllnger, of Seattl. has
Issued an order to the police- to put
an end to dice playing and aH other
forms of gambling operated, by retail
cigar men. Several days previous, by
order of the mayor, slot machines
were removed from all cigar stands
and saloons.
At North Yakima Charles Franzen
was convicted of incest and sentenced
to 25 years imprisonment The vic
tims were Franzen's two youn
At Vancouver, B. C, Charles SulU
van, an old timer, well-to-do and well
known, was drowned in the bay by
the upsetting of a skiff in which he
was taking a pleasure ride.
In the country adjacent to Pomeroy,
Wash., hre is much suffering among
live'tock and heavy losses of ewes,
lambs, fresh cows and calves on ac
count of the recent blizzard.
The capital stock of the Washing
ton State bank at Ellensburg, Wash.
has increased Its capital Steele from
$25,000 to $50,000. J. H. Smlthson Is
president, and C. W. Johnson cash
Thirty cents per cwt. on potatoe.
from Spokane to San ""ranclsco was
the rat; which went into effect today
(March 1X over lh O. R. & N. This
is a reduction of 2 cents from the pre
vious rate.
Gilbert Cowles, aged 60 years, was
convicted of forging school warrants
at North Yakima, where he was clerk
of the school board for many years.
He was sentenced to five years In the
The "150.000 club" of Spokane,
could not get permission to distribute
Male Quartet Delighted Large Audi
ences Yesterday.
The people of the church were very
fortunate in having the famous Milton
quartet In the city.
The meetings continue through tha
week, closing Sunday, March 25. Sub
ject tonight, "What Must I Do to Bo
Saved?" George A. Webb and wife
will sing. The public is cordially In
vited to attend.
14100,000 WILL BE SPENT.
Iresein Accommodations at Snnltorl
iiiii Arc Insufficient for Iiicrcosjing
lliisliti-s- DiiiIiiu 1903 3810 Pa.
tloiiN Wow Received and Total
Ueennt Was Over 450.000 Three
Story Modern Prick Hirfldliig to He
Erected nt Cost of $50,000 Re
niainini; SStfMHMt Will Go for Other
Improvement! Money Will He
Halted by lliii4 Rale W. M Pierce
Retains Controlling Interest aM! Dr.
I'liy Will Kcmulil as Manager..
Don't frown look pleasant. If you
are suffering from Indigestion or
sour stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta,
Ga., says: "I suffered more than 20
years with indigestion. A friend rec
ommended Kodol. It relieved me In
one day and I now enjoy better health
than for many years." Kodol digests
what you eat, relieves sour stomach,
gas on stomach, belching, etc. Sold by
Tallman & Co.
New Photo Gallery.
W. S. Bowman has opened his photo
gallery at his old stand near Main
street bridge, where he will make su
perior photos. Mr. Bowman has Just
returned from Portland, where he was
In Aune's gallery for six months and
was connected with the official pho
tograph company of the Lewis and
Clark fair. He brings with him the
new Ideas In use In Portland and east
ern cities. Best work. Satisfaction
Arrangements are now being ml8
by the Hot Lake Sanitarium company
to spend $100,000 In Improvement1
during the coming summer. A three
itory brick building. miAiern In evet-JJ
particular, will be erected at a cost of
150,000. It Is estimated that the heat
ing and plumbing will cost $10,000;
new furniture another $10,000; a'
glaw-oovered conservatory, $10,000:
a cold water system to be piped from
the mountain spring ahove- the lake.
$10,400. and $10,000 is also set aside
for Incidentals.
In' erder to provide funds for the
proposed Improvements the sanitor-
ium company Issned Its first mort
gage until bonds with Interest at s'x
per cent: per annum. In the augrea-att
sum of $'30,000. The company Is In
corporated with a capital st'ifi'k of
$500,000 of a par vutue of $1 ouch.
The company now offers to sett
$100,000 of Its) first mortgage- gola
bonds at par and to give as a premi
um to each purchaser a number of
shares In the capital stock of the com
pany equal to the' face value of the
bonds purchased, all of the $100,000
to be expended making; the above
named improvements in the sanitar
ium property:
Preparations are now being made
to place the bonds uporr the market.
They v. Ill be haniOd, by the EasBerrt
Oregon Trust and Savings Bank, of
La Grande and acconin to Mr.
Pierce, an agency will also be estab
lished in Pendleton. Already appli
cations have been made- fo r$15"J)00'
or $20,000 off the Bonds.
Hot- Lake 8icc.
That Hot Lake has unusual merits
as a sanitorlum and has been a paying
venture financially, is shown by the
records of the insdtutiCHX. During
the ytar 190 the gross revenue was
almost $50,000, tnd dartr 1305 the
total receipts exceeded that amount.
During 1904- 3012 patients were treat
ed at that stcnitorlura. whDe in ISO
the number was 3S40. Most of these
patients aru from the northwest.
though during 1904 342 eame from
the far east.
There are now but 80 rooms In the
sanitorlum and this number has been
Inadequate for the business. An av
erage of 9 patients has been main
tained constantly and the manage
ment has been compelled to turn
many away for lack of accommoda
tions. The proposed new building will
make room for 150 guests In addition
to the present capacity and It Is esti
mated that upon the completion of
the Improvements the business will
be trebled, making the annual re
ceipts $150,000.
The Hot Lake property aa is now
stands has cost the owners about
$200,000, Including the personal prop
erty, buildings. 25S acres of land and
the right to purchase 300 acres more,
one-half the purchase price having
been paid.
Senator W. M. Pierce, of this city,
has been the principal owner of Hot
Lake for several years past and It Is
through his efforts that the institu
tion has been made the success It Is.
Mr.' Pierce wall still retain the con
trollng Interest In the company. Also
Dr. W. T. Phy, now In charge of the
sanitorlum, will continue in that po
sition under the new regime.
IVMiiUa County Will Bo Loyal to Her
Senatorial Candidate.
That Judge Stephen A. Lowell, can
didate for United States senuie, Is the
unanimous choice of Umatilla county
and eastern Oregon, becomes mora
and more evident every day.
W. C. White, a well known farmer
or the Echo district, who Is In the city
today, says the west end of the county
l practically unanimous lor Judge
Lowell, because of his peculiar fitness
feu- the office, his honesty of purpose
aiul straightforwardness In all hi
deillngs and opinions.
Mr. White is a lifelong and conser
vative republican ami believe It i
time Oregon redeemed herself by
electing such a clean, capable;- un
tarnished man to represent her In the
senate. He says he believes In repub
lican prii.i'lplts and spurns the mnn.-y
bugs of th politicians and the rli.s.
Judge Lowell represents the n,,i..
stale and ig the first ranitidine from
eastern Oregon for years, having any
tli.iiice of election.
Reports from other parts of easterm
Oregon are euuallv us favorable for
I -" ....... .....V J .ID SI, VVIMUK 11UIII
t'matillu county, and tils friends are
highly encouraged.
Jadpe Lowell will make a tour of
the state during the Inst 20 d;Es of
clie- campaign and hopes to vlstt all
the trincipal points;
Good Shoe Sense1
One wouid think the Laxative tdea
14' a cough syrup should have been
advanced long before It was. It seems
the only rational remedy for Coujhs
and' Cold would be to move the bow
els 'and clean the mucous membranes
of tlio tsrotit and lungs at the same
tlmT Kmnedy's Lucrative Honey aiJd
Tar dbes tfhis. It Is the original Ln.w
atlve- Gou-ril Syrup, the beet knows
remedy fov Coughs, Colds, Whoopln j
Cougft, ere-- Tastes xod and harm
less. S!d By Tallman & Co.
Buy Sorosis Shoes
Well Ivimwir former -Pastor of Pen
dleton Plmcrtmt)lictf lir Publication
Devoted W .Wv-donqi.
In the ATarcft number o( The Snlrlt
of the MMsslon a church paper pub
lished in New York city and devoted
to the work of the Chrte-tlan missions
ail over the woold. Is a picture of the
Chinese cUss of students and mem
bers of St. Klizahcth's mission In Hon
olulu; vhlt:h' is In charge of Rev. W.
E. rotivlivx former re-.'tor of the
Church of the Redeemer of this city.
The photograph of Rev. and Mrs.
Potwlne nnd. Mr. Potwkne'a Cither,
mother, slser. and brothsr, also ap
pear in connection with, tha mission
This little, papon Is demoted exclu
sively to inimionary work in ail parts
of the world. and. Dhotograoha of mis
sion classes In China, Japan, Porto
Rico, Hawaii-the Philippines, Mexico,
Cuba and other places, together with
exluiustive reports- of th work are
contained in the March number,
which is called "children.-- number."
Hotel Pendlelon Arrival!),
at L.-Shepard, .Wlscwnsini W. FIU
GeiaI4, Portland; J. O. Meyer, Port
land1; C. A. Barrstt, AEhena; L. &
iier.Jrunin, Chicago) Mm J. Brake;
S. J.. MCernberg, Sort' Fraauclsco; W, C,
Coltn Portland; T:' 0. H. Bogalesky,
San Francisco; S. L. Huberts, Spo
kaner Mrs. C. E. Jorfesi Wascoc A.
Slnslflmer, Portland M. H. Patton,
Spokane; T. W. Smith, fftrtlanifc J.
G. WUham, Boston; Dr. W. J. Stay,
Baker City; J. L. Kingsbury, Port
land: P, A. C. Lauev Portland; Wm.
j'Fltzgemlil, Portland; Jamss P. Pliv
Vr. ItiYtlond: Thomas Nestor, Port
land; 9fc Sternberg, n Francisco: i.
L. Cos Seattle; N. B. Krauso; Seattle;
R. S. HUH; Andy Reartlon, Pbrtlandv
M. R. Cowell. Prince -Albert; J.
Oeener.. Shajiiko; B. V." Dupuls, Wes
ln; Ei E. Whell, CUeago; M. G..
1-bllcz. Portland; W. A.' Slusher, city;.
HI V. Davis-, Spokane; E. N. Hutch-
ii son, Portland; F. T. George. Echo;
O.. C. Rdwards, city; L.'. H. Vilhouer,
Sun Francisco; L. Strain Sam Fran
cl o; T- B. Kiilln, Portland; O. S.
Youngmon,. Portland.
All Leading Grootrs
Sell Cleveland's Baking Powder.
Honesty-is the best policy:
Schilling's Bet:
lulling powder
flavoring cs.ract
Your grocer's; money bac!c
A Scientific Wonder.
The cures that stand to Its credit
make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a sci
entific wonder. It cured E. R. Mul
ford, lecturer for the Patrons of Hus
bandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a dis
tressing case of Piles. It heals the
worst Burns. Sores, Botls, Ulcers, Cuts,
Wounds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum.
Only 25c at Tallman & Co.'s and Brock
& McComas drug stores.
For Sale Nearly new, high-grade
piano, standard make; must sell at
once for half what It cost me. In
quire Bowman hotel, room 38.
Purely mutual to Policyholders.
On plans that have stood the test of time
Economicaly and cleanly administered.
Profits of the business belongs to policyholders.
Returned to them in dividends at the end of each year.
Macleay Building, 286 Washington Street, Portland, Ore
Descendant of American Statesman at
The Frazer Tills Week.
Miss Alberta Gallatin, who appears
at the Frazer on Wednesday, March
21, In "Cousin Kate," besides being
an actress of remarkable ability, Is a
very Interesting personage socially.
She is a beautiful woman of the Vir
ginian type, accomplished In music,
singing, painting and fencing.
She is a daughter of the late Gen
eral Albert Gallatin Jenkins, who was
wounded in the battle or Gettysburg
while In command of the confederate
cavalry. Her grandfather was J. B.
Bowlin, who back In the "60s was am
bassador to Paraguay. And more
over, she is a descendant of Albert
Gallatin, one of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence and tho
first secretary of the navy under
The best safeguard against head
ache, constipation and liver troubles
Is DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Keep
a vial of these famous little pills In
the house and take a dose at bed time
when you feel that the stomach and
bowels need cleansing. They don
gripe. Sold by Tallman & Co.
Land Scrip.
For sale will take surveyed or un
surveyed land.
Military bounty warrants bought.
W. D. Field, Overland ulock, Boise,
Indigestion is much of a habit.
Don't get the habit Take a little Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure after eating and
you will quit belching, puffing, palpi
tating and frowning. Kodol digests
what you eat and makes the stomach
sweet. Sold by Tallman & Co.
C.Did you know that Accordion Plait
ing is more popular than ever among
genteel dresnra? C.Hot irons injure
delicate fabrics. We use the steam
method exclusively. We can do your
work just as satisfactorily as if you
lived in Portland. Write for free circu
lar and particulars. We do Accordion
Sunburst and Knife Plaiting to order.
To the People of Pendleton.
An Bawl Orego'nlan reporter hap
pened in the store of our well known
druggists. Brock & McComas Co., the
other day, and In speaking of the
sudden- ehanges In the weather and
the sickness which seems to be so
prevalent, Mr. Brock, of the above
firm, remarked, "Such weather can
not help but result in coughs, colds,
bronchial troubles, the grippe and
other sicknesses. This weather Is
also bad for old people and those wire
are run down or have a tendency to
any weakness or disease."
Continued, Mr. Brock, "It seems to
us that you should warn every man,
woman and child In Pendleton, espec
ially the aged and run down, through
the columns of the East Oregonlan,
to build themselves up and take prop
er precautiones to ward off sickness,
and there would be very much less
suffering and fewer deaths In Pendle
ton this winter."
. When asked what they considered
the most universally successful medl
clno they had ever sold In their store
for that purpose, without hesitation
Mr. Brock answered, "Our modern
cod liver oil preparation, Vlnol, and
If people only knew what a grand
protection to health It Is we would
not have clerks enough In our store
to supply the demand. You know it
Is not a patent medicine, as every
thing In It is named on the lebel, and
It does not contain any oil to clog
the system and upset the stomach, but
It does contain every one of the me
dicinal, curative and body-building
elements of cod liver oil actually
taken from fresh cods' livers.
Vlnol cures coughs, bronchitis,
strengthens the old, builds up the
weak and run down, and makes rich,
red blood. If It falls we will return
the money paid for It." Brock &
McComas Co., druggists.
Sold Out.
This Is to notify the public that we
have- sold our lumber business In Pen
dleton. Parties Indebted to our firm
will kindly call and settle lmmedl-atel;.'-
AW Leading Groom
SeU Cleveland's Baking Powdar.
Hate Made Many Pendleton Resident
No wonder scores of Pendleton cit
izens grow enthusiastic. It Is enougk'
to make anyone happy t find relief
after years of suffering. Public state-
ments like trie following are but truth
ful representations of the dally work
done In' Pendleton by Doan's Kidney
Mrs. LVHoitson, of 717 Aura street,
PendletoK) Ore-., says: "I Just as en
thusiastically Indorse Doan's Kldnek
Pills tody as I did nearly three years
ago. Th!y relieved me off kidney
trouble which had bothered' me fer
a considerable time. There were
aching pa.ns across the small of my
back and 'down through my kidneys,
which were aggravated by colli which
settled In tit bank and loins and cans-
Led an awful lameness. This was my
condition when I began taklng-'Doiut's
Kidney Pin Tale remedy banished
rthe backache andi pams through the
loins, regulaied the kidney secretions
and removed' every symptom of tho
trouble. From thut day to this there
has been no recurrence, and I give
Doan's Kldrfty PIUS all the credit. I
eonslder them to 5e the best kidney
remedy procurable and recommend
jhem whenever tie occasion artse."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
eents. Fost-rr-Mllrwn Co., B'ifmio.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember Hie nrr.e Doan's and
rako no other.
Thou good, and tasteful Laundress."
Is often the- exclamation of: our pa
trons where tliey see tl.e" beautiful
work we mod home to thtru. That Is
particularly the case with ladles-who
have Hie flaunt and most dellcats fa
brics to- be washed nnd Ironed:. If
anythiinr. thy really look better than
new gods wben they leavour hjnds.
We liiive exceptional facilities for do
ing laundry work expeditiously, and
thoroughly, and without injury ta the
most dellcnrte goo .
Pendleton Steam Laundry
Tho e Main 175.
Our Parlors nru- newly, cxiil)Mil ttirouKlimiC with the most nt-od-era
nunlta. y flumes ojkC apiiaraaasv Evervthtnir nnr and the hex
lit tlu- market.
Only the lilghc skllH-il workmen employ- and every siinitury
eeatloii known Is token.
Poreeluln Itatlv tubs- with pli-ory of hot and: cold nater.
Fu-Ht-cla-M- service Ificnughonc
Eagle Bath Shaving Parlors'
Byers' Best Flour
Is made treat th cholcost w heat that fows. Good breaj Is as
eured when 3YERS BEST FLOUR Is usedk Bran, Shorts, Steam
Rolled Barley -always on hand.
' ' W. 8. BYERS, Pror-rietor.
Why Pay Rent,
when you can use the same money
to build a home for yourself. Call
1 1 2 East Court Street.
Before Investing Your Money
It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING I
Ul Y of LA51LKIN UKhUUIN and look over
vf 111 pay jroa lance return on your money. We h t eereral hundred Z
el - Yseaef ifsJ A If ski f a Inil In ids ut H,kiAi. j m
J- vm m-v iswu ma niwi bh av wubu vviuijai JlOtUfl 11010
seven to twelve tons per acre. For further particular! write
BURBRIDCE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon.