PACE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1906. EIGHT PAGES. COFFEE Our very best is "Devers Blend" The most popular Coffee in the city is Lojamo STANDARD GROCERY Company Cor. Court and Johnson Streets TEe Quality Store GENERAL NEWS. I In answer to a query. Berry, for merly the English executioner, state? that not one of the 500 persons whom he hanged was a total abstainer. The Pennsylvania, Central will be double-tracked from Pittsburg to New York and Phlldelphia. Two years' time and $30.0'0.iHi'.l will be required. It transpires that Norway expended J2.130.00O during the recent tall-out with Sweden, on armament and de fenses to provide for possible war with the lutter country. The inter-island government trans 1 or: Ingi.Ils was wrcc'tod on a r-f off the southern end of Luzon and Is ed the church. The great house was a total wreck. Xo lives were lost, and crowded. The congregational sing most of the cargo was saved. ing. led by George A. Webb, was In- Mrs. Emily Gehrke, of 412 Racine spiring. The Bridges Concert compa- avenue, Chicago, suicided at Los An- ny sang "Lead. Kindly Light," to the geles by first drinking a quantity of delight of everybody." chloroform and then saturating her The male quartet, composed of clothes with gasoline and igniting it. Messrs. Bridges, Forman, Mitchell Sir Thomas Hughes, the chairman aml M'T-iuls. sang "The old Wayside of the Liverpool, England, licensing fro"" Sermon by Evangelist Brooks bench, made the statement at the "A "'le Babel." The service clos- latt meeting of the board that of the e " Hh a duet by Mitchell and Mar- 7000 charges of drunkenness which ouia- 'Watchman. What of the came before the magistrates, at least Night? 8000 are women. , "-vices every evening 7:30. The Frank Rockefeller, brother of John D. Rockefeller, is suing various Indi- viduals and brokerage firms in Xew : York for J.'jOO.OOo. The suit grows; out of the suicide of Leland V. Prior, trho had loaned in New York funds ' entrusted to him for investment by) r. '- ::v-r. Charles Harris, telegrapher at Me ridian. Miss., probably owes his life to the fact that he Is a cripple. When the cyclone struck he squatted on the floor, unable to flee. The house was complete wreck, but he was unin jured. Twenty-four other persons who were In the building were either . killed or wounded while making ef-1 forts to escape. NORTHWEST NEW'?. I 3.73 Peter Sorencson was fined $ and G. R. Lawrence J1S.S0 for selling liquor to boys under age at Janesvllle, Latah county, Idaho. The A. F. & A. M. of Watervllle. Wash., have bought a brick building and will hereafter hold their meetings on their own property. The real estate transfers In Yaki ma county during January aggregat ed $331,328: during February J310, 412. Total for the two months, $041, 740. Governor Meade has appointed .T. L. Rlseland to be state fish commis sioner to succeed T. F. Kershaw, In whose office Riseland has ben chief deputy. The Washington state treasurer figures out that Asotin county owes .into tiQ 40 while the conntv thi authoritles hold that the state owes the countv 140 ' ' ' ; Because of Infection with glanders, ' th Washington state veterinarian has ordered the destruction of in horses. a barn and a quantity of hair. ess be longing to L. Hayden, of Coulee City. A "'.jvostci V club" has been organ ized at Walla Walla with the pur pose of making that a city with 50. 000 population. C. M. Culp is presi dent and A. C. Thompson secretary. Eshmount, a well-to-do Yakima Indian, quite old. realizing that he may live but a short time, bought a 1100 coffin, with shroud and other burial paraphernalia, and has had them stored by the undertaker to meet eventualities. OREGON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Purely mutual to policyholders. On plans that have stood the test of time Economically and cleanly administered. Profits of the business belongs to policyholders. Returned to them in dividends at the end of each year. L. SAMUEL, Mgr. Macleay Building, 286 Washington Street, Portland, Ore AT THE CHRISTIAN C1HRC1L Ijir-ro Audiences, ami tlie Meeting Will lie Continued. Splendid Interest in the revival meetings is manifested. Yesterday was one of the most successful days ever enjoyed by the Christian church of this city. The Sunday school was well attended, about 200 being present. Good atten dance at the communion service. The children's meeting In the nfternoon was a decided success, with 400 pres ent. For the evening service assembled one of the largest and most repre sentative audiences that ever attrnd- Welms will sing. Sermon tonight, "What Must I Be-llevf- to Ee .Saved?" Everyone In vited. Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Ken neth Mclver. of Vanoehoro. Me.. Is the subject of much interest to the medi cal fratern'ty and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe Inflammation of the throat and congestion of the lungs, three Hoc.torg gave me up t0 (e. when, as a hist resort, I was Induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say ,t saved my ufe... Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, : Tonsilitls. Weak Lungs, Hoarsenes-, j and La Grippe. Guaranteed at Tall- ! man & Co.'s and Brock & McComas drug stores. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tie free. ' , . , I New Photo Gallery. I W. S. Bowman has opened his photo ' gallery at his old stand near Main street bridge, where he will make su perior photos. Mr. Bowman has Just , returned from Portland, where he was : In Aune's gallery for six months and was connected with the official pho tograph company of the Lewis and Clark fair. He brings with him the ! new ideas In use In Portland and east : ern cities. Best work. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to Its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a sci entific woniler. It cured E. R. Mul- lecturer for the Patrons of Hus- bandry. Waynesboro. Pa., of a dls- tressing case of Piles. It heals the wnr,t H""1"- s'orP' Bolls. Ulcers, Cuts, Wound", Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at Tallman & Co.'s and Brock & McComas' drug stores, Sold Out. This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business In Pen dleton. Parties Indebted to our firm will kindly call and settle Immedi ately. OKAY'S HARBOR LUMBER CO. School Bonds Carried. College Place, Wash., voted JIO.OO'J bonds for a new school house last .Saturday, the bond issue carrying by a vote of 123 to 61. A large new school building will be erected during . the coming year. FIRST NEWS OF L "SCOOP" or SEATTLE PA. PI'H'S MARINE REPORTER. .luck Wlsluiar Sent First News to the World Alter Risking Ills Life In the Surf In nil Effort to Reach Tel egraph Office nt 3 O'clock In the Morning. The following account of how the first news of the wreck of the Valen cia was given to the world Is taken from the Fourth Estate, a Journal published for newspapers. The re porter, Fred L. Earp, mentioned in the article, formerly worked for tho East Oregonian: . The sleep of the telegraph operator at Port Angeles, Wash., was broken at 3 o'clock on the morning of Janu ary' 25 by a thundering knock at his door. He got out of bed and hurried dowmtnlrs. Confronting him as he opened the door was a man covered with mud from crown to toe. Dirts streamlets poured from his body and formed a puddle about his feet. He was bareheaded and gasping. A mask of mud half hid his face. "I'm Jack Wlshaar, of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer,' said the man, "and I want to send some stuff to my paper. Open your office and call up Seattle." The operator did so. The first message was a "flash." dictated, not written. Seconds were precious for Wlshaar knew that the day's issue of the Post-Intelligencer was on the press. The "flash" stopped an exo dus of men from the editorial and mechanical departments. They took off their coats and began work on an extra of supreme importance for the mud-covered rep'orter at Port Ange les begun sending the story of the wreck of the Valencia. the biggest scoop a paper on the coast had had In many a day. The Valencia had been lost Janu ary 22. Word of the disaster reach ed the Post-Intelllgencer the next day. Jack Wlshaar, marine reporter, and Asabel Curtis, a staff photog rapher, went out In the relief steam er flty of Topeka, sent to look for survivors of the wreck. On the afternoon of the 24th the Topeka picked up a raft with IS half starved, half-frozen men from the Valencia. They wero taken on board the steamer and Wlshaar got their nams and as much of the dreadful story as they were able to tell. At 10 o'clock that night the Topeka spoke the steame Texan, bound ip the strait of Juan de Fuca. r Wlshaar got aboard the Texan with much difficulty, and at 2:30 In the morning of January 25, started for Port Angeles in a 'boat that had brought a pilot to the Texan. After a fierce battle with the surf the boat reached the shore. The Impatient reporter Jumped In to the water without waiting for the boat to land. He fell and was'cover ed with mud. Scrambling to his feet he ran to the telegraph office as fast as his legs could carry him. On receipt of the "flash" the plates of the Post-Intelligencer city edition were killed. New ones containing Wishaar's story were made in record time and although the paper was a little late, all the subscribers got the news from Port Angeles. A later edi tion contained further details. Mr. Wlshaar remuined at Port An-1 geles till the departure of the sound steamer Alice Gertrude, which he boarded for Seattle, arriving there on the afternoon of January 26 and de spite his hard work and lack of sleep for many hours Mr. Wlshaar wrote the full story of the wreck and the Interviews with the survivors for the next day's paper. Mr. Curtis, the photographer, had remained on the Topeka discharging the duties of both photographer and reporter. Frederick L. Earp, of the Post-Intelligencer staff, was sent to Port Townsend January 25. The To peka stopped and took him aboard there the next morning. On the trip down to Seattle other Interviews were obtained with survivors who had been too weak to talk to Mr. Wlshaar. Mr. Earp and Mr. Curtis arrived In Seattle after 6 o'clock a. m. January 26. Their story was written, the photographs of the survivors and scenes of rescue taken by Mr. Curtis wero developed, etchings made, stere otyped nnd printed and the papers were on the streets nt 9:15 that morn ing with the first photographs rclat ing to the wreck printed In any news paper. Pressure for time did not permit full use of Mr. Curtis' work, but on Saturday morning, with time for de vclopment and miltablo enlargement, the Post-Intelligencer made a presen tation of the product of Its art and mechanical departments of which the management felt It had reason to be proud. The best way to rid the system of a cold is to evacuate the dowels. Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar acts as a pleasant, yet effectual cathartic on the bowels. It clears the head, cuts the phlegm out of the throat, strengthens the bronchial tubes, re lieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by Tallman & Co. For Sale. One registered short-horn bull, about 16 months old. AIbo few good milch cows. A hnrgnln if taken In the next two weeks. JACK M'CARTHY, Pendleton, Ore, Notice. I am now associated with Hamley at Co., manufacturers of the Humane Harness, nnd I will be glad to see nil my old friends at my new place. CLEM HOGUE VALENCIA'S FIDDLING AWAY. The- Case of Helix nnd Other Nearby Towns Cited ng an Example. The advertiser who Is fiddling away on old strings should sit up and take notice. , Circulation has become a definite thing, a definite force a matter of facts and figures. Circulation either does cover Its field or It does not. The East Oregonian Goes Into moBt of the Pendleton homes besides hav ing a circulation throughout the coun try of which we are very proud. Ow ing to the fact that the semi-weekly goes to practically every Intelligent farmer within a radius of B0 miles and that those more distant take the Weekly East Oregonian, this paper covers the field far more thoroughly than any other newspaper. Just as an example of why the East Oregon ian Is taken in preference to other papers, especially morning papers, the case of Helix can be cited. We have 69 subscribers In Helix for the East Oregonian.. 20 of which are for the Daily and the rest for the Semi Weekly. This Is several times as many as any other paper. The train leaves Pendleton for Helix at 5 p. m.. putting the Dally East Oregonian In Helix at 8 o'clock, or two hours after It Is tosued, When, the morning pa pers arrive there their news Is an cient history, hence the Insignificant number of persons who take the morning paper. The same Is true of Adams, Athenn, Weston, Milton and Freewater. The same Is true here In Pendleton, as the paper In the morn ing must of necessity repeat what has already been told the evening before I nthc East Oregonian, which being printed nt the close of the day, gives the news the day It happens. Circulation brings results to the ad vertiser when it Is home circulation, paid circulation nnd if the paper is read for Its news value. The East Oregonian Is all this and the intelligent advertiser knows It. If you are not making a sufficient use of our columns Increase your spice and give proper attention to the composition vof your advertising and you will Increase your business. The E. O. covers the field. BASKET HALL AT LA GRANDE. Pendlelon Team Will Go to That Place Next Wednesday. On next Wednesday evening the basket ball team of the Pendleton Commercial ' association will play a game at La Grande with the club team of that place.'' The players from here will be as follows: Strlcklin and Hoffman, forwards; Wilson, cen ter; Folsom nnd White, guards. Two subs will be selected from a number that are now trying out for the places. It is expected that a return game with La Grande will be played hero following the one there next week. ITon't frown look pleasant. If you are suffering from Indigestion or sour stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Go., says: "I suffered more than 20 years with Indigestion. A friend rec ommended Kodol. It relieved me In one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years." Kodol digests what you eat, relieves sour stomach, gas on stomach, belching, etc. Sold by Tallman & Co. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals wil be received for the erection and completion of a two story frame hotel, until Suturday, 2 p. m., March 10. Plans, specifica tions nnd condition of bids can be seen at the office of the Maxwell Land & Irrigation company, nt Hermlston; also at the office of the architect, room 12, Judd building. Rights re served to reject nr.y and nil bids. MAXWELL LAND & IRRIGATION CO. r. E. Troutman, architect. Indigestion Is much of a habit. Don't get the habit. Take n little Ko di,l Dyspepsia Cure after eating and you will ri til t belching, puffing, palpi tating and frowning. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Tallman & Co. Jf you knew t!ie facts Schilling's Best, you wouldn't bother with anything else in those six lines at alL I Get The -Best! Good j Dry Wood X and RICK SPRING COAL J The Coal that gives Uie most f 4, heat. t PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS t Leave orders at Hennlngs' cigar store, Opp. Peoples Ware- J house. ' " l'none main v. JSEPJ LADIES CDid you know that Accordion Plait ing is more popular than ever among genteel dressers? I,Hot irons injure delicate fabrics. We use the steam method exclusively. We can do your work just as satisfactorily as if you lived in Portland. Write for free circu lar and particulars. We do Accordion Sunburst and Knife Plaiting to order. MISS O. GOULD MARQUAM BLDQ. PORTLAND, ORE. van. TASTER WAIST In Style and Make, they are pre-eminent THE WORKMANSHIP PROVES CONCLl'SIVELY THAT THESE SHIRTWAISTS ARE "TAILOR MADE" THROIGHOIT. IN ITT THEY ARE I XQI ESTIONA Itl.Y THE REST," 1HSTINCTIVE STYLE, Nl'PERIOH WORKMANSHIP AND URST-CLASS MATERIALS, COMBINED WITH LOW PRICES, MAKE THEM THE REST VALIES IX THE MARKET. RECUSE NEAT, . WELL .MADE AND GUARANTEED TO ITT. $1.25-1.50-1.75-2.00-2.25-2.50 ALEXANDER'S AGENTS FOR .-"ib3':;..v.vvC? IT WILL BE DONE RICIIT All plumbing and tin, sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to me will be done right and guaranteed. ' I have removed my shop to Court street, second door east of Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do the highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men. as I have In my employ one of the best plumbers In the business, and water, steam and other pipe fitting Is solicited. A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work. B. F. BECK THE OLD RELIAI1LE PLCMIIKK AXI) TINSMITH. Court Street, Two Doom East of Golden Rule Hotel. Why Pay Rent, when you can use the same money ; to build a home for yourself. Call I on j FRANK B. CLOPTON CO. j 1 1 2 East Court Street. ! Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING CITY of EASTERN OREGON and look over the ALFALFA LANDS which fill pay you largo returns on your money. Wo h ve several hundred Acres of tl o hext Irrigated Alfalfa Land In the wont, which yields from seven to twelve tons per acre. For further particulars write BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon. PENDLETON. A Complete Stock Our facilities for supplying you with building material Is unsurpassed any where. Our modern plant Is equipped to turn out sasl-, doors, flooring, cell ing and anything for house building. We carry the lumber -or all pur poses. No order too largo or small for us to fill. Plaster, cement, lime and sand al 'vnys on bund. Lime. Sand. CeiiHiit, I.iuhs, Shin gle. Blue liapplds Pinter nnd Dipped Shingles. Pendleton Planing Mills ROBERT FOHSTER, Proprietor. AC "There's a Woman in It." Of course there Is always a womnn In everythjng that's neat and dainty. Lut the laundry work of t'day Is far easier than ! . used to be, an.l belter becr.use lione by machii iiry-mc- uniformly excellent In the finish throughout. Hut the neat perfection of Cie work and the exquisite finish of It seem to suggest that a woman's deft hands hnd been mixed up In the work. Elegant work, but the prices don't match It In quality. Pendleton Steam Laundry Tliona Main 171). ITSHMAN & PETERS, Props. Electric Lights They ore the best. Ttiey require no oil. They are the cheapest. They give plenty of light. They require no cleaning. They are always ready for use. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. CORNER COURT AND GARDEN ST CONTRACTORS vr)i appreciate good st.irf nt rock hot torn prices nre Invited to liifqiect o present sli ck. Never liefore have cut our profits to such an extent. This Is Your Chance to buy. A word to tlio wise 1b suffl-clcnt- Oregon Lumber Yaro , Near Court. House Pendleton. Oregon. 'Phono Muln 8.