PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREQONI.VN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1906, ETGIIT PAGES. DEMOCUATIC STATE TICKET. BRIEF RECORD OF COUNTY EVENTS Special NEWS OF WESTON DEATH OF MRS. MARTI! FROM TVnF.RCri.OSlS. Mrs. Ashworth's Death Tollowed nn 0Tatlun Much liurrcvt Taken in Woman Suffrage. Whloli Has a Club With Fifty Members X'm Attorney From Klamath County Six Ilumlml Acres Being Platted at iGanlena Mrs. W". C. Miller in the 'Millinery Business. Weston. March 10. Mrs. 'Mary E. March, aged 37, died at Milton Wed nesday of tuberculosis. The remains were brought to Weston Thursday for interment, and services were conduct ed at the grave by Rev. W. S. Payne. Mrs. March was born In Butte county. Cal. She was the mother of five children, lour of whom, a daughter and three sons survive her. She was laid to rest beside the grav of her late husband in Weston cemetery. Death of Mrs. Ashnortli. Mrs. Ida J. Ashworth, wife of James Ashworth, died March 3, at the hospital In this city, after being i perated upon last Thursday by four surgeons for the removal of a tumor. The deceased was born October 1, 1S6S, In Kansas, and moved with her parents to Linn county. Ore., In 1874. She came to Weston In 1SS2, and was united In marriage June 24, 1884. to Mr. James Ashworth. She . was 38 years of age, and leaves a husband, a mother and four daughters. The funeral services were so large that the United Brethren church would not hold the people. Rev. W. S. Payne conducted the services. Oscar C. Stone, recently of Klamath Palls, has located at Weston for the practice of law, and has secured Dr. Turley's former office on Franklin street, near Main. Mr. Stone has been engaged In active practice since 1890, and is admitted to all the courts. Considerable Interest Is being shown In Weston on the woman suf frage question, nearly 50 members being enrolled on the campaign com mittee. Mrs. W. C. Miller has purchased the millinery store of Mrs. Fletcher on Water street, near the Weston hotel. The oridge's quartet closed its suc cessful engagement at Weston with a very enjoyable concert. The class work will be continued on Tuesday evening of each week by Miss May Stevens, who was elected as leader. A force of surveyors are in the field at Gardena platting about 600 acres that Is soon to be placed on the mar ket B. C. Burllngame, builder of the canals and president of the Walla Walla Irrigation company, has a force of men at work seeding 1000 acres to alfalfa. FMATILLA HAPPENINGS. New Buildings ami Many Other Ira proveiiients. Vmatllla, Ore., March 8. Ideal spring weather. Coming A newspaper for Umatil la. Umatilla Is the future center of the Columbia river basin. Mrs. Jimoph McCulloch of Pendle ton, is visiting friends In the city. II. J. Cirri is is not so we ll as usual and will soon go to his place In Wal lowa county. E. L. Scott returned from Portland Sunday. He brought his two small boys with him, and they will enter school here. Port Hall of Pendleton expects to give a Riley -recital In this city March 19. The north bank Is lined with camps of men doing various kinds of work on the -new road. J. H. TomUnson Is erecting a build ing east of the Means hotel to be used as a batcher shop. The Interior if the barber shop Is being renovated and remodeled. A. B. Steph"iis has moved Into the Duncan house recently vacated by P. B. Rice. Rev. Levi Johnson preached In the school house last Sunday evening. A crowd of young people attended the ball In Echo last night and re port an enjoyable evening. An election has been ordered by the county court t rtuke place March 31, to elect officers for the new city government. CandSflutes are getting numerous already. ramuVlatm Invited to Muke Race for State. Office. The mass meeting of democratic voters held In Portlund this weak . In vited a set of candidates to stand for the nomination lor state offices. The field is open to all and others ithan those Invited will be In the race. The ticket invited into the race by the mass meeting Is as follows: Governor Qtiarge E. Chamberlain, Incumbent. Supreme Justice Thomas Q. Slal- ley. Incumbent. United States Senator John "M. Gearln, Incumbent. Secretary of State Paul Sroat of Marlon. State Treasurer J. D. Matlock of Lane. Attorney General Robert A. Mil' ler of Multnomah. State Printer J. Scott Taylor of Klamath. Superintendent Public Instruction E. E. Bragg of Union, W. A. Wann of Linn. Labor Commissioner Sam Veatdi of Lane. Representative In Congress First District C. V. Galloway of Yamhill, P. A. Cochran of Marlon. Second District Harvey Graham of Baker, W. T. Vaughn of Multnomah. Dates of Woo finks. The following wool ale dates for Oregon have been fixed by the Oregon Woolgrowers' association: Pendleton May 22, 28. 29 and 30. Heppner May 24, 25; June 7, 8, 21 and 22. Condon May 31 and June 1, 27 and 28. Shanlko June 5, 6, 19 and 20, and July 10 and 11. Baker City June 25, 2; July 12 and 13. Elgin July 13. All Lending Grocers Sell Cleveland's Baking Powder. Ill II F'l The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dan gerous because so decep- I live. Manysudden I deaths are caused I by it heart dis- ease, pneumonia, ! heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is ; allowed toadvance thelcidnev-poison- ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the ki'ltieys. If you are feel ing ba'iiy you can make no jr.istake by taking Dr." Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding p:ii." in tossing it. and over comes that unpleasant necessity of bem compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the niirht. The mild and the extraordinary efiect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Hoot is pleasant to take and is sold by all dmggisu in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., liinghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Lr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Einghaniton, N. V., on every bottle. THEATR.EDOM Plays and Players and Their Realm Paul Gllmore ToniglJt. The Salt Lake Herald gH-es Paul Gllmore'e presentation of '"Captain Debonnaire," the following excellent mention. "Captain Debonnaire" will be presented at the Frazer tonight, and Pendleton Is assured of one of the very best performances to be seen here during the present season. The Herald says: This is a high class-drama, well , adapted to the talents of Mr. Gllmore. j Its characters have rich, red blood, much of which Is spilled during thei evening. Its chief one Is busy all the time In Quebec or New Amsterdam. He carouses energetically fights vigorously, loves violently. As the you have seen Mr. Gllmore you know that ho can be equal to the require ments. He was In good form last night. He looked the part. He was the ever-moving adventurer, bold, gay, beautiful. And he was hand somely appareled. Wherever he turn ed up he had rich raiment, from the gorgeous army uniform to the lace adorned clothes of the wooer. No wonder he stirred all classes In the audience. No wonder when with his trusty sword he covered the stage with his dead he excited such ap plause as demanded a few words of appreciation. Mr. Gllmore spoke in a heartfelt manner, thanking the au dience for Its Inspiration, and assur- mm ' 5 mm i rim vmmmm mm m mm m IS v41f 1 Wteff0&fr$m remeay nas tneretore met with their approval, as well as with P'.-Vfel ffityM$P&$- the favor -"many millions of well informed persons who know I U k I wW f'&wWm tlieir own Persona' knowledge and from actual experience tf .f&$fffi$l that it is a most excellent laxative remedv. We do not claim that OP The Laxative Known Qualit There are two classes of remedies: those cf known qua. ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist ance ; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional or the remediesof known quality andexcellence is the ever pleasant SvruD of Figs, manufactured bv the California Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasantsyrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy WWffi&f -1 of a" remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system Rently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti- pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active prind 'jff&$?&&0?8 P'es and- quality are known to physicians generally, and the e ofC.v &i ret it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence, containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. There are two classes of purchasers : those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for the excellence oi arucies or exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of anywell known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial effects if thev do not set the genuine remedv. To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer imitations or me Genuine Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, One has Only to note. When nnrrhasincr. thp full n.imo nf the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printedon the ironi or every pacnage. rrice, 50c per Dottle. Une size only. I " ",D r'rM lot Itivmutt, with wliicb I toco ftffltrWMj for over twtolr vftrs. ",T k" ' ' h f1o hi nan r.M.f than mnj ciber reuMHjr have ..r triad. I titll errutlnlf recommend ibtm to U t fjiand M I to. Olllsrt, Iltfo. I1L Best for r tnt oowtll cam wr e ATnwmc Plmut. Ptlitablo, Potent. TfUOooi, Do oo4. S'VS! tk,tfc or ... sr old Is palk. Tb f.Dalna table punud CUO. HurtutMd or w wif back. ttarlliif Ramady C., Chlcaf 0 or M .T. jot AIIUAL SALE, TEIMIUJOI BOXES gallery critic might truly say, he Is going some. He Is so valorous that he cannot be happy until he finds trouble. He Is so ardent that he makes a long and perilous journey to win a strange maid who resembles a familiar portrait. He becomes im mediately bold with the girl and ve hement with her lover. He Invites bloody conflict with his foes and lays them all about him in a veritable hecatomb of slaughter. Then he carries off the Inspiring maiden through the wilderness to his quar ters In Quebec, where she learns that he Is an Important person ' and be comes his wife. Tou can imagine what a whirl all this causes and how active the hero must be In his merry career. And If Ing its that its cordiality had deeply touched him. Mr. Gllmore was forcibly supported by the men of his company and ar dently by the women. And the stage equipment was throughout artistic. Alberta Gallatin March 21. It Is doubtful If there Is an actress on the American stage today who Is accorded a warmer reception through out the south than Alberta Oallatin, who Is starling this season In the title role of "Cousin Kate," under the management of Kane, Bhlpman and Colvln. It la not only because of the fact that she Is an actress of Infinite clev erness and possessed of a most charm ing personality that she Is so extreme ly popular south of the Mason and Dixon line, but because of the fact that her father was General Albert Gallatin Jenkins, who was wounded during the battle of Gettysburg while In command of tho confederate cav alry. Because of her distinguished par entage Miss Gallatin Is held in the greatest esteem by all southerners. and In each city where she plays ashe Is made the recipient of fluttering at tentlon by the Daughters of the Con federacy and. In fact, all dwellers In "Dixie Land." "Cousin Kate," In which Alberta Gallatin and company will appear at the Frazer on Wednesday, March 21, Is said by New Tork critics to be one of the cleverest society comedies ever put on in that city. That It Is exceedingly clever Is evi denced by the fact that It ran for an entire season there and also for one In London. In New York It Is known as the "Hudson Theater Opening Suc cess," having been the piece that opened the doors of that house. Frazer Theater Company. The Frazer Theater company or ganized by K. J. Taylor, of this city, which Is now playing a successful en gagements at Athena and Weston, will open a four-nights' engagement at the Frazer on Thursday evening, March 15. The new company Is meeting with excellent success In the east end of the county and will be warmly greeted on Its return to this city. Among the plays to bo put on In Pendleton are "The Black Hand," "Man of Mystery," "A Southern Rose" and "Nature's Nobleman." The com pany Is made up of artists especially selected by Mr. Taylor for the line of plays carried. Tliorp Is more f'nlnrrh In tills section of the conntrv uinn nil otnor dlttPHHes nut together, and 1111 1 II 1 no laHt few yenrs wits siippoHed to be Incurnhle. For a itrenr many years doctors pronounced It a lorn I fllHenge and nrprtrrlhed local remedies, nnrl by ronlnnlly fHllsSj? to cure with local treatment, prononneea it inrurnnie. er eare Iiah proven Cntiirrh to be a constltn- . onnl dlnetiKe find therefore requires con stitutional treatment, nulla 1 atnrrn cure, manufactured by l J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, Ohio, is the only cotiHtitutionnl cure on the market. It Ih taken internally In lo8e from ten drops to a tenttpoonful. It nets directly on the bioo anil mucous sur faces of the HyHtem. They offer one hun dred dollars for any cane It fnll to cure. Send for rlrculnrs nnd teHtlnionlnls. Address: y. 3. CIIKNKY ft C, Toledo, ). Hold by all drumists. 7."ic. Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation, Sale of Imlinn Lands. The following wheat lands upon the Umatilla Indian reservation will be sold March 30, 109: W. of S. W. Sec. 12, Tp. 2, N. R. 33 E. W. M belonging to At-la-loy. N. E. 14 of S. W. 14 of Sec. 5, Tp. 3, N. R. 35 E. W. M., belonging to Charles McWhlrk. I represent the owners and shall be glad to confer with prospective purchasers as to terms and methods of sale. STEPHEN A LOWELL, Pendleton New Photo Gallery. W. 8. Bowman has opened his photo gallery at his old stand near Main street bridge, where he will make su perior photos. Mr. Bowman has Just returned from Portland, whore he was in Aune's gallery for six months and was connected with the official pho tograph company of the Lewis and Clark fair. He brings with him the new Ideas In use In Portland and east ern cities. Best work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Election Blanks. Electors' nomination tickets or pe titions for use in securing signatures for the primary elections for sale at the East Oregonlan office. FRAZER. THEATRE One Night, Only Monday, March 12 iTHE STARTLING SENSATION! The Moonshiner's 'Daughter BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS Kilt Ire Production Coirlotl. Surprising Climaxes. Beautiful Scenery, Novel Vaudeville. , . Prices, 25 cents to'J$ 1.00 -t The Time Is Now Farmers and ranchers, get your mcahlncry In shape for service now and have It ready for the busy season. We make a specialty of repairing farm machinery of all descriptions. Plows; Single and in Cangs, Engines, Harrows, Combined Threshers and all Implements used on the Farm We are prepared to do first-class work. Castings made to re place broken parts. We manufacture tho best Iron wagon wheel. Superior In every way to all others. The Pendleton Ifcrvester Hitch, Invented by Joe Wingens. This new hitch equalizes the draft on every horse and prevents horses "soldiering." Pendleton Iron Works i Junction of Alta and Court Streets. Free-Music-Free Hero is a chance to learn a string Instrument Mandolin, Guitar or Violin. I will furnish you one of the above tnstru.ncnts for home practice, and have you playing from sheet music In a term of lessons. This Is the beginning of the second term. Call at Studio, Schmidt block. Room 14, and Iwlll explain how to get one of these Instru ments absolutely free. Prof. O. H. Hartung THIS OFFER OPEN FOR ONE MONTH.