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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TTE8DAY, MARCH 6. 1906. PAGE FIVE. ; You can't wear a Stylish Dress Correctly unless you have the right Corset be neath it Henderson Corsets are particularly recommended by the leading ladles' tailors for beauty of design, style and comfort. The new Fash ion l'orin models give the graceful, rounded, tapering waist effect that Is usually produced only by the finest French corsets. It In a pleasure to show the Henderson Corsets m m 1 HENDKSON Sfrihion Hip - Teutsch's Dept. Store PERSONAL MENTION CITY BREVITIES Primary election petitions at the East Oregonlan office. Cabinet photos, $1.50 a dozen. Burns Bros., new Schmidt block. Jo'.-.n Gasen's Family liquor store, Court fe'L, opposite Oolden Rule hotel. For Kent Two modern six-room cottages. Apply ut 3:!5 Water street. Buy a Pianola for your piano. Easy terms. Ellers Piano House, 813 Main Street. HUHnery opening at Mrs.' Rose Campl.ell's, Tuesjuy. All the latest Mi os. Anyone wishing to rent Music hall, apply to John Vert, room 16, Despaln Llock. Wanted Stenographer, to work part or all the time. Inquire at this office. Wanted Two apprentice girls, The Peoples Warehouse millinery depart ment. Apply at once. Indies' tailor-made suits In latest styles and patterns, two days only. Crocker, Hotel Bowman. For Sale ISO wicks choice Early Rose seed potatoes. Apply to Harry Reed ut Hotel Pendleton. - ' , If you want to have a good time you must hear Hon. Charles Whelan at Music hall Thursday evening.. When In Portland stop at the Hotel Oregon. Rates II per dajr and up ward. European plan. Free 'bus. Put Pendleton people to sleep peacefully and In perfect comfort on R. M. O. E. Nuff sed. "T C Rader. If you are looking for some one to come to your house and do dress making, see the classified columns. For Rent Single room In East Oregonlan building; steam heat, hot and cold water and bath on same floor. Apply at this oNJce. Call Leathers Transfer Co., for the best dray service In the city; wagon on all night. 'Phone main (11. Leave orders nt Grltman's cigar store, or Hotel Pendleton. Ii.t One brown and one sorrel horse: sorrel Is branded L. C. F. square on one hip and shoulder. Re cord win he nald bv returning to Vmatllla Meat company. State Deputy Simmons, of the Mod' em Woodmen, writes: "Wo are haV' Ing good meetings all over the state and Neighbor Whelan Is making the best speeches I ever heard." Men's strictly tailor-made suits In wool, spring and summer patterns. $14.00, $18.00 and J18.00. Summer vesta to measure, two days only. Crocker, at Hotel Bowman. To Rent Furnished rooms In new, hard-finished house, with new furni ture, new beds; everything now; with electric light and all modern Improve ments. Inquire next door nt Mrs. Downey's. 206 Webb Btreet, one block from Main. WANTS RUNAWAYS STOPPED. Mury Walker F.loxil With a Theatrl oal Mnn. This morning the authorities at Walla Walla were wired to stop a runaway couple which left here this morning on the ' o'clock train for that place. The girl Is Miss Mary Walker, and the man a member of a theatrical company that has been here for several days. His name Is not known. According to tho mother of the girl who Is Minnie Reynolds, proprietress of a Cottonwood street resort, her daughter left without her consent. Great anxiety was shown by the mother, and at her Instance an effort was made to have the couple stopped In Walla Walla. . . . Watch Ticks 157,838,640 times every year. The various wheels revolve 4,730,' (40 times each year. Yet we find watches that are ai lowed to run ( to 10 years without being cleaned or even oiled. If you own a good watch treat U M you would any other fine machinery. We do all our repairing promptly end to the satisfaction or our custom' ers, M , L. HUNZMCER JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Iiogruiii Thursday Evening at Music Hall. The program for Thursday evening nt Music hall will be very entertaln- ng to sny the least There will be several selections , by McMlnn's or chestra, recltatlone by Mrs. Bleakney, reading by Dr. Miller, selections by he High School Quartet and an ad dress bv Hon. Charles Whelan, or Madison, Wis. This address will be worth going miles to hear, as Senntor Whelan Is said to be one of the best iiliUfnrm. sneakers In the United Stales. His sliver tongue has won him a warm place in the hearts of tho people of his home state, whore he !uin been elected to the legislature again and again, and thrice elected mayor of Madison. No admission will be charged. Co-partnership Dissolution. Notice Is hereby given that th nartnershlD In the sawmill business on McKay creek, existing between E Wilbur and W. L. Rhodes, won dls solved by nr.itual consent on the 12th day of January, 1906. Bv the terms of such dissolution said E. J. Wilbur takes over the part nershlp property, continues the bus! ness, and will collect all accounts and pay all debts of said partnership. Dates this th oay of March. 19u. E. J. WILBUR. W. L. RHODES. At Christian Church Tonight. Special service for children, 7 te 7:30 each evening. Sermon tonight; "Repentance." The Webbs will sin Everybody Invited to attend. Notice. I will not be responsible lor any debts contracted by my son, Will Fuhrman. (Signed) A. FUHRMAN C. R. Gilmer of Heppner, has been a visitor here today. T. L. Ragsdale of Milton, is in the city today upon a short visit. J. 8. Beckwlth, associated with Is now In Sumpter, upon a short bus iness visit. H. S. Holllngsworth of Colfax, Wash., has been a guest at the Hotel Pendleton today. ' Mrs. and Mrs. J. H. Gentry of Mil ton, came down last evening and have been here today. .Robert Frazler of Milton, has been In the city upon a short visit, having come down last evening. E. J. Wilbur, the pioneer stockman of Duncan. Is In the city today on a trading and business trip. Judge G. A. Hartman has been in Portland for several days and is ex pected hobe about Thursday. Robert Burns, O. R. & N. agent at Walla Walla, came over last evening and has been a viator here today. President Perry Gould, of the Uma tilla County Woolgrowers' association, is In the city today from his home at Nolln. O. W. Knight, O. R. & N. employe at Umatilla, came up from that place last evening and has been a vlBltor here today. William Hnlney has sold his farm between here and Pilot Rock and left last night for Alberta, where he ex pects to locate. Judge W. R. Ellis Is expected home tonight after having been away for several days on a tour of this con gressional district. Mrs. Blakeslee, wife of Dr. L. K. Blakeslee, arrived this morning from Los Angeles, where she has been spending the winter. S. D. Peterson, the Milton attorney, came down from that place last eve ning, and has been attending to le gal business here today. Tom and Doss Swearingen are plan ning to leave Saturday for Klamath Falls for the purpose of looking over that section of the country. C. T. Godwin, the Milton attorney, came down last evening ana nas been attending the creditors' meeting In the Gentry bankruptcy case. O. A. Rhodes and J. A. Foss of Athena, passed through here last eve nlng on their way to Madras, Crook county, where the former has a ranch James Nelson, the Butter creek farmer and candidate for the domo crntlc nomination for county com missioner, has been In the city to day. W. Minn of Milton, came down lost evening for the purpose of appearing before tho county court In a road case that is pending from that part of the county, . C. A. Smith,- Blue mountain correa pondent tf the Spokesman-Review with headquarters at Walla Walla, came down this afternoon In the In iereBt of his paper. Denton M. Crow, a prominen young attorney of Spokane, has been here today upon a brief visit and ap peered" for A. D. Stlllman In the Gentry bankruptcy case this morn ins. Henry Blackmail, the well known business man of Heppner, and who was democratic candidate for state treasurer In 1902, came up on the evening train yesterday nnd has been visiting here today. Xv T: Bertartey, of the Buffalo was In town for a few days during the week, consulting with W. W. Elmer, the well known mining engineer, re gardlng development work. Blue Mountain American. H. L. Trfmm. manager of the Cleveland Baiting Powder company, with headquarters at Walla Walla, Is ln the city today on a tour of this territory In which his company does an enormous- business. Mrs. May Stanton, foraserly of Pen dleton, now of Spokane, Is visiting her mother, Mrs; WeBmln. and sister. Mrs. Barr, and looking; after business affairs. Mrs. Stanton and family are much pletnet wMk Spokane. Rev. Levi Johnson, who has con ducted a series of meetings here anm at Hamilton' for the past two weeks, took his departure for his home In Pendleton Ttwsitay.- Rev. Johnson tt very fbrctble speaker. Monument Enterprtaei J. F. Beckwlth.' associated with Fred Lane, fn tho financing of the Gold Issue Mines company, warn an outgoing passenger on the delayed Tuesijuy evening train en route to his Pendleton home. Blue Mountain Annrott-an. 8 1 XX mjPAtm opening. IVool Dress Goods 38-Inch Mixed Tweed Suiting in neat checks and stripes and plain effects Opening Sale, yard "c 38-Inch all wool Batiste In plain colorings of Alice blue, gray, tan and cream Opening Sale, yard 80c 38-Inch Cream Suiting In figured and plain ef fects, several different styles and weaves Opening Sale, yard 50c 42-Inch Plain Gray Panama and Eton Suits; all the very newest shades Opening Sale, yard 85c 42-lnch Check Chiffon Panama, a swell new fabric; several shades of gray and tan Opening Sale, yard $1.00 42-lnch Mixed Blege Serge In several shades of gray, green, brown and mode Opening Sale, yard $1.00 44-Inch Imported Shadow Checks, solid colors; gray, champagne, Alice blue Opening Sale, yard $i.00 44-Inch Chiffon Veiling; a beautiful soft fabric; Alice blue, gray, champagne and cream Opening Sale, yard $1.00 44-Inch Silk Warp Crepe De Paris: very close ly woven; a complete line of shades Open ing Sale, yard $1.25 44-Inch Eollenne, a beautiful sllk-warp ma terial; colors purple, gray, green and tan Opening Sale, yard $1.25 4 4-Inch Chiffon Voile, In the newest spring k shades. Including gray, tan, blue, brown Opening sale, yard $1.00 48-Inch Imported Tamlse. In plain grays, browns, blues and tans Opening Sale, yard 00 48-lnch black and white Panama, also blue and white, brown and white and green and white; a regular $1.6B value Opening Sale, yard l-2 62-Inch Tweed Suitings In grays only. An ex ceptionally fine fabric for the tailored suit Opening Sale, yard $1.00 62-Inch Suitings, latest shades of gray, brown, tan and green; a splendid value at $1.75 Opening Sale, yard $1.25 52-Inch Mixed Gray Suitings, In neat checks a fine material for the stylish coat suits Opening Sale, yard $1.25 48-inch Imported Suitings, gray mixed effects; gray and brown, gray and red, gray and green Opening Sale, yard $1.50 48-lnch Silk and Wool Check Suiting; a fine light weight In mode, gray and green effects. Actually worth $2.25 yard Opening Sale, yard $1.5 48-lnch all silk Chiffon Voile the fabric of the Beason. Colors Include champagne, gray and green. A regular $2.50 value Opening Sale, yard ...$2.00 48-lnch Mixed Novelty Suitings, a complete as sortment of shades; a real imported fabric .. Opening Sale, yard $2.00 Others at, yard $2.25, $2.50, $S.OO A beautiful line of Imported French Pattern Suits, no two alike. $10.00 to $25.00 Select early and have a clear Right of Way in the Grand Easter Parade The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE tttitlHttttttil liHtt""""'""""""""M T traction being tho numbers rendered by the high school glee club, a musi cal organisation of excellent ability. The following program was ren dered?: Selections High School Glee club; vocal solo, Miss Stella Green; reci tation, George Pierce; piano solo, Miss Frances Fitz Gerald; vocal solo, W. A. Crank: recitation. Miss Georgia O'Danlel; piano solo,. Vesta Dennis; recitsition, Frank Pieooe; duet, Castle and Barr; selections,. High School Glee- club. Following the program refresh ment were served and' a most enjoy able evening was spent. This Is the first of a series of social sessions which- the Maccabees- will hold during the spring. , CIHW) MEETING: AT ADAMS; Suffrage Committee Organized Vit! 3T Members anil Great Interest Kbuivn.. Nine Mary N. Chase, equal suffrage organiser, held a meeting at Adams last evening which Is said to be the most enthusiastic and largest meeting heWI In the Interest of the suffrage movement in Umatilla county. Jl. T. Lleuallen was elected chair man!. Mrs. L. D.v Eaton assistant chair irusni. and James H. E. Scott secretary- Thirty-seven Joined the cam paign, committee and the precinct Is now well organized for work. CONGREGATIONAL. PROGRAM, j Scnlces Werineskuiy, Thursday and Friday This" W eek. Following Is the weekly program of services to' be observed at the First Congregational church during the wwk: Wednesday, the Ladies' Aid will hold a meeting In the lecture room of the church at 2 p. m. A large at tendance Is desired and light refresh ments will be' served1.. The pastor will hold services at the West End mission at 7:30 In the eve ning and he would enjoy the assist ance of all who can- attend the meet ing. Thursday; prayer meeting will be held In the lecture room of the church at 7:30: Subject "The Tongue and the Temper.'" Friday the Y: P.. S. C. E. will give a social In the lecture room of the cliurch at 7:30' lh the evening. All members and a friend of each are In vited to attend. Trains Delaycsl in Collision. j. R. & Nv trams from the oast have been seriously delayed for sev eral days past, oaring to a head-on collision which occurred Saturday. morning at North Platte, Neb., In which an engineer and fireman were seriously but not fatally Injured. The collision took place near North Platte between , freight and paasen gjer train and delayed traffic for 21 Hours. SRK-milD Flnm Dissolved. The sawmill firm of Rhodes and Wilbur, whls has operated the mill on upper- McKay for a number of years, haB been- dissolved and E. J. Wilbur will continue the business, W. L Rhodes iftlWhif. The mill will be run during the coming season and lumber will be furnished to the yards in this city and to local patronage of the country surrounding the mill. "i knew, rur "I was sure you would Ilka a gen erous slice of roast beef of the kind I get, because I never was served with. In Inferior uallty of meat, sine the first time I dealt a the Ceatral Meat Market" It yui think that's Imag inary talk. Just try one roast, steak. few chots cr cutlet and you'll come back here and! tell1 us: "Whoever said that, knew what she was talking; about." And yet we don't charge two prices!" Central Meat Market A. D. A'CGCSTATO, Proprietor. 108V E. Alta, St.. 'Phone Mala S3. To Wllonu It May Concern. I' have appointed James E. Hackett, of Pendleton, deputy inspector)- for brands on- horses and cattle ton be shipped. JOHN H. BRYANT? Stock-, inspector- tor Umatilla County. Three thousand tons of herring were put up the past season at Han almo. B. C. The catch was much larger than that of any previous year. Between 460 and 500 men were em ployed. Gasa Was Dismissed. In the case of R. F. Johnson, of Briggson, whoiwas charged witn-wue-bealing and txMed at Weston yester day the case,' was dismissed owing to the failure ofl the wife and daughter to testify against the accusoxl. How ever. Johnswn, pleaded guilty to as sault nnd battery on his sen. and wi fined 115 and costs for the same. JEROMK CHARGES IwWCENV.. The East End Grocery ADDRESS TONIGHT:. BRISK BUYING OF PINE NUT CREAjM proves its goodness in cur ing rough hands and chapped .......PINE NUT CREAM is. not T. Bticky nor greasy-It nuickly abs.ortea ana used at any A BOTTLE. t ime--25 is canS'be CENTS Popular Price Drug Stored KOEPP&NS' A. C. Koeppen & Bro's MMM MIMMMMMIIItn Me Mnry N. Chase Will Speark at the Itnptist Church on Equal Snffrairc Question. Miss Mary N. Chase will address the people of Pendleton this evening at 7-.S0 at the First Baptist church. on the question of equal suffrage. A committee will bo organised and the work In this city will be systema tlied and started In organized form. All friends of the movement are urg ently requested to be present. Miss Chase presents tho subject In a prac tical nnd business-like manner and Is thoroughly familiar with the history and success of the suffrage movement wherever It has been tried In the United States. All are cordially Invited to hear the address. f New Yoelt Grand Jury Expected Intllut Insurance Officials.. New- York, March 6; Jerome, ap- nan re, II before the grajid Jury this aftemuDil and presenlea eviuence hnsedi on his own lnvsagutlor of the report of the Armstrong committed n,l reauested the Itirors to save iiwir keenest considerate looking; to tho Indictment of certain Insurance ouic i,b and charging grand larceny. Tho Jury asked the coart questions In hy pothetical cases of polltlcul contribu tions by insurance companies, u inntrnctlons as to the law. The court warned tne jury to oe cautious and not be guided by public i..m. a,i Yrleh the cases with great deliberation. MACCABEE SOCIAL SESSION. Enjoyable Entertainment Held Last Night at Secret Society Hall. Umatilla Tent No. 27, Order of Maccabees, held a social session last evening following the regular bust ness session. A delightful musical nnd literary program was rendered, the chief At PAVING CONTRACTOR HERE. Will l'rolwbly Meet With the Council Tomorrow. A. M. Shannon, of the Warren Con Biiiii-Hon company, arrived inis m- temoon from Walla Walla for tne purpose of looking over the situation mill consulting wltn tne cuy council men regarding street paving nere. Me will probably be before the council at Its session tomorrow nlglit, wnen it probable the street committee will be rendy to report on tne suujeci. AUfc "The Minstrel Bar" The prudent purchasers a, shopping have gone, At the EAST END GROCERY you'll find thei.i, There, they'll be kindly watted on, As will all who come behind them. Heaieety." cried the leave grocer bard, "Though all the wooUI betray thee, Osm store at leu-.t thai rights shall guard. Tou'Il rel at tit EAST EtT GROCERY.' And, now, let all good men patroalxe The honest EAST END GROCERY, Let us all go there to get our supplies. Where we ar sure to be treated fairly. MAIL DBP US-FULL YOtL. BIN WITH Rock Spring Coa) Recognised as U.e best aad most economical fL We are- prepared to. con tract with you f-r your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MdON. STREET NEAR DEPOT , .TO. Such a crowd gathered to hear mnrk Twain (S. L. Clemens) lectur nt the Majestic theater, New York. Mnrch 6, that the police reserves were called out to preserve order and dis perse those who could not gain ad- Let us say, "Long may reign true hon esty, And long live brave endeavor;" Let's help on the EAST END GRO CERY, Live Honesty forever!" We keep a full line of school sup piles. Including tablets, pencils, pen- holders, pen points, etc. We are headquarters for the "FAULTLESS" brand of Creamery Butter. We al o get warm bread every evening. We have an e-tra fine line of goods, amongs others, the Celebrated "Cres cent" brand, already known for Its excellence; consisting of Teas, Cof fees, Spices. Extracts and Mapieine. We respectfully Invite Inspection. J. W. DYER, Proprietor. PHONE MAIN BS. WITTREV Jt YOU ARE It will pay you to buy all your Elec trical Supplies of us. Our stock Is large, everything we handle Is of first class uallty and OCR PRICES are hard to dupllc te. Motors, Bells, Electric Light Fixtures, Burglar Alarm, etc. J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRICIAN. 122 W. Court St. 'Phone Main 132. Roslyn Coal $6.50 deliv ered, ikb.uuat tne snea Roslyn Coal, tcr thorough exhaustive testa, haa been se lected by the V. 8. governmeut for the use of Its war vessels, as It stood the highest teat. PROMPT DELIVE-iY, ROSLYN WOOD & COA'- CO. Office at V. o C. R. Depot. PHONE MAIN 28. It Dally East Oregonlan by carrier, only 15 cents a week.