KIGIIT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 81, 1906. PAGE FIVE. -eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - j New Spring Suits Jackets and ! Waists OVER BOO PRETTY, NEW WAISTS JUST RECEIVED. THEY come In all the new desirable Spring fabrics, beautiful designs, short and long sleeves. Prices range from75o to $3.05. Pretty Spring Jackets A SHIPMENT BY EXPRESS OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES In tan, gray and cream. Prices 17.50 to $12.00. LET US SHOW YOU OUR LINE OF LADIES SUITS, SHORT sleeves, Eton Jackets. See Window Display j Teutsch's Dept. Store CITY BREVITIES Lost Small night latchkey; ribbon attached. Leave here. Primary election petitions at the East Oregonlan office. For Sale Fresh milch cow. Ad dress W. F. Cook, Pendleton, Ore. John Gajen's Family liquor store, Court St., opposite Golden Rula hotel. Buy a Pianola for your piano. Easy terms, Ellers Piano House, 813 Main treet. Wanted Stenographer, to work part or all the time. Inquire at this office. For Sale Two second-hand bug gies and one carriage. Apply to City IJvery Stable. For Sale A sewing machine, near ly new, at a barguln. Call at Dr. J. L. Miller's residence. When In Portland stop at the Hotel Oregon. Rates II per day and up ward. European plan. Free 'bus. Put Pendleton people to sleep peacefully and In perfect comfort on D. M. O. E. Nuff Bed. V C Rader. Wanted Middle-aged woman to do light sewing and take care of chil dren. No washing or cooking. Apply at Oolden Rule hotel office. Coll Leathers Transfer Co., for the best dray service In the city: wagon on all night. 'Phone main 611. Leave orders at Grltman's cigar store, or Hotel Pendleton. Madam Brown, palmist and phre nologlst. Is located at the Arlington lodging house, room 4. Tells your past, present and future. Everything you want to know. oRadlngs, 50o. There la danger of a clash between Roumanla and Greece. The Rou manlnn government has ordered the Greek minister to leave, nnd does not hint that a substitute would be more acceptable. A man who once had rough, horny hands, made them soft and smooth with Witch Hazel Salve, but he used the genuine that bearing the name "E. C. DeWltt 4 Co.. Chicago." For ores, bolls, cuts, burns, bruises, etc.. It has no equal, and affords almost Immediate relief from blind,- bleed ing, Itching and protruding piles. Sold by Tallman & Co. 157,338,640 times every year. The various wheels revolve 4,730,' B40 times each year. Yet we find watches that are ai lowed to run B to 10 years without being cleaned or even oiled. If you own a good watch treat It as you would any other fine machinery. We do all our repairing promptly and to the satisfaction of our custom' rs. L. HUNZIKER JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. SUFFRAGE MEETING AT HELIX. EiitliiiNuiHtlc Reception to Organizer Mary N. Chase. Helix, Feb. 21. (Special.) The campaign for the equal . suffrage amendment to the constitution of Or egon opened In Helix last evening, Miss Mary N. Chase, a national or ganizer, and state president of the New Hampshire association, deliver ing an address before a large and en thusiastic audience. Though the weather was very rnlny and disagreeable over 50 peo ple turned out from the enterprising little town, nnd many people In this section are much enthused over this owrk. Mrs. Dutro was appointed chairman of the organization for this place and D. B. Richardson, secre tary. A committee of 24 has been appointed to distribute literature. etc., for this cause. A mass meeting will be held In the near ftuure. Miss Chase will lecture In all towns and school districts In the county. PAYNE ARRESTED ORCHARD. J. B. Baylor, of Echo, has been here on a brief visit. W. R. demons, of Boise, was a visitor In the city today. , Attorney Coutts visited Athena to day on professional business. Mrs. A. Miller, of Pilot Rock, Is visiting here for a short time. Mrs. L. P. Fraker, of Walla Walla, Is In the city upon a short visit. A. P. Bradbury, the well known traveling salesman. Is here today. Rev. H. C. Cleveland, of Milton, came down from that place last even ing. Fred Hascall of Pilot Rock, has been In town today on a short busi ness trip. W. P. Wallan, of Adams, was here yesterday and a guest at the Oolden Rule hotel. C. O. Hlckok, of Portland, Is here today on business and Is a guest at the Pendleton. F. L. Payne, of Caldwell, Idaho, passed through here this morning on his way to the northern part of this state. Dr. W. O. Cole and Joseph Basler returned last evening from Grange vllle, Idaho,' after a few days' absence. Dr. Fred Lleuallen came down from Helix today for the purpose of attend ing the Campbell-Mayberry wedding tonight. Attorney R. J. Slater, of Pendle ton, came over last night on business before the circuit court. La Grande Observer. Will R. King, the Ontario attor ney, passed through here lost night on his way home from the northern part of the county. Mrs. C. R. Howard, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith, for the past week, left for her home In Walla Walla this morning. E. V. Carter, of Ashland, a mem ber of the legislature, and a promi nent republican politician, is in the city today, having arrived this morn ing. F. M. Oliver has just received pat ents for his hospital lifting apparatus which was fully described In the East Oregonlan several months ago. He has already received offers from manufacturers to purchase the pat ent. Canyon County Mierlff Wns In Pen dleton Today. F. L. Payne, sheriff of Canyon county, Idaho, who has been In the city today, is the officer who arrested Hurry Orchard for alleged connection with the murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg. The arrest was made at Caldwell shortly after the nssaslna tlon. Sheriff Payne enme here last night for the purpose of meeting an officer from Burke, Idaho, who was to ar rive last night with St. Johns.c'th prisoner recently arrested there for connection with the plot. However, owing to a misunderstanding the pris oner was taken on through to Boise by the officer from Burke, and con sequently the sheriff's trip was fruit less. Coming to Oregon. The East Ori-gonlan Is in receipt of a letter from C. F. Eggers of Fos toria, Iowa, ordering the Semi-Weekly paper sent to him. Mr. Eggers was in Pendleton last fall looking over the country nnd decided to locate in Umatilla county next year. He will raise a crop this season in Iowa and then expects to come to this county to reside permanently. He Is related by marriage to Chris Bredlng, J. Hudeman and John Schmidt, the well known citizens of this city and vl clnlty. Many sufferers from nasal catarrh say they get splendid results by using an atomizer. For their benefit we prepare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Except that It is liquid It Is in all re spects like the healing, helpful, paln allaylng Cream Balm that the public has been familiar with for years. No cocaine nor other dangerous drug In It. The soothing spray relieves at once and cure Is certain. All drug gists, 75c, Including spraying tube, or mailed by Ely Bros., B6 Warren Street New York. 1 The government has appropriated (50,000 for the purchase of coal lands In the Island of Batan, P. I. BELTS (& BAGS I All the new style bags and belts have arrived, and they are beauties. Thi FAIR STORE t BRISK BUYING OF PINE NUT CREAM Proves Its goodness in cur ing rough hands and chapped faces--PINE NUT CREAM is not sticky nor greasy--It is quickly absorbed and can be used at any -time--25 CENTS A BOTTLE. PERSONAL MENTION M4sstt44mtt 1 8 CAM PI1EI.L-M AYBERHY. Wedding Will Occur at 401 EUly Street TiiU Evening. A wedding of interest In Pendleton social circles will take place this evening when Mr. Richard M. May berry and Miss Mary Elizabeth Camp bell will be married. The wedding will occur at the home of the brlde'B father, Thomas Campbell, 401 Eddy street. The ceremony will be per formed by Rev. W. L. Van Nuys, pas tor of the Presbyterian church. Miss Gay Campbell, sister of the bride. will be maid of honor nnd Mark Moorhouse, best man. Following the wedding a reception will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Dickson, on South Main street. This will commence at 8:30, and a large number of invita tions have been extended, as both of the contracting parties are well known and hnve numerous friends In the city. Also, a number of outside par ties will be present. CHARGED WITH THIEVING. Boy EncoimxI With a Lecture From District Attorney. Dan Brunswick, a lad of tender years, was brought before District Attorney Phelps today charged with having stolen some brass fixtures from iin englno belonging to Neagle Bros, nnd having sold them at the Townsend pawn shop on Cottonwood street. Owing to the youthfulnesa of the boy" no criminal charge wns made against him and he was allowed to go after a. severe lecture. Considerable complnlnt Is made be cause some of the pawnbrokers and Junk dealers of the city buy articles from boys when it is plain to see they have stolen the goods. When it can be proven thnt a dealer was aware of purchasing stolen property he can be prosecuted, nnd If the practice 1b continued such Is liable to follow. v General Agents' Meeting. Mr. J. C. Gallagher, the eastern Oregon representative of the Ellers Mano House, has lust returned from the annual general agents' meeting of the house at Portland, Ore. I he Ellers Institution has Just closed the biggest year's business in its history, exceeding in volume $1,540,000 annu al saleB. Just now Mr. Gallagher says that Portland, and in fact in every section of the state, Is very much ex cited over the Ellers Piano House publicity word contest. Every dic tionary is being ransacked and every book store In the city of Portland has sold out Its entire supply of diction aries. At the library, people are standing in line daily waiting their turn to get a chance at the word books. This promises to be the most successful advertising campaign In the history of this progressive house, ana Mr. Gallagher says he expects to al- FOVR GAMBLERS ARRESTED. Popular Price Drug Stores? KOEPPENS' A. C. Koeppen & Bro's. Tom Scott nnd Three Indians Are In Limlio. In a gambling raid made last night by Officers Meeker nnd Brown, Tom Scott, the colored barber, and three Indians, were arrested in Scott's place of business on Cottonwood street. The arrest was made shortly after 10 o'clock, and the three Indians were locked up In the city jail, while Scott was released on payment of 325 ball. This afternoon City Attorney C. H. Carter filed a complaint against Scott and the trial was set for S;S this afternoon, nt which time the two night officers will be present as witnesses. Scott Is snid to have been conducting a "21" game. Preaching at Army Barracks. Rev. E. N. Norrls, a Free Metho dist minister of Athenn, will hold a series of three meetings at the Sal. vatlnn Army barracks In this city, be ginning tonight. He will be assisted in the musical program by the mem bers of the corps in this city. All are cordially Invited to attend the services. Building New Cottage. Dan C. Bowman Is building a new six-room cottage on Perkins avenue, to cost about 31500. Contractor Dun lap will build it. There will be 48 feet of porch on the cottage, and It will be neat and attractive in every , . lUiilf! n xx xx XX tt: tt Swellest Tailor-Made Suits-Newest Style Covert Jackets and High Novelty Lin gerie Waists. A continuous stream of new garments direct from the foremost garment makers to our Cloak and Suit department Pony Jacket bolero ami Eton Suits in all the new styles, In gray and gray mixtures, In black, fancy colorB and blues. Covert Jackets in newest models. Pony Jacket styles, tight fitting and corset coats. A Complete Exhibition of All That's Desirable in Waists Never in the history of this house have we had as attractive, complete and perfect assortment of stylish waists as we are now showing. Hand-embroidered, embroidery and lace effects. Great Two-Days Silk Foulards Sale Thursday and Friday only, ,we place on sale 22-inch Foulards regular 75c values, 16 yards to a l Q rA customer at JsrU YU Remember, 2 days Thur. and Friday Your Groceries Bought Here Will Save You Money A Trial Order Will Convince You. Republic Coffee, Best on Earth -25C Try our Tea, per lb, from. ..OC to (0C Fresh ranch eggs, per doz 20C Garden and fblower seeds Just arrived. We have the finest creamery butter In town. Give it a trial. s"". " " $1.00 A special on syrup for this week. Soap, laundry. 8 bars 25C Macaroni, per box 35C Republic Coffee is the best. Per lb . -25C All Newest Models Spring Muslin Underwear Perfect Pitting Garments; full sizes; latest patterns; regular and extra sizes the very newest creations iu best Muslin Underwear. Ladles' Gowns in muslin, cambric and naln sook, trimmed with fine embroidery, laces headings and ribbons, in high, round, square and V necks, with long and short aleeves, slip and button styles. Prices $1 .00, $1.25. $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 to $2.00. Ladles' Drawers, In cambric and nainsook, with H. S. embroidery or lace ruffles; French and yoke bands In regular and extra sizes, open and closed styles. Prices 25c, 50c, 05c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 t $4.00. Also the Vassar Drawers trimmed with fine embroidery. $2.00 to $3.50. Ladies' Corset covers trimmed with fine embroideries, laces and ribbons, round, square, high and V necks; sizes 34 to 44. Prlc 35c, 50c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, t0 $3.25. Ladies' Chemise, with and without rufflei, long and short styles, trimmed with fine French embroideries, or fine laces, in the daintiest of styles; sizes 34 to 44. Prices 50c, 65c, 85c, $1, $1.25, $6.00. wiTiir. Ladles' white Skirts, lace embroidery or hemstitched trimming, full widths with dust ruffles, plain and embroidered, fine lace and embroidery insertions and head ings, at most attractive prices. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 12.00. The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where It Pays to Trade Save Your Coupons Byers' Best Flour Is made from the ohoicest what that grows. Good bread is as sured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. most double his piano sales record during the coming year. For Sale -Nearly new high-grade piano, standard make; must sell at once for half what It cost me. In quire Bowman hotel, room 36. Sold Out, This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business in Pen dleton. Parties indebted to our firm will kindly call and settle immedi ately. GRAY'S HARBOR LUMBER CO. e The Opportunity Is Yours lj e e e ee e ee e ee e e e ee ee ee e e ee ee ee e e ee ee ee ee e e ee e e ee ee ee e e e e ee e e e e e e ee ee e e e e e e SILK SALE All Day Saturday, Feb. 54th, 1906. Beginning at 9 a. m., Ending at 9 p. m. Values $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 63c Consisting of the New Rajah Silks in all colors, Fancy Dress and Waisting Silks. Plain and Fancy Taffeta Silks. Remember the Date and Time No Silks sold at the above trices prior or after the the Sole. he Great Eastern Department Store. eeee eeee V