EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST ORBGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THXRSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1900. PAGE SEVEN. j AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE KiiHtulilH the Lonu Jury 1111111. . Attorney Jumes K. Hunt), counsel for the Northern Pacific. yesterday .received a telegram from the circuit court of appeals at San FranclHco announcing a reversal of the cane of Jones vs. the Northern I'uciflc rall wuy, In which a verdict was given .ugulnst the defendant for 17000, the court holding that the could helow should have sustained the defendant's motion for a non-nult. The plaintiff, while walking on the track, wub Mtruck by thu rallroud en gine at a point between Wallace and llurke where about 4000 people live In the narrow canyon with houses close to and facing the track on each ;,lde. The track Is used as a side walk by tile people and they have connected the front doors of their houses with the track by walks. The plulntlff claimed that this permissive use of the track Imposed greater care on the defendant company. The holding of the circuit court of appeals Is that every duty of care resting on the defendant also rests equally on the plaintiff. The court further holds that the plaintiffs contrlbutary neg ligence precluded a recovery. One Juror only held out for the de fendant In this case and the decision of the hlger court shows he was right and the 1 1 wrong. Lewlston Tribune. PIoiiint Miner IH'iul. From the undertaking rooms of Welch & Hon this ' afternoon, the funeral of the late Itlchard Kldd, who died Saturday evening In this city, will take place. The deceased died at the advanced age of 90 years or more and he had been a resident of linker county for nearly 4fl years. During all this time his occupation was that of a pros pector and miner. Many years ago he discovered what Is known as the Pedro mine, on Pedro mountain, near the divide between f'lnrk's creek and Rye valley, and developed the prop erty (Ulte extensively. During his early career In mining he had good success and at one time realized $20. 000 or more from the sale of placer mines In Mormon Hasln camp. A man of gn at liberality and chari tably illsposed. the deceased parted with his money with a penerous hand and seemingly never gave thought to a "rulny day." At the time of his death he was penniless. As far as known he had no relatives. Tinker City Democrat. O. S. I.. I'nun Huntington to Lpwiston South Idaho looks forward to the building of the Oregon Short Line from Huntington to Lewlston on the water grade, and the building of a transcontinental line across the state In the valleys of the Lemhi nnd Sal mon rivers with a branch to Boise IIYOMFI riTOS CATARRH. It llenllnc IMiNinw Kill Alt Catairlul ;orii" Sold I'ndcr Guarantee by Tnllnuin & Co. There Is no more common disease than cetarrh, and none that Is more dangerous. It weakens and debilitates the whole system, if -It Is allowed to run, leads to serious, and sometimes fatal complications. U Is a noteworthy fact that among the many medicines and treatments far catarrh, there Is only one which Tnllm.Tn & Co. sell under their posi tive guarantee to reund the money If It does not cure Hyomel, nature's remedy for the cure of catarrh. ' No dangerous drugs are taken Into the stomach when Hyomel Is used. Brenthed through the small pocket In haler that comes with every Hyomel outfit, Its healing bnlsams penetrate to the most remote cells of the throat, nose and lungs, killing the germs of .caterrh, healing the Irritated mucous membrane, and making complete and lasting cures. The complete Hyomel outfit, con sisting of an Inhaler that can be car ried In the purse or vest pocket, n medicine dropper, nnd a bottle of Hy omel. costs only II. The Inhaler will last a lifetime, while extra bottles of UvnmAi on n he nro'cured. whenever ni.Bi1i.il for onlv 50 cents. Tallmnn & Co. ate selling a good many Hyomel outfits nt this season, and they have so much confidence In the remedy that they guarantee to re fund the money In case It does not cure. r.nornmiH Xumlier of Salmon The frttal number of chlnook salmon fry planted In the Columbia river and Its tributaries during the past 10 years by Oregon, Washington and the United States government Is shown by the following table: 1S95-6 7,687,000 189S-7 12,142.000 1H07.R 29,910.600 18D8-9 19,699,698 189!).0 23,517,000 1900- 1 1901- 2 1902- 3 1903- 4 1904- 5 1905- 6 24.198.600 42,568,200 52.341,3.15 70,497.610 18,226,620 33.054,065 Adrian Dlmuent, n picturesque fig ure among the lloll. dera in Mil waukee, nnd the Inst of the old-time "death niessengeis" among their countrymen, died the other day, at -the age of 88 years. Mr. Dlmnent had lived In Milwnukee longer than 46 years, and during most of that time had performed the duties of "nan sprckert," calling solemnly upon the Dutch families nnd officially an nouncing the death of one of their number. The cattle of Somalllnnd, says a re cent official report, are fattened on date stones, nnd milch animals fed on such a dlot nre said to produce better and more ooplus milk than others. from Idaho Falls, said Editor W. D. Smith of the Moscow Mirror, who has returned from a visit to Boise and south Idaho points. "The people in the south are In close touch with the rapid develop ment of the northern part of the state and expect to have direct railroad connections within the next two years. It is stated at Boise that work on the Huntlngton-Lewlston line will be commenced during the present year and it is believed that the Chicago & Northwestern will enter the state through Bannock pass und follow a water grade to Portland via the Sal man and Snake rivers. "In connection with the building of the latter roud It Is believed the P. & I. X. will extend its line to Salmon river and hnve a northern connection by this means and Boise will have an eastern connection with the through line nt Idaho Falls." Lewlston Trib une (Moscow cor.) Grinding Alfulfu Hay. At Nampa an Interesting experi ment Is being conducted with alfalfa hay, which promises to open a new market for the Irrigated land product. A company has been organized and machinery secured for grinding the hay for feeding purposes, and from tests already made the feeding quali ties of the hay have been greatly ln craesed. A ton of the ground pro duet will be shipped to Moscow to be used In the feeding tests at the state experimental station, and If sat isfactory reports are made a shipment will be sent Into the eastern markets. Nampa Leader. (.ambling Clinrgc Against 15 Men. Judge Currey thlB morning decided that the evidence against the IB men arrested by Sheriff Harvey Brown Sunday night on the charge of gam bling. Is sufficient to cause them to await the action of the circuit court and placed them each under a bond of 1100 until that time. Euch of the 15 prisoners succeeded In raising the required amount with the exception of J. D. McKinncy, who wns remanded to the county Jail In default of ball. Baker City Herald Held the Train for a Cock Fight. The fight was so hot. yesterday af ternoonternoon on the premises of a popular livery stable In Sumpter that the Sumpter Valley rnllwny train was held 30 minutes to permit some of the passengers to witness the sport, ac cording to the report brought down by Sumpterltes. It wns a battle royal between two game chickens, and the contest lasted Just 14 minutes, with out rounds or Intermission, and at the close the losing" bird dropped dead. Nearly 200 spectators watched the game. Baker City Democrat. DAILY MARKET REPORT. Bii) lug ami Selling Prices of Produce- In Pendleton. Fruits. Apples, 11.50 to 82 per box. Oranges, 25 to 50 cents per dozen. Lemons, 30 cents per dozen. Bananas, 40 cents per dozen. Vegetables. Sweet Potatoes, 6 cents per lb. Cabbage, 3 1-2 cents per lb. Parsnips, 2 1-2 cents per lb. Turnips, 2 cents per lb. Celery, II per dozen. Potatoes, 11.25 per sack. Onions, 11.50 per sack. Cauliflower, 15 cents head. Tomatoes, 20 cents per lb. P6p corn, 8 1-3 cents per lb. Rutabages, 2 1-2 cents per lb. Beets, 2 1-2 cents per lb. Lettuce, 6 cents per bunch. Butter and Eggs. Creamery butter, 70 cents per roll. Country butter, 60 cents per roll. Fresh eggs, 35 cents per dozen. Case eggs, 80 cents per dozen. Miscellaneous. Sweet pickles, 80 cents per gallon Sour pIckleB, 60 cents per gallon. Mince meat, 15 cents per lb. Olives, 25 cents per pint. Walnuts, 26 cents per lb. Almonds, 25 cents per lb. ine isew cough syrup the one that acts as a mild cathartic on the bowels Is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It expels all cold from the system, cuts the phlegm out of the throat, strengthens the mucous mem branes of the bronchial tubes and re lieves croup, whooping cough, etc, Children love It. Sold by Tallman & Co. Killed by Fulling Tree. W. P. Green, aged 82, was killed Frldny by the rebound of a tree while engaged In clearing the right of way for the. Corbln rnllroad near Colburn. With a companion Mr. Green was engaged In felling a large t-ee. When It started to fall Mr. Green told his helper to look out and in watching to see that this helper was escnplng neglected to get away himself and was struck by the re bound In the head. Snndpolnt News. Don't deceive yourself. If you have Indigestion take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It will relieve you. Rev. W. E. Hocutt, South Mills, N. C, says: "I was troubled with chronic indiges tion for several years; whatever I ate seemed to cause heartburn, sour stomach, fluttering of my heart, and general depression of mind and body. My druggist recommended Kodol, nnd it has relieved me. I can now eat anything and sleep soundly at night. Dodol digests what you eat Tallman & Co. Flection Blanks. Electors' nomination tickets or pe tltlbns for use in securing signatures for the primary elections for sale at the East Oregonian office. f PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND SUR- geon. Office In Savings bank building. 'Phones: Office main 154; residence, main 175. , DR. C. J. SMITH OFFICE SMITH- Crawford building, opposite postof- flce. Telephones: Main 801; resi dence. Main 1591; barn, Red G81. DR. AMY CURRIN, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office Smith-Craw ford building. 'Phone 614. DR. R. E. RINGO, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Rooms 3 and 4 Schmidt building. 'Phone, Office, Main 623. Phone, Residence, Main 23. DR. W. O. COLE, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office, Judd building. Of fice 'phone, Main 137; residence 'phone Main 138. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D HOMEO- pathle Physician and Surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, Red 8632. DR. D. J. M'FATJL. JUDD BLOCK, telephone Main 931; residence, black 161. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHY8I- clan and Surgeor, Office In Sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone, Main 1411; residence, Mam 1661. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases and dis eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court street. Office phone Main 72. X-Ray and Electro- Therapeutics. OSTEOPATHS DRS. G. S. & EVA Holslngton. Graduates, Klrksvllle school. Suite 10-12 Despaln block. 'Phone Red 3181. All disease treated. DENTISTS. RALPH C. SWINBURNE, DENTIST, Rooms 3 and 4, Smith-Crawford building, opposite postofflce. "Phone Main Bii DR. M. S. KERN. DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 15 Judd build ing. 'Phone red 8301. w A. VAttQHAN. DENTI8T. OF- flee In Judd building. 'Phone red 1411. BR. T. H. WF'.E, DENTIST AS oclatlon block. Telephone Main 166. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. D. C. McNabb. Office at Tallman's drug store. T. J. LLOYD. D. V. S.. VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate or Grand Rnplds Veterinary college, Mich. Office at Brock & Mccomas drug store. Residence telephone Main 131. FRATERNAL ORDERS. nrvTil FTnM T-OnflB NO. 61 A. F. & A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are invitea. BANKS AND BROKERS. THE 'ENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton, Ore. Organized Marco. 1, 1889. Capital, 8100,000; surplus, 1100,000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice president; J. A. Borle. cashier; J. W. Maloney, assistant casnier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHN- dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits, 1250,000.00. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny, president; W. F. Matlock, vice-president; G. M. Rice, cashier; George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all klndJ of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxe and makes Investments for non-resl dents. Reference, any bank in Pen dleton. JAMES JOHN8, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vlce-Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THI oldest and most reliable fire am accident Insurance companies, Offlo with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, JR., U. a LAND Commissioner. Specialty made of land filings and proot Insurance and collections. Oiflce in Judd Lulld Ing, room 16. COMMISSION HOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO., DEAN Tatom, manager. Office at Pendle ton Ice & Cold Storage plant Dealers In fruit, vegetables and dairy products. 'Phone Main 178. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there is anything you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. ' 11 Court street PLUMBING. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. 8ANI tary Plumb.rs, 14 S Main St All work first-class. Best material used. Prompt service. Sewer connections made. 'Phone Main 811. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. X300D POSITIONS, OR RELIABLE help furnished on short n tlce. Em ployment for man, $1.00; employment for woman, 81.00. Reasonable fee for short Jobs. No charge to the em ployer. J. C. Spoonemore, 124, West Court street CHOP MILT. ALL CHOP FEEDS. WALTERS' shorts and bran. Alfalfa 111 per ton. Free delivery. 'Phone Main 661 D. Maurer, Prop. West Webb street Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS ATTORNEYS. H. J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Taylor's hardware store Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES -A. FEB, LAW OFFICB U Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY at Law. Office In Despaln block. JOHN W. M'COURT ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith-Crawford block. CARTER, RALEY & RALEY, AT- torneys at Law. Office In Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylor's hard ware (tore. WINTER COLLIER, LAWYERS. Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. JOHN H. LAWREY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office, Bavlne Bank buldlng. STILLMAN PIERCE, ATTOR- neys at Law. If r. Btillman has been admitted to practice in United States patent of flees, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 11 and II, Association block. GEORGE W. COUTTS, LATE COUN ty Attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. EBtates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn Collections made. Room 17, Schmld block. R. J. SLATER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices in Despaln building, at head of stairs. S. A. NEWBEPRY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Offices In Association block Main street. DAN P. SMYTHE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office in Despaln block, Last Court street CECIL R. WADE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In East Oregonian building. East Webb street. G. W. PHELPS, DISTRICT ATTOR- ney. Offices with John McConrt In Smith-Crawford block. ARCHITECTS AND 3CILDERS. HOWARD A SWINGLE, ARCHI tects and Architectural Engineers Practical and reliable plans and spec! flcations and thorough superintend ence of all kinds of building and con structlon. Taylor Building, corner Main and W er streets. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT and Superintendent Room 12 Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonian office. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Esti mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Goodman cigar store, Main stre t P. O. Box 104. 1 1 VERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY- LIVERY STABLE, ALTA ST Carney & Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection, 'Phone Main 731. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTELLI BROS., MARBLE and Granite works. Monuments of all descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Examine our work; 709 East Court street BOARDING AND LODGING. ATHENA HOTEL LEADING Ho tel In the city. $1.00 and $1.60 per day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, M. A. RADER, FUNERAL DIRE ' tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balmlng. Corner Main and Web streets. 'Phone Main 130i. Funeral parlors in connection. BAKER FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors aud licensed embalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone Main 76. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. WM. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEER Cries public and private sales of al kinds. Commission reasonable. Post office box 666. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KGB, CHINESE LAUNDRY- man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by hand, and first- class. Goods called for and delivered 408 Court street WANTED. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO learn barber trade In 8 weeks. Graduates earn $16 to $25 per week. Cata. free. Moler system of colleges, 403 Front avenue, Spokane, Wash. WANTED A WELL EDUCATED young man wants position as clerk. Address W. L. Jones, Box 172, Pilot Roek, Oregon. FOR SALE. 440 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 miles north of Athena, at $40 an acre. Terms. Craighead ft Hayes Athena, FOR SALE A SPAN OF HALTER broke driving nor a. Apply to Mrs. B. Cunningham, or at Dutch Henry Feed Yard. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Two blocks from Main street. Bath and electric lights. One ground floor front room. Call at 309 West Court street HOUSES AND ROOMS. FURNISHED and unfurnished. See Spoonemore, 124 West Court street. NICE, NEW, LIGHT HOUSEKEEP lng rooms to rent; and rooms wltb or without board. Call at B. O. office. ENGRAVED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, etc Very latest styles. Leave or ders at East Oregonian office. 1 BXISOELLANEOUS. PENDLETON j.MUSEMENT PAR- lors, H. H. Williams. Prop., base ment of Hendricks building. Games and amusements of all kinds. Open air day and evening. Music every evening. MONEY IX THIS ENTERPRISE The greut Hurst railroad switch in vention soon to go on the road. Large factory near LewlB & Clark fair grounds. We are selling the Hurst stock at a big discount; we can beat all competitors. For particulars ad dress W. J. Curtis & Co., 216 Com mercial Block, Portland, Ore. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers in the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAN ths net publishers price of the publi cation you desire, and we will have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN n remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publish er's price. Address EAST OREGON IAN PUB. CO., Pendleton Oregon. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS, SUCH ls help wanted: rooms or houses for rent; second-hand goods for sale; In fact, any want you want to get filled, the East Oregonian wants your want ad. Rates: Three lines one time, 16 cents; two times, 25 cents; six times, 4 6 cents. Five lines one time, 25 cents; two times, 36 cents; six times, 75 cents. Count six wordt to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or mail to the East Ore gonian, enclosing silver or stamps f) cover the amount PENDLETON IPON WORKS RE pair work on all kinds of machines structural Iron work and mnchln castings. Junction of Court sn.i A.'ts reets. Marlon Jack. Pres.; w. L Zleger, Mgr. Hu Hotel Pendleton HOLLOXS & BROWN, Proprietors. The Hotel Pendleton has been re fitted nnd refurnished throughout Fire alarm connections with all rooms. Paths en suites and single rooms. Hendiinrtcrs for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. FREE 'BUS. .... Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dining Room Service. Bar and Billiard Room In Connection. Only Hire Blocks From Depots. Golden Rule ..Hotel.. 3. K. CHERRY, Proprietor and Mgr. Court Street, Corner Johnson. The Golden Rule Hotel ls first in every respect; large rooms and all conveniences. It Is u. commercial and family hotel, being conducted In the most orderly manner, with prompt service. Excellent Tnblo Hoard Steam Hit Throughout Electric Lights No, bar in connection, so that ladles and families will find It an Ideal place to stop when In Pendleton. Rates, $1.25 and up, per day K'REE 'BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS. THE PORTLAND OF PORTLAND, OBROON. American plan, $( per dar sod upwara Headquarters for tonrlsts and commtrrle travelers. Special rates made to familial and single gentlemen. Tht managwanl will be pleased at all tines to snow room, and aire prices. A modern Turkish bats rkrMr WlKiTII I 11 III V Mtabllshmaat la the bote). B. C. BOWBBS, aUaaget. fill Sll OUTLINE aw Union Pacific TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleepers dally to Omaha and Chicago; tourist sleeper dally to Kan sas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the east dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. EASTBOUND. No. 2, Chicago Special, arrives 5:49 p. m.; departs 6:40 p. m. No. 6, Mall & Express, arrives 5:00 m.; departs, 5 p. m. WESTBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, arrives 8:6$ m.; departs 8:55 a. m. No. 5, Mall & Express, arrives It p. m.; departs, 11 p. m. SPOKANE DIVISION. . No. 7, Pendleton passenger, arrives 36 p. m.; connects with No. 2. No. 8, Spokane passenger, departs 9 a. m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. No. 41, mixed, arrives 1.40 p. m. No. 42, mixed, departs 5:50 p. m.; connects with No. 2. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparla to Lewlston Leave Rlparia dally, except Saturday, 4:05 a. m. Leave Lewlston dally except Fri day, 7 a. m. ;' E. C. SMITH, Agent, Pendleton. RUNS PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT D: "G CARS T ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON Y."INNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS TO BOSTON CHICAGO NEW YORK WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA And All Points East and South. Through tickets to Japan and Chi na, via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Co. and American line. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday, at 5 p. m. ... For further Information, time cards maps and tickets, call on or write w. Adams, Pendleton, Oregon, or A. D. CiiAKLiTUiN. Third and Morr'son Sts., Portland, Or. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St Paul, St Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha, and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Portland -Mid Points on the Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, 12:15 p. m. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:15 a. m. Leave at 5 p. m. dally. Leave Walla Walla, 6:15 p. m. for east Arrive Walla Walla at 9 a. m. from west For Information regarding rates and accommodations, call on or address W. ADAMS. Agent Pendleton, Oregon. S. B. CALDERHEAD, O. P. A., Walla Walla, Washington. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CUHE PorTrfltvm station orrirl. of the Bladder ivad DtesfJ Kidneys. Nj cure do pay. Cures quick y and Prai nently toe worst cues ot ouorrlio arid , no BLstterof how Iojr st und ine. Absolutely bsnule. Sold by drufffflsts. Prion 01.00, or by mall, potpu4, ll.OO.Sboies.fcl.fS, THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CCL HCkLIPONTAINKj OHIO Sold by F. J. Donaldson. mm CHICM'STC R'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills UZl. Original and Only (Vautno, 7iAX8ArE. A;-..r;..t:. I .Jle. a.. Ir it4 'l hr Cim HKSTKK'S KNM.IStj f sP InTVTM " Itr.t sum feUlll nwiiinc k.iisb iri s ljJj il NMrtbboo. Tnkr no other. Ht-foot 11 iJ aaw HabtlluUonsi and lanita Uon. Buj or your Druggist, or woi . i Umpa tbr PnrtlrnUra, Tcotlaioalals and "Keller for LntlleAHt (s.lsr. t ro I in M aUl. 10.000 rmnaonials. S.H4 Sff all Dt miisis. t hlrhMter . tar leal Ca VaaUen ibis w- Maalaaa nr, I'UILA PA. Sa nIEN AND WOMEN. Vm ni for unnatural dItcbartiMi.lallamiiiatio'.t, irritatiaui or alteration o( mucum mrotbranai. FainW. sod tut utia. llHltWlCHEH'Ct00. r poiwuous. or ar nt Id plala wrapfsA br exDreM. prepaid, tut I. till, or 4 ooltlai, 13.75. uvular tout wu rwiuajts 2M 10 vteusm sr"V Ptstnll iVutajtata. I