PACE TWO. DAILY EAST OnEGOXIAX. PfcXDLETON, OREGON, SAT CRD AT, MARCH 17, 190. EIGHT PAGES. Watch this Space for Specials Extraordinary Opportunity 5-DAYS SALE-5 IWelnnlnc Monday. March 12th, ending Friday, March 18th. We have arranged with one of the largest manufacturing estab lishment of carpels, for a complete line of large samples of the latest products and designs In carpets. These samples will be on display In our Curpet Department for five days. If you are contemplating buying a carpet In the near future come In and look them over and make your selection and we will deliver them when you get ready. The advantages to be derived from this sale Is as follows. In the first place you get an assortment to select from equal to the largest assortments In New Tork. In the second place, ourselves not having a dollar Invested In the stock, we are enabled to sell them to you on about a 10 per cent margin, thereby saving you a big percentage on the Carpet. No matter whether you want to buy or not. Come In and see the handxome line and tell your friends about tt. Any Carpet can be delivered within five days from date. I Great Eastern Dept. Store GENERAL NEWS Andrew Carnegie has offered $75. '00 to Amherst college for a geologi cal and biological laboratory, provid ed an eiual amount Is rnised by the The plague has appeared at Sidney. N. H. W.. which has. always been sin tralarly subject to Its ravages, consid- ipmwraie rump ana win exuentMii facilities for drainage. Colonel Knight. Major General Wood's chief of staff, has returned from a reconnaissance of the situation In China. He reports that there is j absolutely no danger of trouble and that tranquility abounds. Louis Drown. 29 years old. awaiting trial for the murder of Flossie Reese, at whom he threw c. lighted lamp which exploded, fatally burning the woman, commltted'suiclde In his cell In the Norfolk Jail by cutting his throat with a sharp knife, which he had In some manner smuggled into the Jail. A. W. Feiilier, treasurer of Alame da county. Cal.. died recently at Col fax. Since his death It has been proven by his books and by corrob orative evidence "on the side." that he was a defaulter In he sum of IK. 000. Not a breath of suspicion had ever been directed toward him .as to either his public or private life. Lon De Tarmond. secretary of Multnomah Typographical union, has been advised that the book and Job printers In Los Angeles. Cal.. who have been on strike since January' 1. for an eight-hour day. have scored a decided victory in having secured a contract from the Puritan Press hereafter to employ none but union labor. The Puritan Press Is one of the largest Job and printing estab lishments in Los Angeles. JIIXJK LOWELL IMlOItSEI). Weston Leader I'rgtn Eastern Ore gun's t'amliilute for Senate. The Weston Leader warmly in dorses the candidacy of Judge S. A. Lowell for the United States senutor ship as follows: The candidacy of Stephen A. Lowell for the United States senate meets with prompt approval from press and people In this part of the state. He Is regarded as the foremOKt republi can In eastern Oregon. His record In public life has been Irreproachable, and In pride and con fidence Oregon could entrust him with her affairs at Washington. Since a democrat's chances, even Gearin's, are too remote to be con sidered, the Leader hopes that Mr. Lowell will be "the people's choice." so that he may be seated by the leg islature with the aid of democratic votes. Hotel Pendleton Arrival. George T. Williams. Walla Walla; T. W. Hammorel. Boston: H. L. Close, San Francisco; L. Allehoff, Portland; G. S. Youngman, Portland; George N. West, Portland; W. H. Grun. San Francisco; J. A. Llndsey, Portland: C. W. Young, Spokane: Mrs. F. Allard. Troutdale; William Maher. Portland; C. E. Allen, Port land; Meyer Abraham, Portland: W. De Lash mutt. Portland; J. I. Ward, Summervllle; W. R. Glendenlng, Port-laud. The CHURCHES First Kaptlut Church, Rev. O. LeRoy Hall, pastor. Morn ing theme, "The Divine Uplift"; 'eve ning, "The Immovables." The leader of the boys' and girls' meeting at 3 o'clock Is Cecil' Jones. The topic for the 11. Y. P. U. prayer meeting at 6:30 Is "Christ's Life; His. Summary of Conduct. The Sermon on the Mount. WORTH KNOWING. A Firm TIuh Is a Credit to Pendleton. At the corner of Main and Court streets Is located one of the best known and popular drug emporiums in eastern Oregon. By the retiring of two old members of this firm Messrs. Brock and Mc Comas. (Mr. Brock last year and Mr. McComas about four years ago) It has been deemed advisable to call this old-new firm "The Pendleton Leader, Miss Carrie Hartwell. It lgl Drug Co." This firm has recently made ex- ' tensive change, and improvements that win befit any name the word with pleasure that the pastor with his choir and congregation accepts the Iriiirt invltiitinn nf mi, PpaoKi'tarlan brethren to meet with them In the ren" T , KUcgt' and tne evening worship at 7:30. in the I. O. I alr ,of ,hc ,ore ls now tnat O. F. hall. We would be pleased to of bu8y cl,,y dru market' hav- the Christian Kndenvor of that' Tne Prescription department in Its church meet with us at the 6:30 ser-1 r.etlr P'"n. deserves special at vice In the Baptist church. Presbyterian Church. Morning worship at 10:30, Bible school at 12 m. In the chapel of Pen- . , . ., , ,. . ; his work whenever accuracy ls the u.Ti.... all-Important factor. In this depart. 7. wu"7", "" ""-v", ment. which is always in charge of ., ,... co. ,. a rcgMereA (,rUgSlst, is found every- people are Invited to meet w th the ... ,.,, . ,. .,.,.,, ,. , . , ... . . thing required by the physicians and soe'ety of the Baptist church at 6:30 . I tentlon, for the reason that It ls con venient and well stocked. The dis penser at all times facing the store ! front and ls sufficiently retired that his attention need not be drawn from p. m. At 7:30 the congregation of the Baptist church will Join In the evening service of the Presbyterian church in Odd Fellows' hall. The choirs of the two churches will be In vited. A service of song and praise patient. The office also faces the store and the bookkeeper may at all times see patrons entering. In connection with the office ls the rubber goods depart ment, where selection from a large stock of hot water bottles, syringes. will commence promptly at the hour e((, may e ma(,e .,,, publlclty np'uiniru. i lie iiiiuii ion preached by Rev. G. L. Hall. A special Invitation ls extended those who have not accepted Christ. Omrch of the Redeemer. To the right and left of a long en tryway leading back from the sales . counter is seen shelves heavily stock I ed with, articles usually demanded by I the trade such drugs and chemicals : as are usually sold by weight. Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, rector; i The photographic department Is services for the third Sunday in Lent, represented by a complete stock of Sunday school and Bible classes. 10 Eastman Kodaks and photo supplies a. m. Morning prayer, litany and for Dotn professional and amateur, sermon. 11; evening prayer and ser- di-v plates, papers, card mounts, mon, 7:30. Subjects of sermons: chemicals, developers, etc. In con Morning. "Some Mid-Lenten Ques- nect0n ith this department Is a well tlonlngs"; evening. "Finding the Life , equipped dark room, which is at all In Losing It." Services during the : timeg at the disposal of customers, week: Tuesday and Thursday, at 4 p. j guiphur, sheep dips and other sup ra., tvr-ntng prayer and address: Frl-, pieg reqUired by sheepmen are pur day, at the same hour, litany and , chased in car lots and stored near the confirmation lecture; Wednesday railroad. These are made a feature evening, 7.30. service and address. , bv tnlg flrm during the dipping sea Suhject. "Essential Elements of i gons Character in the Making of the Law- j Tne most notable improvement has yer." Speaker, G. W. Phelps. To all j been made m the front of thio store, of fie services the public is cordial- wnere a new twentieth century sanl ly Invited. Vestrymen await strangers ; tarv fountain has recently been In to welcome them and show them to j staned. It Is sanitary In every re seats. The rector would remind the : spect an syrups being dispensed from public especially of the splendid I gia!la without chance of contamina serles of addresses which are being , tion from contact with poisonous spoken at the church on Wednesday motal. Th lg one of the most con evenings. He urges upon all who are i venlently arranged and artistic In de- Good Shoe Sense THE BEST WAY TO MAKE YOUt SHOE DOI.LAKS DO TIIEIIt FI LL DITY IS TO EXEHC1.SE YOlll SHOE SENSE. THE II EST SHOE SEXSE SAYS: Buy Sorosis Shoes AND THAT MEANS LESS SHOE DOLLARS AND MEANS PAY 3.50 EOII THE 11EST SHOE ON EAHTII. ALEXANDER'S AGENT EOK PENDLETON. FT?????????? ????????? A Good Investment MANY PENDLETON PEOPLE PROFITING ON PORTLAND REAL ESTATE. There is a growing belief among the people of Portland that some day the great business center of the city will be on the penin sula between the rivers. The railroads centering there are attract ing the heavy business such as the manufacturing and wholesale. This will naturally draw a dense population. It is gratifying to know that many of our Pendleton citizens own property at Portland, and In the most promising part of Portland, which is between the rivers, where the railroads are now fighting for position. J. F. McCarthy has Invented about 116.000 in 'hat dis trict. Dr. Cole. Dr. Irvine. Laura Cahoon, Ellia Leeier. J. P. Earl. J. H. Morris and several other have procured lots In the center of that peninsula, which are rapidly growing In value. NORTHWEST NOTTS. It 1 claimed that the lowest tem perature recorded at Eugene this winter was the night of March 15-16. when the thermometer registered 20 degrees above zero. The dwelling with all Its contents, belonging to Mrs. William Vincent, a widow with a large family, living near afiddleton, was burned. Insurance, $600; loss, much greater. My an explosion at the North Pole mine at Bourne. Frank McCam was cut about the head and face, while Robert Newman's hearing will be permanently Impaired as an effect. The right of way for the Spokane A Inland Electric railway, projected from Spokane down through the Pa louse, has practically all secured. Construction has begun at several points. Caesar M. Lombardl. president of the A. Gordon Co., of Portland, miss ed making an eastern connection at Denver the evening of March 15. and the fact was responsible for his not being aboadr the wrecked local at Adobe, Col In broad daylight a stranger threw a large rock through the plate gla window of the Douglas County bank at Roseburg. He then walked up tret out of town and Into the woods. In plain view of many people, yet every attempt made to apprehend him has failed. Moses McCoy ls dead at his home at Forest Grove, 25 miles west of Portland. He came to the place where he died, In 1863, stopping in Portland on the way out During the 41 years In which he lived) at and near Forest Orove, he never saw Port land. He was quite old. welt-to-do, and raised a large family. Sale of Indian Lands. The following wheat lands upon the Umatilla Indian reservation will be sold March 30, 106: W. hi of S. W. hi Sec. 12. Tp. 2. N. R. 33 E. W. M., belonging to At-la-loy. N E. hi of S. W. hi of Sec. 5, Tp. 3, N. R. 35 E. W. M.. belonging to Charles McWhlrk. I represent the ownera and shall be glad to confer with prospective purchasers as to terms and methods of sale. STEPHEN A LOWELL, Pendleton. Don't frown look pleasant. If you are suffering from Indigestion or sour stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga., says: "I suffered more than 20 years with Indigestion. A friend rec ommended Kodol. It relieved me In one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years." Kodol digests what you eat, relieves sour stomach. gas on stomach, belching, etc. Sold by Tallman & Co. New Photo Gallery. W". S. Bowman has opened his photo gallery at his old stand near Main street bridge, where he will make su perior photos. Mr. Bowman has Just returned from Portland, where he was In Aune's gallery for six months and was connected with the official pho tograph company of the Lewis and Clark fair. He brings with him the new Ideas In use In Portland and east ern cities. Best work. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a sci entific wonder. It cured E. R. Mul ford, lecturer for the Patrons of Hus bandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a dis tressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Bums, Sores. Bolls, Ulcers, Cuts, Wound, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at Tallman & Co.'s and Brock ft McComas drug stores. thinking of confirmation the Import ance of tegular attendance at th'j confirmation lectures. Many, who shou'd be present, are exhorted to be In their places next Friday. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw night to thee. Methorili't Episcopal Church. Quarterly conference Saturday evening. 7:30. Sunday will be the oc casion of our third quarterly meeting. Rev. William DeWeese. who assisted in the recent revival meetings, will be present and preach both morning and evening. At 10 a. m. the regular Sunday school service will be held for 20 minutes, then the regular quarter ly love feast will occupy the rest of the hour. Rev. DeWeese ls an able preacher. Come and hear him. Communion service nt the close of the morning sermon. Jnulor and In termediate league 3 p. m. Prof Bleakney will address the Epworth league at 6:30 p. m.; evening serv ice, 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Robert Warner, pastor. First Christian Church. Bible school, 9:4 5 a. m. Class for every age, and separate room for each class. Morning service. 11 o'clock.; 3 p. m., lecture to men, "Socialism"; 6:30, young people's meeting; 7:30, regular evening services. Sermon, "The Angel That Blocks the Way." The Hypollte male quartet will be with us today (Saturday) and tomor row. These singers have delighted the people wherever they have ap peared. They will sing tonight and Sunday at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m., at the men's meeting and at the evening ser vice. No one can afford to miss them. The meetings will continue through the week, closing March 25. Everyone Invited to attend. Christian Science Society. Room 5, E. O. building. Services Sunday 11 a. m. Subject, "Reality." Wednesday meeting 8 p. m. Reading room open dally (except Sunday) from 2 to 4 p. m. Christian Science literature on sale. sign of any soda foundaln in this state. New paper on the walls, floors new ly covered with linoleum, new paint on the front and fixtures makes this old store worthy of wearing the title, the "Pendleton Drug Co." One would think the Laxative idea In a cough syrup should have been advanced long before It was. It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and Colds would be to move the bow els and clean the mucous membranes of the throat and lungs at the same time. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this. It Is the original Lax ative Cough Syrup, the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc. Tastes good and harm less. Scld by Tallman ft Co. Sold Out. This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business In Pen dleton. Parties Indebted to our firm will kindly call and settle Immedi ately. G RAT'S HARBOR LUMBER CO. For Sale Nearly new, high-grade Dlano. standard make; must sell at once for half what it cost me. In quire Bowman hotel, room 36. OREGON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Purely mutual to Policyholders. On plant that have stood the test of time Economicaly and cleanly administered. J I UIILI Vl UIV VU0.ftl.V f " J Returned to them in dividends at the end of each year. L SAMUEL, Mgr. Macleay Building, 286 Washington Street, Portland, Ore The best safeguard against head ache, constipation and liver troubles ls DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills In the house and take a dose at bed time when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don", gripe. Sold by Tallman Co. For further Information see J. M. LEEZER. PENDLETON. OREGON. "WELL DONE, WELL DONE, Thou good and tasteful," Is often the exclamation of our pa trons when they see the beautiful work we send home to them. That ls particularly the case with ladles who have the finest and most delicate fa brics to be washed and Ironed. If anything, they really look better than new goods when they leave our hands. We have exceptional facilities for do ing laundry work expeditiously and thoroughly, and without Injury to the most delicate goo . Pendleton Steam Laundry 'Pho o Main 179. AU Leading Grocers Sell Cleveland' Baking Powder. AN EXTRA MONTH OF SCHOOL. Mrs. Flora Jiffies Re-employed In tlie Fruit vale District. Mrs. Flora Jones has been employ ed by the board In the Frultvale dis trict, near Freewater, to teach an extra month, to follow the expiration of the six months term, on March 16, for which she was originally employ ed. The additional month mentioned begins March 19, and ends April 13, and it is probable that she will teach beyond the latter date, depending up on how the district's funds hold out. Mrs. Jones was employed last fall to teach the Intermediate and gram mar grades, and had charge of those grades only, until March 5, when Miss Cora E. MoCully's contract to teach the primary grades expired. Miss McCully quit the school at that time, and the pupils she had charge of have since been In Mrs. Jones' charge, giv ing the latter a total enrollment of nearly 60. All Leading Grocers Sell Cleveland's Baking Powder. The Standard Oil Investigation con ducted by the state of Missouri, scheduled to be resumed at New York March 15. was adjourned until March 23. Henry Wollman, acting for Attorney General Hadley of Mis souri said that both side had agreed to thlk postponement. Ey the overturning of an 11-ton ladle of molten metal In the Edgar Thomson works at Braddock, Pa., eight foreigners were badly burned, of whom three will die. ....SANITARY BARBER SHOP.... THE EAGLE BATH SHAVING PARLOUS 018 MAIX STREET. THREE DOORS NORTH OF HOTEL ST. GEORGE. Our Parlors are newly cqulpiied throughout with the most mod ern sunita.y fixtures and apiurntus. Everything new and the lies In tlie market. Only tho higho skilled workmen, emptored ami every sanitary precaution known Is taken. Porcelain Imth tubs with plenty of hot ami cold Hater. FlrHt-claxs. service throughout. Eagle Bath Shaving Parlors NEAR HOTEL ST. GEORGE. J. H. ESTES, PROPRIETOR. To make man better, make trade becter. To make trade better, make goods better. Schilling's Best: ColTe biking.powder flavoring extract trlrei oda Your grocer's; moneyback. ITADIESI CDid you know that Accordion Plait ing is mora popular than ever among genteel dressers? CHot Irons injure delicate fabrics. We use the stsim method exclusively. We can do your work just as satisfactorily as if you lived in Portland. Write for free circu lar snd particulars. We do Accordion Sunburst and Knife Plaiting to order. MISS O. GOULD UARQUAM BLDO. PORTLAND; ORB. SWOLLEN VEINS SPRAINS-STRAINS Cured by our Hand Woven Elastic Bands and Stock ings, fOver-fatness and weaknesses relieved by our Abdominal Belts. Writt for blanks and book. i WOODARD, CLARKE & ) PORTLAND, OREGON Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread ls as sured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Prorrletor. Why Pay Rent when, you can use the same money to build a home for yourself. Call on FRANK B. CLOPTON $b CO. 1 1 2 East Court Street. r44444444 Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING CITY of EASTERN OREGON and look over the ALFALFA LANDS which fUI pay you large returns on yonr money. We h Te several hundred seres of U.e best Irrigated Alfalfa Land In the west, which yields from seven to 'twelve tons per acre. For further particulars write BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon. :