EIGHT PAGES. PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 10. Low Death Rate High Interest Earning Economy of Management Keep Your Money in Oregon Advantageous combination offered by the Oregon Life Insurance Company. Nothing to equal it anywhere. Office 5th floor, Macleay Building, 286 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. L. Samuel. E. MHO WASH TO FORMER PEN DLETOXI AN IS NOW SECRETARY TO GEARIX. Thrilling Exitericnccs In Cronslns Ihc Continent cm Account of Wrecks and Snowstorms Delightful PIuisuh of Life In the Cupllul Duties of Private Secretary Are Very Im portant, Yet Very Pleasant. visiting Mr. Lathrop's father, and will proceed to Washington at the conclu sion of her visit. ANOTHER PRISON WESTERN WASHINGTON WANTS PENITENTIARY. Governor Mead 110111011118 Plans for I-arge lrlxon Pcrluips at Auburn Cost of TransiMrtlng Irloiiertt Across the Stute Will Puy Cost of New IltiiltllngM In 10 Years. to Fred Lockley of the East Orcgonlan Is in receipt of the following invest ing letter from John E. Lathrop, for merly of the East Oregonlan and now private secretary' to United States Senator John M. Gearin, of Oregon. In Washington, D. C: "Our journey across the continent was anything but pleasant. Our train had a speed of 50 miles an hour, ran into the rear end of a freight that was standing on the main track. Consid erable of a mix-up occurred, then later we were delayed by two other wrecks, and twice by a blizzard. To add to our discomfort, our sleeping car on the Great Northern froze up, the steam pipes being solid Ice, and the baker heater would not work, so we lived In the dining car except at night, when we pitched Into our berth with extra blankets and did the best we could to keep from freezing death. Washington is a beautiful city. At every turn one comes across some point either of historic interest or present Interest by reason of Its im portant relation to the national gov eminent. I have a card at, and am the guest of the University club, of which Secretary of War Taft Is pres ident. Postmaster General Cortelyou is vice-president, and Secretary of Agriculture Wilson a member. Sun day evening at dinner. Secretary .Wil son said: "Mr. Lathrop, what are you going to do this evening" I told him I was going to my room and write a letter to my wife. He said, "Come over and spend the evening with me." So I went over to Stoneleigh Court and was alone with him all the eve ning. Washington Is delightfully hos pitable. It is more than half south ern, and at the same time is cosmo politan, a combination which Insures hearty welcome to anyone who comes In an offfclal capacity or otherwise. I can Imagine that any summer, with the trees In foliage, the city must be surpassingly beautiful. ' Another club In which I have a vis iting card Is the Cosmos. FAVORS IHTl'I.ITllIC PAVING. Raker City Councilman Takes Notes at Boise. noise has 35 mllr of cement side walks and two and a half miles of paved streets, and has Just let a con tract for two more , miles of paved streets by the bltullthlc system. "The next thing of importance In Baker City, according to my ideas, Is street paving," said Councilman H. S. Bowen. to the Bnker City Democrat, when asked for his opinion on mat ters of public Improvement. "If the property owners would take this matter up In earnest the city council would do the rest. The council Is not the whole thing. Thos who pay the bills should have some thing to say in the matter of public improvements. I believe there should be a public meeting and that property owners and the city council should take counsel together on this most important subject. The renters ot property also have an interest at stake and should have some voice In the matter. "I spent some time this summer In Investigating different methods of street paving. The bltullthlc pave ment now being used In Portland, on the sound, Walla Walla and Boise, seems to be about the best for small cities, and has a scientific recommen dation in Its construction that appeals to all practical men. It is different from the asphalt pavement we know and has a durability superior to most other smooth surface pavements. Iits cost in a city like Baker probably would be less than $2.50 per yard. Governor Mead's plan of building a new penitentiary In western Wash ington has caused somo comment throughout the state. Whether or not the governor has worked out the details of the scheme Is not known, but It Is rumored that Auburn will probably be the location of the new prison. Is the report that comes from Tacoma. Any additional state Institution will naturally drift to King county, and Auburn Is as good a place as any In that county. It Is a railroad junction now and will probably be a more Im portant one with the building of the Milwaukee. Governor Mead says the cost of building the prison will be made up by the saving In the railway fare of convicts now sent to Walla Walla. He says the penitentiary will pay for It self within three years. Opinions seem to differ on this point. Contractors say It will cost at least $100,000 to build the prison. The last legislature appropriated $25,000 for "transportation of con victs" for the two-year period between sessions. Of this It is estimated that at least $3000 will be used In eastern Washington cases. If )ls figure Is correct It costs about $11,000 a year to send prisoners from the west side to Walla Walla. Deducting an amount, approximately for transportation to a prison built at Auburn or any other west side point, the governor's plan will save the state abolit $9500 a year. There would be an Increase In the state's payrolls, and maintenance, too, must be provided for. At this rate more than 10 years will be needed to save in transportation the original cost of the new penlten tlary. GENERAL NEWS M MM Police in Chicago had a tunning fight with burglars and killed two. Three escaped. At Fort Worth, Lindsay Cooper, an eronaut from Clarlnda, O., fell 2000 feet from his balloon, and was killed. Railroad traffic on the longer lines in Cuba Is completely tied up by a trlke for higher wages. The manag ers of the companies refuse to even consider a comprdlnlse with the la borers as possible. The liberals unseated 177 conserva tive members of the English parlia ment as a result of the recent elec tions, galjilng that number outright The liberals will have about 200 ma jority In the coming parliament. In central and northern California lately the unprecedented snows have caused great loss to sheepmen Lambing Is In progress, and the larger part of the young lambs, all of which were on the range, have been lost. Seven men were lost In a snowsllde at Alta. 20 miles from Salt Lake. None of their names could be learn ed at last advices, as a second slide cut the telephone wires Immediately after the first news was 'phoned in. Representative Maynard, of Vlr gin la. has Introduced a bill approprl ating $1, $40,000 for government buildings and exhibits at the James town. Va exposition in 1907 to com memorate the first settlement by the English, In 1607. By an accident to a train In Bel- glum, several carloads of valuables from India, were burned and were a total loss. The loss Is said to have exceeded $1,000,000. The consign ment was within 10 miles of Its des tination when destroyed. The senate committee on contin gent expenses, has recommended an appropriation to pay for a special messenger for Senator Heyburn, of Idaho, who Is the most obese member of the senate. The messenger will bo 'special," and the only one In the senate. WITH A CAPITAL OF $500,000. ' CAN'T STOP FLOW OF RIVER. composed entirely of scientists, liter ary men and artists. The club occu pies the house In which the famous Dolly Madison entertained In the old days. A block away Is the old Charles Sumner residence, less than a block away Daniel Webster's resi dence, and close by, 100 feet distant, where the celebrated Sickles killed his man. Our apartments are one block from the state, war and navy building, two blocks from the White House, and three blocks from the treasury build ing. Senator Gearin has made a very happy entree Into the national capital, and already, even less than a month after his arrival, is popular with his fellow senators, the administration circle and the officials generally. We have office apartments In the senate annex, three rooms comfortably fur nished and with all conveniences. The work of a secretary is very de lightful. I have the assistance of a stenographer, the privileges of the floor of the senate, attend to all the . details of the office and enjoy a very pleasant freedom of movement and opportunities to make acquaintances of Influential men, and am highly pleased with the official phases ot life here. The Washington newspaper men the princes of the blood royal. They are a brilliant lot of fellows, the pick of the country." Mrs. Lathrop, who left Oregon with her husband, Is now in Elgin, Minn., Colorado River Rushing Into the Sul ton Basin. The changes now taking place in that part of southern California which is known as the Salton sink, Salton sea. Imperial valley or Colo rado desert, have resulted in the di rector of the United States geological survey ordering an Immediate survey of the entire area, says a government report. What is now a fertile and popu lous valley was many centuries ago a great lake or Inland sea, a hundred miles In length, Into which flowed the Colorado river. Owing to the changes In the course of the river, the inflow ceased and the water of the lake fi nally evaporated. At the lowest point In the valley a salt marsh was left the bottom of which was nearly 300 feet below sea level. About a year ago an Irrigation com pany cut a shallow ditch through the hank of the Colorado river into this basin. A little later, at a time when the water In the river was very high, the banks of this ditch were cut away which Is and its bottom was scoured out by the rapid current, so that now practically the entire volume of water In the river flows Into the basin. During the past six or eight months thousands of dollars have been ex- pended In various ineffectual attempts to control the Inflow of the river. The salt marsh has been enlarged to form a lake 40 or 50 miles In length. The water. Is rising at the rate of about an Inch a day. The proposed surveys will furnish data for an accurate map of that por tion of the old lake that lies within the United States and will enable the curtogrnphers of the survey to show in correct position on the map the various towns within the area, the channels of the two streams that car ry the water of the Colorado river to the lake and various other topograph ic features. With this data In hand, a careful estimate can be made of the time that it would take to fill this great lake basin should the course of the Colo rado river not be changed. California Prune Wafers. Purely vegetable, they are nature's product and should be In every house hold. They cure constipation and all disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. Tallman & Co., 23 Main St., Pendleton. Oregon. 100 Wafers 25 Cents. Kosiyn vAai o.ju ueuv- , ered, $6.00at the shed Roslyn Coal, Bier thorough exhaustive tests, has been se lected by the U. S. government (or the use of Its war vessels, as It stood the highest test. PROMPT DELIVERY. ROSLYN WOOD COAL CO. Office at W. of C. R. Depot. 'PHONE MAIN 26. Brick Weighs a Ton. Some years ago one man bet an other that he could not move an or dinary brick tied to the end of a cord two or three miles long. A straight and level road Just outside Chichester, N. Y., was selected for the trial. The brick was not moved, and the man lost his bet for a large amount. It was Btated by someone present that the brick although weighing only seven pounds, would from a distance of two or three miles represent a dead weight of nearly a ton. Morrow County Sheep Sales. William Stabler, the Wyoming sheep buyer, while here last week bought two bands, those of J. C. Kirk and Newt Whetstone. The former band consisted of 1200 and the latter 2200 yearlings. The price paid was the best of the season $2.76 al though they are reported as being ex ceptionally good sheep. Delivery will bo made about the first of May next, after shearing. Heppner Times. Antone Myer.and Alec Warner were overcome by gas and fumes In a rail road tunnel which Is being driven at Molson, Wash. Christ Erlcson, a la borer, at great risk of his life, drag ged both to safety. Rank and Trust Company Will Open In Boise March 15. A bank and trust company, with a capital of half a million dollars, all paid up, will be opened for business in Boise, about March 15, giving this city the largest and strongest finan cial Institution between Denver and the Pacific coast. This Is the lm portant announcement the Capital News is authorized to make today. The organizer of this Immense fl duclary concern, and who will be its president and directing head, is L. A. Coate of this city, who has been en gaged for several months In bringing together the capitalists who compose the company and In attending to the details of the organization. When seen by a Capital News reporter this morning, Mr. Coate said: "Our organization had not reached that state of perfection at which wi Intended to make the matter public, and we expected to wait for two or three weeks before we took the news papers Into our confidence, but since you know something of the matter, won't stand In the way of making good story for the Capital News an the people of Idaho. "We have completed all of the pre' llmlnary arrangements, and In less than two months will open a financial Institution in Boise, with a capital stock of $500,000, all of which will be fully paid up. The only details re malning unfinished are the final se lection of some of the officers of the Incorporation, which matter will be deckled upon In a few days." Dairying In Australasia. According to Consul Baker, of Syd ney, New South Wales, with a little less than 1,600,000 people and 198 840,000 acres of land, had 470 dairies which produced in 1904, 53,591.24 pounds of butter from 130,490,15 gallons of milk, 4,223,621 pounds of cheese from 4,322,427 pounds of milk and, as a by-product from the skim and buttermilk, they produced 10 680,532 pounds ot pork. Eighteen thousand males and 13,761 femal were employed In these dairies. The concerns used engines yielding 3066 horse-power and many cream separa tors to which much success Is attrlb uted. The plants are valued at $2 828,260; the number of cows 482,000 New South Wales consumes about 31,000,000 pounds of butter, or 21 pounds per capita, and exports about 22,500,000 pounds. Half U10 World Wonders how the other half lives. Those who use Bucklen's Arnica Salve never wonder if it will cure cuts, wounds, burns, sores and all skin eruptions they know It will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130 E. Reynolds St., Springfield, III says: "I regard It one of the absolute necessities of housekeeping." Guar anteed by Tallman & Co. and Brock & McComas, druggists. 25c. Corporations Down and Out. The proclamation of the governor dissolving 600 Oregon corporations, which have failed for two years pay their license fees, was filed with the secretary of state this morning, and those corporations are now "non est," says the Salem Journal. The only way that any of these companies can again be permitted to do business Is to pay up all back licenses. For coughs and colds no remedy Is equal to Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, It Is different from all others better, because It expels all cold from the system by acting as cathartic on the bowels. Affords lm mediate relief In croup, cougs, colds, whooping cough, -tc. Children love It. Sold by Tallmai & Co. VORTHWEST NHWH. The E. H. Stanton company, butch ers, of Spokone, will at once begin work on a packing plant at that place which will cost $100,000 and In which 200 men will he employed. At Ritzvllle, Wash., Otto Shlnrock was acquitted of the charge of at tempting to kill Leland Lucy. The Jury was out three hours. The men live on adjoining farms and have a feud. Andrew Arne, a young man from Viking, Minn., came to Tacoma Janu ary 10 with drafts and cash amount Ing to several thousand dollars, and has not been seen since. It is believed he was murdered. Henry H. Vincent, a wheat rancher near Prescott, Wash., who has for several years past worked 136 head of horses on his 9000 acres, Is disposing of all the animals and Is replacln them with mules. D. C. Corbln offers 60 cents more for sugar beets than the prevailing price. If he can get 60,000 tons dellv ered to the Waverly sugar factory the coming season. He will pay $5.60, If h can get 60.000 tons, he will pay $6. The American De Forest Wireless Telegraph company has Invaded Mon- tana and will Install stations at Butte, Helena, Great Falls, Lewlston, Ana conda, Dillon, Missoula, Bozeman, Livingston, Red Lodge, Billings and Miles City. Clarence Atherton, aged 16 years, of Troy, Idaho, must stand trial at Mos cow on the charge of helping rob the Troy postofflce last May. His sup posed accomplice, Al Bradley, has since been sent to the penitentiary for another crime. Lieutenant D. C. McClelland, tenth infuntry, stationed at Fort Wright, Is said to be slated for dismissal. That officer was charged with embezzle' ment and the courtmartlal findings are said to be against him. Judge Advocate General Davis said today that as Lieutenant McClelland has not appealed from the findings, the de partment may be expected to act promptly in the premises. as inc ,cir Take nutmeg; one is not food as another. Schilling Best, in nutmeg, is ground fi from difficult nuts to grind be cause full of oil; the oil isth virtue. There are dry nu there are wormy nuts. We arc no more careful in nutmegs than all through. Your grocer's; moneyback ts Spring Styles We have just received a complete line of samples in . Ladies, Suits, Jackets and Skirts No Two Alike We can save you 25 per cent on your Spring Jacket, Suit or Skirt. Call and we will tell you how we can do it ALEXANDER'S! Pendleton's Reliable Store FRANK B. CLOPTON CO. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans and Investment Brokers! DIRECTORS. FRANK B. CLOPTON. President; T. C. TAYLOR, Vice-President; F. W. VINCENT Second Vice-President; MARK MOOHIIOUSE, Sec re v-Treasurer; F. W. MATLOCK. IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT All plumbing and tin, sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to ma will be done light and guaranteed. I have removed my shop to Court street, second door east of Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do the highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, as I have lm my employ one of the best plumbers In the business, and water, steam and other pipe fitting Is solicited. A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work. B. F. BECK THE OLD RELIABLE! PLUMBER AND TINSMITH. Court Street, Two Doors East of Golden Rule Hotel. Found at last a place where one can trust their best linen or daintiest lingerie to be laundered. We use only harmless materials to cleanse all articles en trusted to us. A trial order will con vince you that we live up to our ad vertisement ' Pendleton Steam Laundry 'Phone Main 179. FISIIMAN & PEI.ZRS, Props. ELECTRIC LIGHTING Is as cheap as any other Illumlnant, and far more convenient sr Let Us Figure With You about wiring your home, office or store. We can get you up a handsome window display. Better talk with us on the subject J. L. VAUGHAN Phone Main 139 122 West. Oowl OUR STOCK Is of fine, selected Lumber. We can give you any sort you require. LUMBER In large or small quantities, dressed or In the rough. Fine flooring, Fram ing Timbers, Joist, Hiding, etc. Give us a trial order and see how thorough ly satisfactory it will be filled. Oregon Lumber Yaro Near Court. House Pendleton. Oregon. 'Phone Main 8. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE Two fine building lots, $200 each. I -room house, two lots; good well; located near school, prloe $1060.00. Good 6-room house, laree barn, two large lots, nice shade and fruit trees, large chicken' yard. ' rice (2500.00. House; and lot near West End school, 1600. House and two lots Maple St, $660.00. House and barn, 7 lots, good orchard, plenty well water, $2,000.00. These three places must be sold within 30 days. Come early and a cure bargain. $60 acres Birch creek, 25 acres alfalfa; a grs-U bargain, $7,600.00. 160 Mrs ranch on McKay creek, to excha for Uy property. New 8-room house, large barn, chicken house, t lots. Price $1600.00. 160 acres one and a half miles south ot Athena at a bargain. Also vacant lots In all parts of the city. If you wish to build we can sell you a lot and furnish you the money to build your home. Finest residence and two lots In t clt $7,600. y V nt lot on Jane street, near Court, $526. 800 aore wheat ranch, 860 sown In wheat $16,000; 1$ miles from Pen leton, 8 miios to market ' 60 aeres; 620 In wheat, 12 miles south of city. ii 1 HARTMAN (& BENTLEY ' COURT ST., PENDLETON, ORB. PHONE mas: m. ; eese sees see eessaeeese sees esse . see eeeseeeeeeeeseee sesseeeeeeeeeee wesrteeeseseeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesasaaaaCI e A. :