J ,.,.1 . I I eJ-(r''tl,,, PACE TWO. left foot broken. COFFEE The committee which awarded the medal consisted of Secretary Moselcy of the Interstate commerce commis sion, and Messrs. W. P. Borland, J. W. Watson, W. R. Wright and G. E. Starblrd. Railway Gazette. DAILY EAST rnPfjrVIv nrvnitnnv -.ni... . . . .,......, iv,.-, v,.vE.WJi, miMi, r EHHUARY HI, ltOa. PSHT PAGES. : H F AH NJRf Ll. :Z : 1 IUIIIIU I 1J II lllllllll vifiiiiiuucc fin-II awarded tnP I - w I kWiHWH Our very best is The most popular is "Coyamo" STADARD GROCERY eg. Cor. Court and Johnson Streets The Quality Store GENERAL NEWS. Hawaiian planters will send a dole patlon to the tobacco (Trowing- districts of the United States to gain inform.i tlon that may lead to the culture or that plant In the Islands. The Presbyterian church has 73 missionaries in China, and the mis sion board has telegraphed to each to be on his Riiard and to draw on it for funds that may be needed to Insure safety or escape. In one school in New York city In which there are St5 children, a re cent Investigation disclosed that on the day of the Inquiry. 104 had been sent to school with no breakfast, while u4 others had mulling more uian ua and bread. During a heavy fog at Victoria. 1). C, a stranger threw a brick threw a brick through the window of McMil lan's jewelry store, seized a tray of diamonds and jewelry and escaped. iiarry Hazard has been Vancouver. B. C. arreste at Frederick V. Seward, aged To years, a son of William H. .Seward. who was secretary of suite in Lin- i coin's cabinet, was lately knocked , down by an automobile In New York, j una severely injured. Mr. s. ward w.u -ct . ,. . , r - , , ' ,lr. suite under ; ........ m ...uncni. , At a meeting ,,f Methodist editors' Llt-:v fined $'n for dispensing intox and publishing managers of the ' "bile five other alleged joint United States held In Cincinnati i; was iMs rirP under arrest, decided that every priming establish- ! F r the first time sii.ee its o. gani- ......i i- rimi'.j i.y me .Methodist ibiok Concern shall hereafter be rua - ! tie pvti.iop" ,;,.,, :nak::;- distinction between union and non- j I union .workers. Alexander Legb-r. a sod 22 years, is under arrest tit Hoboken, N. J., charged with the murder of his broth er Carl, last December. In orl-r to obtain $.1iOni life insurance carried in his favor. Carl die.) from the effects nf tHi!g burned by a mysterious ffre ivtich broke out in his bed v.hpc he V4VS asleep. John H. 'u and Frank Jnhn-oti fled from Philadelphia together, charged with defrauding th'ir credit ors. At San Francisco "nt robbed Johnson of Jll'm and fl-d to New Mexico. Johnson took steps to have him arrested, which was done, and that fact le i to the detection of both by authorities from Philadelphia, to which place they will be taken for trial. The Ohio legislature has passed a Mil making hazing In public and pri vate schools and colleges a misde meanor, punishable by a fine n it ex ceeding $2"" or Imprisonment in jail! not exceeding six months, or both. ! Teachei"s and heads of such schools 1 who know ingly permit hazing to be practiced are also to be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ai:.l a'-e punishable' bv a fine not exceeding $2"". I NOIITHWEST XCT.i A boy named Frank Wicks was run over and kiiled by a Southern Pacific train at Albany. He attempted to board a swiftly moving train for amusement. D. C. ilenny expects 'to take charjf'j cf the government irrigntion project at Yakima February 22, and to have actual work progressing In a very short time. The oen-or ('.rami hole! at r:ak City h.cs oee.i lea'---o fo; fi-.e years iy J. M. St.irk. of In b pendent e, who ha-s been In the hotel business in the latter place for 14 years. j The First National bank of Oranue vllle lately declared a dividend of 4 0 per cent, and Increased its capital OREGON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Purely mutual to policyholders. On plans that have stood the test of time Economically and cleanly administered. Profits of the business belongs to policyholders. Returned to them in dividends at the end of each year. ' " L. SAMUEL, Mgr. Macleay Building, 286 Washington Street, Portland, Ore. "Devers Blend" Coffee in the city stock from $25.0oi) to S lace Scott Is president Wagner cashier. 0,000. Wal and Martin Parnard Wills, of Walla Walla, passed the competitive examination held at Whitman college, for admis sion to the Annapolis naval academy. He is recommended for appointment by Senator Ankeny, to President Roos evelt. McMinnville Is to have a new water works system at a cost of J29.l67. the contract beinir let to the National Wood Pipe company, of Olympla. The new reservoir, which will cost $:'l.iino extra, will hold 1,000,000 gal lons. Total cost, f30,000. Percy K. Swan, a wealthy Tanana nii-ier. has disaipeaied and some where between Seattle and San Fran cise.i, with jro.Ooo I,, casni checks and drafts in his clothes. He had in the past nine years accumulated J250, oioi In the Alaskan mines. ' Ihe records of Douglas county are. ! 10 c,e expeited. special attention be ing devoted the sheriff's office and the treasurer's book". A special ses sion of the county court will be held February 23 to take the scandals af fecting both offices under advisement. A compact! Is r,n to suppress the 1 1 , lua-i, vmiii ll: nas twl.-e vi,., that it shall be ,rv. i n, manager of the Athletic club was 1 nation, liriiish I'oluinbia rcpn etit- I d In the do minion cabinet. Hon. Mr " ' "' eiona. is im,v oi.,.is "f Inland revenue. The election allfy Templcton's ai.oointi ,t .... tei to perhaps reject It, will be held March HOTKL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. I.. John-oii. Seattle; J. N. itur Wnlla V . l-t. J. M. Kee.iev. W.iila; K. X. s-taufleM :in !: ho; H. v. Smith, Walla Wnl A. Cooke, .-'an Francisco: Mrs. ' .".'eNoll. Weston; Mrs. (;. V Wall, 7 If.., la: .1 W. !. Pl-olbslel. Weston; forali.i; V. H. Xort W. J. Iio.ison. i. Portland; Miss Schwltxb r. -pokane; J. W. House. .-'pokai I'. W. Jackson. San Frati-Pnrt-Saxe. Port fi. S. eiseo; r. T. Lin.lsley'and wife, land: A. Cameron. Chicago; A. -Milwaukee; j ( Carretson, land: T. I!. Killin. Portland; Voungnian. Portland. Tho Golden Hole. V.. Pot hester. Wallowa: Mrs. It .1. W. Arrasmlth. ogax: Mrs. H. It. -'e port. Echo; K. J. Taylor, city: H. . limiburt. Kiho; Mrs. M. M. Cinbons. Iner Island; Mrs. E.. Gib bons, peer Island; If. Ohon, Walla Walla: Will Taitinger. Claresholm; r-. Wiight. Athena: H. F. Marble, N'oi ah Yakima; F. H. H. asso and wife ic-toii: Mrs. Milanda Stamper; J. C. Ciirpeiiter; John I-es; Tt. Conntly, Pendleton; J. F. Hathaway, Spokane; J. P.. F.nglish. Weston; J. T. Weaver, Vale, (ire.; C. W. Pradley, Athena; (;. C. Mcintosh, Weston; F. A. Davis, Weston; Al Hart, Wallowa. How's Tills? effer fine Hundred lir.i.nr Iteward for any ense of Cntnrrli that cannot be curetl liv llnll s i atiirra I un1, K. J. CIIKNKV it ('(I , Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J I (.'honey for the Inst la jeiira. and bellev i li I m iierfei'tlv hnneralile In all liusinins tranKnitlf.nii and rinnnclallv nhle to curry mil iinv eiiogniions niiioc nv ji is llrm. H.b.lUMi. KINNAN'ft M All V I.N, Wli'ilesfile ItnigL'IstH. 'feleofi. o Halla f'ntarrh Cure In Inken Internallv. acting directly Htion the h!o"d and lilucntiH mirfaceH nf the system. Testimonials aent free. Pi-bo i.i cents per hottle. Sold liy fill drngglstH. Take Hall's Family I'llla for conatlpatlon IIOISE MAX WILL KETCRX TO THK LATTER STATE. Give a Comprehensive and Informing Account of Ills Experiences , Observation In the Far Southeast There Is Yet (imcrnmcnt I,uml In That suite Money to lie Made hi Fruit, anil Opportunities for Gixxl Investments Immense Profits on GraiH, F. X. Ferrell has returned from n trip lasting two months, In which he visited a number of sections of cen tral Florida. He siiem most of his time In the vicinity of Kustnce and Altoona, and is quite enthusiastic Lover that country. Talking of his trln today, Mr. Ferrell said to the Boise Capital News; "1 found a good country, an ex cellent climate, and a people enjoying i nc nest or health and prosperity. During the two months I was there no frost appeared, and roses, peaches, pears, oranges and other trees were In full bloom. The orange crop was be ing picked, and selling for a cent elfch which amounts to about J2 a box. making it a very profitable cron. '".rapes are also a big mnncv- making Industry. I saw one farmer who made over $1000 a year clear from two acres of grapes, using the fruit for making wine. Land values are very low. some Improved places being offered at J10 an acre. As an Instance of ibis I was offered one place of 80 acres with two good dwelling houses and 30 acres under fence, for $Soo. There is a good deal of government land noon to homestead entry. It Is all pretty heavily timbered w ith pine and cy - press, the greater portion of which 'is ultalile for saw timber "I met a man who went to that country from .Missouri two years ago. He bought 2ii acres nf land in the woods and went to work with one horse and a six-inch plow raising garden vegetables which he shipped to the ninth. Last year he cleared JP above all expenses. "Land holdings are very small. farms iangmr from 2." to ;io acres each, and the people seem to be able lo make a very good living with very little effort. If the same amount of ambition characterized those people that Is seen among the farniois of Idaho, all could make at least Jimei a year above their expenses. Corn and oats yield about rsr bushels to the acre, mid Hi. -re Is an abundance of ' good grass tile year round for pas ture. "Si vera 1 y. ars ago the frost mine' and dc.-.tr..yed the orange trees In that section, and most of the people ' left there, thinking the country was! ruined. Those who remained and re-j planted the trees have got them into bearing again, anil are prospering. Immigration is beginning to settle ihe country once more, the railroads ad-vertl-lng the resor:-ces and tolling of the opportunities to be had ly those "ing Here t i take advant. of the opiiortnni'les offered." Mr. Kerr II will sp. n l the snnmier In I'.ol .e. but says be intends going 'iick to I'lori la next Xhihii' it. i'Pi.1. ;oT iih: Mii:it. Allili-ing Incident Told by Hnker Clly! Preacher. j While waiting for the train at the depot Saturday. Rev. Pell told the : story of his onoouut-,- with an intoxi cated man In linker cpy. says the In-' dependence West Sid,. Kntcrprlse. With several drinks aboard the Ha-i kcr miner came lumbering out of a -aloon in Taker ciiy and 'butted in" to Itev. I'ell, as the latter was passing' along the street. The man was In a slate of mind that makes mm feel he! Is acquainted Willi everybody out earth, and extending the hand of! Ki ting to I lev. Hell. remarked. "Where in h (uive I seen y.,u be- I fore?" I lev. Hell answered that he did not L .. .,. li, ii'l.ni ...... io. ,. I. ... .,.... t, uie miner mm oeeii aim uiereiore. could not answer the question. Mak ing further Inquiry the linker City man learned that he had been ad dressing a minister of the gospel and he straightway hunted up llev. Pell and apologized. ."That's all right," answered the preacher again; "now you come to church next Sunday and I'll tell you fellows something." The fellow went to church and llev. IJoll did the rest. n:i).i. to i:ai: in:uo. (ieorge Poell lliully Injiiriil by Mflln ( I1II1I I'roiu Track. The first medal to lie granted to n railroad man for heroism, under the act of congress of February 2:1, i:i'if. has been sent by President Roosevelt, with a commendatory letter to Ceorge Poell, of Crand Island, Xeb., n fire man on the St. Joseph & Grand Is land, who on June 2fi last, near Pow ell's station, Xeb., saved the life of a child 2 1-2 years old, son of Station Agent John t'ssary at that place. The child was standing or walking on (lie track when Poell's train ap proached at about .10 miles nn hour on a descending grade. Poell noticed the emergency application of the brake, looked up and out of the win dow and raw that it would probably be Impossible to stop tho train before reaching the child. Ho quickly ran out upon the. run ning board und to tho pilot of the en gine, where he succeeded In grasping the child by tho clothing, wdille the train was still running about 12 miles an hour, and threw him Into tho ditch saving his life. Poell, however, was severely Injured bclnir unable, In bis hasta, to secure a good footing on tho 4-Inch step nt the bottom of tho pilot nnd he wns nearly killed, losing his Luckiest Man in Arkansas. "I'm the luckiest man In Arkansas," writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration of my wife's health after frvo years of continuous cough ins and bleeding from the lungs; and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, which I know from experience will cure con sumption If taken In time. My wife Improved with first bottle and 12 bot- nes completed the cure." Cures the worst coughs and colds or money re funded. At Tallman & Cc. and Hrnck it McComas, druggists; 50c and $1.00, Trial bottles free. AT THE CHRISTIAN CIIVRCII. ) hxt-ellciit Pmirliinjt nIi Singing of the Highest Order. ino meetings at the Christian church are .starting off with great In iciest, a large audience gathered last night to hear the noted singers, tleorge A. Webb and wife. Mr. and airs. Webb have been In this work now for 15 years. They have worked with some of the most noted evangel ists of Anioiicu, always giving satis faction. They nre to be with Mr. Brooks In eastern Oregon during this year. The subject of the sermon to night will be: "In Touch With Hod." Saturday evening subject, "Seven Devils of Pendleton." Services every evening at 7:30. The public cordially Invited. In tea, Schilling's Best fsby , no means the costliest tea; it's ! ' matter of taste. Of the fine 1 . . i Kinds, the One VOU like best 13 your tea. Your grocer's; moncyback L4MES (G.Did you know that Accordion Plait ing is more popular than ever among genteel drcsser3? f.Hot irons injute delicate fabrics. We use the steam method exclusively. We can do your work just as satisfactory as if you lived in Poitland. Write for free circu lar and particulars. We do Accordion Sunb irst nnd Knife Plaitinz to order. MISS O. GOULD MAKOUAM BLDO. POKTI Alun ncu YniiLiuiiimTi.i...iHriji,yinili,t,; FOR iriDiCESTSCN (l:-tress after eating-, dizziness, that heavy fccliue;, wind and pains in the stomach and furred tongue, take Beecham's Pills luforc you retire to rest. They -'art the gastric juices, as.-iu the stomach tn dispose. f,t the food, cn coitratrc gimd appetite, sound di gcti'Mi and make von fed life is V o -tb I've,,-. Sold, i:vcry. here. In boxes lee. and 2oc. SWOLLEN VEINS SPRUITS-STRAINS Cured by our Hand Woven Elastic Bands and Stock ings. ; Over-fatness and weaknesses relieved by our Abdominal Belts. . ' Write for bltinks and book. I WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. PORTLAND, OREGON Empire Meat Market Phone, Main 18 Wholesale nnd retail dealers In Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal and Fresh Fish. Try our "S-fi" Hams, lincnn nnil I.ard. Schwarz & Greulich 60? Main St. CANDIDATES I'OH OFFICIO. Fred W. Hendley Candidate for republican nomina tion for recorder of conveyances. I guarantee accurate and legible rec ords, prompt service and courtoous treatmont. Roslyn Coal $6.50 deliv ered, $6.00at the shed Ibmlyn Coul, 'u-r tluirough oiliiuiKtlvo tests, lias Iicvn se lected by the IT. S. government for tho use of Its war vessels, tut It stood Oio highest test. I'HOMPT DI0MVF-1Y. HOSIYN WOOD & COAL CO. Office at W. . C. It. Depot. I'HONB MAIX 20. I ALEXANDER'S Agents For Pendleton IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT All plumbing and tin, sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to me will be done right and guaranteed. I have removed my shop to Court street, second door east of Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do the highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, as I have In my employ one of the best plumbers in the business, and water, steam and other pipe fitting Is solicited. A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work. B. F. BECK THE OLD KFI.I Mil.IO PI.l .MISFH AND TINSMITH. Court Ktrert. Two Doors Fast of (ioldeii Hide Hotel. FRANK B. CLOPTON ( CO. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans and Investment Brokers :ii;i:cioiis. FP.AXK II. (T.OPI'OX. President: T. C. TAVI.OH. Ylce-Prclilent; F. W. VIXCIOXT Sconml Vice-President: M AIMv M IOK1K H'SIO, Sih-- i i v-Treasurer; F. W. MATLOCK. ' Vl" rlS ""iij"""' " Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING CITY nf FASTFRN iiRFr.nN J 11 the ALFALFA A nil pny you largo returns on your money. Wo h:;ve several hnntlred ere of tl o lKwt Irrlgntotl AlfaHn Ijinil In tho wort, which yields from seven to twelve tons per acre. Fur further particulars wrlto BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon. S0R0S1S Shoe Sale We have a permit to close out all discontinued Hues of Sorosls $3.50 Shoes at $2.50 A PAIR. Hale begins Saturday, February 16; closes Saturday. February 21. Shoes on display In show window. A (JIIF.AT MAP.K , SOOXIOST HIT, says the old proverb, and you can't miss the mark as to quality or econo my If you aim for here when lumber buying Is on your mind. We turn over to you the output of some of the best mills In the country well sea soned, carefully i ut and surfaced htm ber fit for the fii.est house In the land. I.lme, Cement and Snnd . also handled. Pendleton Planing Mills HOHFIST l OliSTEH, Proprietor. KI i; a sni ! i iiiix r." i:i es e,,,,,j ., ;1 1,,.,,,'s eharactor. as In bis slort. if bis I.i un ,li y in;i ti will only kc. p ii, ;,i shirt front while and stiff In II le sat!:,fle,. Well. He nuiko a spc. ;,;v ef iloimr laundry work as It should be done, ami for that reason we ,.!.,?s mannee to keep our otin. I We guarantee care, cleanli ness and excellent finish to every ar ticle entrusted to us. Special rates, fet family washing. Pendleton Steam Laundry 'Plioiii! Main 171). FISHMW & PFTFItS, Prop Electric Lights Tlicy nro the best. They roipilre no oil, Thoy nro tbo cliiMipet. They glvo plenty of light. They require no cleaning. Thoy are ahinys rwily for uw. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. COHXEK COlltT AND GARDEN ST CONTRACTORS wh npprwlute gi,, Hl.,ff Ilt ro(,k ,m, torn pil.iH are invlUil to insH- t o liii-sent si, , k. Never before liavo s cut our prorits to sneli an extent. Tlil U Your Chance A word to the uIho it; lo buy. dent. suffl- Oregon Lumber Yaro Near Court, House Pendleton. Oregon. 'Phono, Main 8. LANDS which 7 ; ..