PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGONLiN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 190. EIGHT PAGES. AN IN1K.1'K.M)HXT NK.WSl'Al'Elt. rubltubnl every afternoon tewy Sunduy) at Pendleton. Oregon, by ilie KAST OHKilONIAN Pl'M-ISUlNli CO. RVUSC-KIITION BATES. ltally, one year, by mall (T INilly, six months, by mail Imily, three mouths, by mall 1 ltally, one month, by matt Weekly, one year, by mail t Weekly, six m.ttith. by mall Weekly, four months, by mall........ Senil Weekly, one year, by mall 1 Semi Weekly, nix month hy mail Keinl -Weekly, four ninntlu. by mail... Member SerlppsMcKae Sews Assoclntlon. The K.ast Orvirnnlsu la on sale at It. H. Rlchs News Stsmis. at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins. Portland. Oregon. Kan Franelsco Kiirean. 408 Konrtli street, t'bb-aco Iturean. liot) Security biiilillUK Witshtinrton. 1 t, Bureau. Sot Four teenth atreet. S. V. rslephom Mala 1. Kntered at Pendleton I'oatofflce as second elass matter. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Copy for advertising matter to appear In the East Oreftonlan must be In by 4 p. m. of the preceding day : copy for Monday's paper muat lie In by 4 :4a p. m. the preced ing Saturday. Oh. for the thrill of the morn ing When the sun strikes through the mist. And the dewdrops shine on blossom and vine Like faces that love has kissed; When the birds are singing In gladness. Half mad with the joy of life. And the soul knows a rune which is set to a tune That banishes care and strife. It is. oh. to be living, living In the good old world today! With the sunlight's cheer to gladden us here. The storm king beaten and' cowed to fear. Tis a good old world. I say! A. J. Waterhouse. THE IDAHO CRIME. There are two sides to the murder of ex-Governor Frank Steunenberg and the prosecution of those charged with the crime. That the murder of that honorable and foremost citizen of Idaho was damnable and atrocious in the ex treme, no one will deny. That his murderers should be hunted down and made to pay the utmost penalty, no one will deny. That it is the duty of the officers and the people of Idaho and the entire northwest . to co-operate to detect and punish those dastardly cowards who have laid in wait for years for this fearless gov ernor, no one denies But let us be temperate. There Is a mineowners' association In the United States Just as dastardly in Its conceptions and Just as merciless in its executions as the Western Federa tion of Miners ever dared be. In ad dition it has millions In money and hired rascals In Its employ to carry out its designs and accomplish its purposes. When the Independence. Col., de pot was blown up with dynamite two years ago and 14 men killed, did not the bloodhound trace the steps of the man who fired the bomb that killed these men, to the door of a hired de tective of the Mineowners" associa tlon? Was not the bloodhound called off Immediately when this fact became public? The mineowners are determined to crush out the miners' union. To this end the officers of the union will be brought into disrepute and made to bear the brunt of every crime that It is possible to saddle upon them. This is not a defense of the miners nor their union, where there Is proof that they have done wrong, but It la a defense of them against the dastard ly persecutions of the Mineowners' association which, It is alleged, main tains detectives, thugs, dynamiters and assassins to commit crimes which may be charged to the miners. There are two sides to this case and the people must be careful that they do not get the wrong criminal by the throat, in their passion. IlOl'KNE'S MONEY BAGS. A southern Oregon paper says that if Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Is selected by the people of Oregon as their choice for the United .States senate. It will be through his persistent advertising. Bourne is a prince of advertisers. His money bags are ample. It Is even ald he paid the Pendleton Tribune 1300 for carrying his picture and his "hooray" platform during the campaign, as small and restricted as the Tribune's influence and circula tion Is. Rut. will Bourne's money bags. off set his past record In Oregon? Will his 3oo contributions to tho Pendle ton Tribune and other little papers in Oregon wipe away the recollection of the unspeakable headquarters he maintained In the Eldridge block In Salem, during the zenith of his glo.y a few years ago? Will his money bags give him a clean, clear, untarnished record? Will advertising himself and running his picture In country papers conceal his past record In Oregon politics? Let the people answer. If he used money and depraved methods In Salem a few years ago to tie up the legislature on the sena torial question, Is he any better now? Do the people of Oregon wish to se lect a man with such a record to rep resent them In the highest law-making body In the land? Eastern Oregon and Willamette valley, the two great arms of the commonwealth of Oregon, by which the overgrown baby Portland Is fed, must unite on a clean, capable, untarnished man, who still represent all the state and In whom there are more qualifications than those In cluded In a million-dollar fortune and a paid advertising agency. THE RESURRECTION. The Filipinos have a native news paper in Manila, called "El Renaci mlento," (The Resurrection), devot ed to the elevation of native life, and character, the advocacy of American Ideals of government and the uplift ing of the Ignorant Filipino from his present abject state to a plane of In telligent citizenship. Thus are the shameless American grafters In the colonial service re buked by the feeble upward strug gle of the savage. Seeing the Ameri can in freedom and progress. Inspires the Filipino with a desire to climb higher. It Is an Innate principle In the human mind, this desire to go forward, to ascend to higher planes. Were the Filipinos given an intelli gent, honest, fraternal assistance by the American with whom they come in contact, they would soon become civilized, hopeful, progressiva. But as long as they are exploited by grafters and commercial pirates, the resurrection will never come into their minds and hearts. On the Umatilla reservation the In dians have formed a society for the betterment of the tribe. It may seem grotesque to those of us who know Joe Craig, the half-breed interpreter, to think of him as presiding officer over a council of his tribesmen, in which the betterment and uplifting of the tribe are to be considered. But there again is seen the strug ling dawn of the mental and moral resurrection of the savage. The ten dency is upward, forward. Intelligent co-operation and honest dealing from the whites will encourage and im prove the Indian. His organization may seem grotesque and ogre In our way of looking at the Indian In every day life but beneath his outward na ture there is that eternal hope, the desire to Imitate the better element in civilized life. Slowly the resurrection is dawning In the mln and heart of the Indian, the Kaffir, the Sepoy, the negro and the Filipino. Intelligent and honest co-operation of the whites In every part of the world will cause this dawn to burst Into full splendor upon these groveling races. The white man's stupidity a?id cu pidity forbid the resurrection. The people of Oregon understand what statement No. 1 means. The politicians are trying to twist it out of shape, to evade it, to find excuses for refusing to take the pledge, but the people are as intelligent as the candidates and the newspapers. The pledge means that the member of the legislature will vote for the peo pie's choice for senator. True, there Is no penalty for the refusal to sign this pledge. But Oregon Is sick of the politician and the heeler. The people have determined to check the progress of the boss and redeem the state from Its disgrace. Those candidates who refuse to take the pledge are de fylng the people. They are saying that the boss, and not the common IT'S RIGHT HERE that the superiority of our blank books, stationery and office essentials makes Itself manifest, as they will to every practical bookkeeper. The quality of our goods Is of the highest, and as they cost no more than In ferior kinds, you certainly can see why It will pay you to patronize us. Frazier's Book Store people of Oregon, is supreme in the state legislature. There is no way In which this pledge can be evaded by a man who has the Interest of the peo ple nt heart. ' It saj's the legislator shall vote for the people's choice. Is there anything hidden or misunder stood about this plain statement? On what grounds can a candidate having the Interest of the people at heart, refuse to take such a broad pledge? THE CITY. They do neither plight nor wed, In the city of the dead, in the city where they sleep away the hours: But they lie, while o'er them range Winter-blight and summer change, An l,a hundred happy whisperings of flowrs. No, they nellher wed nor plight, And the day Is like the night. For their vision is of other kind than ours. They do neither sing nor sigh, In that burg of by and by. Where the streets hiwe grasses grow ing cool and long; But they rest within their bed, Leaving all their thoughts unsaid, Deeming silence better fur than sob or song. No, they neither sigh nor sing. Though the robin be a-wlng. Though the leaves of autumn march a million strong. There is only rest and peace. In the City of Surcease From the failings and the walllngs 'neath the sun, And the wings of the swift years Beat out gently o'er the biers, Making music to the sleepers every one. There is only peace and rest; But to them It seemelh best, For they lie at ease and know that life Is done. Richard Burton. ISLANDS SWEIT BY WAVES. A tornado swept the Society and Tuamotu Islands, In the South Pacific ocean, February 7 and 8. The dam age In Tahiti Is estimated at one mil lion dollars, and presumably a similar amount of property was destroyed on the Tuamotu Islands. The city of Pa peete was inundated and about 75 buildings destroyed. Including the American consulate and the French government building. The schooner Papeete was sub merged for an hour near Anaa, Tu amotu. Her captain. Philip Mlchaeli. estimated that the waves were 6 5 feet high. It wus Impossible to see 2ft feet away. Bridges and roads were badly damaged on the Islands of Tahiti. Bread fruit, cocoanut, banana and plantain trees were blown down in great numbers, which will result In hardships to the natives and materially affect commerce during the next two or three years. The French gunboat Zelee has gone to the Tuamotu Islands with supplies of food and fresh water. The British consul has appealed to his government for aid for 500 British subjects. Some Americans have sus tained heavy losses and probably there will be a few Instances of utter destitution. The Americans are hope ful of securing help from the United States. Money and food are required. The cyclone or hurricane reached the velocity of 120 miles an hour. It struck the Islands about midnight February 7 and continued until about 4 o'clock on the next afternoon. COMING EVENTS. April 5, 6 Inland Empire Teach ers' convention, Spokane. April 20 Primary nominating elec tion, state of Oregon. May 24-27 The Dalles and Colum bia river Epworth League conven tion. Walla Walla. June 20-24 Northwest Sportsmen's tournament. Walla Walla. Dntps of Wool Sales. The following wool sale dates for Oregon have been fixed by the Oregon Woolgrowers' association: Pendleton May 22, 23, 29 and 30. Heppner May 24. 25; June 7, 8, 21 and 22. Condon May 31 and June 1, 27 and 28. Shanlko June 5, 6, 19 and 20, and July 10 and 11. Baker City June 25, it; July 12 and 1.1. Elgin July IS. THE SILENT LITE. Happy the man who has the poet's heart, E'en though he lack the poet's gol den tongue! Happy Is he who having never sung And hopeless e'er to sing" though but small part Of those fair visions that before him start Still lives within a world forever young Still walks In high fancies, noble thoughts among, And feels the influence which the planets dart. His life is fed from pure unfailing springs; And silent flows, a stranger to un rest, Like some deep stream that finds Its voiceless way Amid the timorous haunts of all wild things, And there unconscious beauty day by day Mirrors within the quiet of Its breast. Lewis E. Gates. Women Are Barred. Attorney Cieneral Crawford In an opinion rendered upon the request of State1 Superintendent Ackerman, holds that It Is unconstitutional for a wom an to be appointed or elected to the office of county superintendent of schools In this state. There Is one woman superintendent , In Oregon, Miss Emma C. Warren, appointed to fill the vacancy caused by tho death of II. S. Lyman of Clatsop county. Wait! the WILL COMMENCE ITS OPENING DATE SHORTLY AND WILL BE KNf WN AS The RED FRONT NEXT DOOR TO THE POSTOFFICE IN THE OLD BEE HIVE STORE. i ! Watch For OUR STOCK WILL CONSIST OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHIN , HATS, SHOES, AND rRNISIHNG GOODS, AND A COMPLETE LINE OF WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND CHIL DREX'S SHOES. THE RED FRONT BOOKS FOR BOYS BY HORATIO ALGER. JR. THEY ARE JUST IN. TRY AND TRUST, SLOW AND SURE, DO AND DARE,' STRONG AM) STEADY, BRAVE AND BOLD, STRIVE AND SUCCEED, THE CASH BOY. JULIUS, THE STREET BOY, TOM. THE BOOTBLACK. ADRIFT IN NEW YORK, COOK COURT STREET MUSIC MUSICMUSIC Will open a new term of MUSIC at the new Schmidt block. MANDOLIN", GUITAR and VIOLIN. Now will be a good opportunity to learn one of these Instruments, which I will furnish you for your home practice and have you playing from sheet music In one Urm of lessons. CALL AT STUPIO AND LET ME EXPLAIN MY METHOD. ROOM II. Prof. O. H. Hartimg OFFER ONLY GOOD THIS MONTH. CARPETS The fact Is that we carry more carpets, rugs and art squares than any store in Eastern Oregon, and carry higher grades and even In Portland you can find no higher grades of carpets than we show. Further Inducement to buy your carpel of us Is offered by the fact we have THE MOST SELECT PATTERNS. THE NEWEST DESIGNS. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, THE LOWEST PRICES. If you contemplate buying a carpet be sure and see us before making a selection. UHl 1 ? H ii 'K''' i : ' BAKER & FOLSOM FURNITURE AND CARPETS- Empire Meat Market Phone, Main 18 Wholesale and retail dealers In Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Fresh Fish. Try our "S-G" Hams, Bacon and Lard. Schwarz & Greulich 60? Main St. New Store the Date 444) JACK'S WARD, IX A NEW WORLD, FACING THE WORLD, THE YOUNG ACROBAT, THE YOUNG OUTLAW, HECTOR'S INHERITANCE, HERBERT CARTER'S LEGA CY. ALL THE LATE BOOKS BY THE BEST AUTHORS. ALL THE MAGAZINES. PERRY NOLF'S OLD STAND. -OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. AComplete Stock Our facilities for supplying you with bull.lng materiel Is insi.rr.ssed any where. Our modern plant Is equipped to turn out sasr, doors, flooring, cell In- and anything for house building. We carry the lumber or all pur poses. No order too large or small for us to Ml. Plaster, cement, lime and sand al ways on hand. Lime, Sand, Cement, Laths, Sliln- glee. Blue Rapplds Plater and Dipped Shingles. ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Lap Robes and Horse Blankets at Cost In order to dispose of our stock of Horse Blankets and Lap Robes at once, we are offering same at cost. Call at once as stock won't last long at these prices. ' CRAWFORD the Harness man Next to Savings Bank. St Anthony's Hospital Vliiu . fe. - Mmi w.M-iS s, Private rooms, elegantly ... ..In- AAA furmsnea rweiy u.i.- ped op rating room. iso tt Every convenience necessary for the care of the sick. Tclcphc Main 1651. I ENDLICTON, OREGON. New Industry We manufacture fancy party gowns, klmonas, silk, fancy and medium un derwear, house gowns and ladles' light underwear and gentlemen's dress and negligee shirts to ord r. Importers f silk. Prices reasonable. Give us a call. Low Sam 209 Court street. Nest to Clnrke's Hnnlwnre Store. UNRESTRAINED PLEASURE. can be enjoyed when driving In one of Neagle's new style fancy traps, spider phaetons, runabout wagons, surreys, buckboards or pony carts for children's use. They have all the leading handsome designs for city or country use at moderate prices. We are proud of their elegant stock this season and are pleased to show them to you. We are headquarters for the Wi nona Wagons, that have Iron-clad hubs. No checking or breaking loose of boxes. Our stock of Hacks' and Wagons Is the largest In eastern Ore gon. We sell Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Engines and Pumps, and Irrigat ing Plants. All goods warranted. See Neagle Bros. the Rtacksmitlis Get Prices Before Buying. Give ear unto wise counsel. Coal thai la one-tlurd dirt, weighs a great deal more to the scuttle and lasts much shorter time than the good, clean Coal w selL If yon want the best, our Coal b the kind for you. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office, Pendleton Ice 4 Cold Storage Company. 'Phone nln 178. Tim POPULAR FLACV TO EAT IS THE The French Restaurant Everything served first-class. Best regular meals In Pendle ton for as seats. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 1(0 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, otc. always on band. Dally East Oregonlan by carrier, only It cents a week.