TACK EIGHT. DAILY EAST ORB GONIAL, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1906. EIGHT PAGES. Something for Nothing j To further introduce our new : "Suburban Blend" coffee, we will : give you your choice Of the following articles with one pound. t35c). A pretty picture, matted, ready to frame, white and gold cup and sau cer, white and gold plate, half gallon yaest Jar with cover, half gallon bean jar and half gallon Jug. No restric tions. Can be seen In our window. Owl Tea House SIX BARS SILK SOAP 25c. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY. Five Days' Can-! Sale, Commencing Monday, March 12, and Eliding Friday, March 16. We have arranged with one of the largest manufacturing establishments of carpets, for a complete line of large samples of the latest products and designs in carpets. These samples will be on display In our carpet department for five days. If you are contemplating buying a carpet in the near future come In and look them over and make your selec tion and we will deliver them when you get ready. The advantages to be derived from this sale is as follows. In the first membership and will Join heartily In the work of placing the inducements of Umatilla county before the oncom ing homeseekers. MRS. REED'S WILL HELD VALID. Oregon Court's Sustained by Culifor, nia Decision. A special from Los Angeles says: Judge Monroe, of the superior court of Los Angeles county, Saturday night, upon conclusion of argument in the Reed will case, In which the heirs are contesting Mrs, Reed's $1, 500,000 bequest to Portland charities, handed down a decision upholding the will, on every disputed point. As the same decision was recently place you get an assortment to select i made by the Multnomah county court .from equal to the largest assortments In New York. In the second place, ourselves not having a dollar Invested In the stock, we are enabled to sell them to you on about a 10 per cent margin, there by saving you a big per centage on the carpet. ' No matter whether you want to buy or not. Come and see the hand some line and tell your friends about It. Any carpet can be delivered within five days from date. GREAT EASTERN DEPT. STORE. CXI I! FORMED AT HERMISTON. and later by three Judges of the Multnomah circuit court, sitting en banc, the decision will undoubtedly stand before the supreme court of Oregon, to which appeal was made from decision of the circuit court. Joseph Simon, of Portland, appear ed In behalf of Mrs. Reed's will, and Judge James A. Gibson, of Los Ange les, represented contestants. FIVE DRUNKS SATURDAY NIGHT. the First Incarceration Made Since Fourth of March. Saturday night the peace and qui etude that reigned supreme here PERMANENT LEAGU E ELECTED A FULL CORPS OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Jnmes John Is President and H. C. Willis Will He the Traveling Reprc. wntiitlve, With Run as Far ad Cheyenne Directors and 1oagiie Will Meet the Second Saturday f Each Monti Proposition to Estab lish a County Exhibit Was Diseased. places In the well, but this large bulb was encountered at a depth of 118 feet and the bowl of bulb Inclos ing the water was about six Inches In diameter and hermetically sealed, having been In the earth for thous ands of years apparently. The outside of the bulb Is of a bluish tint. Indicating the presence of copper, while It Is lined with a form of crystal or water agate of a yellow ish tint. The bulb was completely filled with water, which was spilled when the rock casing was broken, thus pre venting an analysts, which Mr. Coff man desired should be made. Twenty-Fire Dollars Subscribed for,smce MarC" . not an arrest being Umatilla County Development I made' as bokn and v,e drunks ' . , were taken to the city Jail by the I night officers. They were John A commercial club was organized : Mitchell, Ed Chapman, Till-Quats, at Hermlston Saturday and $25 sub-1 James Carey, John Bennett and Frank scribed to the fund for advertising i Parr. In the police court this morn purposes being raised by the newly- lng the first two forfeited bail by organized Umatilla County Develop- not appearing, while the other threo ment league. were given three days by Judge Fitt The officers of the club at Hermla- Gerald. ton are D. K. Bland, president; M. Saturday evening the Umatilla County Development League was per manently organized at a meeting held at the Commercial association rooms In this city. James Johns was chosen as president, H. C. Willis secretary, and the following for vice presidents: B. B. Hall, Weston; J. F. McNaught, Hermlston; G. W. Proebstel, of Wes ton, was chosen as treasurer of the league. The board of directors of the league was selected as follows: F. F. Hum eston, Weston; C. A. Barrett. Athena; John S. Vincent, Freewater; L. A. Es teb, Echo; C. E. Bland, Hermlston: F. E. Ycrxa, Umatilla; J. P. McMnnus, Pilot Rock; Leon Cohen, Pendleton. The meeting was called to order about 8 o'clock in the evening by T. C. Taylor, who presided until the per manent officers were selected. H. C. Willis reported for the com mittee on by-laws and the report was adopted after some discussion and a few changes. According to the by laws of the league the directors and the league hsall meet on the second Saturday In each month, and the an nual election of officers shall occur on the second Saturday In March. The committee appointed to raise funds for the purpose of placing men on the trains between here and Cheyenne reported the following towns had paid; Umatilla, Echo. Athena, Weston an4 Hermlston. It was about 11:30 when the meet ing adjourned. For County Exhibit. Among other things discussed at the Saturday night meeting was the pro position of establishing a county ex hibit at Borne place In this city In which the Lewis and Clark fair display may be put to use. The matter is now In the hands of the executive committee, consisting of Leon Cohen, G. A. Hartman and J. R. Dickson, and It Is thought a room will be secured for the purpose. H. C. Willis, ' secretary of the De velopment league, In to be placed on the run between, here and Cheyenne, for the purpose of talking with home seekers coming out on t!le westbound trains. For a time It was Intended to place two' men on the run, but It Is now proposed to employ but one and to devote the rest of the money to maintaining the exhibit. EASTERN OREGON IS STORM-SWEPT. t eSaj uiojj penurjuoQ) up all the night previous and had struggled all day through the drifts this side of .The Dalles. According to Conductor Allison, the present storm Is the worst he has ever, seen during his 18 years' service on the O. R. & N. Not only has the wind blown hard, but it has continued much longer than usual and has caus ed drifts where they have not occur red before. All Trains Annulled. Today the same trouble has been experienced with the sand, and as a result all of the passenger trains have been annulled and are running as ex tras. No. 6, due here at 4:60 this morning, Is marked to arrive at 4 p. m. Nos. 5 and 1, which passed through during the day bound west ward, are also blocked somewhere between Umntllla and The Dalles. This afternoon it was not known at the local office whether or not No. 6 will be Bent out of Portland this evening. Sears, secretary, and J. F. McNaught, treasurer. It starts out with a fair When You Are Hurt THAT'S THE TIME TO USE OUR F (8b S Liniment Left for Klamath Falls. Dr. J. A. Best left this morning for Klamath Falls to make arrangements to place his land there under irriga tion and expects to be absent about 10 days. He will employ two men with teams to work on the land dur ing the coming Bpring. 1 H. C. Dye, an accountant employed by E. G. Sharrock, of Seattle, In ex pertlng the books of Walla Walla city was last Saturday arrested by Sheriff Painter Upon telegraphic communi cation from Sidney, la., charging him with forgery. SUFFRAGE COMMITTEES NAMED. Entertainment Tuesday Night Tickets for the. Commercial association entertainment Tues- day night are now on sale at the Pendleton Drug company, and are being taken rapidly. However, there are still oppor- tunltles to secure seats. Great Interest is being manifested In the coming entertainment and many are planning to attend. Leon Cohen, president of the Commercial association, has de- clared he would not miss seeing the performance for $20. R. Alexander is authority for the statement that It Is about the only really good attraction that has been here this season. William Slusher has been post- ponlng a trip to his sheep ranch for the past two weeks so as to attend and declares no blizzard can Induce him to leave the city betore tomorrow night. It Is a reliable, remedy that should be kept In every home, Accidents v?il happen and aches and pains are common. This liniment heals burns, cuts and bruises a d cures swellings. chilblains, rheumatism, neural-1 4k gla, etc. Rely on It and the period of suffering will be shortened. Costs 25c and 50c per bottle. For sale by Victor Talking Machines Columbia Graphophones Edison Phonographs EASY TERMS. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists W.D.FLETCHER THE PIONEER WATCHMAKER i AND JEWELER, 305 Court Street j $ Jewelry made to order. Wedding fines a specialty. All work guaran-1 J if !: it 5000 Records, Including com plete Edison Catalogue. J. A. Owenhouse 813 MAIN STREET. . DISTRIBUTOR FOR EASTERN OREGON. President Pcnliind, of the General Committee, Will Make Active Cam paign. At a meeting of the officers of the equal suffrage campaign commit tee held on Saturday evening, at which President L. E. Penland, assis tant chairman, Mrs. C. S. Wheeler and Secretary Mrs. S. A. Lowell were pres ent, the following ' sub-chairmen of committees for active work were ap pointed: Chairman of committee on literature. Dr. Amy Currln, chairman of committee on program and publl'jj addresses, Mrs, 5. A. Lowell, chair man of finance committee, Mrs. C. S. Wheeler, and chairman of music committee, Mrs. Mtble Penland. The general committee will make n active campaign for the equal suf frage movement and some of the most prominent speakers in the United States, including Miss Gall .aughlln and Miss Anna Shaw, will address the people of Pendleton dur- ng the campaign. Miss Shaw, onu of the veterans of the movement le one of the very best women orators the United States and 'will be In Pendleton some time In May In the Interest of the suffruge movement. teed. i The name of a new "French Gray" pattern, In silver plated flat 4 ware, of which we have Just received a good stock direct from the' J factory at Rockford. Illinois. It is the mo-it beautiful pattern yet produced in plated ware, and la not excelled In die work, design, nor finish by solid silver. The quality Is "Rockford;" none better. From beauty of design and quality you would think It high-priced J but It Is not Hollow handle Knives and Forks, per set $12.00 Table Spoons, per set of 8 $4.50 Tea Spoons, per set of 6 $2.50 WINSLOW BROTHERS POSTOFFICE IlLOCK JEWELER-OPTICIANS. 4 A person who has a savings account U In a measure a public benefactor, because in his modest way, he does his share to Increase the amount of money per capita In active circulation. The person who does not keep a saving! account, but hides his money in our-of-the-way places, withdraws that money from circulation and thereby retards the fuil growh and prosperity of the country, and also robs himself of a legitimate Income . Commercial National Bank Pendleton, Oregon is particularly well equipped to give every depositor prompt and ef ficlent serrict and reasonable earnings on his deposits. j.VKGE AM) PLEASED AUDIENCE. Wulla Wnlla Roblier Cuiiglit. Walla Walla, March 12. William Waldron, the alleged Walla Walla hod-up man, and who was Implicated with Harold Griggs In numerous rob beries In this city, Is under arrest at North Yakima and will be brought to Walla Walla to answer to several criminal charges. A telegram re ceived by Chief of Police Brown from the city marshal at North Yakima this morning announced that a man answering the description of Waldron had been taken into custody an 1 would be held pending receipt of in structlons from the Walla Walla po lice. New Meat Market for "Echo. Frank Griggs and Dave Clark of this city, will open a meat market In Echo about March 25. They will run a meat wagon to the Butter creek district and to the ditch camps In that vicinity during the coming season. Both young men are well known here, Mr. Griggs having been em ployed by the Hnlley dairy for some time past, and Mr. Clark as a butcher in Schwartz & Greullch's shop in this city. Now is the Spring And now la tho time to proparo your wardrobe for tho Spring Season. For ninety days wo have Oregon's spring weather. Medium Weight Suits I are therefore in demand nnd we have tlieiu In variety, fabric and of the faslilnnnblo cut; loose, but not baggy. We are sure we can show you Just what you most dcslro In real worth of suit. We "keep the QUALITY UP," and honestly represent the vnlue. Boston Store Where Every Chance Is Good SPECIAL CHINA SALE.... DURING THIS WEEK I AM MAKING AN EFFORT TO SELL EVERY PIECE OF FANCY CHINA IN MY STORE, AND AS AN INDUCEMENT FOR PROSPECT IVE III YFItS I HAVE A WINDOW FI LL OF IT MARKED AT JUST ONE-HALF THE PRICE. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE JEWELER. E. L. SMITH FOR SENATOR. Hood River Man WIU Make the Race for the Nomination. The Sunday Oregonlan of yesterday says: Latest of the republican aspirants for the United States senatorshlp in Oregon to announce his candidacy Is R. L. Smith, of Hood River, who mado up his mind yesterday to run for that office Instead of for the governorship, for which he has been boomed several months. The other avowed candidates for senatorshlp In the republican camp are: Jonathan Bourne, Jr.. of Port land: H. M. Cake, of Portland, and Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton. Still another aspirant who has not yet formally announced his candidacy, is E. B. Watson, of Portland, ex-Justice of the state supreme court Mr. Smith's announcement was made a surprise In political circles, for It was supposed he would run for tho governorship. If for any office at all. " The senatorshlp tins been his choice all the time, but many of his friends insisted on his running for governor, and for a time he yielded to their wishes to the extent of saying he would do so if substantial assur ance should come to him from the state that he was wanted for a candidate. His friends found a strong senti ment for him for senator: besides, the time was growing lote for a new man n the race for governor. Conse quently Mr. Smith Is pursuing the wish he expressed before a group of his friends in the Perkins hotel, when he said he preferred to run for senator than for governor. "WATCH THIS AD GROW." This Is a practical day and generation. Public patron age rests upon positive merit. The foundation of value Is QUALITY. For this reason Chase & Sanborn "High Grade." Coffee Have no superior, and peo ple who once use them al ways use them. Reliable be cause they come to you In the original packages. If you desire the "best COFFEE money can buy, ask for Chase & Sanborn's "Seal Brand" Coffee Captain Debonnaire" Popular With Pendleton People. Paul Ollmore was greeted by a large and appreciative audience at the Frazer theater Saturday night when he appeared as Captain Debonnaire. At the conclusion of the third act, In which he fought with and whipped half the Dutch army In New Amster dam, he was treated to numerous curtain calls and responded with a neat tpeech In which he "heartily thanked the audience for Its kind con sideration, ind urged the building of a new theater in the city. 'CapUin Debonnaire" Is a roman tic nlay of the extreme type, and needless to say Its principal charac ters are French soldiers. They are the kind of men who, In fiction at least, laugh at death, and whose de lights are found -In fighting, gambling and courting. Captain Louis de Cad- lilac, or Louis Debonnaire, Is an ex emplar of all these qualities. In the role of Captain Debonnaire, Paul Ollmore appears with credit He has a splendid voice and puts his soul Into his work. But he Is lack ing in bodily grace, and It Is doubtful If he is at his best In such a role. However, he Is good, and that his play Is liked was shown by the applause. MN Clinsc to-Irrlgon. Miss Mary N. Chase, organizer of the equal suffrage .movement, will leave tomorrow morning for Irrlgon and Arlington, where she will speak and organize suffrage clubs this week She has organized clubs In every town In eastern Oregon and will continue her work in the western part of the state. Hotel Contract Let Today. The contract for the hotel to 1)3 erected at Hermlston this spring was let today to W. A. Morse, the well known contractor of this city. It will be a frame structure anil will cost about 16500. J. F. McNaught of Her mlston, Is In the city today making arrangements for beginning work on the building. ,; Suit for Divorce. Laura A. Friddles has sued Alber A. Friddles for divorce, the com plaint having been filed this morning by Peter West. FOUND WATER AGATES. Peculiar Bulb of Limestone Inclosing Water Found at Depth of 115 Feet In Stage Gulch. While digging a well on Virgil Moore's farm In Stage Gulch, 12 miles northwest of trie city, William Coff- man yesterday found at a depth of 116 feet, a peculiar bulb of stone, In closing a quantity of water, and lined with a species of water agate. The formation was found at several The Rest Ever. An evening of complete enjoyment at Frazer theater tomorrow. Com' merclal club entertainment. Marriage License Issued. A marriage license was Issued this afternoon to Charles E. Welch and Bessie Ricks, both of this county. DON'T WAIT Until You're Sick befo'e getting a bottle of HoHtetter' Stomach Hitlers. Got It today and by taking a dose before meals keep well and hearty. This Is the secret of the good health of thousands of persons, HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Is the best health maker and preserV' er ever discovered and always cures Colds. Headache, Grippe, General De. blllty, Indigestion, Dyspepsia or Fe male Ilia. Purchased Jack of A. C. Ruby. Levi Eldridge, of Pilot Rock, has Just purchased a high grade Jack from A. C. Ruby of this city. The swiftest dog In the world, the Russian wolf hound, has made record runs that show 24 yards to the second, while the gazelle has shown a meiu ured speed of 27 yards a second. Empire Meat Market Phone, Main 18 Wholesale and retail dealers In Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Fresh Fish. Try our "S-G" Hams, Bacon and Lard. Schwarz & Greulich 60f Main St. I Get The Best Good j Dry Wood and BOCK SPRING COAL The Coal that gives the moat beat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS Leave order at Henalngs' cigar tore, Opp. Peoples Ware. . . house, 'Phone Main . which cans, comes or In alr-tlght Chase & Sanborn's "High GradeCoffee which come In Imported nir-tlglitvparcliiiicnt-lliird bag. It is Impossible to get bet ter COFFEE. Gray Bros. Grocery Co I WE A HE AGENTS WE CIVK COUPONS. MAIL LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognized as the best and moat economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with ' you fr your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. BIAIN &TREET NEAR DEPOT Attention We are still doing business at the same old stand. We have a full Una of saddles, the best harness on the market, and all kinds of Indian spe cialties. Our prices are right, our goods the best, and our present force all COMPETENT WORKMEN. In order to make room for spring goods we are oloslng out our Horse Blan kets and Robes at a sacrifice. The best is nne too good for you. It you want It call on CRAWFORD the Harness man X 11