PAGE FOCU. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN', PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1906. EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Piibltabed every afternoon (urpt Honda?) t 1'radUton. Oregon, by tna EAST OKEOUNUN PLBLlsalNO CC SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, one year, by man DallT. alx months, by mall 1 oO Iwllir, three montha, by mail 1.25 DallV. one month, by mall b WrrklT, one year, by mall 1-60 W'Mklr. tli montha, by mall 75 Wwklr. (our montha. by mall 50 Scml-Weckly, one year, by mall 1.50 eml-Weekly, alt montha oy mall 75 Perni-Weekly, (our montha, by mall... .50 Member Scrlppa-Mcllae Newa Aaaoclatloo. The Fast ftreironlan la on aale it R IV Rich a Newa Stands, at Hotel Portland and Hotel Peiklna, Portland, Oregon. San Franrlaco Bureau, 408 Fourth afreet t'hlrapo llureiu, 901) Security building. Washington, I). C, Bureau, 601 Four teenth atreet. N. W. OltpboM Mala I. Entered at Pendleton Poato((lc aa second elasa matter. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Copy tot adrertlslng matter to appear In the East Oregontan must be In by 4 :4S p. m. o( the preceding day ; copy (or Monday's paper must he In by 4 :45 p. m. the preced ing Saturday. lay Its head, but It goes Ha way re joicing; Just the same, and Is ever on the alert for a needy sufferer whom It may relieve. Chauncey Depew Is a typical parasite. All his days he has fared sumptuously on the fruit of other men's Industry, but he never has done a useful act or originated a useful Idea. His ability Is somewhat above medi ocrity, his voice and person were pleasing In their prime and he had a way of uttering vapid platitudes which was singularly adapted to tickle the ears of rich diners whose wits were be fuddled with champagne. Mas ter of all the arts of the cour tier, he exercised them with consummate skill upon the reigning millionaires In New York and became the star fa vorite In their carnival of cor ruption. Portland Oregonian. CANNERY X)R FREEWATER. The East Oregonian hopes to see a fruit cannery established at Freewa ter. An effort Is now being made In this direction and the Umatilla Coun ty Development league, Pendleton Commercial association and all other agencies Interested In the development f the oounty should lend their aid In Interesting capital In this project. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of fruit are now produced annually In the Freewater district and that which is not hurried Into the market at the highest tide must be sold at re duced prices and often "goes beg ging" toward the latter end of the season, A cannery at Freewater would af ford a ready borne market at all times for all grade of fruit grown In that tcinity and would encourage the ex tension of the fruit growing industry In that excellent district. Walla Walla has leaned long enough upon the Freewater and Milton districts. These towns should get credit for thier fine fruits, and the East Ore gonian hopes to see an Independent market established In which all grades of fruit will command the best price at all times. This paper Invites capital to Investigate the subject. AFRAID OF THE LIGHT. Mayor Lane of Portland, has adopt ed Mayor Tom Johnson's method of "raiding" objectionable houses. In stead of rushing into those places and seizing those discovered there, he has stationed a policeman at the entrance. This policeman Is on duty at all times and takes notes of those who patronize the places. Dives cannot bear publicity, and patrons of such places are afraid of the light, and so the objectionable Joint is thus put out of business through lack of patronage. The hab itues slink away and refuse to pass mr.J:r f.-.; ;u:v:"r.;r.:e of t'.ic police man, and "prominent" citizens who were formerly frequenters ' of the places are found skipping in and out of dark alleys in thai jocality no more. Light will raid Joints more success fully than policemen. Place them under surveillance and make a rec ord of the habitues and they will soon .go out of business. They cannot stand psblicity. They cannot thrive in day light nor under the eye of the watch ful police. HELPING THE NEEDY, Within the past four months in this city 125 men, women and chll dren have been converted from their ways of wickedness to lives of sane Christianity through the work of the Salvation Army under Captain J, Holder. People say Salvation Army con verts "don't Btick." No matter if all do not stick, they are better for that moment of conversion. They are bet ter for having experienced the thrill of the human touch which told them that they were members of the family of humanity. No matter If they slipped back to their old ways next day, they can never be as bad as before, for they have tasted of the spiritual, felt the touch of a kindly hand and hold sa credly In their memories the imprint of the wide fraternity of the world The Salvation Army gets down among the needy. Its religion is as much a religion of secret deedB of charity as of creeds. The organiza tion Is scoffed at, abused, condemned by the thoughtless world, but its rec ords and secret annals will show more genuine charity, more succor for those in actual need, more touches of sympathy than perhaps any other like organization In the world. It often has no place whereon to . 1.EAHX TO GROW. Do you grow In mind and soul Aa the changing seasons roll? Do you reach, In master might, As a tree, toward the light? Are you one responsive string In God's minstrels)- of spring? Are'nt you better, don't you grow, Don't the war mblood warmer glow, As a kinship most divine Links you to earth's royal line? Lives, like wheels, must move or rust Souls must grow or be as dust; inds must strive to higher planes. Or be slaves In servile chains! Nature never rests nor shirks, Every wheel and spindle works Every throbbing thing of life Stands, a fighter in the strife. Looking up into God's eyes Beaming softly from the skies Do you feel no thrill of power Flash through brain and hand that hour? As you feel his pulses beat n. n the clods beneath your feet, Leaps no daring to your heart? Know you not your kingly part? Bert Huffman. INDORSE ROOSEVELT. The East Oregonian believes that the democrats of Oregon assembled In Portland today will do the most graceful and commendable thing that could mark their proceedings if they heartily commend President Roose velt In his fight on official graft and against the trusts. Is not the program being carried out by this fearless president demo cratic to the backbone? Is not his fight on the trusts one of the princi pal demands of the democratic party? Is not his fearless campaign on pub lic grafting one of the cardinal doc trines of democracy? Then why not publicly and cordial ly Indorse Roosevelt? If right is ac complished, no matter through whom, Is not the aim of pure politics con summated? 'And does not President Roosevelt deserve the commendation of democrats more keenly since he nltlated his reforms while his own party was In the heyday of Its power, with no probability of being unseated or hindered in its course, in the Im mediate future? Roosevelt Is an American, not a re publican, except so far as republican' ism goes with Americanism. All par ties who love cleanliness and fearless ness can and should publicly Indorse him and thus encourage him and his successors in cleansing the govern' ment of grafters. Mexico hns 59 lakes and great la goons. Mexico has a coast line of over 6n00 miles. Mexico has vast deposits of onyx and marble. Slavery was fully abolished In Mex ico In 1837. Coahulla conl Is exported ' to the nlted States. The army of Mexico comprises about 40,000 men. The area of Mexico Is about 760,- 000 n.uare miles. The "valley" of Mexico Is 7500 feet nbove the sea level. Mexico Is about 10 times larger than Great Britain. There are only 463 square miles in the federal district. Cotton factories in Mexico employ over 25,000 people. The rainy season generally lasts from May to September. The traveler in Mexico Is seldom out of sight of mountains. There are probably 300.000 men employed In the mines of Mexico. Mexico Is the richest mineral coun try in the world, not excepting Peru. The largest state Is Chihuahua, Ith an area of nearly 90.000 square miles. Quantities of sulphur are mined In the craters of several extinct volca- oes. It is said that no country in the orld shows so great a variety of plant life as Mexl"0. Modern Mexi co. The Pacific Monthly for March is even better than the February num ber, which was one of the best maga zlnes ever issued on the Pacific coast. The East Oregonian rejoices to see the western magazine grow. It is the mirror of western thought and senti ment and offers a field for the ex ploitation of western romance and fiction. The west Is rich in lore, versatile in genius and abounding In subjects of fascinating interest, all of which will gradually find expression through the western magazine, If it is Justly patronized by western people and kept on the upward march. Tha liquor Influence In Oregon is directing the fight against the equa suffrage movement. The saloon fears the mother. It has wronged her lm measurably, undone her work, wreck ed her hopes and prostituted her sons and may well tremble to think of the consequences when she is given the political power which is Justly hers. The Jingle of corruption funds fur nlshed by the liquor Interests will in spire many an anti-suffrage editorial In the partisan press this season, Just keep your ears open and listen, Tou can locate whiskey money by the sound, every time. An Accusing Epitaph. The following record of family his tory Is found on a tombstone in Merringten, England, church yard: " 'Mrs. Jane Wlnsmore, born 1794 died 1851. Poisoned by the doctor, neglected by the nurse. The brother robbed the widow, which made the matter worse.' " St. Louis Globe-Democrat IT'S RIGHT HERE that the superiority of our blank books, stationery and office essentials makes itself manifest, as they will to every practical bookkeeper. The quality of our goods Is of the highest, and as they cost no more than In ferlor kinds, you certainly can see why It will pay you to patronize us. Frazier's Book Store .MEXICO ROILED DOWN. St. Anthony's Hospital A MATTER OF HEALTH PKJillls! Absolutely Pure HAS 110 SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder freefromalumorphos phatic acid 4V4 a Private rooms, elegantly ' furnished Finely equlp- . , . I iUn A J, Mater l t y .PParitnVnt A MECHANICAL WIZARD. Harry Houdlnl, the International nrisnn breaker and handcuff king. gave a remarkable demonstration In the United States Jail at wasntngton. The warden of the prison invited him make the test. Houdlni was al lowed first to examine the locks and doors and was then taken to a cell. searched, stripped nude, and In that condition was locked In another cell. The cell containing his clothes was also locked. The apartment In which he was left was the one which had been occupied 10 months by Oulteau, the assassin. The warden makes the following official statement: "Mr. Houdlnl about two minutes managed to es cape from that cell, and then broke Into the cell in which his clothing was locked up. He then proceeded to release from their cells all the pris oners on the ground floor. There was positively no chance for any col lusion or confederacy. Mr. Houdlnl accomplished all of the above men tioned feats. In addition to putting on all his clothing, in 21 minutes." How was It done? That is pre cisely what the officials would like to know, for the condition of the test was that the expert should be left alone. Scientific American. BOOKS FOR BOYS BY HORATIO ALGER, JR. THEY ARE Jl'ST IN. TRY AND TRI ST, SLOW AND SI HE, DO AND DARE, STRONG AND STEADY, BRAVE AND BOLD, STRIVE AND St'CCEED, THE CASH BOY. JULIUS, THE STREET BOY, TOM, THE BOOTBLACK, ADRIFT IN NEW YORK, JACK'S WARD, IN A NEW WORLD, FACING THE WORLD, THE YOUNG ACROBAT, THE YOUNG OUTLAW, HECTOR'S INHERITANCE, HERBERT CARTER'S LEGA CY. ALL THE LATE BOOKS BY THE BEST AUTHORS. ALL THE MAGAZINES. COOK (Sb PERRY COURT STREET NOLF'S OLD STAND. JACKS FOR SALE WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF LARGE KENTUCKY MAMMOTH JACKS. IF IN THE MARKET FOR ONE, DOME AND SEE US. PRICES REASONABLE. A. C. RUBY CO. WEBB STREET & OREGON FEED YARD I WHO IS FOLK When Governor Folk was cam paigning Missouri, in 1904, he had with him a few spellbinders whom he i.uA1 frf ihn nnitnlnv Hnpprhea St his meetings, while he reserved himself for the closing effort. One of these spellbinders began at maoflnir In Rerinllfl. He touched on notinnnl iniipr for half an hour or so and then got down to the state campaign. He strode out to the edge or. xne platform, raised his arms above his h.sii nnri anlrl. with treat declama tory effect: "Who Is oJseph W. Folk?" He paused for a reply, men ne hn,riri no-sin: "And who. I ask tory effect: "Who Is Joseph W. Folk?" Still there was no reply. With one last, gigantic effort he u,,' "Aim in I ask you. who Is Tnr.h W R-nlk?" "Oh, well," piped a lime man wno nn nno of the first benches, "I II hit Who Ik JoseDh W. Folk?" Saturday Evening Post. The Colonel's Oath, riovi.t Mnlvane. the bankea of To peka, tells a story of the early days of Dodge City In that Btate, wnen Judge Strang was a Judge In one of the courts. Judge Strang was obliged to be aft sent a good deal of the time, and every time he went away the lawyers would get together and elect a flre eatlng old confederate colonel Judge pro tern. "Why do you always elect the colonel Judge pro tern?" some one in quired. "Oh," said the leader of the bar, "we do it because we like to see the old sardine take the oath of allegiance to the United States!" Saturday Evening Post. Beets Them All 30 lb. Genuine Silk Floss Mattreetr worth $15 now $8.95 W. W. BRADLEY, 315 E. Court f WELL, HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS? asked by the young man popular with nis sister's and other fellows' sister, regarding his wash waistcoat and linen will beget the answer: "Why, ineyre all new, aren't they 7" Noth lng of the sort we Just got through laundering them so well that they mignt te tnougnt brand new. It way we have, and the day doesn't oost too much toll. We give green trading stamps If you call at the laundry and pay your ' bill on or before the 80th of the month. ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Three carloads of building stone, valued at 11500 and destined for North Yakima, broke away from the quarry at Port Angeles, Wash., Mon day and dashed down a slx-mlle grade leaping in the bay Into 30 feet of wa ter. .The cars and stone are a total loss. , , The Alta Mouse Alta Street, Cor. Mill Street. The Farmer and Stockman's home. The popular boarding house. Meals served at all hours. All home cooking. Large. well kept rooms. Rates $ 1.00 per day. Feed yard in con nection. A. J. Cummings, Prop. Byers' Best Flour la made from the choicest wheat that (rows. Good bread la aa sured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. I PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS J W. 8. BYERS, ProrrMor. i ..... . ;: : ,', 4 . . .' 1 . i J i :M i':v 1.1 " ' t r r i I Every convenience necessary for the care of the sick. Telepho Main 1631. 1 "DLETOy, OREGON. New Industry We manufacture fancy party gowns, klmonas, sill', funcy and medium un derwear, house gowns and ladles' light underwear and gentlemen's dress and negligee shirts to order. Importers' f silk. Prices reasonable. Give us a call. , ' Low Sam S09 Court street Jiext to Clarke's Hardware Store. it r i M.Aa.. tiif iitsAb) kit can be enjoyed when driving In one of Neagle's new style fancy traps, spider phaetons, runabout wagons, surreys, buckbourds or pony carta for children's use. They have all the leading handsome designs for city or country use at moderate prices. We are proud of their elegant stock this season and are pleased to show them to you. We are headquarters for the Wi nona Wagons, that have iron-clad hubs. No checking or breaking loos ot boxes. Our stock ot Hacks- and Wagons is the largest in eastern Ore gon. We sell Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Engines and Pumps, and Irrigat ing Plants. All goods warranted; 8e Neagle Bros. the Blacksmiths Get Priors Before Buying. Give ear onto wise ooanael. Coal that Is one-third dirt, wdctaa treat deal more ta the Seattle and laata much ahortcr asm thaa the food, dean Coal w aHL It yon want the bast oar Coal Is the kind (or you. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office, Pendleton Ice Cold Storage wmpany. 'i-none Mia ITS. THE POPULAR PLAOaT TO EAT IS THE The French Restaurant Everything served (Irat-elaaa. Best regular meals In Pendle ton (or as acuta. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 110 barrels a day. Flour ezchanf ad for wheat Flour, Mill Feed. Chopped Feed, ate. always en hand. Dally East Oregonian by carrier, only II eenta a weak.