PAGE EEC.' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH IT, 1006. EIGHT PAGES. BRIEF RECORD OF COUNTY EVENTS Special At The Opera House Pendleton Oregon MONDAY NIGHT MARCH 19th DR. WARD AND STAFF From the Medical Institute of Liverpool, England; Craw fordsville. Ind., and Port land, Ore., will give A FREE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Lecture begins at 8 p. m. Ladles especially Invited. MUSIC Rheumatic and Paralytic Cripples cured on the stage. FREE The deaf made to hear In a few seconds. Come on crutches, In In valid chairs and you shall walk as a child. Bring your ear trumpets and lay them down and you shall hear. Come and hear these high-class med ical lectures and see the marvelous cures made in a few minutes and you will be convinced that the dream of the philosopher is being realized. The Treament is Osteopathy Medicine Combined. and HELIX HAPPENINGS WHEAT IS VXIFORMLY IX EXCELLENT CONDITION. Now Labor Section on the W. & C. R., Manned by Whites Marriage of John Griverte With Mrs. DeLaney Mercantile Stock Traded for Land Death Caused by Consumption Returned From California New Paper Will Be Started Next Week. ROBBED From The CLUTCHES 9f ! TORTURE Seeing is Believing ARE THESE CURES PERMANENT Read and be Convinced. This is to certify that I have been a helpless- cripple for two and a half years from that giant disease, rheu matism, and was in bed part of the time, and for two years was compell ed to walk with crutches. Dr. Ward treated me at the opera house Aug ust 2, 1905, and broke my crutches at the Opera house without them and I continue to walk and am feeling fine, have no more use for crutches. I take pleasure in recommending Dr. Ward to the public. (Signed) M. T. CARLTON'. Boise, Idaho, August 5, 1905. Helix, March 17. The storm which raged over the entire section the early part of the week did no damage whatever In Helix, In fact, many of the wheat growers think It will be Just the thing for wheat, and the ground will be much more moist than it would have been. The coldest weather reported here was Wednesday night, when the thermometer registered four and six below, and in higher points It was 10 below. W. M. Scott, an old-time wheat grower of this section, went out through his wheat fields yesterday to make a thorough examination, and he state that even where the snow did not cover the wheat in places it will not be Injured. Create New Section. The W. & C. R. railway will create another section from Helix south to ward Pendleton, with headquarters at this place. An entire white crew will be put on this section. The present section runs from near Warren to the junction and south of here being divided. This section also has head quarters at this place. The new sec tion will . be at work next week, a number of white men in this city having hired out. The Japs and Chi namen at work on the present section will be retained. This will make two section crews out of Helix. Married In Seattle. John Grlvette, who resides on a big wheat ranch about 11 here, and Mrs. Sopha North Takima. late of Pendleton, were married In Seattle a few days ago. They arrived from Seattle Thursday, and John has been receiv ing the best wishes and congratula tions of his many friends in these parts. Store Sale. The general merchandise store owned by W. T. Parker at this place, has been turned over to Mr. Gallo way, of Dayton, Wash., In exchange for a large tract of land In Washing ton. The store Is now being managed by John Fltzhugh of Walla Walla, as sisted by G. W. Whltehorn, recently of Pendleton. Mr. Parker expects to go Into the stock and farming busi ness in Washington. He has just purchased a fine $2100 horse from a Walla Walla firm. Reports come from Connell. Frank lin county, Wash., which lies near Pasco, that the wheat Is nearly aft killed there, as no snow fell to pro tect it, and the wind was more se vere than In most places. Carl Cooper, who Is well known here, re ports that he fears that nearly all of It will have to be resown. The trains have been delayed for several hours during the past week, on account of the heavy storms. Tx hIIi of Henry Porter. Henry Porter died last Wednesday night at his home at Warren station near this city, from consumption. He had been ill for some time and was only married last October, to Mrs. Stamper. He was 85 years of age. W. H. Isaacs, son of Captain H. S. Isaacs, has- returned fro:n California, where he has been for three years for his health. He will engage In farming at McKay creek with his un cle. C. B. Isaacs. He does not like California as well as Oregon. Thomas Robinson has gone to La GranOe on a business trip. John Fltzhugh. the new manager of the store at this place, expects to move his family here from Walla Walla In a short time. A. B. and J. E. Montgomery expect to leave about the first of April for Dalhart, Texas, where they have pur chased land, which they will now Im prove. They expect to return in about six weeks. F. H. Richmond will have charge of the bank during the absence of Cashier A. B. Mont gomery. Louis Houston, one of the well known farmers of Helix, has returned from Tacoma, where he has been spending the winter. Miss Maggie Romlne of Milton, is visiting with the W. M. Scott family and other friends In Helix. D. B. Richardson and family made a trip to Pomeroy last week, where they went to attend the golden wed ding of Mr. Richardson's parents. They reported a very enjoyable time. J. . Joy expects to leave Monday for Ohio on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Sando have been con fined to their home for some days with a severe cold. Ed Gross and S. E. Starr gave a so cial dance Thursday evening, which was a general success. Many of the farmers who live out six and eight miles from here, report ed six and eight inches of Bnow. M. A. Ferguson Is expected to ar rive here next week from Adams to begin the publication of a weekly pa per In this city. The people are very anxious to have a paper here, and welcome Mr. Ferguson to the field. WAR ON IN GRANT COUNTY. County ARE YOU TIRED OF PAYING BLUNDER TAXES" To Whom it May Concern: "I was treated by Dr. Ward at the opera house, August 5, .'.'.:, for deafness. Have been Improving since. I now hear as well as I ever did, and shall ever be grateful to Dr. Ward for cur ing me." (Signed) H. M. COLLINS. Boise, Idaho, August 5, 1905., Voices of the skeptical are hushed for they must now believe that this man is a wonder, for they now see what he can really do, and "what the eye sees the heart must believe." OFFICE AT HOTEL THE DOCTOR WILL STAY IN PENDLETON NINE DAYS Over County Division and Seat Removal. Features of the scrimmage compil ed from the John Day News: H. C. Craig reports that he secured 16 names to his remonstrance to the petition for removal of county seat and that 14 of them were of the IS who had signed the petition. This double signing will make the ques- tlon of the effect on the original pe tition u uuming one. The Long Creek Ranger says that the Prairie City county seat removal push secured 70 odd names to the pe mica iron, titlons. All the Information it gave uei-aney 1 concerning the progress of the anti- removal boys was that two of Canyon City's most prominent cKizens were over to show the natives a trick. When the county seat war first broke out the News stated that there wero three propositions more or less directly Involved namely, the loca tion of the county capital, secession of Northern, and cession of the Gran ite county to Baker county. Gradual ly these two collateral Issues are being drawn Into the scrimmage. There are at this time petitions In circulation asking the legislature to divide the county along certain lines. And the one in Canyon is being circu lated by of Canyon's most potent leaders In the county seat question. W. R. Cunnington. It looks as though someone Is firing Prairie City's thunder. And It is said that the petition Is being liberally signed. The northenders ought to find rich picking in the way of support to their proposed political independence. Indeed, it may seem to them as though the remainder of the county is In unseemly haste to be rid of them. Should it transpire that no repre sentative is chosen from this county that the situation will be completely In the control of Senator Laycock. Such things as county division are usually considered internal affairs, and as goes the chief representative so goes the legislature. Although the statement is not au thorized by Senator Laycock, there is little doubt that he will favor the proposition if projected on right lines. - - . Many a business man pays as much money for the luxury of blunder ing as a steam yacht, or a private touring car would cost. "Blunder Taxes" cannot be evaded whatever else waits, these must be paid. If a business man gets Into the habit of making the same blunders more than once, the taxes will soon amount to confiscation "Blunder Taxes" are levied with amazing frequency upon store adver tisers. Among the blunders which are assessed at "full value" In adver tising are these: Selection of poor mediums. Using too little space In good mediums. Devoting less attention to preparing t'.e dally store advertisement than to the Btorlng of some empty boxes In the basement. Stopping the ad altogether for one or more days now and then. Figuring the advertising appropriation on the basis of what you can "afford" after all other expenses are provided for. The use of "programs," schemes, circulars, posters, fence-signs, pla cards and jlm-cracks, under the Impression that you re securing real pub licity, and that somewhere, somehow, sometime someone will be Influenced by some of these things to come to your store and buy something. YOtn "BLUNT ER TAX" BILL GROWS SMALLER AND SMALLER AS YOVR ISE OF NEWSPAPER PUBLICITY GROWS BIGGER AND BIGGER. CONTINUOUS PUBLICITY IN THE WILL PREVENT PAY1N6 "BLUNDER TAXES." MANY WOLVES KILLED. FRUIT MAY BE DAMAGED. Bounty Law Has Been Successful in Montana. Since the new bounty has been in effect Custer county has paid out $10,059 In bounties for wolves and coyotes killed, says a Miles City, Mont, dispatch. The new law went into effect March 1, 1905. Wolves and coyotes killed before that date could be certified to for 60 days after March 1, but they are not included in these figures. In the first quarter there were 26 wolves and 476 coyotes and pups cer tified to; In the second quarter, 31 wolves and 1000 coyotes; In the third quarter, 69 wolves and 559 coyotes, and In the fourth quarter, 33 wolves and 778 coyotes. The total was 161 wolves and 2813 coyotes and pups. Wolf bounties at $10 per head amounted to $1610, and coyotes and pupa at $3 each totaled $8439. Your Health Depends on Your Kidneys Every Reader Should Test the Wonderful Merits of rhis Great New Discovery. IRVING'S BUCHU WAFERS Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be tracea to me Kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder ot these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work, Tti-f.fnr. when vour kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body, is affected and now every organ kom dUl'you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the gTeat kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Kooi, - as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle nMuocewamD-Baot by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Walla Walla District Hnx Suffered From Cold Weather. The Walla Walla Statesman says concerning the damage to fruit as a result of the cold weather in that vi cinity: Fruit growers of the valley are growing pessimistic over the contin ued fold weather and several ex pressed the opinion today that dam ago to early fruits and vegetation will be much greater than first estimated. Last night proved harder on the fruit than any dny since the cold snap set In, the mercury at the weath er office registering 10 degrees above zero at 6 o'clock this morning, which marks the coldest day In March since 1898. Thermometers In different parts of the city registered much lower than the official thermometer at the weather office, some showing as low as three above, and In one Instance, In the eastern part of the city zero was recorded. A telephone message to The States man office from the John Miller place. 12 miles up Mill creek, this morning, stated that early fruits along the creek bottom were undoubtedly Injured somewhat. Comparatively warm temperature prevails In the Milton and Freewatc fruit districts, 21 degrees being re corded at the MoMinn place, at tho state line, this morning, and fruit men say the trees are not Injured to any appreciable degree. Indigestion Is much of a habit. Don't get the habit. Take a llttle.KO' dol Dyspepsia Cure after eating and you will quit belching, puffing, palpi tatlng and frowning. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet Sold by Tallman & Co. W. L. Currlngton, ft Southern Pacl flc brakeman. lost both arms and a leg by being run over In the terminal grounds at Portland. He wai remov ed to Oood Samaritan hospital. If you wish to be rich In health, you should be careful of your KIDNEYS as a good financier Is of his cash cap ital. Your KIDNEYS are your capi tal. Your health depends principally upon them. If you kee THEM well you may poaseps your health In safe ty. Now by this Is not meant that good financiering for your health Is to overlook all other organs and merely look after your KIDNEYS. Your other organs may need care, but your KIDNEYS most, because they do most. If you are sick begin with your KIDNEYS, because Just as soon as they are wen, tney win help all the other organs to health. For a great many years It has been the custom for people to say: "My blood Is out of order, it needs purify Ing; I feel all used up; my skin needs clearing; my brain feels tired." They are right, but do they act right? They generally do and get a laxative to purify their blood; but does blood run through the bowels? i Cet The Best I Good I Dry Wood and I ROCK SPUING COAL ne Coal that gives the most ? beat X PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS I Leave orders at Hennlngs' dear I More, Opp. Peoples Ware- honse. J "Phone Main Science proves that all the purify Ing that your blood needs, In fact all htat can be done, must be done by your KIDNEYS. The KIDNEYS are filters. They strain and purify your blood. When your blood Is Impure nothing can purify but your KID NEYS. When the KIDNEYS are clogged from overwork of any kind, worry, exposure or excesses, they can be set right by that wonderful new remedy known as IIIVINO'C BUCHU WAFERS. They are a small wafer and pleasant to take. They are not a patent medicine or secret remedy, and the formula Is cheerfully furnish-' ed to trie numerou physicians who prescribe them In their practice, rec ognizing the efficiency of their Ingre dients, such as Buch, Juniper Berries, Aspnragus and other valuable and purely vegetable extracts, which are bo. concentrated as to make them more than double their value. PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOX For Sale by Tallman & Co. (OdDAL LET TJ8 FILL XOVU BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognized as ti.o best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you f-r your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city'. Laatz Bros. MAIN &TREET NEAR DEPOT SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or Bend to the EAST OREOONIAN the net publisher's price of the publi cation you desire, and we will have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If ynu are a subscriber to the EAST OREOONIAN, In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publish er's price. Address EAST OREOON IAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DRIMG CERTAIN AMD QUICC RESULTS II yon want help or a rttuntion. want to buy, tell or trade anything, want to rent a farm, house or room, want To reeoT.r aom. lost property, your d..lre. oan f'J th Ortgonlan's classified columns. Count i worde to the line. No ad taken under II eenta, Three lines, one Insertion . . . .Fifteen cent Three lines, two Insertion" Tw.en2'",T Three lines. Hz Insertion! '1-' v Five llnee, one Insertion "."iS c . Five llnee, two Ineertlone .Thirty-fir. eenta Five llnee, tlx Insertions Berenty-flv. eenta IIIIHIMIIMMIMIIIIIIIIMIIIintTtt