PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OBECOXIAy, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1M.' EIGHT PAGES. AN lNllBl'BXDKXT NKWSI'Al'ER. Pnbltshed every afternoon (except Sunday) at l'eoaleton. Oregon, by the ' EAST OHKUOMAN PIULIBH1XQ CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, one year, by mall 13.00 Dally, elx month, by mall i.50 Pally, three months, by mall 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall 50 weekly, one year, ny man l.ou Weekly, sli months, by mall ,7ft Weekly, four months, by mall 60 Seml-Veekly, one year, by mnll 1.60 8eml Veekly, six months uy mall 75 Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall... .50 Member Scrlpps-McIUe News Association. The F.sst Oregnnlan Is on sale at B. R Rich's News Stands, at Hotel Portland and Hotel reiklns, Tortland, Oregon. Pan Francisco Dnreau, 40 Fourth street Chicago Bureau, 901) Security building. Washington, L. C Bureau, 601 Four teenth street. X. W. CMepboa Mala 1. Entered at Pendleton t'oatofflce as second class matter, NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Cory for advertising matter to appear In the Fast Oregonian must be In by 4 :45 p. m. of the preceding day : copy for Monday s psper must be In by 4 :45 p. m. the preced ing Ssturday. Stand up, O soul, and face the world again; Heart cease to mourn for all that you have lost! I am a man; and In a world of men, And men must make no moans, however crossed. : Then one last tear, fond eyes. you still may shed, Wrung from a soul that must no more repine, Then let us hide away the cher- Ished dead. And bravely say again: Today Is mine! 4V Selected. IS IT WORTH THE FIGHT? John A. McCall, who has robbed the policyholders of the New York Insurance company by every conceiv able "legal" method, during his term as i resident of that concern, and who has lived In luxury, splendor and voluptuousness, to a certain degree. Is at the verge of the grave, a wreck of the high tension life enforced upon public men by the financial and social systems of today. He Is scarcely past the prime of life. He Is Just coming Into the period of maturity and usefulness. His capabilities are extraordinary, his energy terrific. Suppose he had been cast In other surroundings where he could have exerted his splendid forces for the eic.utiuii and up'uuiluing ot his race; suppose that Instead of studying by midnight lamps how to steal and re main out of Jail, he had devoted his time to developing and adding to the . material and moral forces of the world, with equal vigor. Would not his end have seemed more of a calamity than under the present circumstances? What is there for McCall to remain in the world for? How will mankind be benefited by his presence? After all, is the fight made by the millionaires worth the reward? UNIVERSITY DISCIPLINE. Hazing at Annapolis, resulting In the death of one cadet and the perma nent Injury of others, with the vari ous brutalities In other American In stitutions of learning, are attfactlng unusual attention. The Incomparable cruelty of some of these "hoyish pranks" seems incredible, says the Pan Francisco Call. In an Ohio college, hazers In an excess of humor chloroformed a fel low student and put him on a rail road, track where he was killed by a train. It was a most successful Joke, a real side splitter. Another excel lent piece of humor is effected by breaking Into a student's room, tak ing him out of a warm bed and duck ing him in an icy pond. Several have died of pneumonia after this treat ment. But it is great sport and 89 necessary to college life that Its pop ularity seems on the Increase. Another branch of college educa tion is the publication of a college paper. In which these charming sports are upheld and the faculty Is guyed and often referred to In a blackguard ly way that is regarded as very hu morous. College proixrty Is defaced or destroyed from a sense of humor. In these actions misdemeanors and BASE BALL GOODS WE HANDLE THE CELEBRATED SPAULDING llaxelmll Goods and Athletic Supplies, recognized the world over as the lilgliext grade and beat made. The season for baseball and ourdi.jr sporu U near at hand and we are prepared to meet the demand. I FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE Main st. HEADQUARTERS even felonies are committed, which the courts punish when committed by others. But when homicide Is com mitted by a doien students, the Vic tlm being single-handed, It Is regard ed as merely a case of youthful exu berance. It Is time to Introduce discipline Into our Institutions of learning. . The government Is doing it at Annapolis. After this murder will not be a Joke In that institution, and brutal In vasions of the rights of person will not be considered excusable pranks. The officers of Institutions of learn Ing should know tha they have the support or public opinion In enforc lug discipline. '' - Parents do not skimp and save to send their sons to college to be made Into rowdies or be the victims of row dies. The rights of person are as sacred and as much under the pro tection of law In a college as any where else. It Is a perversion of the whole scheme of higher education to permit the publication of college newspapers for the purpose of encour aging student mobs and defying the faculty. The country Is disgusted with these things, and unless they cease higher education win not be sought, hand! capped by these low acts and the fool motives which Inspire them. PEXDLETOX THE CENTER. Never before In the history of Pen dleton has there been such activity In the horse business as this spring, Pen dleton Is the horse buying center of the northwest and buyers from every northwest state have been this soring looking over the field and securing information as to the situation. There is a demand for good horses now. There never was such a brisk demand before and there never was a time perhaps, in the past 25 years, when the ranges and pastures were as closely culled out as now. The Introduction of the Imported stock which is now being distributed from Pendleton should stimulate the borse growing Industry greatly, In the Inland empire. The development of the arid lands. the building of Irrigation schemes, the construction of railroads and other Important Industrial movements In this section will make a strong de mand for horses for years to come. and the East Oregonian hopes to see Pendleton continue In future as In the past, the horse growing and horse buying center of the northwest. A FEARLESS SHERIFF. The people. of Morrow county will be given an opportunity to express their appreciation of the fearless and determined sheriff, E. M. Shutt, who has enforced the law In Morrow coun ty during the past two years, as It has been enforced In no other county In the state. Morrow county, like all other fron tier counties, has, or did have at least, a large number of people who believed that It was Impossible to enforce the laws on gambling and Sunday closing, that such acts on the part of officials would ruin a town, and that the laws on these subjects do not mean what they say. Shutt has enforced these laws to the letter and Morrow county and all Its towns are still on the map. There has been no exodus of people from Morrow county on this account, excepting the exodus of a few tin horns who are parasites wherever they are. No business enterprise In Morrow county has suspended on account of the Improved public morals and If the people of Morrow county appreciate a good thing when they have It, they will unanimously elect Shutt to the office of sheriff again. BCDE DOG FOR MISS ALICE. The purchase of $1500 worth of dog flesh. In the shape of a nine-Inch female Boston terrier, as a wedding present to Miss Alice Roosevelt, fore bodes evil' days "In the White House. A. M. Stlllman of Pittsburg, ordered the canine, "Fashion," the highest priced terrier in the country. When he sends It to Miss Roosevelt It will have a complete set of tailor made clothes, furs and leather shoes, to gether with the sliver schedule show ing when it Is to be fed and what It Is to Ie given. Now, the question Is, What will be the fate of this little "dear" when mixed up with wolf hounds, bear dogs, mastiffs and other canines with which FOR ATHLETIC GOODS. the president is wont . to hunt the elusive cinnamon bear and the sharp- ranged wolf? There promises to be $1500 worth of dog meat to the bad. Then here's another alarming feat ure: It is feared other people may take the cue and send more lap dogs. so that the White House will soon bo come a national kennel. Cincinnati Post. FATK Two shall be born the whole wide world apart.. , And speak in different tongues, and have no thought Each of the other's being, and no heed. And these o'er unknown seas to un known lands Shall cross, escaping wreck, defying death, . And all unconsciously shape every act And bend each wandering step to this one end That one day, out of darkness they shall meet And read life's meaning in each oth er's eyes.. And two shall walk some narrow way of life So nearly, side by side, that should tme turn Ever so little space to left or right, They need must stand acknowledged face to face And yet with wltsful eyes that never meet. With croping hands that never clasp, and Hps Calling In vain td ears that never hear, They seek each other aft their weary days, And die unsatisfied and this Is Fate. Susan Marr Spauldlng. AFTER FIFTY YEARS. I would not have thee young again I Since I myself am old: Not that thy youth was ever vain Or that my age Is cold; But when upon thy gentle face I see the shades of time, A thousand memories replace The beauty of thy prime. Though from thine eyeB of softest blue Some light has passed away. Love still looks forth as warm and true As on our bridal day. I hear thy brldul voice, and though In part TIs fainter In Its tone. I heed it not, for still thy heart Seams speaking to my own. Samuel Thornton. HE IS NOT UNWORTHY. If one has failed to reach the end'he sought, If out of effort no great good Is wrought, It Is not failure, if the object be The betterment of man; for all that he Has done and suffered is but gain To those who follow seeking to attain The end he sought. His efforts they Will find are guldeposts on the way To that accomplishment which he For some wise purpose, could not be The factor in. There Is a need Of unsuccessful effort; 'tis the seed Whose mission Is to He beneath The soil that grows the laurel wreath, And he Is not unworthy who Falls struggling manfully to do What must be done, In dire distress, That others may obtain success. Wm. J. Lampton. In Success. THE IIAUEFOOT TRAIL. Out of the dear front gate It ran, Into the sun nnd dew and tan; . Traversed the dusty, peaceful street. Arched by maples (in mem'ry sweet), Crossed the pasture with clover lush, Entered the copse, where trilled the thrush; Rambled, loitered and played and then Turned to mother and home again. Many a secret and mnny a tale Ours who followed the barefoot trail. Wonders witnessed nnd marvels heard Kinship of squirrel and'hare and bird, The shortest route to the swimming hole, The finny spoil of the swaying pole. Care free triumphs and Joys and then (Best!) the "mother and home again." Fdwin L. Sabln. INSPIRATION. At the golden gnte of song Stood I, knocking nil day long, Put the Angel, calm and cold, Still refused and bade me, "Hold." Then a breath of soft perfume, Then a light within the gloom; Thou, Love, earnest to my side, And the gates flew open wide. Long I dwelt In this domain. Knew no sorrow, grief or pam; Now you bid me forth and free. Will you shut these gates on me? Paul Lawrence Dunbar. A DIFFEKEXT HILL. Bill Jones, a western merchant, went to Kansas City to buy goods. Some of these he shipped home ahead of his 1 wn arrival and nearly fright ened his wife out of her wits. - The neighbors heard her shriek and, run nlng to her rescue, found her franti cally endeavoring to remove the cover of a big box, all because the box bore the legend, "Hill Inside." The Atchison, Topeka & Santa. Fo, Chteago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, St. Louis & San Francisco, Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, Chicago & Al ton and the Union Paclfla. railroads have bought 36 acres of land in south central Kansas City and upon It will build a union depot. The land cost $36,000 per acre, and the total expenditure will be $20,000,000. if Absolutely Made fromTare Grape Cream of Tartar In baking powder Royal is the standard, the powder of highest reputation ; found by the United States Government tests of greatest strength and purity. It renders the food more healthful and palat able ctnd is most economical in practical use. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy alum powders because they are "cheap." Yet some of the cheapest made powders are sold J.0 consumers at the highest price. Housekeepers should stop and think. Is it not better to buy the Royal and take no chances . the powder whose goodness and honesty are never questioned ? ;w Js,it economy to spoil your digestion by an alum-phosphate or other adultered powder to ' save a few pennies ? ,.- . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK Seeds That Grow The selection of seeds for planting is Important. We handle oeeas mat are grown in the Northwest and are suitable for this cli mate and soil. Our seeds are all sold In our own packages, and are guaranteed to De rresn and alive. You take no chances when you plant our seeds, as only the choicest varieties are handled by us. No old stock no poor grades. i.-i... we-sell more seeds than all , unow wnat tney are getting wnen they buy our brands. COOK. PERRY The Seedsmen COURT STREET Progressive Farmers. 'K Should see the newly patented machines of G. L. Bradley. It is an advance step In farming Implements. It Is a manure spreader, rake, road grader, scraper and leveler. A great labor saver nnd money maker. Used with complete suc cess by 30 of the best farmers In Garfield county. Wash. The new machine Is now on exhibition on Johnson street, near Weber's Implement House, corner Court and Thompson streets. Every land owner and farmer should see and Inspect this valua ble machine. For particulars address G. L. Bradley, Pendleton, Ore. Your Best Judgement Will Tell You That These Prices Are Right Genuine Copper Boiler ' $2.31 Copper Rim Boiler $1.27 Copper Bottom Boiler 80c Granite Coffee Pot, 4 fit 41c Granite Tea Pot, 4 tt 41c Granite Sauce Pan, 8 qt 41c Best Nlckle-Plated Tea Kettle 92c We must have room therefore we will continue this reduction sale on Tinware nnd Gr-nlteware, Hardware and Furniture for the next 10 days. W. W. BRADLEY, 315 E. Court West End Grocery We hnvo Just put In a stock of now groceries, and on account of low rent and buying for cash we can sell as cheap as any firm In the city. We deliver to any part of the city. A trial order Is solicited. C. S. Howard Co. Near Corner i.f W. Webb and Maple streets. 'Phone Main SS8. Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread la as sured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam 'Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS ' W. S. BYERS, other dealers because the people NOLF'S OLD STAND. Proprietor. J St. -.Anthony's Hospital Private rooms, elegantly furnished. Finely equip- ped operating room. Also Mater 1 1 y Deoartment. Every convenience iicesaary for the care of the sick. Telcpho Main 1651. rE:.DLETo:. oregon. Egg Maker COLEHWORTIIY. HONE SHELL GUI I 117 -nd 1I EAST ALTA. Poultry anil Stock Supplies Mar. Jratn and KteJ. Give ear unto nine counsel. Coal that la one-third dirt, weigh great deal more to the scuttle and lasts much shorter lime tlian the good, clean Coal w sell. If yon want the best, our Coal is the kind for you. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office, Pendleton Ice A Cold Storage company. 'Phone i-aln 178. UNRESTRAINED PLEASURE can he enjoyed when driving In one of Nengle's new style fancy traps, spider phaetons, runabout wagons, surreys, hucklioards or pony carts for children's use. They have all the lending handsome designs for city or country use at moderate prices. We are proud of their elegant stock this season and are pleased to show them to you. We are headquarters for the Wi nona Wagons, that have Iron-clad hubs, i No checking or breaking loose of boices. Our stock of Hacks and Wagons Is the largest In eastern. Ore gon. We sell Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Engines and Pumps, and Irrigat ing riants. All goods warranted. See. , Neagle Bros. the RTacksmlths Get Prices Before Raising. J THE POPULAR PLACE TO EAT IS THE , The French Restaurant Everything served first-class. Rest regular meals In Pendle- ' ton for 15 eenta. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTX. . Polydore Moens Prop. Plymouth Rock Eggs Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale. 60c per -. dozen. Address Rov. J. M. Cornellson, Pendleton, Or., Box 874. 'Phone, Farmers' 8J. Walters' Flouring Mills:. ( Capacity, 1(0 barrels a day.' v.. V 'v Flour exchanged for wheat Flour,. Mill Feed, Chopped read, tie., always on band, - '.'.