DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY i. 190. EIGHT PAGES. Brief Record of Gounty E,6r"itS Special Correspondence tt PAGE SIX. ATHENA BREVITIES MASS MEETING CHOSE A FULL CITY TICKET. Dr. Plamondon tlio Candidate for Mayor George V. Hindlcy, Camll date for County Troosiirer One Hundred Fifty Registrations nefore tlie Justice of the Petice Convon tion Was on tlie So,unro and the Proceeding's Harmonious. Athena, Jan. 1. George W. Brad ley of this city, has announced him self a candidate for the office of county treasurer. Mr. Bradley has for years been agent In Athena for the Puget Sound Warehouse company and came here from Pendleton. Up to the present time there have been about 150 registrations made at the office of Justice of tlie Peace Chamberlain. At t mass meeting Saturday night Dr. J. jJ. Plamondon was nominated to office of mayor, and now heads an exceptionally strong municipal ticket. M. L. Watts A. B. McEwen, T. J. Kirk and C. A. Barrett are the nom inees for councilman; O. G. Chamber lain, present Incumbent, for recorder, and I. M. Kemp for treasurer. The meeting was strictly on the "square deal" order, and harmonious throughout. Mayor Taylor was elect ed chairman and O. G. Chamberlain secretary of the meeting. Mayor Taylor was placed in nomin ation for mayor by Frank Mansfield, and In a neat little speech, M. L. Watts nominated Dr. J. D. Plamon don. Henry Barrett and M. L. Watts acted as tellers, and when the ballots were counted. Dr. Plamondon received 35 votes and Mayor Taylor 15. M. L. Watts was the first to be placed In nomination for councilman. Then David Taylor was nominated, but declined., A. B. McEwen. C. A. Barrett, William Tompkins, York Dell and T. J. Kirk were placed before the convention In the order named. The balloting proceeded after it was decided those receiving the high est number 0t votes cast should be de clared the choice of the convention. The result was: M. L. Watts, 38; A. B. McEwen, 42; C. A. Barrett. SI; William Tompkins, 27; York Dell, 25; T. J. Kirk, 37. O. G. Chamberlain was the unnani mous choice of the convention for re corder. David Williams, present In cumbent, was nominated for city treasurer, and the nomination of I. M. Kemp followed. Mr. Williams" name was withdrawn and on motion, Mr. Kemp was declared to be the unanimous choice for city treasurer. WANT TO BE. INVITED. Some Will Buy Thei? Way to the Roosevelt-Longworth Wedding. Washington society and visitors to Washington this season value nothing so highly as an Invitation to the Longworth-Roosevelt wedding, and nothing Is harder to obtain. There is a limited circle, the friends and rela tives of Miss Roosevelt and Mr. Long worth and the recognized leaders of Washington society, who are certain to receive invitations, but beyond this circle there Is doubt. The list of In vited guests Is not yet completed, and It Is not known who has been chosen, says a dispatch from Washington. But there is a mighty struggle, bor dering on a conspiracy, among those outside the "inner circle," and their goal is an Invitation to the White House wedding. These invitations, when Issued, will be nontransferable, but out of the number that leave the White House not a few will be sold for a good round price to persons having the means, but not the posi tion to get in. That is charactristic of Washington society. White House weddings are very rare; Bf-ldom does the daughter of a president marry In that historic build ing, and for that reason there Is the greatest Imaginable clamor for cards of admission. The coming wedding Is as near an approach to the royal weddings of Europe as any that Is likely to occur In this country In a quarter of a century; it is, from every standpoint, a crowning social event. When It is over, society will have lit tle to look forward to this season; the most brilliant events will pale Into insignificance. Is it any wonder, therefore, that In vitations should be In such demnad? The few that are offered for sale will bring big prices because the per sons seeking them, the unofficial ele ment of Washington society, Is a wealthy set; they care little how they spend their money, and when they cannot break In they are willing to buy their way In. And some of them will succeed. LIPTOX WILL TRY AGAIN. Exim-tetl to Go Into CamiMilgn Against New York Vtuht Club. London, Jan. 31. It comes from the very tst authority that Sir Thomas Llpton haa not yet given up the hope of winning the America's cup and that he Is making plans now for another campaign against the New York Yacht club next year, to win back the coveted cup, for which he has tried three times without suc cess. It la understood 'hat Sir Thomas Is considering plans for the building of a, new challenger, which he hopes to bring; to the United States In 1907. Just what plans he Is making Is not yet known, but Sir Thomas seems to think that the next time he will be able to make a better showing. It is understood that his next challenger will be free from excessive overhangs and other freakish features. It is even believed that he may bring a schooner to the United States and that the new boat will be built up to the limit of that type allowed under the terms of the deed of gift, which Is 115 feet on the water line. DARING OF LIONS. Incidents to Ptoto That the Bratoa Are Not Cowardly, It has been said many times that lions are cowardly brutes, but of tlie many lions with which I have bad per sonal dealings, expectedfy and unex pectedly, the epithet cowardly is the last I should consider appropriate In describing them. I have been charged by a Hon, and be certainly did not look cowardly. I have come face to face, it a distance of some twenty feet, with a family party Nof half a dozen, fortu nately full fed. They stood, with quiet dignity, look! tig at us, and then slowly moved away, stopping every few yards to stand and look again. There win neither fear nor meanness In their ap pearance or behavior. I have seen lious stalking game, and I have myself been stalked by them. If I could have encouraged myself with the conviction of their cowardliness when I was the quarry and they the hunters, it would have put a different aspect on the situation. We were at this time living In a Btatlon over seven ty miles from the nearest connecting link with the outside world, and when man eating lions took possession of the one road which led to this link things became serious. A large troop was reported, and tht natives maintained that this troop ran along In the grass parallel with th caravan road (a path some ten Inches wide), and, having selected the most edible member of the caravan. Jumped upon him like a flash, and, seizing him. disappeared as quickly as they came. Our mall runners, attached to whom were a couple of native police armed with rifles, were several times attack ed. Finally, as the wall party was camping one night, fortunately for It J With a i,oHm nnMnn . 1. ,, . i T n,UJ " i f laiufau, tun liuus UV ' came so ooia mat, in spite of flres, they sprang upon a native and carried him off into the bush. Mrs. S. L. Hlnde Id Blackwood's Magazine. WASHING CLOCK FACES. Some Timepieces Grow Boiled More daleklr Than Others. "I've been washing the faces of the city clocks nigh on to ten years, I guess," said a pleasant Scotch-Irish-American, "and before that I did It In the old country.- There aren't many face washers In this land, and the few who know the business do well at it." He looked prosperous In his tweed suit and derby hat. "Is your work anything like that of the steeple climber?'' he was asked. "Bless you, no," he replied, with twinkling eye, much amused, "only In one thing, and that Is that mostly sail ors take up with the trade. That's be cause we're good climbers, you know. I've washed the faces of city and church clocks that were ISO feet from the ground, and It took me two and three weeks to do it. I'm a practical clock repairer, too have to be, yoo know and do my work In a huge wooden cradle made for the purpose. Some clocks get their faces dirty In a year or so; others remain clean ten years, and so on. Old Ben, Westmin ster's great clock. Is expected to keep clean fifteen years. "In the old days the trade was more dangerous. We used to work from scaffolds and got many dangerous falls. Now we have the cradles and all the fixings and comforts, and If a man keeps bis head he can work as well as on the curb. How is the pay? Well, that's hard to figure, for we work by the Job. We don't clean clock faces In winter, so we make enough In the summer to Inst the year round. Of course sometimes the clocks ore taken out of their cases and repaired m the shops. Last year I cleared $2,1X10 and visited only two other cities, Chicago and Boston. This year I'll make more, because building operations have grim ed the clocks and given our trade a lift." New York Post Horses Wanted. Wanted BOO saddle and pack horses, to conform with the following description. Ail must be of hardy colors, good condition, thoroughly sound and all to be geldings, weighing from 1000 to 1100 pounds, deep in the chest, well muscled, good disposition and good lookers, and free from blemishes, from four to eight years old, and all broke gentle to ride. The undersigned will be at Pendle ton February 6th, to Inspect, buy and receive the same on the above dates, without fall. FRYE-BRUHN INC. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the senile of smell and comp.etely derange the wole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. Huch articles should never be used except on prescript, ni from repu table physicians, as the damage tbey will do la ten-fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Italia Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. 1. Cheney a Co., To ledo, O., contains no mercury, and la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the ayatem. In During llall'a Catarrh Core be sure you get the genuine. It la taken internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggiata. Price 76c per uottle. Take llall'a Family I'll la for constipation. Notice to Hunters. For Sale A registered pointer bird dog, 2 years old and broke to hunt. One of the best dogs in Pen dleton. Call 127 Perkins avenue. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 11 1 SPAIN'S BOY KIXG. A Remarkable Pen Portrait of the Newly Engaged Monarch. Jn his readable article "His Majes ty, the King of Spain," In the Febru ary Everybody's, Vance Thompson says: "The gloomy child had grown into a bonny youth. He was slim, Bupple. tall, it would have been flattery toL Catarrh is usually regarded as nothing more serious than a bad cold or call him good-looking, a nose long flight inflammation of the inner skin and tissues of the head and throat, and thick and curved a more than i Jfheu it is, in fact, not only a vexatious and troublesome disease, but a com Bourbon nose; the heavy chin and fclieated and dangerous one. It is true that Catarrh usually begins with protruding lower Hp of the Haps- fcjld fa the head, but when the poisons, which are thrown off through the bu rgs; the eyes large and dark and Jecretions, find their way into the blood, it becomes a constitutional trouble bright, the skin, too, Spanish way he was remarkable, peculiar. And With all that, he was as vivacious, as frank and jolly as a college boy at a ball game. font " , He had the true Spaniard's enthus- ,: CJ. tT Ta X , " V "uc"a,vc- is worse in lasm for the bloody sport of the "cor- i!1. ! auf the cold weher Closff th PreJ " Ss, and the pots rlda de toros." It was easy to see ,ionstalnd "healthy vapors winch should pass off that way are thrown back why this big natural, enthusiastic boy i "e tender hninga and tissues, causing the inflammation which starts should be popular. In fact, Alfonso "u" oc bd- has the first requisite of a king; he Jrbed by 'the blood. When the blood understands his people sympathizes Becomes diseased with this catarrhal with them and likes them. patter all kinds of complications may "He cares nothing for royal etl-, If looked for. As the blood circu ouette. In Madrid he goes about ns Jates through the body the foul mat- freely and familiarly an any other citizen. The afternon of which I write, as he rode home from the bullfight, a Btudent Jumped on the carriage step and handed him a bunch Bladder and other members of the body, while the general health is weak of roses. 'Here, take these Don Al- ened, appetite lost and the patient feels despondent and half sick all the time, fonso.' And the king took them, !Bat worst of all, if the trouble is not checked the lungs become diseased from smiling." , the constant passage of poisoned blood through them, and Catarrh terminates flaw-ball in tlie Bible. - j .He i The devil was the first coacher. coached Eve. She stole first Adam stole second. When Isaac met Re becca she was walking with the pitch er. Sampson struck out a good many times when he beat the Philistines. Moses made his first run when he slew the Egyptian. Cain made a base hit when he killed Abel. Abra ham made a sacrifice. The prodigal son made a home run. David was a long-distance thrower, and Moses shut out the Egyptians at the Red Sea. Drug Topics. ' Let's see, didn't' Paul make a short stop at Athens? Blckelton News. Yes, and Annanlas was struck out. Yakima Republic. Dry Cascade red fir wood, 16.60 per cord, sawed and delivered. OREGON LUMBER YARD. titHtHtittt4Htf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I BRIWG CERTAIW AMP QUIC4C RESULTS : If yon want help or a situation, want to buy, sell or trade anything, want to rent a farm, house or room, want to recover some lost property, your desires can be aatlafled thoroughly by wing the Bast ' uregonlan g classified columns. Count ai words to the line. No ad taken under II cents. Three lines, one insertion Fifteen cents ' Three lines, two insertions Twenty-five cents Three lines, six insertions Forty-five cents Five lines, one insertion Twenty-five cents Five lines, two Insertions Thirty-five cents Five lines, six Insertions Seventy-five cents WHAT IS Advertising? A business force that within the last 15 years has developed into a science. A a legitimate and honorable way, if judiciously and properly pursued, of keeping oneself pleasantly in the minds of the public, to the benefit of both the advertiser and the public. It is a science as sure as political economy is a science. It's development depends upon art as certainly as that of any other science. Advertising is the greatest force in business today. Advertising matter, if properly pre pared, is sure to be readis sure to influence the reader. The public looks with ever in crersing respect and interest on the man who advertises well. The EAST OREGONIAN reaches more people in Uuiatilla County than any other medium. Dlctl at Age of 102. Grandma Kilgore, mother of Jesse Kilgore, the well known Weston far- mer, died at the home of hor son, P A HP A FbmOANN0YING- A, t, i. T i wal 8BecW a11 Part 01 the body. It has more annoying and disgusting synip distingti shed. ; ma than any other disease. There is a sickening and offensive discharge mm th tincrr.1a of.nt : In the eves Are frtxtuptir while ft HVitt 7, J , 1 -t j i.u.uut Uiopa YJCkV. aV 111 L11C throat requiring continual hawking and spitting, and in certain stages of the .Xer finds its way into the Stomach, ruining the digestion and producing chronic Dyspepsia, or Catarrh of the Btomach. It also affects the Kidnevs. in Consumption, the most fatal of all tarrh by treating it with sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., because they only Teach the tnetnlirsnea and tiaatiea ttrtiil nl rnOA .f tl, a t-n..t.1A ia . Vi-J Tl,.. .1i !,. ..;'.. r.vwu. - .. v,iiTfc uib nuuuyiug oriliJJkUUia 1UI U LI LUC, UU I H1C JJU1BUH IS ell the while getting a stronger hold on the system and when they are left off will manifest itself in worse form than before. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and when it has cleansed the blood, thispure, rich stream circulates through the body, carrying healthful propertied to the diseased parts. Then the inflamed membranes and tissues begin to heal, the dis rc3 r PURELY VEGETABLE. ease permanently, and at the same time builds up the entire system by its fin tonic effect. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy non-injurious to the sys tem and a certain, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrh sufferers will find our free consulting department helpful in advising local treatment to be used with S. S. S. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAt i ill 4 nged 102 years. Grip was the cause of death. Other members of the fam- My, Including Jesse Kilgore and wife are ill with the malady. DANGEROUS ; u j totianiMio mnfA a-, v.nAi, u- Seversl years age my blood was bid and I hd in addition dreadful case of Catarrh. My nose was stoppid up, I had headaohes, ringing nolte-a in my ears snd felt unfit for work. I com menced the use of S. S. S. on the recom mendation of a friend, and in a short time tt oured me sound and wall. It put my blood in good condition and X have never bad the slightest return of the Catarrh since that time. GEO. D. CARE, No. 200 Edgar St. Evansrllle, ind. diseases. You cannot cet rid of Ca. v.. .i : i- charges cease, the general condition of the system is strengthened, every one of the annoying and disgusting symp toms pass away, and the patient is left in perfect health. S. S. S. is the best remedy for Catarrh. It goes right into the blood and removes all effete matter and catarrhal poison and cures the dis ttntn' OREGON SHonrLmt UfflOK PACIFIC AXD TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleepers dally to Omaha and Chicago; tourist sleeper dully to Kan sas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the east dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PEX DUE TON. EASTBOUND. No. 2, Chicago Special, arrives 6:40 p. m.; departs 6:40 p. m. No. 6, Mail & Express, arrives 6:00 p. m.; departs, 6 p. m. , WESTBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, nrrlves 8:65 a. m.; departs 8:66 a. m. No. 5, Mnl! & Express, arrives 11 p. m.; departs, 11 p. m. SPOKANE DIVISION. No, 7, Pendleton passenger, arrives 6:36 p. m.; connects with No. 2. No. 8, Spoknne passenger, departs 9 a. m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. No. 41, mixed, arrives 1.4 0 p. m. No. 42, mixed, departs 6:60 p. m.; connects with No. 2. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparla to Lewlston Leave Rlparla dally, except Saturday, 4:06 a. ni. Leave Lewlston daily except Fri day, 7 a. m. E. C. SMITH. Agent. Pendleton. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets read over the Den ver and Rio Grande railroad, Uu "Scenlo Line of the World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractloag and point of Interest along the line between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If yon Ms going east writs for in formation and ret a pretty book thai will tell you all about It W. O. M'BRIDE, General Agent, J 14 Third Street, Portland, - Oregon BUNS PULLMAN SLEEPING CAm mjCGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO GRAND FORK- CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON , And all points East and South Throng tickets to Japan sad China, vt Ttcoma and Northern I'aclflc Steins 'i Co. aid American Una, TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally ezceii Sunday at I p. m. For farther Information, til naps and tickets, call on or Adaas, Psnd'etoa, Oregon, or i care writs w , A. b. CHARLTON, third aad Vorrlsoa Its.. Portlaii. 6 Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chisago, St. Paul, St. Louis, KaasM City, St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Portland and Points on the Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fn lay, 12:16 p. m. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:11 a. m. Lmt, at I p. m. dally. Leave Walla Walla 6:'it p. m. foi east Arrive Walla Walla at a. m. jom west. For Informatlos regarding rates aal aecomaodatlons, call on or address W. ADAMS, Agtst, i. 8. CALDDRBBAD, Walls Walla, Washington,