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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1906)
PAGE SIX. DAILY OOTtOBBOOWmf. I rENPLETOW. OBBPOK, HfilTlOlDAY, FKHHUAKY X, ltOC EIGHT PAGES. Cllen The Kidneys Rf6 Weakened by flier-Wort Cnhtalthy Kidneys Make Imjuire Blood, It .used to be considered that only Urinary and bladder trouble arere to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern I science proves that ' nearly all disease; have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kiilurw 61tet and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when vour kidnerareeak or out of onler, you can understand how quickly yoiir.eutire body is affected and how every org it 1 seems to fait to do it duty. If vou are sick or " feel badly," ihiinn taking the prent kidney remedy, lr. Kilmer's Snnip -Y.oot, because as ku as your kidneys an- well they will he'.o all the other or;aii to health. A trsJ will convince anyoif. If you are sirk yoo can make no mis take' bv first doctoring vour kidneys. Tire nii'U and ttt extcionlinary effect ol Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kiJiiey remedy, is uin realized. It ttaad'.s the highest for its wonderful cure pf tbc most distressing .cases, and is sold on -tur bv all dntesani in lift v-ccait rf!3Ht,vk!tiSI ...j .inn. ;""1 bottles. You may have a sijip.'e bottle nwrftmnp Et by mail free, a,lso a pamphlet telling you bow to find out 'ou luTe kidner or bladder trouble. Mention this pa.oer when writing to Dr. Kler & Co.. Bin, hamton, N, Y. Don't n,ake auT rnnitake. Brief Record of County EVGntS Special Correspondence HELfX HAPPENINGS Mis a&KOPK T1IKOWX FROM .A IIVUGY AND lAJVRim I Mil FVIIuhh KnicrnUniiHUt a Great Slionw. Over ftfl.OOO Bushels of Wlimt ;IWro Not Yet Sold Fined In Ilvllx l'nilrr Assumed Names Bought Mjrlit to Manufacture anil Soli W'MMlttN Helix Hotel ill X'ew iiiiium A Situ Vus Jtorn o Con tagion hi M, Thin Winter. tienx, Feb. 3 Miss Marie Koepke narrow ly escaped .cl.-ath in a runaway -esterany moraine, she had taken ti?r brother to the ehool houso here from tholr home fuvr miles from He Ifcc. and was In the Jftt of taking the litres when the horsw began to run. Thy ran about thre blocks into a telegraph pole and ttie young lady aws thrown out. scarring her face badly, and putting her irm out of place. She was lmm-iately taken to the office of Dm. Qrlswold and Lleualtrn, and is now rtftldlv recov. but lempiiilo, n. ., "e. Sw.tmp-Ksot, pr, Kilmer's Swamp-Rom, an I rlns from the shock, re?s1Bin4.haniton,kY.,on er'bofc The Mt had tor Mara infTararl fmwi wti t al tmm tailed DrtpeptU and Catarrh of the Stomach. 1q Aopiii i parch ud a box of Curtrtti and was tor pmd to find that I "had 'em" win Una, qninniog dui left me. Judge oar doctor tar J rite when 1 showed htm thirty feet, tod in anothei T the remalnderi tbont the tame length )of tape rprm that bad been tipping my Ualitr for years, hTe enjoyed the beet of health erer sine. I truafl hh eoeumoniai wi u appeal to otner toneren." Chaa, Blacsttock, Dlrinlly P neat rniiaaeipaia, r Best For The Bowels I r i nm uoweis chop mill which la being run hurr Johnson la running contlnu- ,i;ily. Farmers are hauling grain t- .miles, a far away aa Pasco and different directions with four and slx hvi' teams fo have their grain -iWsp.rd at this mill. vtfc''ptertttlrmient given at the Vfty.uae yeu,rday afternoon in- Vjttion Professor C. B. eiV .uttered and very en- (iv.V And music were Cam or cathartic Wwnil, Palaubl. Potent, TMIeGnod. DofJoeA. MTr Sicken, Tiikn or Gripe, lie. Be, Ut. Kmc Stld In balk. Tb rsnatna ublet tunpd CCO, AanutlMn to cor or roar moner bnck. Btnlinf Remedy Co., Chicago or N.T. 504 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES schoo. der the Dutro was Joyable. Rec. In order. The wood and co place has been sold 1 Eachern, who are now the business. Messrs. Timmerman, McLa 7 E. H. and F. H. Richmond, w cently returned from Texas, -7 purchased considerable land In 1 vicinity of Delhart. Clarence Knight and wife have gone to Texas where Mr. Knight will engage in the real estate business. Edgar Novell, accompanied by Vic tor Mason and. 'Archie Strain, came up from Pendleton to attend the I. 0, O. ql Alness at this S'Mith & Mc- c0flluctlng servntt. It was vone of the most en joyable entertainJiientH ever given In Helix Wheat In Wrelioiuw. Very little wheut which has been stored In the warehouses by the wheat frrwwers hna been dltqiosed of lately. Only a little over 8000 sacks has ree mild In rtSie past mionth. There la nearly S0t0ti0 bushels left In the Puget found warehouse, and nearly that much :lu the Interior warehouse, Ira-vhig something over 60,000 bushels -to be ld. The grow ers do not wem to lined the money, and will probably hold much of It over until next year unless there Is considerable mine In prtce. Itrciunr Dlxorthvly. Three young man from Wulla WalWi valley were in Helix the erly part o the week, and It deems -that they In dulged in too much booze. They be came disorderly and were brought before the Justice and fined $0 each. They gave assumed names. Will Muiiufnrlvre) Weedrrs. D. B. Richardson, who purchased the patent on a weed machine from Mr. McEachern, known as the Ideal Weed Cutter, J .lirepaiing to have 1000 of the cuttarln readiness for the spring trade. This machine Is said to be especlallyflne for cleaning weeds from the summer-fallowed ground. rot WILL POi niE TRACK THE USE. O, R. & X. anil X. P. Front TtlparU to Iewlston. The report that the line building from Lewlston to Rlparla would be double-tracked finds confirmation aa follows In the Lewlston Tribune: The line of railroad between Lewis- ton and Rlparla will be double-tracked. This Is the Information received yesterday by the Tribune. The line from Rlparla to Lewlston, 71 miles In length, Is to be owned by the two roads. The Northern Pacific Is to own this road Jointly with the X. P., although the O. R. & N. Is building the road Independently. There has been much speculation re garding this agreement between the roads and It can be said without hpoi- lalion that the O. R. & N. was prl-lll gorily Interest, Jn this agreement be- j cai"w wbateyer aoement was reach ed it would be Ot IlltftfKl benefit be cause of tha understanding, as far as the O. R. & X, was a factor, thai the company unuia no be a loser. Sal AT THE WM. SHANNON PLACE, FOUR MILES WEST OF HELIX, OREGON Ihiwsday , February 8 AT 10:00 A. M. The following described property will be sold to the highest bidder, towit: :j,n 4 1-2 SHARES IN BLOODED STALLION PENSION. 1 SORREL WORK HORSE, 9 YEARS OLD. 1 BLACK WORK HORSE, S YEARS OLD. 1 BAY WORK HORSE. 6 YEARS OLD. 1 BLACK MULE, ( YEARS OLD, 1 BLACK MULE. 6 YEARS OLD. XiPRRKL MULE, 3 YEARS OLD. . 1 "iWlt-LE, 3 YEARS OLD. I BLACK MULE, 1 YEAR' OLDtS'nfi.... ) 1 BAY MULE, I YAR OLD. 1 BUCKSKIN MULE, 1 YEAR OLD 5 MILCH COWS. 1 2-YEAR-OLD STEER. 2 YEARLING CALVES. 6 SET OF WORK HARNESS. 1 SET OF HACK HARNESS. 1 SADDLE. 3 WAOONS AND RACKS. 1 HACK. 1 TOP BUOOY. 1 MOWER AND RAKE. 1 DRILL. 1 14-INOH S-BOTTOM PLOW. 1 14 AND 1 12-INCH OANQ PLOWS. 2 HARROWS. 4 WEED CUTTERS. H,:l 2 FANNING .MILLS. ""'1' fftACrSMlTH SHOP.' ' 6 PAIR OF LEAD BARS. '' '" 1 DOUBLETP.EE AND CLEAVESES. ALL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 'ot FREE LUNCH TERMS OF SALE All sums of $20 and under cash over $20 an proved notes bearing interest at 8 per cent. Two ner 11 HENRY T. HILL cent off for cash. " L&f t S FILL YOUK BIN WITH Rock Spring Coa) Recognized as li s best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you f-r your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET NEAR DEPOT r- "iuanment Thursday evening. ! The lMU beiwu th. y a i Xfnnternmnrv hna hfl1" . ... ... ... 'r. Alex Monigomeri um qulto 111 tor several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, recently bf Pendleton, took possession ot the Helix hotel the first of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Navin, who hav been conducting the. hotel for iome time, will continue to liva in Helix (or sev eral weeks, when they will return to their ranch near Weaton. Mr, L. D. Smith has returned from Lewlston, where she was called last week on account of the serious illness of a grandchild. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tavnor Bar- gor, January 29, a son. Dr. Cole and J. T. Hlnkle were among those from Pendleton who at tended the I. O. O. F. entertainment Thursday evening. There have been no contagious dis eases of any kind In Helix this winter. I. O. O. F. Entertains. The entertainment given Thursday evening by Dolph lodge No. 80, I. O. O. F.. was attended by about 150 peo ple, and was an entire success. The following program was rendered "The Star Spangled Banner," choir: Paper, "True Spirit of Odd Fellow ship." Mr. Dutro; song, "When the Bees Are In the Hive." Ed Gross; recitation, "Fritz and His Betsy Have Trouble," Mr. McWilllams; Paper, "Odd Fellowship In America," Dr. Grlswold; recitation, "Dying Singer," Myrtle Parker; address, "Odd Fellow ship," J. T. Hinkle, Pendleton; clos Ing song, choir. The papers and the address by Mr. Hlnkle were very In terestlng. After the program was rendered a dainty luncheon was WH"REVEH YOU A HE It will pay you to buy all your Elec trical Supplies of uh. Our stock Is large, everything we handle Is of first class uallty and OUR PRICES are hard to duplicate. Motors. Bells, Electric Light Fixtures. Burglar Alarms, etc. J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRICIAN. 122 W. Court St. 'Phone Main 132. Four Great Bargains Left in Pianos S3 ; does not apply to transient Issues that may arise between the local railroads. It has been a fight for years to malje these roads enter Into any agreement Bf all. N'OW that they have entered, It ts not surprising. In view of the knowl edge of the amount of business to be, handled through the Lewlston Bate way that the companies had agreed upon a line which would enable 2t per cent of the track to be double- tracked. This view tarries oat the views of the Tribune that ultimately two lines of railroads wll run down the Snake river, and that the city will be an Important terminal point Yesterday the Tribune received many Inquiries from all points of the prairie country, as to whether the ad vices were accurate that the Grange vllle line contract had been awarded. Grangevllle and the prairie country were Informed that the Tribune ad vices were accurate that the prairie road was to be built. Wm. A. Yohnka, Auctioneer LEWISTON OS A CASH BASIS. Will ITRELES8 STOA"ES FOR ARMY. The sale of the Walla Walla stock of pianos will close with this evening and has been a big success, and more beautiful Instruments have been placed In homes In Pendleton than ever before, In tho same length of time. Tests of a Now Culinary Invention to be Made by Government. Washington, Feb. 3. Commissary General Sharpe has ordered three "tireless cookers" sufficiently large to cook food for 100 men to be sent to the Presidio at San Francisco, the Philippines and Washington, respect Ively. The flreless stove or hay-box, as It Is sometimes called. Is merely a large alr-tlght chest filled with straw, felt paper or some other non-conducting material. Nests arc made In the fill Ing large enough to hold cooking pots, The cooking Is started on the stove In the ordinary manner, and then, without tnklng off the covers of the kettloB, they are placed In the nests within the chest and the lid ' closed. The theory Is that they will continue to cook for hours with the heat de rived from the stove. In recent tests of the cookers at Fort Riley, they weer found to be satisfactory, when taken from the box Beveral hours fter they had been placed therein, cabbage, beans, cus tard, corned beef and other foods were found to be cooking merrily away at temperatures varying from 17! to 196 degrees. Follow County's Example and Loan Its Money. Lewlston, Feb. 3. The city will fol low the county lead and make Imme diate steps to get Its deposits located on an Interest-bearing basis. Clerk Nlckerson was directed last night to notify the banks that the council Is now prepared to pass upon bonds that may be presented to secure deposits of city funds. The tax money will be turned over to the city by the last of the week and a warrant call will be made to take up all outstanding warrants. When this Is done Clerk Nlckerson estimates that the city will have about $20,000 to put on deposit. The rate of Interest fixed for this Is four per cent, payable on the dally bal ances after the manner of the coun ty moneys. Aside from this cash balance the city has revenues from other sources that make a good showing toward the support of current expenses. The general revenues for the past six months have amounted to $22,000 and the general current expenses have been $32,000. ThlH Is outside the revenue arising from taxation, and the tax revenue for the yaer, allow In gfor delinquency Is $30,000. A study of these figures will show that the city under present conditions can hold Itself practically on a cash basis. soldiers in the Philippines. Reports Indicate that bread made with durum wheat contains more gluten than the ordinary soft wheat, and If It can be mixed with the Pacific coast wheat It will greatly contribute to the econ omy of feeding the soldiers In the orient. Dry Cascade red fir wood, $S.60 per cord, sawed and delivered. OREGON LUMBER YARD. Wh ynot ell.nlnate -ry element ! chance or uncertainty by getting our flfuraa when you need anything Id lumber T Cray's Harbor Comraercia' Company I W. . EEWELL, Manager. Phone Main ta. The re still remain four of the most expenxlve and beautiful pianos from the Walla Walla stock, and wa have decided to leave them marked, and sell them at tho same low price as during this great sale. Eilers Piano House J. C. CALLACHER, Mgr. 813 Main St.. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell snd comn.tely derange the w..ole system when entering It through the mu cous surfaces. Huch articles should never be used except on prescript, ns from repu table physicians, as the unmaue they will do Is ten-fold to the good you ran posalbly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney Co., To ledo, O , contains no mercury, anil Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It la taken internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by V. i. Cheney Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price 7.1c per uottle. Take Itali a Family l'llla for constipation. Mrs. Augusta K. Blnck, proprietor of the Black candy store and one of the best known women In Butte, died from the effects of sauerkraut and frankfurters. She was discovered In bed by her two sons writhing In ag ,pny and frothing at the mouth. Death soon ensued, from ptomaine poisoning. A fight among Syrians took place In a New York restaurant. Revolvers were used. John Stefan was killed. He Is a brother of Archbishop Stefan, a Roman Catholic. Raphael Shollsh, was mortally wounded. Testing Durum Wheat. Washington, Feb. 3. Tho nrmy ex perimenters are busily engaged In testing the vnlue of durum wheat which has been Imported from Eur ope to mix with Pacific coast brands for the bread which is to bo fejj our TO DELICATE WOMEN You will never get well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free From pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like prituii It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It Is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable Ingredients, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc. It Is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the only medicine that is certain to do you good. Try It. Sold by every druggest In $ 1 .00 bottlss. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly. In strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (in plain scaled envelope), hour to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., r.hattanoogu, lenn. , "YOU ARE FRIENDS of mine," writes Mrs. F. L, Jones, of Gallatin, Tenn.: "For since taking Cardul I have (Sained 35 lbs., and am In better health than for the past 9 years. I tell my husband that Cardul is worth Its weight in gold to all suffering ladies." ((a r V. I : n :: E iisaiL...,Ml.l Take This Coupon to BURNS BROS, and Have it Registered Special Advertising Offer If Registered, this Coupon is Cood Until January, 1st, I90r BURNS BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Photographers NewSchmidt Building, Over Creat Eastern Store, After Feb. 1st, To Introduce our new gallery to a club of 1000 members: The holder of this coupon will be entitled to one dozen Cnblnct rilOTOS. assorted cards, aDd one lnrne 10x12 water color photo T4 tor .ru. i Fay "fty cents t0 nave tnl coupon registered, balance is. no fit time or ultima-, nememoer. we guarantee nil work. Positively no one will receive the benefit of this offer unless a member of this club. Free use of drapes. A small extra charge for groups. P. S. To receive the above offor bring this with you.