PACE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, lsOg. EIGHT PAGES, COFFEE Our very best is "Devers Blend" The most popular Coffee in the! city is"Coyamo" STADARD GROCERY , Cor. Court and Johnson Streets TEe Quality Store GENERAL NEWS. Students of history will be Interest ed In the fact that the papal Swiss guard has been celebrating the com pletion of their 400 years' of exist ence from the date of their founda tion by Pope Julius 11, tn 1508. The freight blockade on the Isth mus of Panama Is ended, all freight now going east and west with great promptness. The company made radical Improvements In the service when threatened with trouble with the government. The great Torres filtration plant Toppenlsh, was killed by a train near Badger station, east of Klona. Both legs and arms were cut off and his body and head horribly mangled. His father Is government blacksmith at Fort Slmcoe on the Taklma Indian reservation. John Pearce lately died at Dayton. Wash., of hemorrhage of the throat. superinduced by diphtheria. He was burled by the side of his father and 10 brothers and sisters, nine of whom had died of diphtheria, or like him self, of some ailment resulting from diphtheria. The hniinilArv eonnlrv between and conduit system of Philadelphia, Grant and Baker especially in the which cost $1,321,223, is leaking neighborhood of Austin. Is covered 1,500,000 gullons per day. The firm wltn an average or three feet of snow, which built the system Included packed nard. gnowshoelng Is the State Senator McNlchol and Israel W. mm onj !, mrt of Womn- Durham. deposed republican leaders tion and lmmenge supply of moisture i iik my. , MoTei n the mountains. A Belgian named Sptnglaert Is a 1 - " lieutenant general In the Chinese army. He has lived in China 40' years, has a Chinese wife, wears the Chinese costume, and Is known as LI Fou Chen visit for the first time since he went to China In 18S8 HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. George T. Williams, Portland; John He is In Europe on a Skogland. city; Ned Kesler, Portland; Ben Greenhood, New York; M. L. Markee, Wisconsin; Mrs. Cora Switz er, La Grande; H. G. Martell; A. G. "Richard Sandftll Terrv vhn lrt years ago founded the New Vnrlt Wallace. Portland K. J. Taylor, city; free circulating library for the blind, Nat Goldsmith, St. Joe: Geo. Stevens died February 17. aged 71 years. In and wlfe' PP"ane: A. E. Gulst, Port- mi he became blind and interested m"a- rrame,; r.. himself in books printed with raised letters, and with the assistance of a group of New York men founded the .circulating library for the blind. ' "V.... ar.r.uI mec-tlng of th3 True. Spokane; J, Plover, Spokane; C. C. Simpson, Portland; F. C. Ox man, Chicago; Pauline Lederle, La Grande; Mildred Rae, Baker City; El sie Read. Weston; Nettle McCully, vVeston; Thomas Debolt, Aepshire; "United States National Lawn Tennis W.'V. Kirby, city; John P. Hayden, association at the Waldorf-Astoria saw the re-election of that veteran Portland; Florence; Max Baer. city; Mrs. Davis, L. Charles, San Francisco; of the game in America, Dr. James J. L. Irwin. Tacoma; H. W. Cameron, Dwight, of Boston. Dr. James . Spokane: W. B. Mclnturff, Walla Dwight occupied the chair. There, Walla: H. A. Marsh, Spokane; R. were 44 out of 100 clubs represented Brandon. Spokane; R. J. Glafke, Port- from all parts of the United States, land: Charles E. Gray, city; Lloyd m ,-.,, , t, ,. Harris, city; M. Hill, city: W. A. John- M. Candon, mayor of Dampierrow, , . T, . ' ... . . ..I son, San Francisco; Fred T. Kelly France, has been acquitted by the, ' ' . . . ,r. ... . ' and wife, Baker City; C. Helleg, Port assize court of V re of the murder of, " , ' ' . , .. . i mna, vv . cusi'iie; o. r. yiuuuer, Portland; F. W. Dlehl, Baker City; This wife. She suffered agonies from cancer and begged her husband to " ' ' " " ' ! I Maher, Portland; C. F. Allen, Port- the court held that he was not re-' ' ' . ' ,., ... , . . . land; S. A. Ruse, Portland. his wife's suffering having deprived him of reason. " NORTHWEST NSW S. "Up to noon of February 17 $11,341 had been subscribed for the relief of the Japanese famine sufferers and was In the hands of Charles H. Keep, Red Cross treasurer, Washington, D. C. Frank Eastman, IS years of age, was Instantly killed near Oregon City, by the breaking of a stump puller B Holbrook. Irrlgon; R. C. Frill; C. wmcn ne was operating, a piece oi prk. an(1 famM Burlington: H. The Golden Rule. George W. Kelley. Pocatello; J. H, Watren. Umatilla; P. F. Marquis Portland: Frank Short, Denver, Col.; Jos. McCoy, Jennings, Okla.; George Hatfield. Walla Walla; W. H. King, city; 8. Swanson, Portland; John Lees, Starbuek: S. Y. Evans, Eugene; W. J. Moore. Spokane; S. A. Frans, Spo kane; N. L. Horbln, Starbuek; C. A, Smith, Walla Walla; Mrs. D. C. Brownell. Umatilla; Clcve Stanton, Athena; Mrs. H. B. Allen, Athena; H. the apparatus struck Eastman, break ing his neck. Joe Wright of Sparta, Is a candidate COMMEND 5 ROAD MOVEMENT JOHN E, LATH KOI WRITES OF GOVERNMENT PLAN'S. Says There Is No Graft In tlic Scheme Kilt That II Is Founded Purely I pon a Sound Economic Principle Government Furnishes Experts, Machinery, Equipment and Trans portation Free Six Western Slutes Will Bo Favored With Government's Work ThU-Yenr. That the "good roads" movement in the United States is rapidly be coming a natlonnl policy, Is shown by the following letter from John E. Lathrop, secretary to United States Senator John M. Gearln, commend ing the movement of the people of Umatilla county and explaining in de tail how the movement was started and who Is responsible for it. Mr. Lathrop being on the ground In the national capital has an excel lent opportunity to Judge of the sources of the activity In this line and his information Is valuable for this reason. His letter Is as follows Washington, D. C, Feb. It. (Ed! tor East Oregontan.) I have ad dressed letters to County Judge John H. Scott, Salem, Ore., and Judge H. J. Bean, Pendleton, Ore., informing them that through the efforts of Samuel Hill, of Seattle, who also has a residence In Washington. D. C, ar rangements are now made for the government to build a sample mile of roadway In each of two localities In Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon tana, the Dakotas and Minnesota. The good roads service of the de partment of agriculture will furnish the machinery, crushers, rollers, ex perts and everything necessary to work, ench county In which the work Is conducted to furnish the raw ma terial, the right of way and the com mon labor. 1 wish to call attention to the fact that this plan has no feature of graft In It. fcr the reason that no money Is asked for by any of those who come Into the state from outside, but every thing furnished by the government, and is without expense to the people there. I desire also to call attention to the fact that through the efforts of Sam uel Hill, brother of James J. Hill and J. P. O'Brien have agreed to furnish free tranrportation nnd that the ex pense on the part of the government and the railroads will amount to many thousand dollars. Mr. Hill has presented the matter so strongly to the department of ng rlculture that the officials are en thuslnstic for It I have given personal attention to It. and insofar as I am competent to Judge, assure you that the plan Is ex cellent, nnd In the highest degree practical. I am Impressed by my visit to the east with the Immense importance of forwarding the good ronds movement Before one's eyes are object lessons which tell the value to the farmers of applying to the public highways the same principles of transportation that govern railway men In handling their big systems. I wish to urge personally your' hearty co-operation In this plan, and shall bp glad to learn from you that you will give It. Very, fruly yours. JOHN E. LATHROP. ettes and from their lips curl the smoke and the look of pleasure and satisfaction on their faces suggests that there Is real enjoyment In cig arettes. ' Another thing we see in the pic ture Is champaign glasses lit front of the young ladies, which might also be construed to suggest that this is also advisable If you would enjoy the best there Is in life. Then go into the reading matter above this picture of the young soci ety men smoking a cigarette In the presence of the ladles and what do we find? Here Is what It says: "There Is scorcely a happier Inter val than that between a good play and a good dinner. The memory of the one and the anticipation and sat isfaction of the other suggests Murad Cigarettes to those most used to and most discriminating In fine Btnoklng. Mild, rich, delicious and distinctive the Murad Is the most fitting accom paniment of the most enjoyable oc casions 10 for lo cents." Then for fear the reader of the advertisement may not be able to get cigarettes It goes on to say: "By mall, postpaid, if you can't get Murad cigarettes from your dealer, send 15 cents for 10, 75 cents for 50, $1.50 for 100" and winds up by giving the address of the dis pensers of the "little pills" often re ferred to as "coffin nails." Did any one ever see a patent med icine ad that recommended the pro duct more strongly than Collie Weekly recommends the use of cig arettes? The Idea and words In the quarter page advertisement can convey but one impression and that Is that to make an evening complete men should smoke cigarettes as they are "the most fitting accompaniment of the most enjoyable occasions." If Collier's Weekly Is sincere In Its campaign against patent medicines because they are harmful, why doe go Into the homes and advises fathers, mothers, sisters, daughters and children to smoke cigarettes as the most fitting accompaniment of the most enjoyable occasion," as it s an undlsputable fact that cigarettes are Injurious. ' The cries of a publication against their brother publishers should carry little weight when they advise smok- ng cigarettes. We regret we have not the facili ties for reproducing Collier's Week ly recommendation of the smoking of cigarettes and let the public see this recommendation of a curse that has puzzled the mothers and fathers of this country to devise a law to stamp out or at least protect the coming generations as well ns the present against. C. Carmlchael, Burlington, Col.; Mrs. Frank Taylor. Walla Walla; John Stewart, Dayton; Guy Hamon, Colum ker; M. V. Wlndus, Spokane; J. D. Sharp, Baker City; J. Frooks, city. for the republican nomination for bus, Kas.; H. b. Hasman, Columbus, state senator. When the panhandle Kas.; W. E. Plersol and family, Ukl was a part of Union county he was In ah; R. P. Anderson and family. Ba the legislature, and at one time was .pcaker of the house. While feeding an Iron mangle In a TiewiHton steam laundry, Miss Mattle Dobson's right hand was caught there in and badly mutilated as far as the wrist. The mangle was carrying 300 degrees of heat at the time. A. A. Gust, manager of the Grande Produce Co., has bought 128 acres of land adjoining Prosser, Wash., and will plant the entire area to fruit He will also build a three story hotel at Prosser this summer. C. H. Phelps, a barber living at Luckiest Man In Arkansas. "I'm the luckiest man in Arkansas, writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration,; of my wife's health after flvo years of continuous cough ing and bleeding from the lungs; and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which : know from experience will cure con sumption if taken in time. My wife Improved with first bottle and 12 bot tles completed the cure." Cures the worst coughs and colds or money re funded. At Tallman & Cc. and Brock & McComas, druggists; 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free. COLLI! :RS' WEEKLY. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dol.ars Reward for any ran of Catarrh that cannot b cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bellev him nrfMriv honorable In all business La ' transaction! and financially able to carry out any ob rations mane dj nia iirm. WALI'INO. KINNAN 4 MARVIN, Wholesale Drugnlsts, Toledo, O Rail's rararrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the yatem. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold by II dnigfrlata. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. OREGON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Purely mutual to policyholders. On pkns that have stood the test of time Economically and cleanly administered. Profit nf th rtuaineai txelono-g to Dolicvholders. Returned to them in dividends at the end of each year. L. SAMUEL, Mgr. Macleay . Building, 286 Washington Street, Portland, Ore. Advises Use of Cigarette as the Most Fitting Accompaniment of the Most Enjoyable Occasion. Pendleton, Feb. 19. (Editor East Oregonlan.) Collier's Weekly ap pears to be setting Itself up as I Journul to reform the patent medicine business on the grounds that It is harmful and a gross Injustice on the American public and charges news papers with being In league with the patent medicine houses, but when we look through Its advertising columns we find that paper recommending the use of cigarettes and dwelling upon the merits of one particular brand which it advlseB the public to use. The deadly little cigarette Is one the curse the country and mothers and fathers throughout this land advise against their use, and plead with their sons to abstain from this vice, ' " The writer overheard a mother say "I would rather see my son In his grave than a cigarette fiond." Many of the large corporations and business house will not engage a cig arette smoker because of the effect the paper rolls have on the mental and physical faculties of the users. Many employers of labor when ad vertlslng for help Insert the clause, "No cigarette smokers need apply. Tet we find Collier's Weekly ac ceptlng money for recommending the use of cigarettes and In ft quarter pagn announcement picture a scene In the Waldorf-Astoria hotel In New York, where two young men In full evening dress are seated at a table with two young ladles, and in their fingers the men proudly hold cigar The faculty of the Oregon Agrlcul tural college has united In nn address to the students announcing their In tention of dismissing summarily all hazers. and denouncing hazing as 'cowardly and dishonorable." What Schilling's Best do?s lor a laanly: saves all care about kl;lnr.porifw Sav jnng ,4CIB P'eaa and settles once for .ill. thua que- ;onj CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. Fred W. Hendley Candidate for republican nomina tion for recorder of conveyances, guarantee accurate and legible rec ords. prompt service and courteous treatment. Roslyn Coal $6.50 deliv ered, $6.00at the shed Roslyn Coal, -ler thorough exhaustive tests, has been se lected by the V. 8. government for the use of its war Teasels, as It stood the highest test. PROMPT DELIVERY. ROSLYN WOOD ft COAi. CO, Office at W. v C. R. Depot. 'PHOJTE MAIN 26. CONFIRMED PROOF. SOROSiS Shoe Sale We have a permit to close out all discontinued lines of Sorosls $3.50 Shoes at $2.50 A PAIR., Sale begins Saturday, February 16, closes Saturday, February 24. Shoes on display In show window. I ALEXANDER'S Agents For Pendleton ofpi A GREAT MARK i SOONEST HIT, says the old proverb, and you can't miss the mark as to quality or econo my if you aim for here when lumber buying is on your mind. We turn over to you the output of some of the best mills In the country well sea soned, carefully cut and surfaced lum ber fit for the fli.est house In the land. Lime, Cement and Sand also handled. Pendleton Planing Mills IIOIIERT FORSTER, Proprietor. IT WILL BE DONE RICHT All plumbing and tin, sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to me will be done light and guaranteed. I have removed my shop to Court street, second door east of Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do the highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, as I nave in my employ one of the best plumbers In the business, and water, steam and other pipe fitting Is solicited. A specialty of thi, sheet Iron and copper work. B. F. BECK THE OLD RELIABLE PLUMBER AND TIN8MTTH. Court Street, Two Doors East of Golden Rule Hotel. I Why Pay Rent when, you can use the same money to build c home for yourself. Call on FRANK B. CLOPTON 2b CO. 112 East Court Street. "KEEPING A STIFF FRONT." Is as good in a man's character, as In his shirt. If his laundryman will only keep that shirt front white and stiff he'll be satisfied. Well, we make a specialty of doing laundry work as It should be done, and for that reason we always manage to keep our cus tomers. We guarantee care, cleanli ness and excellent finish to every ar ticle entrusted to us. Special rates for family washing. Pendleton Steam Laundry 'Phone Main 17 . FISIIMAN & PETERS, Props. Residents of Pendleton Cannot Doubt What Has Been Twice Proved. In sratltude for complete relief from aches and pains of bad back! from distressing kidney ills thous ands have publicly recommended Doan's Kidney Pills. Residents of Pendleton, who so testified years ago, now say their cures were permanent. This testimony doubly proves the worth of Doan's Kidney Pills to Pen dleton kidney sufferers. Henry Williams, of College street, Pendleton, Ore., says: "It Is over two years ago since I made a state ment for publication In our local pa pers, In which I highly recommended Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Ttrock & JlcComas Co.'s drug storo. This laose of time has only confirmed and strengthened my good opinion of this remedy. Before using It I had been troubled for nearly four years with dull heavy aching pains across my loins and kidneys, Colds always aggravated the complaint and caused an Irregularity of the kidney secre tions. I lost a good deal of rest nights through having to rise at in tervals, and the annoyance and worry sapped nearly all the energy out of me. Doan's Kidney Pills changed all this, and, as I said before, they are worth their weight In gold to anyone suffering from disordered kidneys or backache." ., For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mltburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Electric Lights They are the best. They require no oil. They are the cheapest. They give plenty of light. They require no cleaning. They are always ready for nso. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. CORNER COURT AND GARDEN 81 CONTRACTORS wh appreciate good st jff at rock bot tom prices are Invited to Inspect oi present st:ck. Never before have cut our profits to sch an extent. This U Your Chance to buy. A word to the wise la suffi cient. Oregon Lumber Yaro Near Court, Houte Pendleton. Oregon. 'Phone Main 8. Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING CITY of EASTERN OREGON and look over the ALFALFA LANDS which flll pay yon large returns on your money. We several hundred cres of tl.o best Irrigated Alfalfa Land In the west, which yields from a seven to twelve tons per acre. For further particulars write BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon.,