PAGE EIGHT. DATLY EAST ORBGOXIA. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH IT, 1M. EIGHT PAGES. ONCE MORE We call your attention tx the fact, that we are giving yon your choice OF A GOLD LEAF CTP AND SAUCER, HALF GALLON JUG, GOLD LEAF PLATE, A PRETTY PICTURE OR A HALF GALLON JAR, SUITABLE FOR YEAST. BITTER OR OTHE ARTICLES, WITH ONE POI ND OF OVR NEW SUBURBAN BLEND COFFEE 35c). WITH TWO POUNDS, A LARGE BEAN POT, DOUBLE THE SIZE WE HAVE BEEN GIVING WITH ONE POUND. The OWL TEA HOUSE SIX BARS SILK SOAP 25c. O. R. A N. EXTENSION. Surrey Now Being Made Through Grni Valley Pls-trict. O. R. & N. surveyors were on the Pes Chutes river weft of Grass valley during the week, says the Grass Val ley Journal. They have surveyed on the west ide of the river to near the free bridge, and then crossed to the east side. Surveyors being In the field is al ways followed by many reports, one being that they will connect with the Columbia Southern survey made last summer from Shanlko out south, at a. point southwest of Antelope; that the Columbia Southern to avoid the heavy grade south of Shaniko. will lpAVA thnl fitv t .1 .1 ri a BMd v.innlna. within a mile or two of Antelope and 1 Flfty Guort at MrsL McCorniraaeh'a nil .Mrs. Jroutman s Afternoon. Fifty Invited guests enjoyed a most delightful afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. McCormmach Thursday afternoon, March 15. The party was given by Mrs. McCormmach and Mrs. C. E. Troutman, and '600" was play ed during the afternoon. Delicious refreshments were served and a most enjoyable time was had. ... . . . vauey recently going over the sur veyed route for the extension of the road. They told the above story that it was the intention of the -?r3at Southern Railway company to push construction as soon as pring Aeather would permit, and that 1S miles of new icad to the south would be com pleted within a year. It has been previously announced that tb load will be extended southward to Bend, and mi louhtedly some day we will have a line east of the Cascades from the Columbia river to San Francisco, This report of a 180 mile extension came from a reliable man. and can be believed without reserve. DELIGHTFUL CARD PARTY. connecting with the Des Chutes sur vey. This Is one of the many reports and the reader can form his own con clusion. A report bearing the marks of truthfulness reached Bend this week that the Great Southern railway com pany will extend Its line ISO miles southward before the snow flies next winter. Bays the Bulletin. A former Bend citizen is located In the Tygh valley country. He wrote to a friend here that men connected with the Great Southern were In Tygh The COLD CREAM MONTH March Is the month when complexions suffer unless protected by the use of some preparation that will pre vent drying, chopping and roughening of the skin. A good cold cream will answer the purpose better than any thing else, providing you get one that Is rightly made. Our cold cream is right In every particular. It's a dainty pure white, delightfully per fumed cream, that will feed the tissues and protect and beautify the complexion. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists Funeral of M. Renderer. The funeral of M. Renderer, father of Mrs. V. Stroble, was held at 8:30 this forenoon from the Catholic church, the service being conducted by Father Travelll. A large number of relatives and friends of the dead man attended the church service, and quite a few went to the cemetery In spite of the cold weather. The pall bearers were Judge Thomas Fits Gerald, Joseph Basler, Chris Stang ler. Paul Hemmelgarn, J. P. Winter and Joseph Ell. No Society Department. Owing to the dearth of society func Hons during lent, the regular society department In the East Oregonlan Is not maintained today. After the len ten season the department will be continued as usual. Society events during lent will be mentioned but the department will probably not be maintained. BASEBALL MATTERS COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO DRAFT PLAN OF WORK. Committee Will Meet Tomorrow Afternoon A Strong Corps of Of ficers antl Workers Is In Sight and Available Present Intention It) to Use Local Players and Act Inde pendently In Finances, Though This .Arrangement May Be Modified Later on K. J. Taylor Will likely Be Manager. Last evening a meeting of the base ball players and enthusiasts was held in the council rooms and preliminary steps were taken towards forming an organisation for the coming season A committee consisting of Tom Mi- larkey, Roy Raley, Carl Cooley and L. G. Frazler was appointed to select a manager und a temporary captain and also to draft rules for the govern ing of the organization. This com mlttee will meet tomorrow afternoon and at that time the organization will be completed. For manager of the team K. J. Tay lor Is now most frequently mention ed, and if he will accept the position he may be named tomorrow after noon. Last night the place was ten dered to Roy Raley, but he declined the honor. For temporary captain Jerry King, the famous "southpaw," will probably be chosen, as he is familiar with all the men, and has the faculty of mak ing them work. The permanent cap tain will be elected by the team at their first game. At present it Is proposed to con duct the team entirely on a local ba sis, using only town players and ask ing for no subscription. However, should it be found that such a team will not be equal to Walla Walla, Athena and the other nines of this section, different arrangements will be made, and the citizens asked to con tribute for the support of the team. Thete are some good local men avail able for the team, more than last year, and by hard, consistent work It Is thought a strong team can be de veloped with purely home talent. But whether or not a sufficiently strong team can be secured In this way re mains to be seen. The trip required 12 hours, as the roads are such as to make fast travel ing impossible. According to Dr. Garfield there was a foot of snow at Klamath Falls when he left and the thermometer was at zero. In the mountains the snow was much deeper. While at Klamath the doctor de voted his time entirely to attending his patient and doctoring his face, so had no opportunity to see the other Umatilla county people now there. CAMPAIGN FOR BROWN. Baker City's Popular Candidate for Governor Is Making a Cnnva-w by Photographs. The East Oregonlan has received a number of window pictures of Har vey K. Brown, the reform candidate for governor of Oregon and takes pleasure In giving them prominent places where they will be seen by the public. Mr. Brown will perhaps make an active canvass of the state later and nas nosts or friends In all parta of Oregon who admire his fearless stand for the enforcement of the law. ANNUAL BENEFIT MARCH 23. Miscellaneous Program at the High School Assembly Hall. On next Friday evening. March 23, the annual entertainment for the high school athletic teams will be held in the assembly hall. A pro gram consisting of songs by the glee club, recitations, etc., will be given. Also, there will be booths arranged around the room, and a general social time will be had by those present. The proceeds of the evening will go towards meeting the expenses of the basket ball, track and baseball teams. An admission of 15 cents will be charged. LECTURE WELL ATTENDED. : Victor Talking Machines Columbia C.rAMinnhnneft Divorce Granted. In the circuit court today Judge El lis granted a divorce to Harry Has kins from Ellen Hasklns. Peter West was attorney for the plaintiff. E. C. Howard of San Francisco, a policy holder In the Pacific Mutual Life company, has filed a suit to pre vent the merger of that company with the Conseravtlve Life Insurance com Edison Phonographs'' EASY TERMS. J"" t 5000 Records. Including com plete Edison Catalogue. J. A. Owenhouse 81S MAIN STREET. DISTRIBUTOR FOR EASTERN OREGON. HAIR TELLS CHARACTER, Color of Hair lata to Indicate a Per. sob's Tempcrameat. Many people bellevs that blonde, or light half denotes affection and oar hair constancy. A perioa without hair Is not devoid of Character; far from it The disposition of the average bald headed man Is to show such solicitude for the welfare of others, that he neg lects himself. A germ causes baldness. Prof. Sabouraud, of Paris, France, in noccu'.ated a rabbit with Dandruff (terms. causing It to become totally bald in Ave weeks' time. To rid the scalp of these dangerous germs It is necessary to apply Newbros Herplclde. "Destroy the cause you remove th effect." Sold by leading druggists, fiend 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Kocppen Bros., special agents. ROSEMARY The name of a new "French Gray" pattern, in silver plated flat ware, of which we have Just received a good stock direct from the factory at Rockford, Illinois. It Is the most beautiful pattern yet produced In plated ware, and U not excelled In die work, design, nor finish by solid silver. The i;ility Is "Rockford;" none better. From beauty of design and quality you would think It high-priced but it Is not Hollow handle Knives and Forks, per set $12.00 Table Spoons, per set of t I4.S0 Tea Spoons, per set of t $2.50 WINSLOW BROTHERS POSTOFFICE BLOCK JEWELER-OPTICIANS. A person who has a savings account is In a measure a public benefactor, because In his modest way, he does his share to Increase the amount of money per capita In active circulation. The person who does not keep a savings account but hides bis money In our-of-the-way places, withdraws that money from circulation and thereby retards the full growh and prosperity of the country, and also robs himself of a legitimate Income. Commercial National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Is particularly well equipped to glvs every depositor prompt and ef ficient service and reasonable earnings on his deposits. Music Hall Filled to Capacity to Hear Miss Laughlln Laxt Night. The seating capacity of Music hall was filled last night with an interest ed audience, which enjoyed the equal suffrage address by Miss Gall Laugh lln, who is now touring eastern Ore gon In the interest of the equal suf frage amendment to the constitution waiter M. Pierce presided at the meeting, assisted by Chnirman L. E. Penland of the local suffrage commit tee. Miss Laughlln spoke for over an hour In a highly entertaining way, presenting unanswerable arguments In favor of the equal suffrage cause. She reviewed conditions In Wyoming. Idaho, Utah and Colorado, where equal suffrage has been In force for a number of years and presented sta tistics and historical facts supporting the success of equal suffrage wher ever it has been tried. At the close of the address addi tional names were secured for the local working committee, which now numbers about 100 active members. Miss Laughlln Is a forceful, polish ed speaker and made many friends for the cause In this city. Her ad dress Is filled with facts and statis tics and unanswerable arguments sup porting the cause of equal suffrage. ACTION IS EXPLAINED. 'r.preine Court MereTy" Referred Case to Federal t'otiM ftt Seattle. R. J. Slater received" a letter from Washington, D. C, this morning, In which the recent action of the su preme court regarding the habeas corpus proceedings for Columbia George and Toy Toy Is explained. A week or more ago the press dis patches told of the supreme court having denied a writ of habeas cor pus, and the reason given was that the two prisoners were not ojtizens. However, in the letter received by Mr. Slater today It Is said no opinion was given by the supreme court, and that the chief Justice merely declared the application denied. It Is inferred that the reason for such being done Is that the appeal should have been made before the federal court at Seattle, Instead of before the supreme court at Washington. The action be fore the supreme court was taken by a Kansas attorney who had learned of the case of the two Indians. Mr. Slater now has a petition be fore Federal Judge Hanford at Seat tle for a writ of habeas corpus for Columbia George, and March 26 was set as the day for the United States marshal to appear and show cause why the writ should not be granted. Mr. Slater Is confident that he will bo successful In the case, and that Co lumbia George will be liberated. MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT. General Rally of the Equal Suffrage People and Friend at Commercial Association Parlors. A general meeting of the friends of equal suffrage, will be held at the Commercial association rooms on next Tuesday evening, March 20, un der the auspices of the local commit tee organized in this city to advance the cause of equal suffrage. All are cordially Invited to attend this meeting. The committee will ar range the meeting and will be glad to have the friends of the movement attend. Now is the Spring And now la the time to prepare your wardrobe for the Spring Season. For ninety days we have Oregon's spring weather. Medium Weight Suits are therefore In demand and we have them hi variety, fabric and of the fashionable cut; loose, but not baggy. We are sure we can show you Just what yon most desire In real worth of suit. We "keep the QUALITY UP," and honestly represent the value. Boston Store Where Every Chance Is Good SPECIAL CHINA SALE.... DURING Tins WEEK I AM MAKING AN EFFORT TO SELL EVERY PIECE OF FANCY CHINA IN MY STORE, AND AS AN INDUCEMENT FOR PROSPECT IVE BUYERS I HAVE A WINDOW FULL OF IT MARKED AT JUST ONE-IL4LF THE TRICE. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE JEWELER. AN IMMENSE ABSTRACT. Covers Twelve Hundred Pages and Cost $500. What was probably the largest piece of abstracting work ever done In this county was recently finished for the J. E. Smith Livestock company by the Hartman Abstract company. It was an abstract of title for all the lands owned by the company, about 50,000 acres. The abstract covers 1200 pages and the cost of the same was In the neighborhood of J500. COFFEE WE ARE AGENTS Chase & Sanborn Coffee Buffalo-Monitor Elects. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Buffalo-Monitor Min ing company, held in Portland recent ly , cmrra i. jox, or Portland, was elected president, Norboume Berke ley, of this city, vice president, and Wirt Minor, of Portland, secretary- treasurer, for the ensuing year. The liuiraio-Alonltor company owns the old Beagle mines near Granite, Grant county. FROM KLAMATH FALLS. Dr. Garfield Wan Called to Attend J. F. Xowlln at That Place. Dr. H. S. Garfield has returned from Klamath Falls, where he was called a week ago to attend J. F, Nowlin, who has been seriously 111 wtlh typhoid fever. He Is still very 111, and according to Dr. Garfield will probably not be fully recovered for a month yet. The trip to Klamath Falls was a long one for a professional visit, and It was accompanied by some hard ships for Dr. Garfield. The stage now runs to Klamath Falls from Thrall, Cal., a distance of 36 miles. The road is over the Sisklyous and is slow and dangerous. .While going in Dr. Garfield had his face frozen and the stage driver had four fingers nipped. Badly Sprained Slioulder. Mrs. M. L. Warren, living at the place formerly owned by J. W. Klm brell In the west end of town, had her left shoulder badly sprained this morning as a result of a full. At the time Mrs. Warren was engaged In re arranging her house after a dance last night and In some manner she fell and struck her shoulder. Dr. Henderson was called In attendance. Adams Advance Is Dead. With Its issue of yesterday the Adams Advunce died. The paper has suspended publication and the plant has been it-moved to Helix. A Trite Saying. It la a trlto saying that no man It stronger than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts It In shape to make pure, rich blood helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid ney troubles. If you tuke this natural blood purl her and tonic, you will assist your system in manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that Is Invigo rating to the brain and nerves. The weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, Is usually the effect of poisons In the blood; it is often Indicated by pimples or bolls appearing on the skin, the face becomes thin and the feelings "blue." Dr. Pierce's "Discovery " cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It Is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful habit-forming drugs, and the only one, every Ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical wrltors of this country. Some of these endorsement are published in a llttlo bosk of extracts from standard medical works and will be sent to any address free, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. R. V. ?lrce, Buffalo. N. Y. It tells Just what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. The " Words of Praise " for the several lngredlont8 of which Dr. Pierce's medl olnes are composed, by leaders In all the several scnoois oi mexlloal practice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which the "Golden Medical Discovery is advised, should have far mors weight with the slek and aftllctwl thaa any amount of the so-called "testi monials " so conspicuously flaunted before the public by those who are afraid to let the Ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Bear In mind that th "Golden Medical Discovery " has the badob of HoxitsTY on every bottle wrapper, In a full list of Its Ingredient. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation, invigorate the liver and regu late stomach and bowels. Dr. Plercs't great thonsand-page Illus trated Common Sense Medical Adser will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one oant stamps, or cloth-bound for 81 stamps. Address Dr. Ploroe at above. CHASE & CAXBORN do business differently from any other Coffee House In the United States. They give one store In a city the exclusive sale of their coffee and thereby do away with the cost of many traveling salesmen and add this saving to the quality of their coffee. They are the largest Importers of fine coffee in the United States. They have had over 40 years' experience in buying and roasting cotiee and have It down to a fine point. They do not go over to the Boston and New York exchanges to buy their coffee; they go direct to the grower and know what they are getting for their customers. They have set a standard for their coffee and make a certnln blend, and you may feel assured that when you get C. & S. SEAL BRAND COFFEE you have the very best. It Is the same to day as that you got 10 years ago. By keeping up their standard as they do, they know that if you try one pound, you will walk blocks to get this par ticular blend again, and take no other. We could blend certain coffees and might make a great hit, but when we go to buy the second lot we may get an altogether different coffee, be cause it Is not the looks of the berry or the same price that guarantees the same cup. That Is only told by draw ing coffee In the cup and knowing where the berry was grown. Chase & Sanborn with their long experience blend our coffee to give the best and most perfect cup that It Is possible to obtain. Our sales of Chase & San born's coffee have been marvelous In the past, and only so by the fact that we have sold Just what the peo ple wanted, and they could not get the same at uny other store. Gray Bros. Grocery Co SEAL BRAND COFFEE IS AT THE TOP. GOLD MEDAL BUTTER. THe Prettiest Wall Paper j THAT WAS EVER BROUGHT f TO PENDLETON, AND CAN NOW BE BEEN AT MURPHY'S 1 1 1 Court St. Yes, we do palnt'.ng of ah de scriptions. Let us figure with you. REST ASSURED that you could not get good Electrical Supplies anywhere at prices below our present quotations. We take contracts for wiring, carry an extens ive Btock of all ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, and can guarantee fine work and first-class goods at rock bottom prices. J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRICIAN. 122 W. Court St. 'Phone Main 132. Dally East Oregonlan by carrier. only 15 cents a week. CONTRACTORS will appreciate good stuff at rock bot tom, prices arc Invited to Inspect onr present stock. Never before have we cut onr profits to such an extent. Tills Is YOUR CHANCE to buy. A word to tlio wise Is snffl. clent. Oregon Lumber Yard NEAR COURT HOUSE. 'Phone Main 8. Pendleton, Oregon. WELL, HOW L YOTJ LIKE THIS? asked by the young man popular with his sister's and other fellows' sister, regarding his wash waistcoat and linen will beget the answer: "Why, they're all new, aren't they?" Noth ing of the sort we Just got through laundering them so well that they might ba thought brand new. It's a way wa have, and the day doesn't cost too muoh toll. We give green trading stamps If -you call at the laundry and pay your bin on or before the 80th of the month, ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY