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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1906)
EIGHT PAGES. PAGE rOVR. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1B06. AN ISPKl'BNDKST NBWBl'APEB. I'ubllshed fTerr afteronon (eit-ept Sumisjl t l'endletoo. Oregon, by the EAST OHKUHMAS PUBLISH IXtl CO sriiscniiTiox ratks. PsIIt, one year, by mall V Pally, all months, by mall Illy, Hire,' months, by mall Dally, one mouth, by mall Week I v. one year, by m.tll Weekly, six monllis. by mall Weekly, four month, by mall Semi W'wklv. one year, by mail St'ml Weekly, ail months oy mall.... Keml Weekly, four mouths, by msll.. Member Scrlpps Miitae News Asscx'latlon. The Fast retfonlan la on sale at B. It. Blch s News Manila, at Hotel Portland and Hotel I'eiklna. Portland, Oregon. 5 jll l.-.'J .ti) l..V .75 .50 1.5') .75 .50 San Franclaro Hnrean. 40s Fourth street ('hlrairo Hurean. !oii Security building. Washington. IV P., Uureail, 801 Four teenth street. X. W. rl,phoM Mala 1. Entered at Pendleton Postoffli'e as second class matter. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Copy for adrertlslnu matter to appear In the East Oritonlan must be In by 4 :45 p. tn of the pretedlnn day : copy for Monday's psper must be In by 4 45 p. m. the preced ing Saturday. Do not worry, heart of mine: There Is rain as well as shine In this strange old world of ours. There are tears as well as smiles. But the sunny afterwhlles Shall be sweeter for the V showers. There are crosses, there are bars. But the nights are crowned with v stars And the days are gemmed with flowers. East and West. tag any meeting, no matter how small or Insignificant it may seem. Pendleton hospitality Is proverbial. State meetings which have been held here in the past have been handled in a most graceful manner and there Is no reason why this should not be the central convention point in the inland empire. Everything is favorable to the city. Distances to Important sec tions of the inland empire are equal In every direction, hotel accommoda tions are fully adequate, and there is nothing lacking except the ' Inclina tion to go after the conventions. This will be a part of the mission of Pendleton Commercial association hereafter, and to this end the co operation of Pendleton people Is desired. "WITH ALL 11KR FAULTS." "It won't happen again in 20 years; it has not happened since 18 to our personal knowledge." Ah, capricious climate of the west, how you force your devotees to ex plain to the homeseekers now rushing here, expecting to find Italian skies, Syrian breezes and Alpine splciness combined In the spring season In Umatilla. But, "with all thy faults we love thee still." You have been kind and Indulgent In the past. You will be j perfection Itself in the future. It "only happened" that snow came this I month. It is not the rule. It has ' never been the rule, It will not be the ( rule In future. i In fact it Is a stroke of providence I that the storm came Just when It did IT IS HOME PRIDE. The Oregon Dally Journal censures the East Oregonian for urging the candidacy of Judge Stephen A. Lowell for United States senator on the grounds that eastern Oregon desires this high office once in a quarter of a century and now presents a fit man for the place. AVhnt drives Port'and to take all the offices withi nher grasp? Is it not home pride? What drives Portland to build political fences and ratse po litical funds and campaign for Port land men for high office? Is it not home pride? .And then she deigns to censure eastern Oregon, which has been de nied all political preferment In the past, for asking this one small boon at Che hands of Portland. Eastern Oregon is entitled to this office. Willamette valley is willing that eastern Oregon should have It, and Portland's selfishness must not stand In the way. - Bourne, Cake. Gearin and Smith are all strictly Portland men. Their activities center within a small radi us with Portland as the central nee dle. The people outside of Portland demand recognition this one time, and thev present Judge Lowell as their candidate. for had not the homeseeker from Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Indiana been greeted with a chilling blizzard in March, on his arrival in Oregon he would have been so homesick that he would have immediately turned his face eastward. But since he was ac commodated and then some in Or egon, he will perhaps stay and become a citizen In the best country on earth. NOT AFRAID OK THE PEOPLE. THE ART OF REFUSING. The late Daniel Lamont was cele brated for his tact. As private sec retary to President Cleveland and as secretary of war he was able to refuse more people their dearest desires with less resulting rancor than any man In the administration. ' "I 'earned the lesson early In life," explained Mr. Lamont. "There was a very poor young man In our town who fell head over heels In love with a farmer's daughter. He was deadly serious about it, and as poor as poor could be. The girl knew something of toil and was weary of it, but she was fond of the man; her moods left him alternately elated and depressed. ' 'I am afraid there Is no chance for me," ho confided to a friend one day. "In a delicate way she has been dls couroclng my attentions to her.' "'How Is she doing It?' " 'Oh, very delicately. She told me yesterday that she was a twin, her mother was a twin and her grand mother was a twin.' " Everybody's. TIMPEH IX FLORIDA. Richly endowed, like her sister states, with a wealth of forest re sources, Florida Invites lumbermen. The chief southern plne9 long leaf, short leaf and loblolly together with cypress, which form the basis of lum bering Industry in the east, extend in to the state, and, with some changes In the composition of the forest there, offer abundant supplies of well-tried timbers. Cuban pine, which has a scattered growth along the coast plain of the south In general, Is abundant along Its western coast In pure stands or in mixture with long leaf pine and cypress. At the southern end of tho state cypress swamps abound. On the coast islands along the southern shores, mahogany In good quantity awaits the ax. Finally, the naval stores Industry, which draws princi pally upon the long leaf and short leaf pines, finds In Florida a plentiful source of supplies. Forestry Department. MUNICIPAL TELEPHONES. CONVENTIONS FOR PENDLETON ' Pendleton Commercial association has created a new committee or bu reau a conventions committee, the object being to Invite as many Inland empire conventions and meetings as possible to this city. This committee can be Immeasura bly aided by the co-operation of Pen dleton people who are In touch with societies and organizations having conventions and assemblies in view In future. The association Invites Pen dleton people in general to assist In making this the convention head quarters of the Inland empire. Railroad facilities here are un equalled, facilities for holding con ventions of teachers, church socle- ties, industrial conventions and Instl tutes and all classes of meetings, are ample. Pendleton possesses two or three halls, a theater and a number of large churches, which furnish room and conveniences for any kind of a meeting. For smaller meetings the rooms of the Commercial assocta tion are available and with all these facilities Pendleton offers excellent Inducements for conventions. The Commercial association will nyike a specialty of conventions here after and to this end urgently re quests Pendleton people to give it any Information th-y may have concern- Those candidates for the legislature from Umatilla county who are sub scribing unqualifiedly to statement No. 1 with regard to the election of a United States senator, show by their acts that if elected they will be truly servants and representatives of the people. No matter for politics or rings, or factions, these men will vote for the people's choice for senator. Can you conceive of anything more demo cratic? Can you conceive of any more extreme faith In the wisdom of the whole people? Those candidates who are not sub scribing to statement No. 1 are the people's servants "with a string to it." .IF THE POLITICAL PARTY OR THE FACTION DEMANDS THEIR SERVICES WHEN THE ELECTION OF A SENATOR COMES ON, TO THE WINDS WITH THE PEOPLE. These representatives who have re fused to sign the pledge will be found voting wherever the boss di rects, regardless of the people's choice. This is the logicul conclu slon even this early, for if such were not to be the case why should they object to pledging to the people now, regardless of any, future political crisis or emergency? The advantages of municipal own ership Of the telephone system are so evident to the people of the cities of Great Britain that they patronize the municipal system, when it Is op erated In opposition to the company system. In Hull, the company had an Increase of 335 subscribers during the year, while the municipal system Increased 52. Glasgow commenced the operation of Its telephone system April. 1 1 0 1 . with K.00 'phones In service. At the end of 1904, there were 11.500 Instru ments connected. The charge Is 125 for unlimited service over the whole system, with an alternative of 91 1 and I cents per message. The gross re ceipts from rentals for the year amounted to J23n."O0 and the work ing expense $150,000. The total capi tal Invested Is $1.500,000. San Fran cisco Star. COMING EVENTS. April 5. 6 Inland Empire Teach ers convention. Spokane. April 20 Primary nominating elec tion, state of Oregon. May 24-27 The Dalles and Colum bia river Epworth League conven tion. Walla Walla. Dutrs of Wool Sales. The following wool sale dates for Oregon have been fixed by the Oregon Woolgiowers' association: Pendleton May 22, 23, 29 and 30. Heppner May 24, 25; June 7, 8, 21 and 22. Condon May 31 and June 1, 27 and 28. Shanlko June 5, 6, 19 and 20, and Julv 10 and 11. Baker City June 25, 26; July 12 and 13. Elgin July 13. Home Made Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK Seeds That Grow The selection of seeds for planting Is Important. We hand! ly Seeds that are grown In the Northwest and are a Itable for this cli mate and soli. Our seeds are all sold In our own packages, and are guaranteed to be fres'.t and alive. Toa take no chances when you plant our seeds, as only the choicest varieties are handled by us. No old stock no poor grades. We sell more seeds than all other dealers because the people know what they are getting when they buy our brands. COOK (Sb PERRY The Seedsmen COURT STREET NOLF"S CD STAN- CARPETS The fact Is that we carry more carpets, rugs and art squares than any store In Eastern Oregon, and carry higher grudes and even In Portland you can find no higher grades of carpets than we show. Further Inducement to buy your carpet of us is offered by the fact we have THE MOST SELECT PATTERNS. THE NEWEST DESIGNS, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, THE LOWEST PRICES. If you contemplate buying a carpet be sure and see us before making a selwtlon. BAKER & FOLSOM FURNITURE AND CARPETS- -OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. 4 St. Anthony's Hospital . - Private rooms, elegantly tttt furnished Finely equip- ttt ped op rating room. Also i-r M n t e r 1 1 y Department. Every convenience necessary for the care of the sick. Telcpho Main 16SI. I 3.VDLETO. OREGON. New Industry .We manufacture fancy party gowns,, klmonas, silk, fancy and medium un derwear, house gowns and ladles' light underwear and gentlemen's dress and negligee shirts to ord r. Importers f silk. Prices reasonable. Give us a call. Low Sam 209 Court street. Neit to Clarke's llttrtlwnre Store. It Is objected that $60 Is a pretty high price for water under the pro posed Tleton government ditch, says the Yakima Republic. That Is sup posed to be the limit. The water probably will not cost as much as $60, and may cost considerably less. The sum finally charged will repre sent the exact proportionate cost for every acre of watering the land. It will be paid In 10 annual Installments without Interest, and during the 1 years there will be no maintenance tax to pay under the canal. Sixty dollars an acre for a water right un der such conditions, Is just about equivalent to $30 an acre under one of the private ditches. It is perhaps equivalent to considerably less, for the government work will be strictly first-class, and the main canal will not have to be rebuilt at the expense of the farmers In 10 or 15 years. COULD ENDURE EVEN KANSAS. Ed Howe, the Atchison editor who is doln? a 'round-the-world stunt. grows more homesick and as succes sively as he strikes strange people. Compared to the towns of China and India he professes he could better stand even Topeka or Emporia. Writ ing from Ceylon, he says: "You Kan sas people are going to be admired as you never were before, on my return; you are so superior to the people I meet on this trip. You may not be Mohammedans, Hindus or EngliBh, or other people in general, but I am ac customed to you, and you suit me better. This trip will at least broaden my views and cause me to be fonder of my home and friends. Robert Osborn, editor of the Per rysvUle (Ind.) Blue Pencil, Is getting evidence to prosecute three men who emptied shotguns Into his sleeping room. He says they are young fel lows who represented . the saloon In terests. Frazer Theatre HMg 4 NIGHTS I IT'S RIGHT HERE that the superiority of our blank books, stationery and office essentials makes Itself manifest, as they will to every practical bookkeeper. The quality of our goods Is of the highest, and as they cost no more than In ferior kinds, you certainly can see why It will pay you to patronize us. COWMI0MT. FrazierY Book Store THE IIEAST AND THE HURDEN Fresh from hfs valet, breathing forth perfume. Swathed In the softest product of the loom. Full fed and arrogant, the beggar rode And cursed the laboring beast which he bestrode. A pleasant beggar he, who asked mere mites. Such ns possession of the Public Rights, Franchises, Rights of Way, and title deeds To profit by our children's needs. Edmund V. Cooper, WIRELESS. The blue of the ocean stretching off to meet the blue sky, The spotless decks, the blinking brass, the pennons fluttering high, Between the masts a sliver thread, the tapping of a key And, lo! a birth of living words from heaven's Immensity! Warwick James price, in February Reader. Commencing. Thurs., March 15 The Frazer Theatre Co. IN REPERTOIRE. "THE BLACK HAND." "MY LADY NELL," "WHERE THE: SUN SETS," "MAN OF MYSTERY," "SOUTHERN ROSE." "NA TURE'S NOIILEMAN," ETC. PRICES: 10c, 20c, 30c. A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION. UNRESTRAINED PLEASURE. can be enjoyed when driving In one of Nengle's new style fancy traps, spider phaetons, runabout wagons, surreys, huckboatds or pony carts for children's use. They have all the leading handsome designs for city or country use at moderate prices. We are proud of their elegant slock this season and are pleased to show them to you. We are headquarters for the Wi nona agons, that have Iron-dad hubs. No checking or breaking loose of boxes. Our stock of Hacks and agons Is the largest In eastern Ore gon. We sell Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Engines and Pumps, and Irrigat ing Plants. All goods warranted. 8e Neagle Bros. the H'ncksmltlm Get Prices Mvfore lliiying. Electric Lights They arc the bent. They require no oil. Tlioy are the dicoicst. 'nicy (clvc plenty of light. They require no cleaning.. They arc always ready for nse. i Northwestern Gas and Electric Co. CORNER COURT AND GARDEN ST, While certain kinds of dike rock may be a favorable Indication of ore, or lead to ore, In some districts, such as the phonollte and basalt dikes of Cripple Creek district, Colorado, this cannot be laid down as a law, for In most places wheer phonollte and ba salt occur elsewhere, no or Is known. A Complete Stock Our facilities for supplying you with bull .Ing materlrl Is i nst.rr..ssed any. where. Our modern plant Is equipped to turn out sasl , doors, flooring, cell' In and anything for house building, We carry the lumber or all pur poses. No order too large or small for us to Ml. Plaster, cement, lime and sand al ways on hand. IiliiMS Saml, Cement, Laths, Shin, gleg, Illtio Rupplds Plater and Dipped Shingles. ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor, For sale at the East Oregonian office Large bundles of new papers, containing over 100 big papers, can be had for 25c a bundle. Give ear unto wise counsel. Coal that Is one-third dirt, weighs a (Treat deal more to the scuttle and lasts much shorter time than the good, clean Coal w mil. If you want the best, our Coal la the kind for you. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office, Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage company. rnone l.;uln 118. THE POPULAR PLACTT TO EAT 18 THE The French Restaurant Everything served first-class. Best regular meals In Pendle ton for 25 cents. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, ISO barrels a day. 4 Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Ftsd. etc.. always on band. Dally East Oregonian by canitr, only 11 cents a week.