PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PEXDLETOX, OREGOX, TIESRAY, FEHRl'ARY , 1906. EIGHT PAGES. COFFEE Our very best is The most popular is "Coyamo" STADARD GROCERY CO. Cor. Court and Johnson Streets The Quality Store GENERAL XEWS. As a result of the strict enforce ment of the Sunday closing law. 37 offenders were arrested February 4 lit Terre Haute. Ind. Roderick Mackenzie, a banker, ."yi elded with poison nt Kingston. Can ada. He had heen continually in lie service of the I'.niil; of Montreal since JS67. Allen Webster and T. Oleson were asphyxiated by pis In the Bluebird mine at Cripple Creek, Col. Three other men were made very 111 from the same cause. Mrs. I.IVjurn Ci. McXalr, a prominent society woman of St. Louis, shot and ki'led herrelf. She was under treat ment for nervous melancholia. She was 34 car of age. The next big fight in Chicago alon the line of purely moral reform. Is for 1000 liquor licenses, on the grounds ft'""""" that it would cut out the disorderly,""'" "",. saloon and raise the standard of re sponsibility among' saloonkeepers. The Chicago postofftce is, very badly clogged with mail, the force of 90) clerks being entirely; Inadequate to handle it. No relief (s In light before July 1 next, when the next approjprit otion becomes avalWFl. by which' the force may be increasecH ? v. , i .1 1 ........ If.. authorities of Canton. P., that the forgeries of the late L. W. Prior, of Cleveland, in connection with the Can- ton water works extension bonds. ;iii;mt-d to $ri('.l,000 instead of $310.. 100 bc previously reported. William S. Meade died in a Park Row New York, lodging house, pen niless und alone, although 40 years ago his wealth was estimated at $250. OOu. He made It by an Invention for preserving meat, and lost It In cruises to the South Seas In search of treasure. The provident has appointed Paul I owe my good fortune to the world's Knnpp, a half-breed Pottawattamie ' greatest medicine. Dr. King's New Indian, cadet at West Point. Knapp 1 Discovery for Consumption, which I lives at Penton Harbor, Mich., where, know from experience will cure con he has been working as a carpenter sumption If taken In time. My wife and cabinet maker since he was grad- improved with first bottle and 12 bot uated from Haskell Institute, the gov ernment school, at Lawrence, Kan. The will of the late Marshall Field was printed In full by the Chicago pa pers. It oceurled 17 cqlumns and dis posed of an estate estimated In value at J2nn.000.000. The bulk of hi property goes to his grandson, Mar shall Kkid III., who cannot sell or dls- pose of any realty until he becomes 50 years of age. As he Is 12 years old now his Chicago realty ousht by that tlme to make him the richest man in America. .VORTHWE8T NTCYvS. Vp till 6 p. m. February 5, but 33 bodies of the 117 vlrtlr?n ef the Valen cia wreck find been recovered. There are seven cnndldales for the republican nomination for sheriff in' Josenhlne omintv. rind more coming. A Multnomah county bar association will be organized Saturday night, Feb ruary 10. in the Chamber of Com merce hall. Prof. T. T. Davis, principal of the Portland high school, predicts that the high school will next year need veryidaVi February 10, at 2 o'clock, tm- much more room than It now has. There are now 1060 students In the Portland high school with a prospect of 300 Increase next year. Consumers of drinking water at Eu gene are generally boiling the water, an there is a general feeling of Inse curity as to the purity of the water. JJy order of the school board all the OREGON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Fifth Floor, Macleay Building, 2S6 Washington Street, t m ,,.ui manager. Examine the lower rates and methods of this company before you sign an application for life Insurance anywhere. Purely mutual; owned by the policy-holders. All the profits of the business paid to them In dividends nt the end of every year. Op erating on safe, conservative plans that have stood the test of time. Keep Your iVloney in Oregon "Devers Blend" Coffee in the city water used for drinking In the schools is first boiled and then filtered. A mass meeting of labor union men (probably all Portlanders) was held in Portland February 4 and decided not to run a state ticket this year, but expend all the Influence of the union men in trying to Influence nominations and platforms prior to that time. The total assets of the A. F. and A. M. of Spokane at this time amounts to $99,819.42. This includes cash on hand, J1361.42. There is outstanding at the present time against this bonds of 135.000 and other Indebtedness ot j $9091.50, leaving a surplus of $31. 71 J.SS in favor of the lodge. ' Withir. the next two weeks 23 new freight and passenger engines are ex pected to arrive In Portland for use I on the Itarrlman system In this slat?. ' These locomotives, which ore of the . latest type, represent an expenditure of $400,000. Twenty of the engines ..!U L. II ! rroperty owners or Wasco county will pay $163,113.13 In taxes in 1901. I The roll for 1905 has just been footed up. and it Is found to show thnt amount of taxes due. divided as fol lows: County and state. $1 16,894.10: special school tax. $20,029.67; special road tax, $24?3.61; special cltv tax, j M3.444.72. ' . I Tpeaiilnnt Ml. hn,.l T-knnnr.11.- , u , 1 ... 1 iuinii-u,,. ui intr : Meati:utters' and Butchers' National union Is missing. He Is believed to I uu muruereu in i-iucinnau, to which place he came recently to try and settle a threatened strike among the butchers Vf that place. His ac counts with the union, and his person al affairs are all straight. Luckiest Man In Arkansas. I'm the luckiest man In Arkansas." I writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since i the restoration of my wife's health I after five years of continuous cough ing and bleeding from the lungs; and tles completed the cure." Cures the worst coughs and colds or money re j funded. At Tallman & Cc. and Brock & MeComas, druggists; 50c and $1.0f. Trial bottles free. School Report. School report of district No. 37, for month ending February 2. 1906: To- i ijii numripr enrniiHti. .mi: HYi'rHifR fianv attendance. 9. Tno,e who hnvc been neUner RDsent or tarf,y Hre: clvd.? DckSorii TjOI.ena Dlcklson, Harry KIs- ,,. ,Iazpl Be,tSi Verne pelts, James Chapman. Those who have not been tardy are: Jessie Osborne, Arthur Os borne, Eugene Knotts. Eddie Davis has not been absent. JESSIE WILSON, Teacher. Divorce Granted. A decree of divorce has been grant ed by Judge Ellis to William Leathers from his former wife, the basis for the divorce being cruel and Inhuman treatment. Notice to Stockmen. All stockmen are urged to meet at the court house in Pendleton, Sa.'ur portant business. Just a little Kodol after meals will relieve that fullness, belching, gas on stomach, and all other symptoms of indigestion. Kodol digests what yon eat. and enables the stomach and di gestive organs to perform their func tions naturally. Tallman A Co. Portland, Oregon, superior business TO 1 NEW LI WILLAMETTE COIXTIES AWAKE OX THE Kl'lMECT. Eu stein Oregon Legislators Will lie Assisted Many Western Oregon Menil.ers in Xext Session In the Piissage or nil Irrigation LIW Feature! of lYoposod legislation Discussed. Eastern Oregon representatives in me state legislature who made a hard fight for the passage of the Bien Irrigation law at the last session, will be aided nt the next session by many able men from western Oregon. The sentiment In favor of a uniform law on Irrigation In Oregon is gaining strength every day and especially Is the irrigation idea gaining ground In the Willamette valley counties. That irrigation Is practical in most parts of the valley Is now admitted by all who have studied the subject and a concentrated effort will be made at the next legislative session to enact a law closely similar to the Bien law. The Salem correspondent of the Portland Telegram discusses the sub ject In the following clear manner: The recent discussion before the commercial bodies of Portland on the development of Oregon's Irrigation anil water power resources, and es pecially the application of irrigation to the Willamette valley, which was unanimously urged by the Portland board of trade, has raised the ques tion of legislation for Its encourage ment. The members of the state lnnd board who have to deal with the ciues tlon of Irrigation and water rights have reason to realize that the pres ent law Is defective in ninny particu lars. Mtiiiy practical Irrigators of the state believe the policy of the state should be the same as that of the na tional government when It comes to dealing with irrigation. Uncle Sam's policy is to encourage the building of homes. That project which promises to yield the greater number of homes with the least expense Is the one that Is In favor with the officials of the reclamation service. The failure of the Bien law to pass the last legislature has not discourag ed the friends of the measure, and there will be n determined effort to have n similar measure passed by the next legislature. Substantially the same law was re cently passed by North Dakota, fcouth Dakota, and Oklahoma. This law Is chiefly administrative. A systematic method of establishing and recording vested rights In accordance with the established laws and decisions of the courts Is demanded: also for the ac quirement and recording of new rights, with the necessary proof of completion of works and determine-. Hon by a qualified officer of the amount of water put to a beneficial use. Before nny Individual, corporation, state or government can, with nny degree of certainty, enter Into the construction of works Involving the use of waters, two things must be known. First the amount of low nt different seasons at the proposed point of diversion: and, second, the amount of water which Is necessary to satisfy the vested rights below the proposed point of diversion. The state. In co-operation with the gov ernment, has undertaken to secure records as to stream discharge which, to be of much value, must extend over a period of three to five years. At present it is impossible to de termine what amount of water Is nec essary to satisfy vested rights. This Information In necessary to know If any surplus water exists In a stream to be put to beneficial use. Capital seeking Investment In this line is therefore discouraged, and the value of legitimate rights rery much lessened because of this uncertainty. Even where a court decree has been rendered. It may be upset at a later date, unless all who claim the right to the use of the waters are made parties to the suit. All present vested rights will ulti mately come before the courts as wa ter becomes more valuable, as a mat ter of self-preservation. If a new law can provide a systemntlc method of determining these rights, also the re cording and protection forever on the part of the state. It Is believed the In creased value will justify the expense. The certainty of a new right, ir per mitted, would greatly encourage de velopment up to the limit of the bene ficial use to which each stream can be put. Modern Woodmen Won Case. The case of Mrs. Martha D. KlmbnM against the order of Modern Wood men, which was Mettled In tne circim court yesterday, was of more than passing Interest t fraternal societies and those who are members or sucn. Charles E. Kimball, husband of Mrs. Kimball, who brought suit, died nt Juniper, In this county, November 1, 1903. and the order at once protested payment of the Insurance policy of $3000 for the reason as aileged that Mr. Kimball had not fully stated his physical condition and family history and that he would have been rejected had his true condition been known. The case was settled for $300. T. W. Bartley of Moscow, Idaho, general at torney for the Modern Woodmen, as sisted by A. D. Stlllmnn, conducted the case for the order, and Lowell and McCourt conducted the case for Mrs. Kimball, Mr. Bartley Is organizer for the Modern Woodmen for Idaho, Utah and Nevada. . Dances at Music Hall. The dances at Music hull this week will be given on Thursday and Sat urday evenings. Music by Johnson's orchestra. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. W. N. Kendall, Portland; C. H. Woodln, New' York; L. W. Norman, New York; Ben Mltchel, Portland: W. H. Frost, Chicago: R. O. Durham, Portland; F. S. McMahnn, Portland; K. R. Cox. Athena; Mnx Sllberberg, San Francisco; C. J. Freese, Walla Walla; J. M. Keeney, Shaniko; Harold A. Lorlng, Washington; Henry M. Hunt, Walla Walla: F. F. Humestone, Weston; F. Gelbel, La Grande; James W. Parker, Newberg; J. H. Dean and wife, Chicago: H. T. Newhouse, Roch ester; J. H. Abrams, Spokane; T. F. llalley, Salem; J. B. Morris and fnm- "' . . . . The. Golden Rule. R. Charles. Portland; Miss Charles. Portland; G. A. Snapper, Newburg; C. W. Officer. John Day; Sam Lee, Portland; F. M. Heckley, Echo; Mrs. Mary Heckley, Echo: W. Harrington, North Yakima: O. W. Tyack, Port land; E. L. McRroom, cltv; W. P. War rington, Chicago; J. V. Crawford, Heppner; James Stuart, North Yaki ma; Charles and Levi Keys, North Yakima; G. J. McKroy, Starbuck: C. t). Jack, Starbuck; S. A. Fruns, Spo kane; N. Powell; J. R. Mans, Echo; Minnie Trimble, Adams: Pearl Baker, Adams; O. D. Teel, Echo; A. W. Wyver, dams; J. F. Hentley. Adams; C. H. Pfileger, Spokane; J. F. Fergu son, Spokane; B. Ferguson. Spokane; C. A. Washburn, Spokane; Lott Fill more, Walla Walla; Perry Fillmore. W.illa Walla. Frightfully Runied. Chns. W. Moore, a machinist, of Ford City, Pa., had his hand fright fully burned In an electrical furnace. He applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve with the usual result: "a quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for Burns, Wounds, Sores, Ecze ma and Piles. 26c at Tallman & Co.'s and Brock & MeComas, druggists. IX FAVOR OF LOWELL. tentnil OrcRon Paper Wants Pendle ton Clllzrti for C'oiiRress. The Madras Pioneer, speaking of the possibility of Judge S. A. Lowell, of this city becoming a candidate for congress, says: While Judge Lowell has not abso lutely declined to be drawn Into the race. It la recognised that he woul 1 not of his own Initiative enter into the scramble for office. He belongs to the old school of lawyers, aim the same higli code of ethics would apply In his political life. The office must seek the man. The second district needs such a lepresentatlve In congress as Judge Lowell; the state of Oregon needs him, and Judge Lowell will doubtless yield to a strong popular demand for his nervlyes. They never gripe or sicken, but cleanse and strengthen the stomnch, liver and bowels. This Is the univer sal verdic t of the many thousands who use DeWltt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills relieve head ache, constipation, biliousness, Jaun dice, torpid liver, snllow complexion, etc. Try Little Early Risers. Tall man & Co. Stage Office Changed'. The Pilot Rock and Uklah stage has changed Its office from Brock & MeComas' to the Tallman & Co. drug store. Schilling's Best make gen erous business. Your grocer is generous with it. Money back costs him nothing; costa no body anything. imiH T ADIBSs CDid you know that Accordion Plait, ing is more popular than evar among genteel dressers? 4fl.Hot irons injure delicate fabrics. We use tne steam method exclusively. We can do your work just as satisfactorily as if you lived in Portland. Write foefree circu lar and particulars. We do Accordton Sunburst and Knife Plaiting to order. MISS O. GOULD MARQUAM BLDQ. PORTLAND. ORB. Get The Best Good Dry Wood ud ROCK SPRING COAL riie, Coal that gives the most beat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Ilennlngs' cigar store, Opp. Peoples Ware house. 'Phone Main 6. Roslyn Coal $6.50 deliv ered, $6.00at the shed Roslyn Coal, etcr thorough exhaustive tests, has been se lected by the V. S. government for the use of Its war vessels, as It stood the highest tost. PROMPT DELLVE-IY. ROSLYN WOOD ft COAL CO. Office at W. k C. n. Depot. PHONE MAIN 20. WHY FOR BUY FOR ! ALEXANDER'S! S ascents for : (13 fit! I IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT All plumbing and tin, sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to me will be done right and guaranteed. I have removed my shop to Court street, eecond door east of Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do the highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, as I have In my employ one of the best plumbers In the business), and water, steam and other pipe fitting Is solicited. A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work. B. F. BECK THE OLD RELIABLE PLl'MREK AND TINSMITH. Court Street, Two Doors East of Golden Rule Hotel. FRANK B. CLOPTON CO. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans and Investment Brokers DIRECTORS. FRANK 11. CIOPTOX, President: T. C. TAYLOR, V Ire-President ; F. W. VIXCEXT Second Vlcc-Prelciit: MARK MOORHOVSE, Sec re v-Treasurer; F. W. MATLOCK, Before Investing Your Money It will pay you to come to ONTARIO, the COMING CITY of EASTERN OREGON and look over the ALFALFA LANDS which fill pay yon large returns on yonr money. We several hundred jcres of tl e best Irrigated Alfalfa Land In the went, which yields from seven to twelve tons per acre. For further particulars write BURBRIDGE & CAREL, Ontario, Oregon. The best $3.50 Shoe j on Earth PAY $3.60 AND $4.00 A SHOE THAT THE MAKER IS ASHAMED TO PCT HIS NAME ON, WHEN YOU CAN "SO HO SIS" SHOES THE SAME MONEY. Pendleton : A GREAT MARK i SOONEST HIT, says the old proverb, and you can't miss the mailt as to quality or econo my If you nlm for here when lumber buying Is on your mind. We turn over to you the output of some of the best mills In the country well sea soned, carefully cut and surfaced lum ber fir for the fli.est house In the land. Lime, Cement and Sand also handled. Pendleton Planing; Mills ROI1ERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Ki:i.lMJ A STITF FROXT." Is as good 111 a man's character, as In his shirt. If hU laumtrymun will only keep that shirt front white and stiff he'll lie satisfied. Well, we make a specialty of doing laundry work as It should be done, and lnr that reason we always manage to- keep our cus tomers. We guarantee care, cleanli ness and excellent finiah to every ar ticle entrusted to us. Special rates for family washing. Pendleton Steam Laundry 'Phono Main 170. ITSI1MAX & PEfEHS, Props. Electric Lights Tliey are Uie best. They require no oil. They are the cheapest. They (rlvo plenty of Uttht. Thoy require no cleaning. They are always ready for use. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. CORNER COURT AND GARDEN 81 CONTRACTORS who appreciate good stuff at rock bot tom prices nr Invited to inspect o-r present stock. Never before have j cut our profits to mich an extent. This Is Your Chance to buy. A word to the wlso is suffi cient. Oregon Lumber Yaro Near Court. House Pendleton. Oregon. 'Phone Main 8.