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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1906)
DAILY EAST OREGONlAV, PENDLEToN, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1906. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE FOCR. AN INDEPENDENT NKWSl'Al'KH. Published everr afternoon teicept Kunuaj) at Pendleton. Oregon, bj the EAST OHKtiOMAN PUBLISHING CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Pally, one year, by mall 15.00 PallT. six months, by mall 2 5tl ally, three mouths, by mall 1-5 fteltr mi month, hr mall 50 Weeklr. one year, by mall 1.501 WeeklT, nil mom ha, by mall 75 Weeklv. four months, by mall 60 8eml, one year, by mall 1.50 Beml -Weeklv, all months oy mall 75 Bemi Weeklv, (our montha, by mall... .50 Member Scrtpps Moltae News Association. The Kast '"reeonlan is on sale at B. H. Rlrh a Nen s Mamls, at Hotel l'ortland and Uotel l'eiklns. l'ortland, Oregon. dan Fram-lsoo Bureau. s Fourth street rhlt'SKO Kureau, li! Security building. Washington. U C, Bureau, 501 Four teentu street, N. Y. .liata 1. VrirpbOM Entered at Tendleton Postofflce as second clasa matter. NOTICE TO ADVE1ITISERS. Copy for advertising matter to appear In the East Oregonlan must be In by 4 :45 p. m. of the pre-ellng day : copy for Monday's paper must be In by 4 :45 p. m. the preced ing Saturday. test the merit of his platform before the people regardless of the dictates of the slate makers of his party. It Is time for such , man to arise In Oregon and why should ' It hot be Harvey K. Brown T Who over dreamed that Joe Folk, the Tennessee boy who came to St. Louis, penniless and friendless a few years ago, should rise to such nn eminence within a half score of years? Why not Harvey K. Brown bo the reform governor of Oregon? He has proved his nerve In the' administra tion of-the sheriff's office in Baker county. He has dared to oppose the corrupt machine of his ow n party and all oiher parties and to enforce the law In ltaker county, where some of the laws had never been enforced be fore. It Is time for decent and upright men to come out In the open on these questions. It is time to stand up and be counted for the right or else be forever reckoned with the wrong side. There are only two sides to the question. Here's the glad hand to Hnrvey K. Brown and his platform. RANtJE WAKS OVERDRAWN. put forth to secure outside business, but the entire force of the circula tion department Is devoted to Uma tilla county. With such a large cir culation In Its favor outside of the courity,' thiit taf held without solicita tion, does It not stand to reason that even a greater percentage over other papers Is enjoyed within the county where all Its efforts are exerted? Ad vertisers are cordially Invited to think of these things and the readers of the paper are cordially Invited to remem ber Its advertisers when In the city. The property holders and taxpayers of Pendleton will pave the streets in their own good time. They pay the bills and bear the burdens and will probably consult their own ability to pay before taking anybody's advice upon the subject Song of the Oregon Pine HALF A LOAF FOR OREGON. Although occupying the most hu miliating position of any state in the union at the present session of con gress. Oregon will fare tolerably well, thanks to the energy and willingness of private citizens who have perform ed the duties of paid public servants at the national capital. The return of J. N. Teal and H. W. Scott of Portland from Washington with the Information that congress will do something for the Columbia river improvements, proves that the state is still In the union, although out of the ring, politically and mor ally. While the state Is at the entrance to its most prosperous and progress ive period, and needs a strong and active delegation In congress, yet it must he content with half a loaf, trusting to the Integrity of the peo ple to redeem Its lost prestige by their future acts. With river Improvements, Irriga tion. Internal development and rail road building in all quarters, and with her splendid commercial awakening, Oregon is one of the most promising empires in the world. Lc-t us be thankful for the half loaf and ho for more In the future. The Pacific Monthly for February contains an extended article by Its editor, Arno Dosch, upon the runge situation In eastern Oregon. The range wars of this section of the state are somewhat overdrawn, but the article gives a fairly clear In sight Into the basis and fountain head of the matter. The East Oregonlan loves eastern Oregon, with all Its faults, and must defend the sterling manhood of this great region from unjust literary li cense and for this reason it must say that the article In the Portland mag azine Is somewhat severe and exag gerated. Compare the number of sheepmen and cattle men who live peaceably side by side, with the number which are at war, in any part of the Interior of Oregon and It will be seen that the actual range war Is confined to an In finitesimal proportion of th entire In dustries. The article leaves the Impression that the war is waged continually. when the facts are that It breaks out at long Intervals In Isolated places. It cites but two Instances of sheep killing of any marked severity, while there are 3.000,000 sheep In the state di vided Into perhaps 1500 herds. The proportion of molested herds Is very small. I am a harp of a thousand strin Awake to the faintest voice that sings! Coo of the dove to Its mate In the nest Softly I echo with passionate seat' Call of the wolf to its mate at night Weirdly I whisper with wild delight! Lilt of the lark In the upland len: Moan of the waves on the midnight sea: Joy of the surf on the rock-bound bench These I gather and set to speech! i Croon of the river, winding afar. Crash of the wave on the distant bar, Sigh of the magical summer night, Scream of the eagles' dizzy flight The song that trembles over my strings Is the broken chords of a thousand things! Outward, upward my harp-strings reach. Bringing from Chaos the pine tree's speech. Wonder and Mystery, Joys and Fears, The multiple song of a thousand years! Bert Huffman In Pacific Monthly for February. MANUFACTURED MILK. A REFORM GOVERNOR. If Harvey K. Brown, the present republican sheriff of Baker county, should run for the office of governor of Oregon, on the sweeping reform platform announced In the Baker City papers, he would cause consternation among the machine politicians of the state and would stand an excellent chance of winning the honors at the coming June election. Mr. Brown will stand for the fol lowing noble principles, all of which can be heartily endorsed by law-re specting people everywhere, regard less of politics: Enforcement of the lav. s ol Oregon at all times and places not in the open and on week days, but In o"rot and on the quiet, and on Sundays, as well not enforcement of front door laws, and violation of back door laws, but the enforcement of all the laws; equal suffrage for the wives and mothers of Oregon; suppression of gambling of ail kinds; punishment of criminals who furnish liquor to minors, thereby wrecking their lives and filling the reform school; and an anti-graft administration of the state's affairs in all departments. Mr. Brown la a Roosevelt republl can one who does not fear the party lash one who has a mind and char acter of his own and who Is willing to UNNECESSARY FRAUD. Now wouldn't It naturally be sup posed that a corporation so rich and powerful as the Standard OH com pany would have felt that It was mak Ing money enough without resorting to the lies and deceptions that haye been testified to In the hearings con ducted by Attorney General Hadley? Wouldn't one have Imagined that the big financiers and eminent coun sel Identified with the management of the trust would have said: "What' the use of acting the blackguard and sneak? We can afford to be gentle men." But they didn't. No pitiful creature stealing a loaf of bread undor the In stigation of hunger could have dis played more poignant anxiety to get away with his booty than these men showed In concocting schemes to clr cumvent the law and fool the people "I don't believe In unnecessary per jury," a lawyer whispered to a too willing witness. And what the Standard crowd did was so unneces. sary. But, then, If they hadn't been ready to do what they did they might never have built up a great oil monopoly and made several fortunes In excess of a million dollars which as every body knows, is a large sum of money. During the month of January the total receipts of newspaper postage at Pendleton postofflce were $25.35 Of this amount the East Oregonlan paid 115.41, leaving the Tribune, the Ilakawlnn and the Promoter to pay but 19.94. The circulation of this pa per within Umatilla county Is Just as much greater than that of any other county paper as It Is outside of Uma UHa county. The outsldo circulation of the East Oregonlan comes entirely unsolicited. No effort whatever Is CUBAN MINISTER U.S. Recommends Pe-ru-na St. Anthony's Hospital M Private rooms, elegantly furnished. Finely equlp- ped operating room. Also Maternity Department. -r-M''r-H"f-l"H- Every convenience necessary for the care of the sick. Senor Quesada, Cuban Minister to the United States. Senor Quesada, Cuban Minister to the United States, is an orator born. In an article In The Outlook for July, 1899, by George Kennan, who heard Quesada apeak at the Esteban Theater, Mantansaa, Cuba, be said: "I have teen nan audiences under the spell of eloqnent speech and in the grip of strong emotional excitement; but I have rarely witnessed inch a scene as at the close of Qoeeada's eulogy upon the dead patriot, Marti.'.' In a letter to The Pernna Medicine Com' pany, written from Washington, O. C, Senor Quesada says: "Peruna I can recommend as a very good medi cine. It is an excellent strengthening tonic, and it is also an efficacious cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh. "Qonzalo De Quesada. Dealers in what is known as "modi fied" milk use In their business only one kind of raw material that is to suy, cow's milk. But, on order, they will deliver goat's milk, sheep's milk asses' milk, pig's milk or dog's milk. All of these are prepared from the same original fluid. In accordance with prescribed formulae. Not Infrequently It happens 'that valuable young animals, which, Jby reason of their breed, may be worth hundreds of dollars apiece, lose their mothers In Infancy. Under such tflr cumstances they have to be fed arti ficially, of course, and the makers of modified milk are called upon to supply the appropriate lacteal diet. Counterfeit mare's milk, furnished In this way, has saved the life of many a thoroughbred colt. . Milks differ very much In composi tion. That of the sheep Is extraordi narily rich In butter-fat, while that of the ass Is In this Item strikingly de ficient. Dog's milk contains three times as much "protelds" (the stuff that goes to make muscle and blood) cow's milk, and eight times as much as pig's milk. Asses' milk is extra rich In sugar. Accordingly, In Imitating one kind of milk or another the manufacturer, starting with the product of the cow. Is obliged to change the. proportions of the Ingre dients radically. For example, to make sheep's milk he adds fat by putting In nn extra quantity of cream. What could be more simple? To reduce the sugar content (sheep's milk has less sugar than cow's milk), he adds water. And, to Increase the proportion of "protelds" (In which sheep's milk Is rich), he contributes white of an egg. For nsses' milk he would add milk- sugar to the cow's milk. In this manner. Indeed, every kind of milk may be successfully Imitated except, perhaps, the milk of human kindness, the formula for which has not yet been definitely ascertained. Saturday Evening Post. Congressman J. H. Bankhead, of Ala bama, one of the most Influential mem bers of the Honse of Representatives, In letter written from Washington, D. C, gives hi endorsement to the great ca tarrh remedy, Peruna, In the following words t Your Peruna H one of the bent medicine I ever tried, and no family should be without your remarkable remedy. As a tonic and catarrh cure I know of nothing better."-J. H. Bankhead. There is but a single medlolne which is a radical speclQc for catarrh. It is Pernna, which has stood a half century test and cared thousands of cases. If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Pernna, write atones to Dr. Hartman, giving a foil statement of jpnr case and he will be pleased to give yon bis valuable ad' vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. All correspondence strictly confidential. WIMT YOU THINK IS RIGHT. i.7vV Ui r ;l - Zj-ir i'ii & j ii ?jp p 1 1 A WINDOW FULL and a store full of everything worth the having In apparatus and appli ances for Indoor and outdoor athletics will greet your eye at Frazler's. Whether your wants call for dumbells, I Milan clubs, golf, baseball, football, or other exercising paraphernalia, we suit you to the proverbial T. If you haven't time to call, write, telephone, telegraph or send a messenger. If you do the thing that you think Is right. Why. you need not mind for the rest, For the conscience you own, is your one dim light, And It is the final test. The world may mutter, "This thing Is wrong," Or, "He Is mistaken, quite"; But you need not mind, as you Jog along, If you do what you think Is right. I know that our consclenco oft Is blurred; 'Tls dim and its flame burns low, Yet somewhere or other I have heard 'Tls the only light we know. Your way and my way may vary somewhat In fact, they may differ quite, But that, as I deem, should matter not. If only you think you are right. I Judge that the One who made us all Of varying class and kind, Knew we should stumble and grope and. fall Blinded, but not quite blind. He gave us a light that our dim eyes see In even the darkest night; And nil will be well with you and me If we do what we think Is right. A. J. Waterhouse. FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store The controversy over whether or no Mrs. C. T. Yerkes (the young widow of the late deceased multl-mllllonalre) was lately married, has reached an acute stage. In a telegram to her stop-son she denied It. The Rev. An drew Gillies, of St. Andrews' Metho dlst Eulspocal church of New York, says she Is married to Wilson Mlzner, and that he performed the ceremony. morning wont catch L cold! He (franlC affi Sold by Gray Bros. Grocery Co. w E WILL TAKE THE RIS K Write to m far free sample" of line new tyllah trouierlnn. Give urn a chance to ihow you without any risk to you that we can make .,.r AfTRnnHVUH m mir itiMium that vou ivir hrul. If ...r aiil) nnn whan triaav am Hntahnrl thflV Will GOIt VOU ftO.SO. Other tailOn aak t& tO 1 Q for the lama cloth. Our aureement with you la eucn that they must aatlary you or you need not nay a penny. The cloth im a splendid irrade of KnIUh Cheviot or neat striped Worsted The cloth la a fine ttronT weave, we guarantee It never to fade or shrink. It will keep Ite shape and wear like lentner. write today for FBiiK samples. COLUMBIA WOOLEN MILLS CO. t PORTLAND OREGON Telephone. Main lfl.M. PENDLETON, OREGON. SPSS Give ear unto wise counsel. Coal that Is one-third dirt, weighs a great deal more to the scuttle and lasts much shorter time than the good, clean Coal w sell. If you want the best, our Coal Is the kind for you. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office, Pendleton Ice A Cold Storage Company. 'Phone Lain 178. Egg Make. COLESWORTIIY. BONE SHELL . CHIT - :I7 jid ll BAST -- - - ' " Poultry and S'ock Supplies. -Jraln ami Feed. Hay. BENEFIT IIY OUK EX.1EHIENCE. In the repairing of vehicles of all kinds by getting us to examine, es timate on and thoroughly overhaul, repair, repaint, re-upholster your carrlago or business wagon. We are masters of tho art of carrlnge repair ing for It Is an art when rightly done and wo want a good share of your patronage. We have Winona Wugons, Hacks and Rex Buggies. We guarantee all goods sold. See us before purchasing. NeagleJBros. Tho Blacksmiths and Machinists. WE AHE LEADERS In laundering linen. No man who wears a shirt washed, starched and Ironed by us with his evening clothes need fear unfavorable comment, no matter who the critic. To bo very modest, we know our business and attend to It strlrtly, methodically cheerfully withal. Oh, prices? On business basis of a fair figure for fair work. ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Byers Best Hour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is as sured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYE H.S, Proprietor. LEGAL BLANKS 't' alogoe of them. A foil supply always kept in stock. THE POPULAR FLAOF TO EAT IS THE The French Restaurant Everything served flrst-elasa. Best regular meals In Pendle ton for SS cents. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. W.D.FLETCHER the pic : eer watchmaker AND JEWELER. 80S Court Street. Jewelry U. order. Wedding rings a spotf-Iti. All work guaranteed. Plymouth Rock Eggs Bnrred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale. 60c per dozen. Address Rev. J. M. Cornollson, Pendleton, Or., Box 374. 'Phone, Farmers' 83. ... Walters' flouring Mills Capacity, ISO barrels a day. . Flour exohanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Fesd, ste., always on band.