PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOXTAN. PENDLETON, OREGON', FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1908. EIGHT PAGES. i "Not How Cheap--But How Good" Is our motto Daily Arrivals of the World' Best Makes a:ul Latest Creations. 1 New Millinery, New Eaton Hats, 1 New Skirts in all of the latest Cloths. X Dress Goods, i The Newest Fabricks, NOT THE CHEAPEST GOODS ON EARTH, but the best and most up-to-date, ninl nt prices that will please. Great Eastern Pendleton's Greatest and T X. 15. Just received a handsome line of new premiums. Don't j Y fail to save our Gold Bonds, given free with nil purchases. See win- (low display of premiums. 1 GENERAL NEWS. j Complete merger of all the trac tion lines of St. Louis has been ef fected, despite a vigorous struggle that was carried to the supreme court. An engine running wild on the Pennsylvania, near Rodenburg, Pa., trashed Into a work train. Four Ital ians were killed outright and 35 In jured, of whom several wll die. Secretary Shaw has submitted to congress an estimate of $927,000 for the construction of a cable from Key West, Fla., to Guantanamo. Cuba, and thence to the Panama canal zone. There Is a concert of action on the part of all the charitable nnd reform atory organizations of Illinois to in duce the legislature to buy and equip a home for epileptics, of whom there are lO.Oon in the state. In a saloon fight near the line of the Chickasaw Nation, 30 miles east of Lawton, Ok.. March 7, Ed Buchan an and Thomas Caldwell were shot and killed, and a third man, name un known, was seriously wounded. Py unanimous vote of the St. Johns city council it was decided to submit to the voters ut the next city election, on the first Monday In April, the question of Issuing 110.000 of bonds for the erection of a city hall. That the proposition will carry there is llt tlw doubt. Miss Ethel Geachey Erown, whose dead body was taken from the Seine, near Paris, France, was a native of Fayetteville, O., from which place she removed with her parents to some unknown ;4a:e. Th.; id n:ifir itioii was made through it clew found In Cincinnati, NORTHWEST NCTi. K The Baptists of Albany will build a $5000 church the coming summer j that will purposely be built without a bell tower, and will be the largest, church in the place. ! Frankie, the 1 9-months-old son of X. C. Sears, a Southern Pacific bridge carpenter at Eugene, while playing) with matches, ignited its clothing and j was burned to death. j The beautiful residence of J- H. j Broun, Portland, on the Base Line' road, east of West avenue, burned, Wednesday night. Loss. $25,000, withj but $6000 insurance. Fire thought to i have started by a defect In the heat- j lug upparatus. j Thomas Furgeson, a 75-year-old j veteran of the civil war, suicided by j shooting in his cabin 10 miles from i Jacksonville, Ore. He was a pension- j tr, and several hundred dollars In cash and a pension voucher were found In the cabin. The Contralla, Wash., public schools the past month made the best show- j lug In their history. Professor Wag-j ner, superintendent, says that in the month Just closed the percentage of i attendance registered 98.61, and the : percentage of punctuality 99.93. Rabbi J. H. Landau, of Boston, may; be called to the conduct of the Port-j laud Jewish temple. He is In Port-! land at this time. Landau is 41 years of age and one of the foremost Jew-j ish preachers In America. He Is a profound scholar and an author as, well. i Engberg & Montgomery, who se-, turcd a large traction engine for thej J. L. Blalock ranch, a few miles west; f Arlington, which they are running,! have discarded it and returned to j horse power for their plowing. After a thorough test, they conclude the, land in eastern Oregon has too many, knolls and pilches for an engine. I OREGON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Purely mutual to Policyholders. On plans that have stood the test of time Economicaly and cleanly administered. Profits of the business belongs to policyholders. Returned to them in dividends at the end of each year. L. SAMUEL, Mgr. Macleay Building, 286 Washington Street, Portland, Ore. Chiffom Pannamas, New Fancy Silks. J New Wash Fabricks, 1 In endless varieties. J Carpets, Lace and Portier j Curtains, are arriving daily. Z : : : Dept. Store Most Up-to-Dnte Store. Hotel Pendleton Arrivals. Claude Gotch, Salem; J. R. Good ing. Spokane: A. J. Connelley, Seat tle; W. Cowell, Belllngham; M. E. Cowell. Trince Albert; F. J. Walsh, Portland; Robert Burns. Walla Walla; T. R. Mendenhall, Spokane; A. Ar thur: X. Sturgess, New York: J. W. Keeney, Sharilko; Pat Doherty; C. E. Harper, I.a Grande; Mrs. Russell, On ray: Mrs. Belle Watrus. Pomeroy; H. J. Kalisky, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller. North Dakita; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Southward, Denver; H. E. Col lier. Pendleton; H. F. Young. St. Paul; O. L. Warden, Portland; G. S. Youngman, Portland; T. B. KiUin. Portland. One would think the Laxative Idea in a cough syrup should have been advanced long before It was. It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and Colds would be to move the bow els and clean the mucous membranes of the throat and lungs at the same time. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this. It is the original Lax ative Cough Syrup, the best known remedy for Coughs. Colds, Whooping Cough, etc. Tastes good ;Ti'id harm less. Sf Id by Tallman & Co. Itatrs of Wool Sales. The following wool sale dates for Oregon have been fixed by the Oregon Woolgrowers' association: Fendleton May 22, 23, 29 and 30. Heppner May 24. 25; June 7, 8. 21 and 22. Condon May 31 and June 1, 27 and 2S. Shaniko June 5, 8, 19 and 20, and Tub- 10 and 11. Maker City June 25, 26; July 12 and 13. Elgin July 13. Ordered SiloOO Pipe Organ. The Ladies' Aid society and the trustees of the First Presbyterian church have ordered a $3500 pipe organ to be Installed in their place of worship. It Is to arrive early In the spring of summer, and while it is hardly probable that it will be here by Easter, It will doubtless be in po sition by June. Boise Statesman. t'on't frown look pleasant. If you ate suffering from indigestion or sour stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga., says: "I suffered more than 20 years with indigestion. A friend rec ommended Kodol. It relieved me In one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years." Kodol digests what you eat, relieves sour stomach, gas on stomach, belching, etc. Sold by Tallman & Co. Sold Out. This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business In Pen dleton. Parties Indebted to our firm will kindly call and settle Immedi ately. GRAY'S HARBOR LUMBER CO. The best safeguard against head ache, constipation and liver troubles Is DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills In the house and take a dose at bed time when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don gripe. ' Sold by Tallman & Co. The anti-saloon element of Polk county Is organized thoroughly for a big fight over local option at the coming election. A technicality pre vented a vote on the issue in that county two years ago, and both fac tions are lining up for a finish fight. All Leading Grocera Sell Cleveland's BaKtng Powder. ILL 1ST REGISTER xo 'SWEARING IN" AT PRIMARY ELECTION. While Attorneys Differ on the Subject of Registration for the Primaries, Yet It Is Agreed by All That Each Voter Should Register to Re Sure of Ills Vote nt the niiimrios Held That "Swearing In" by Six Free holders Is Impractical at Prinuiry Election. There Is a wide difference, of opin ion In the various counties of the state, as to whether voters who have not registered can vote In the primary election bv havlne six freeholders as ,. ' ., . -- witnesses, the same as In a general , i ii . ii i. The primary law Is not explicit1 upon that point and attorneys differ L it 0i. i ., .i. ... rangements are being made to send the "freeholder blank." to the polls. In other counties it Is held that no vote can be "sworn In" at the pri maries, but that the voter must have registered previously. It Is conceded In all the counties that the safest way is to require every voter to register In advance of the primary election as required by law. Registration for the primary election closes at 5 o'clock on April 10. In speaking of this subject the Salem Statesman says: Some more doubts have arisen ' under the primary election law. The county clerk Is In doubt whether he will be supposed to send out with the supplies an Installment of reglstra- j tion blanks "A" for use at the polls on the day of primary election. ! The doubt is as to whether a voter who has not registered while the books are open can go to the primary accompanied by six freeholders and be registered at that time with the light to vote. The doubt brings with it the fear that in n precinct with a largo numner or votes, a u zen men . freeholders" provision would so block ; the work as to make It practically , impossible to get all the voting done during the seven hours allotted for the election. This fear is all the more ; plausible since the change In the law , which makes It the duty of the Judges ; of election to take the verification In such cases. ! Hut a reading of the law indicates ' to a layman at least that the right of registration by the "six freeholders" j process Is guaranteed to the voter at ; the primary election. The only por-j tion of the law which would indicate; a contrary view Is contained In the sec...... ... .,.e ,......,, ..... .... ... r - vldes that an elector must state bis I political alliances at the time of reg istration. A part of that section reads: "Xo elector shall be qualified to vote, nor permitted to vote at any such primary nominating election required by this law. and it shall be unlawful for him to offer to do so. unless he shall be registered as above required, as a member of one of the political par ties choosing and nominating its can didates." etc., but another part of this same section says: I 0,.,., tl.-.t n.,tlin,r in tt.iu In vv i shall be construed to deprive any I elector of the right to register and i vote at any primary nominating elec I tion required by this law. on his com I plying with the special provisions of this law. In the same manner that he is permitted by the general laws to j register and vote at a general elec- j tion." j Then section 42 of the primary law pays that section 2S75 of the code "shall apply to and is hereby made 1 applicable to primary nominating 1 elections held under this law, so far as not In conflict herewith." Section :v7j of the cole provides that If the elector is not iegistere.1 In the pre cinct where he applies to vote, he shall be considered challenged and shall be required to swear to the blank "A." and In addition must pro cure six freeholders to swear to his qualifications This is to be done be fore the Judges of election. Protect Proprietary Medicines. Did It ever occur to you that pro prietary medicines are a blessing to mankind generally? The good ons have long continued sale; the poor ones have short life and soon leave the market. It we had to depend entirely upon physicians and druggists It would be expensive and very Inconvenient at times, especially In the country and at night when neither could be con veniently reached. For nearly 40 years Boschre's German Syrup has been used In many families and thousands of lives have been saved by Its use, when It was Impossible to reach a physician. German Syrup Is the best household remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung trouble. It quickly relieves the hacking cough, loosens the phlegm, and brings sound and refreshing sleep. Twenty-five and "5 cents. Get a copy of Green's prize almanac. Tallman & Co. New Photo Gallery. W. S. Powman has opened his photo gallery nt his old stand near Main street bridge, where he will make su perior photos. Mr. Bowman has Just returned from Portland, where he was In Aune's gallery for six months and was connected with the official pho tograph company of the Lewis and Clark fair. He brings with him the new Ideas In use In Portland and east ern cities. Best work. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to Its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a sci entific wonder. It cured E. R. Mul ford, lecturer for the Patrons of Hus bandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a dis tressing case of Plies. It heals the worst Bums, Sores, Bolls, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 2Gc at Tallman & Co.'s and Brock & MoComas' drug stores. EXrECT COMPLETION Contractor Speaks Tims of Rlporlii Lewiston Brunch. "Unless something unforseen hap pens the Lewlston-Rlparla branch line will be completed Into Lewlston by July 1." was the statement of En gineer N. C. Brandon, who has charge of the construction of the railroad, made to a Lewlston Tribune reporter las tnight at the Bollinger. Mr. Bran don arrived In the city last evening In company with Contractors, Erlckson & Peterson, and tomorrow morning they will leave by boat for an Inspec tion of the work done down the river. Mr. Brandon said that the work was now half completed and the con tractors had only been employed steadily on the work for about four months. The big Bucyrus steam shovel that was purchased In the east at a cost of $10,000, Is rendering good service In ballasting the roadbed . ... out oi Kiparia. The shove has a ca- - .., ... . '""-" paeliy of 2000 yards per day and al- together will move 250.00ft yards. , ,, , "'"" .,. . n""; riHcklnyliig 11e InvlhS of the track which was intenuptod about two weeks ago owing to the necessity of building a bridge across a large draw, will be resumed In a few days. The track laying machine will then be worked for a stretch of three miles before an other stop will be made. The forces have been Increased con- smeiaoiy taieiy ana suo men are now at work. Mr. Brandon states 'ht the false In wages which was granted March 1 has attracted a great many laborers. It will be the policy of the contractors now to employ nil of the men that can be secured and the forces already at work will be rapidly reinforced, Receive More Equipment, Mr. Brandon said that 30 new cars and a large amount of new track for the steam shovels had been ordered in San Francisco and that 10 of the cars arrived yesterday. These will be taken at once to the points where the steam shovels are In operation and pressed Into set vice. According to Mr. Brandon, most of the team work has been done and a large part of the rtK.k work 9,ut of ,he way indigestion 1, much of a habit, Do.t Bt tno nal)lt Take a m(e Ko. dol Dyspepsia Cure after eating and you will quit belching, puffing, palpi tating and frowning. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Tallman & Co. Joint Teachers' Institute. It was decided . last evening by County School Superintendent J. A. l'aytnn. of Raker county and County School Superintendent E. E. Bragg, of t'nlon county, to hold a Joint teach ers' Institute nt North Powder on the afternoon and evening of April 7. B.lker Clt. Herald. ' The battleship Oregon is en route from Honolulu to Mare Island, where she will be overhauled and modern ized. Risk end extravagance all taken out-of tea cofTee ipten oda fl.vor.n extracts by Schilling's Dust goods and dealing. Your grocer's; moncyback. CDid ycu know that Accordion Plait ing is more popular than ever among genteel dressers? CHot irons injure dslicste fabrics. We use the steam method exclusively. We can do your work just as satisfactorily as if you lived in Portland. Write for free circu lar and particulars. We do Accordion Sunburst and Knife Plaiting to order. MISS O. GOULD MARQUAM BLDO. PORTLAND, ORE. An Unlimited Range of Pleasure IS YOl'ltS WITH A PIANOLA. When you realize that the Pianola will place at your finger tips the en tire lire of piano playing, you are In position to appreciate that Investment In a I'lanola affords you llmllless pos sllillltles for pleasure. Just think of being able to sit in your own home and play over for your own enjoy ment, or for the entertainment of your friends, everything that a Relse nnuer or a Paderewskl plays before great audiences. You can have the latest two-step or o-pratlc hit, the most fashionable dance music, equally with the great classics of music. There Is no Investment possible to make for the home that promises such an unlimited range of pleasure for so reasonable an expenditure as a Pianola. Price $2."0 easy terms. Eilers Piano House LARGEST DEALERS IX THE WEST Main Street, Next to Boston Store. J. C. GALLAGHER, Manager. 1iiiiiJJiiiqjvnrrrrmTiiniiimi.nrmi FOSTER WAIST In Style and Make, they are pre-eminent THE WORKMANSHIP PROVES C'OXCLIWVELY THAT THESE SHIRTWAISTS ARE "TAILOR MADE" THROt'GHOl'T. IV 1'rT THEY ARE INQIESTTOVA RLY THE REST," DISTINCTIVE STYLE, SIPERIOR WORKMANSHIP AND FIRST-CLASS MATERIALS, COMBINED WITH LOW PRICES, MAKE THEM THE REST VALVES IN THE MARKET. BECAVSE NEAT, WELL MADE AND GUARANTEED TO FIT. $ 1 .25-1 .50-1 .75-2.00-2.25-2.50 ALEXANDER'S AGENTS FOR Why Pay Rent when you can usa the same money to build a home for yourself. Call on FRANK B. CLOPTON CO. 1 1 2 East Court Street. Byers' Best Flour j Is made from the choicest uheat that grows. Good bread la &- sured when 3TERS' BEST FLOl'R Is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam i Rolled Barley always on hand. 4 PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS j J Y. S. DYERS, TIIFliK'S A WOMAN IN IT." Of course there Is always a woman In everything that's mat and dainty. Hut the laundry work of t.-day Is far easier than : used to be. and better because done oy maehit.ery inc. uniformly excellent In the finish throughout. But the neat perfection of the work and the exquisite finish of It seem to suggest that a woman's deft hands had been mixed up In the work. Klegant work, but the prices don't mntrh It In quality. Pendleton Steam Laundry 'Phono Main 17!). CONTRACTORS will iipprecliile good Muff at rook bot tom prl.'s are hulled lo Iiismi' our present Mtoek. Never liofore Imve we 1 cut our profits to mik'Ii nil extent. This Is YOl R CHANCE to buy. A word to the wise Is suffi cient. Oregon Lumbe rard XKAIt COl'HT HOI SE. 'Phone Main 8. Pendleton, Oregon. Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING CITY of EASTERN OREGON and look over the ALFALFA LANDS which fill nay you largo returns on your money. We li ve several hundred jcres of U o best Irrigated Alfalfa seven to iweive ions iht acre. i or i .inner purxieuiara write BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon. PENDLETON. A Complete Stock Our facilities for supplying you with bull '.lug materiel Is unsur ssed any where. Our modern plant Is equipped to turn out sasl-, doors, flooring, cell lug nnd anything for house building. We carry the lumber or all pur poses. Xo order too large or small for us to Ml. Plaster, cement, lime and sand al ways on hand. I. line. Sand. Cement, Laths, Shin-Cli-s. nine ltappliN Plater ami DIpixM Shingle. ROBERT l'Olts'll'.R, Proprietor. lYorHctor. Electric Lights They tin' the ImI. They require no oil. They are the el.ea'st. They give plenty of light. They require no cleaning. They are always ready for use. Northwestern Gas and Electric Co. COl'HT AND GARIH'.Y ST. Land In tlio west, which ylclda from Z