"AGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGONUV, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 190. EIQITT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. 1'uMlKlied rrerr afternoon (except Sunday! t Pendleton. Oregon, by the EAST OUKliOMAN I'UULISUISQ CC- SI !ISI'HI1TU)N RATES. Dallr. one year, by mall fl J Dallr, li moiuln. by mall S oO isilv, Uirec niiiitli, by mall l.'JJ Dally, one montli. by mall 60 Wevklv, one year, by mall I SO Werklr, (It months, by mall 75 Weekly, four moutliK. by mall 50 inl Weekly, one year, by mall Betnl Weekly, all mouth uy mall "5 Meiul Weekly, four ninutua. by mall... .50 Member Scrlppi Mi'Kae Neva Association. The Kant Oreitonlan la on aale at B. B. Rich a Ntwa Mamla, at Hotel Portland and Hotel Peiklna. Portland, Oregon. San Rranrlaeo Bureau. 408 Fourth afreet Chicago ilnmi, IMH Security building. Washington. l C, Bureau, 501 lour teemh aireet, N. W. fWrpboot Mala t. Entered at Pendleton Poatofflce aa second class matter. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Copy for adrertlalng matter to appear In the Kant Oregonlan must be In by 4 :4o p. m of the preceding day ; copy for Monday paper must be in Dy 4 :a p. m. me precexi' Ing Saturday. ' Always alone, from the first startled cry When life Is thrust In our un willing hand. Alone with Juice, we as children stand, With souls that plead, lips dumb with agony. Alone we feel temptation draw ing nigh And nerve ourselves its pow ers to disband: Alone grief meets us with her fiery, brand. And sears the hears Joy cannot satisfy. Alone love mantles us, we dwell apart. But even when our love Is at its best How bitterly alone sometimes are we; But God In the Sheklnah of the heart. None shares our dreams, our thoughts, our soul's unrest; Alone we drift to life's out reaching sea. Emma Seabury in the Overland. pie to give a.way franchises to private corporations that princely fortunes may be piled up at the expense of the public. Small cities of the size of Pendleton can take a hint from Seat tle's progressive spirit and should re member to Imitate her In time. OWNERSHIP OF A RIVER. LOWELL) IS INDORSED. The Baker City Herald hastens to indorse the candidacy of Judge Ste phen A. Lowell, for the United States senate. In life issue of yesterday the Herald says: "The announcement of Stephen A. Lowell that he is a candidate for Vnlted States senator from Oregon co-.p'ck- tV.: t"' f'" eastern Oregon. This gives the country east of the Cascades a candidate for every office in the state with one or two exceptions. All we need now is a good vote for these candidates." The East Oregonlan hopes to see every paper In eastern Oregon, re gardless of politics indorse Judge Lowell, and make this a campaign for an eastern Oregon man for the senate. Sectional pride, fellow feeling and mutual Interest In the needs of this great portion of Oregon should serve to cement eastern Oregon In one com mon bond for an eastern Oregon man. Judge Lowell is a man In whom the entire state can safely confide, and Portland must be fair enough to con cede this office to eastern Oregon once In a quarter of a century. Suits between sovereign states al ways present interesting questions, and the action brought by Kansas against Colorado in the supreme court of the United States will be not able. The state of Kansas complains about the theft of the Arkansas river, which In times past drained and irri gated the arid acres of western Kan sas. Kansas claims that Colorado ir rigators, who get the first chance at the water as it comes from the melt ing of the mountain snows, are ap propriating the whole river. Except at the time of the spring flood nothing reaches the Kansas state line. There Is not enough river for all, and the development of lrrl gation In Colorado, bringing riches to the farmers of that state, has brought ruin to long-established farmers of Kansas. The Arkansas river runs for 250 miles through Kansas, and that strip of territory was once cultivated suc cessfully. Now farming Is a game of chance with the cards stacked against the farmer. Only In exceptional sea sons may they hope for water enough to save the crop. Cases of this kind on a small scale have often been In the courts. The principle has been established that a stream is a property interest, and that the man whose land It traverses can recover damages If it Is used or di verted by some one higher up. The Kansas-Colorado case is more com plex. The Arkansas river has not been diverted or used by a single man. Each ditch has taken only a small portion of the flow. The Colorado farmers have a right to some of the river, and who shall say how much? They certainly have no right to take It all, and Kansas has a Just grievance, but the settlement of such a contro versy would tax the Judicial acumen of Haroun Al Haschld. or the wis dom of Solomon. BE WISE. Be wise, oh singer, nor waste thy breath On the wrong the world endures; Tell the truth and you starve to death, Lie and the world Is yours. Wli.it need to pity the muzzled ox Treading the golden grain When the same old key today unlocks The treasures of brawn and brain. There Is good and bad in every soul, The angel may rule today, The devil tomorrow will have control, Thus holding alternate sway. But Isn't it sad? Ah, saints above. Must it always be understood That whenever the angel is long on love The devil is short on food? Truth mny be taught In the public school. But the scholar, alas, must eat: And the length and breadth of the Golden Rule Is gauged by the price of whea'. Ah. God. 'tis a terrible thing to think That Truth may not wield the pen Until she can write In the crimson Ink, That Is crushed from the hearts of men1 M. P. Murphy. SHIPPED MONEY TO OREGON. St Anthony's Hospital I . , SI I j cream SPAIN'S RECUPERATION. SEATTLE'S TRIUMPH. Seattle Is a typical modern city vigorous, commercial, aggressive, money-loving, cold-blooded and prac tical. And yet with all these characteris tics emblazoned on her features she has Just elected a mayor who favors municipal ownership of public utili ties, after the most sharply contested campaign In the history of the city. This proven that the people are thinking. Seattle Is a capitalists' city. She offers unlimited inducements for Investment. Her resources are ' de veloplng rapidly. She Is dominated by practical, hard-headed business men. There may be cranks but they are not In the ascendancy. The election of the municipal own' ershlp candidate proves that the solid commercial and industrial classes are tired of corrorate greed and are ready to give the people possession of their own utilities at the first op portunity. Seattle Is thinking along the right line. It Is the height of folly for peo- Defeat suffered In war with tht United States Is proving Itself to have been a blessing In disguise to Spain. The loss of the colonies she was so ill-fitted to take care of has been rather KUe the '.ITting of too heavy a burden than the lessening of national strength. The department of commerce and labor publishes a letter from Ber nard & Co. of Madrid, showing a great financial Improvement in Spain, and pointing out the fine possibilities open In that country to foreign tech nical experience and Initiative. The three principal Inducements that Invite foreign enterprise are railroads, Irrigation and cheap power lectrlc, steam and water. Span- lards lack the technical skill and ex perlence to make use of these advan tages, but they are eager to receive them from other countries and will support them with money and every other co-operation. Since 1898 a large part of the debt of the Spanish treasury to the Bank of Spain, amounting to J280.000.000, has been paid, and the budgets show a yearly surplus of from $10,000,000 to 12.00.090. Since the war Span- lard? have Invested $40,000,000 In their merchant marine, $45,000,000 In sugar factories, $150,000,000 in elec tric plants, mine developments and other Industries. "A new spirit of commerce has arisen all over the country, this being reflected In agri culture and Industry." The country Is said to be Just be ginning to appreciate the enormous resources of the soil, which has to a large extent lain dormant so long. The spirit of enterprise is awakening in Spain, but one of the essentials of Its accomplishing good results Is lacking, namely, the thorough means of rapid communication. There are 700 towns in Spain, with from 3000 to 24.000 Inhabitants, that have no railroad ervlee. This dearth of railroads, coupled with a rapid In crease In financial prosperity and a lack of native technical skill, certain ly Indicates a good opening for capi tal and brains. Because they were afraid of banks and didn't need the money anyhow, the Misses Adella and Lucy Clapp sent $i;ftnft to a cousin In fur away Oregon snipping it by unregistered mall In i tin box. with chestnuts for packing. This tale of rare generosity and pos tal fidelity was told In court by the spinsters themselves and was corrob orated by the cousin. Their appear ance was caused by a suit brought against the sisters by the county for $1000 alleged to be due on back taxes on $3900 which the sisters received from the sale land several years ago. The sisters testified that when the land was sold they debated the matter, decided so much money was really an Inconvenience, packed it In I J a un uox wiiu cnesmuis ana sent ine whole thing by mall to their cousin. Mrs. Rose Brown, 4000 miles away In Oregon. "We didn't want to keep the money in our own home for fear of burg lars." said Mi's Adella. "and we have no faith in banks. So many of them go to. smash these days. Then we thought Rose could use the money so much better than we. for If we had kept It and spent It the whole amount ould have gone simply for luxuries we don't' need nnd are probably bet ter without. So we sent Rose the money." Mrs. Brown, the cousin, also testi fied, and triumphantly produced the very tin box In which the money was sunt, corroborating entirely the state ments nf the sisters. The chestnuts were not produced. The sisters won the suit, for the Jury found the county had no cause for action. Toledo (Ohio) Press. Good health depends mostly upon the food we eat. We can't be healthy if we take alum or other poison daily in our food. Dr. Price's Baking powder is abso lutely free from alum. It is made from pure cream of tartar and adds to the healthfulness of the food. Private rooms, elegantly furnished Finely equip ped op 'rating room. Also Mater 1 1 y Department Every convenience tvjeessary for the care of the sick. Telephn Main 1651. i t::.'DLETO. OREGON. :1N3 PCWDER CC. Note. Bait ing powders that are sold at ten to thirt cents a pound, or a cent on ounce, are nuds from alum. Avoid tli i Seeds That Grow The selection of seeds for planting Is Important. We handl ly Seeds that are grown In the Northwest and are s Itable for this cli mate and soil. Our seeds are all sold In our own packages, and are guaranteed to be fresli and alive. Toj take no chances when you plant our seeds, as only the choicest varieties are handled by us. No old stock no poor grades. We sell more seeds than all other dealers because the people know what they are getting when they buy our brands. COOK & PERRY The Seedsmen COURT STREET NOLF'S LD STAX- ADDING MORE "WATER." r I GLORIOUS WEATHER It was recently announced In Wall street that the Standard Oil company- Is preparing to Increase Its capital stock from $100,000,000 to $600,000,- 000 by Issuing six shares for each one share now outstanding. It Is not de signed to raise Immediately any money on this new Issue, but simply to divide the present high priced shares Into six and give them to old stockholders. The New York cor respondent for the Chicago Tribune referring to this move says: "The company has two objects In doing this. One Is to try to dispel public criticism that arises every tinv? the Standard declares a 40 or 48 per cent dividend. The other Is to bring the stock among a larger num ber of holders, so there may be mis sionaries in every town to help stem the rising tide of opposition to the trust. It Is nrgued that the salvation of the steel trust is Its enormous number of small stockholders, and the Standard at last is seeking cover form anti-trust sentiment. "When the present stock is cut up Into sixths the price will drop from 690, which It was today, to about 115. and dividends Instead of being more than 40 per cent., will become about 7 per cent. No stockholder will bj loser, because he will hold, six times as many shares as before. On the contrary, he will gain, because when the stock Is reduced to figures where people can afford to buy it the price is pretty sure to rise above one-sixth Its former value. "As capitalizations go nowadays the Standard with $100,000,000 Is under capitalized. It claims to have real property worth more than $500,000,- 000, so the Increase in capital will not be watering the oil. The lowering if the value of the certificates would permit quicker conversion of securl ties and Juggling the stock market such as H. H. Rogers, the present ruler of Standard, has delighted to do with Amalgamated Copper." Take the little darlings out to enjoy the balmy breezes of spring. Our line of Baby Gabs and Go-Garts Is unexcelled and we have designs and sizes to please all fancies. See our cabs and; go-carts, get our prices and the question Is decided. i Baker & Folsom Furniture and Carpet. IT'S RIGHT HERE that the superiority of our blank books, stationery and office essentials makes Itself manifest, as they will to every practical bookkeeper. The quality of our goods Is of the highest. and as they cost no more than In ferior kinds, you certainly can see why It will pay you to patronize us. r.javaiBHT. Frazier's Book Store k4A444A44444444AA44AA444AAi 1JACK FOR SALE WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF LARGE KENTUCKY MAMMOTH JACKS. IF IX THE MARKET FOU ONE, COME AND SEE VS. PRICES REASONABLE. A. C. R.UBY Sb CO. WEBB STREET & OREGON FEED YARD MILAOY'S PURSE. She was an helres, and the purse She carried In her dainty hand Might well the fortunes reimburse Of any spendthrift In the land. At least most men Imagined so. Yet they for years might rack their brains, And after all would tiever know The total wealth that purse con tains. So here in full we give the list From which no Item has been missed: A bit of string, a buttonhook, A clipping from a cooking book, A little Turkish cigarette, A bit of gum (unused as yet). Samples of gingham, organdie, Chiffon, crepon and dimity, Besides a shred of moussellne De sole, a wornout safety pin. A collar button made of bone, ' A lock of hair (perhaps her own), A fashionable modiste's card, A strip of blue and white foulard, A picture postal card from Rome, And half a dime to take her home. -Tolllettes. Pecks of trouble come In pint bottles. House Cleaning Are you cleaning and rearranging your houso this fine weather, and do you find you need a new couch, Iron bed or anything else In the furniture line? If so, you can get It at Bradley's "RDUCTION" SALE very cheap. W. W. BRADLEY, 315 E. Court WELL, HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS asked by the young man popular with his sisters and other fellows sister, regarding his wash waistcoat and linen will beget the answer: "Why, they re all new, aren t they?" Noth lng of the sort we Just got through laundering them so well that they might be thought brand new. It s way we have, and the day doesn't cost too much ton. We give green trading stamps If you call at the laundry and pay your bill on or before the 30th of th month. ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY LEGAL BLANKS Z'XLZ alogoe of them. A fall supply always kept In stock. f 4 r Wt I .N?l.i! .aiirSjisaosj New Industry We manufacture fancy party gowns. klmonas. sill', fancy and medium un derwear, house gowns and ladles' light underwear and gentlemen's dress and negligee shirts to order. Importers f silk. Prices reasonable. Give us a call. Low Sam 109 Court street. Next to Clurki' Hurtlwnre Store. UNRESTRAINED PLEASURE. can be enjoyed when driving In one of Neagle's new style fancy traps, spider phaetons, runabout wagons, surreys, buckboards or pony carts for children's use. They have all the leading handsome designs for city or country use at moderate prices. We are proud of their elegant stock this season and are pleased to show them to you. We are headquarters for the Wi nona Wagons, that have Iron-clad hubs. No checking or breaking loose of boxes. Our stock of Hacks and Wagons Is the largest In eastern Ore gon. We sell Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Engines and Pumps, and Irrigat ing Plants. All goods warranted. See Neagle Bros. the n.acksnilihs fict Prlcos Before Iliivlns. Give ear unto wise counsel. ' Coal that Is one-third dirt, weighs great deal more to the scuttle and lasts much shorter time than the good, clean Coal w sell. If you want the best, our Coal to the kind for yon. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HEVRY. Office, Pendleton loe & Cold Storage Company. 'Phone Zinlu 170. THE POPULAR PLACF TO EAT IS THE The French Restaurant Everything served flrst-claaa. Best regular meals In Pendle ton for IB swnta. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, ate., always on band. Dally East Oregonlan by carrier, only 16 cents a week.