East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 19, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Short Change Dinner Sets
Imperial blue decoration, sold line,
knobs and handles.
6 plates ft. 10
6 Pie Pinto JJ
6 Fruits 5S
Butter Chip 35
( Cups
6 Saucers
3-plece Huter
S-plece Covered Dish
2 Vegetable Dishes, 40c-50c
1 Cream
2-plece Sugar
1 ritcher BO
Peacock underglaxed decoration.
12 Plates li7s
" Cups 35
8 Saucers go
Fruits 45
2 Platters, 2Bo and 45c 70
2 Bakers, B5c and SOc 85
2-plece Covered Dish 1.25
2-plece Sugar 50
1 Cream 25
2-plece Butter 90
1 Bowl 25
1 sauce Boat 40
1 Pickle I25
47 pieces at $8.85 Bl pieces at $9.40
FOR. $5.r0 FOR. $5.98
GDrjl Tea Moan so
Opinion Expressed by Carl Cooler,
Who Managed Last Year Walla
Walla Expected to Have a Team
Organized and Entered for the
Field Tliere Is Considerable Excel
lent Timber Available Provided
Pendleton Concludes to Organize
La Grande Will Have a Team and
Perl laps Athena.
the mines of this section, some good
work will have to be done.
Aside from most of last vear's nlav.
ers, there are also several other good
baseball men now in the city. Among
these are Cox, who Is employed in
the Gray Bros.' grocery, and who
played with the old league team in
renciieton, and also with the Yellow
Kids at Athena, and White, a student
of the business college, who mnria
good short stop for Weston two years
ago. Also, a letter has been received
irom Lerty Nagal. of Everett. W.h
who was a short stop on the Pendle
ton team in 1903, in which he says
he would like to be with the nine this
year if he can secure amnin,n,.nt
What will Pendleton do in baseball
during the coming season T While the
opening or me season is yet some
months off, many teams over the
northwest are commencing to look
about for players, and already there
has been some talk regarding the
chances of a team for Pendleton. In
speaking on the subject this morning
Carl Cooley, manager of last year's
team said:
"I would like to see a good nine
for the coming season, and I believe
that a good strong battery should be
imported at the very opening of the
season and the remainder of the team
made up from local players. Then
by proper management and continual
practice by the same nine a good
strong team can be secured. How
ever, as far as I am concerned, I
had all of the experience I cared for
last season."
It Is understood, that Walla Walla
Will again have a good nine, and the
same will again be run by Mr. O'Con
nor, though he will employ someone,
probably Tempany, of last year's
team, to do the actual managing.
Also, it Is known that La Grande
will again be in the field, and there
Is some talk of an Athena team this
year. Consequently, if Pendleton is
to make a favorable showing among
Twenty-Eight Additions to Christian
Church Under Rev. Brooks Sleeting
at Heppner.
The revival meetings now being
conducted at Heppner by Rev. N. H.
Brooks of this city, are successful in
every way, there having been 28 ad
dition to the church since the meet
ings began.
After finishing the series of meet
ing there, which will be about Febru
ary 1. Rev. Brooks will return to this
city and hold a series of meetings In
the First Christlanjchurch hero.
People are apt to think that only
coughs of consumption are wasting
coughs, but the fact is that the ordi
nary cold coughs tears the delicate
lung tissues and also wastes vitality.
F. and S. TAR and
Will cure the slightest cough in a
few doses and even the deep-seated
cough disappears after a few days'
treatment. -
It is a safe preparation, as it con
tains nothing Injurious, and Is a
Bplendld cough remedy for children
and adults.
For sale only by
Tallnvan & Co.
Leading Druggists
A Modern Miracle.
"Truly miraculous seemed the re
covery of Mrs. Mollle Holt of this
place," writes J. O. R. Hooper, Wood
ford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by
coughing up puss from her lungs.
Doctors declared her end so near that
her family had watched by her bed-
siue in nours; when, at my urgent re
quest Dr. King's New Dlsroverv
given ner, with the astonishing re
suit that Improvement began, and
continued until she finally completely
recovered, and is a healthy woman
today." Guaranteed cure for coughs
and colds. 60c and 210.00 at Tallman
& Co. and Brock & McComas', drug
gists. Trial bottle free.
Ilonccr I lax Resided in Vmatilla
County for Over SO Years Father
of 14 Children, Eight of Whom Are
Now Living wife is 78 Years of
Age and Hotli Are In Very Good
Health for Their Advanced Age.
Nelson Swaggart, the well known
pioneer of this city, and the second
oldest man in Umatilla county, cele
brated his ninety-fourth birthday this
week, with a family reunion at his
home on Garden street,
Mr. and Mrs. Swaggart are among
the oldest pioneers of the county, hav
ing been residents of the Athena dis
trict for over 30 years. Four
ago they left the farm near Athena
ana removed to this city, where they
have since resided.
Fourteen children have been horn
to this pioneer family, eight of whom
are now living. There were seven
boys and seven girls In the famllv and
the following are now living: Mrs. W.
F. Matlock, Mrs. C. S. Wheeler and
Lester Swaggart of, this city; B. F.
and George Swaggart of Heppner;
Link and Milton Swaggart of Athena,
and Mrs. Alice Keith of Colfax, Wash.
Mrs. Swaggart, wife of the pioneer,
is now 78 years of age and both are
in good health, and reside alone in
their cottage on Garden street.
iiumuur m me
meeting of the county central com
mittee for the election of n nhni
.iuii mull. 1 I
Plans are about completed for the X Ll3
establishment of a flow Bvanlno I -. I siv
here, with Eugene Lorton, late editor X E
of the Dallv ITni,... ,.! T ""!
of the county central committee, as f t
mannslnir p.ntnr n i.. ..IT l
" a wiu me policy
"i mo puper win represent the Inter
ests of Governor MraH nn.
" "H1""
Columbia College at Milton Xot In.
Jured by the l)llitherln case Tlint
tanned Quarantine.
Although Columbia collera nt Mn
ton was quarantined for 10 days on
account of a mild case of riinhthoHn
which developed there, yet the school
is enjoying a full attendance nn.1 nr.-
not materially Injured by the mlsfor
About 100 pupils are now In n
tendance, many of them from ad
poinlug states and counties, nnri n
or them are delighted with the sur
roundings of Milton as a school pen
tor on account of the excellent mnrni
conditions. Columbia college Is ran.
Idly becoming one of the leading Insti
tutions in the northwest, and is adding
new features and new strength every
Will Play "Esmeralda."
The Grace Johnson company, which
is at the Frazer theater this week,
will present "Esmeralda" tonight. It
Is said to be a strong and beautiful
drama and has attracted large houses
where the company has played be
Will Move to Klamath Fallsi
Robert Wattenburger. of the firm
or Laaow & wattenburger. contract
ors, has sold his residence property
on the north side of the river to Mr.
Shannon, of Helix, and with hl wif
will leave here on Monday for Klam
am rails.
What Shah we
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minntps. Nrhoil
baking 1 auo. boiling water and set to
I.-1 . r . .
A'juvum; L,emon, grange, Kasp.
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
tt your grocers to-day. lo eta.
Correctly fitted to the face are as essential as properly fitted
lenses are to the eye.
A Lens should be mounted so that the center will be exactly op
posite the Eye. In any other position it will cause strain and have
a tendency to porduce double sight. The Bridge or Nose Piece should
fit so well that wabbling would be Impossible, and should bear
equally at all points.
THE RIGHT WAY la Just a? easy as the WRONG.
WINSLOW BROS, si? main street
Prospects Brilliant on Diamond and
A meeting of the athletic associa
tion was held yesterday afternoon at
the high school . for the purpose of
organizing track and baseball teams
for the coming season. Frank Pierce.
last year's track team captain, was re
elected to that position and Lester
Means was chosen as manager.
For the aggregation or haii-tnaaern
Will Penland was again elected cap
tain, and Furnish Slater was selected
as manager of the nine. .
Prospects for a winning track team
are exceptionally brilliant. Of last
year's team there are Pierce. Strand.
Scott, Means, McCarty, Hill, R. Bol-
lerman, Jay and C. Bollerman. Strlck
lln, a new man, Is expected to show up
well In the sprints.
with all but two of last year's
baseball team as a nucleus, and a
number of new asolrants. the P. H.
S. hopes to have as strong a high
school team as can be found In the
state. Of the old players there are
Strand, Dickson, Leonard, Means,
Hoover, Penland, captain; Turner,
Storle and C. Bollerman. Gilbert,
Swaggart and Johns are new nlavera
from whom much Is expected. ,
John White and Guy Bryson are
expected to enter the new term, com
mencing January 29th. These men
are old players and with their help
the P. H. S. aggregation will be great
ly strengthened. The team Is expect
ed to play about 20 games during the
season, commencing about the first
of March.
PRICE OF $2.50
Avaoi Ana
vOHC nrvfr hmv ncrt
His Collection Contains Papers Irom
Australia, Fiji Islands, tlie Pliilln- , 1 en 188ue1, tner0 are
..... r,.... . . two Pae dev'ed to cts of the edl-
Below Is Given the Editorial Lineup
for the Present Year.
In the Januarv number nf th iio.
kawlnn, the high school mfhi
which has Just been Issued, there are
pines and Other Remote Places, and
From Every County In Oregoi
The Columbia Centliiei or lioston,
November 11, 1798, Contains an Ac
count of a Naval Victory by Com.
niodore Nelson.
tonal staff. One of thean i. n
group picture of the entire staff,
while another gives the Individual
Pictures of the editor-in-chief and
three assistants.
The staff of the Illakawlnn fnr th.
present year is as follows:
Editor-in-Chief Olenn
Assistant Editors Edna Zimmer
man, '06; Clara Bovlen. 'OR- v.
Tenth Annual Tour of the Northwest
Will Be Made. '
The Wnshlnfirtnn SlntA Cnllpffe Olee
club will make its 10th annual tour
of the northwest this winter, since
Inst Kentpmher the club has been hard
at work under the skilled guidance of
Prof. Strong.
The glee club contains more voices
than usual and will be assisted by
Mrs. Strong, soprano prima donna;
Prnf Tvlmbrnntrh nlnntut The chnrim
of the club Is especially strong both
In members and in the quality of
voices. The solo work Is much above
the ordinary. Original compositions
hv memhprs nf the club. PHnenlnllv
those of Deforest Cllne, are expected
to create favorable comment.
A musical comedy Is also a part of
the program. The club tour will be
gin about February 8 and last two
weeks. The manager, Frank Kreager,
left this morntne to make dates for
10 concerts from the following towns:
Lewlston, Walla Walla, Dayton,
Waltsburg, Pendleton, Salem, La
Grande, Baker City, The Dalles, Cor-
vallls, Eugene, Portland, Montesano,
Tacoina, Olympla, North Yakima,
Everett, Ellensburg and Spokane.
The proposed tour this year Is
more extended than ever before.
However, the bovd feel that with the
club additions, and a better program.
thev w 11 meet with Ruccess.
Last year the club received a hearty
welcome wherever It annearpd. not
only because of their excellent pro
gram, but because of their good be
havior as gentlemen.
J. L. Sharon, of this citv. has for
many years been making a habit of m .'. . 9,.?J
collecting sneclnl lsxne. nf nmo uoomny, 07
and periodicals, and as a result ho Athletic Editors Elmer Storle, '08;
now has a most interesting collection, "nice vogei, -09.
Many of the papers which he hn Exchange Editor vmiu t.
ui consiueraDie value because of their
age, while others are of interest be- Note and Comment Editors Bob
i important events which they "vermore, 'U7; MOBsle Mettle, '08.
.viuitii ine collection nxe cuuor iiari leonnrrl 'AT
papers from every state In the Union
and many from foreign countries.
Among the latter are publications
from Australia, New Zealand, Fiji
isianas, .Philippines and other re
mote places. Also he has a naner
from every county in Oregon, among
wie lauer neing several old souvenir
editions of the East Oreionlan.
The paper which Is the most inter-
'06; John
Personals Ran Vnirl
Dickson. 0T.
uraae Editor Hazel Rur m
Class Renorters T.nron .a
"w i V U
Bessie McPherson, '07; Arthur Means.
uo iresn MTiiririH -no
Business Managers rim-a tjhi A7.
ueorge strand, '07; Harold Warner
Subscription Agent Dean Good-
Aii .aici wiiii-u is xne most inter-
estlng from on historical standpoint Is man- '06-
a copy ot tne Columbian Centinel of
Boston, on November 24. nos Tt id Hnlf tlm U'nriii t .....ius
an original copy and shows the marks how the other half lives. Those who
rt Ira a era T lbs nil .. L 1 1 n I i- . . .
. uuuiicuiions oi uae nucKien's Arnica Salve never
11 18 pnmea in tne old Eng- wonder If it will cure cuts, wounds
nsn script type, and Is confuslnir to burns. snr .nj ii i,i ..
the modern reader. they know it Will. fra Hi-ant Oh
TK I .... I , ,. - I . . 1
C V . 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 .7 1 WHN M HP III I .WPP If I V rT I I ..II K 1 u.'Tl fl 1 ,1 n Q. ' 1 . . i ...
- ' -"mo ov,, HiKiiHiu. Ill,,
four pages and was devoted almost savs: "I rerarri it .n. ti,
I - . ... OUOUIUIC
cnureiy 10 signea communications, necessities of houspkf.pt, In r.,-.
uuuiicai, ioreign news and art- anteed lv Tniimnn a nn n .
VBl-llalnv .... , 1 M , ! r . .
,,,.,,,B i,,c lureign news ot flictjomas, druggists. 25c
is a siory giving an account of Admi
ral Nelson's famous victory over the Ladles Examining the Records.
r rencn orr the coast of Africa. The For the past two or three ,.v,
.1 ff8"ng one made up Ural young ladles have been employed
of southern Europe. Among other
tnings concerning the battle were the
The Toulon squadron, which con
veyed Bounaparte and his army to
Egypt, has been defeated by the In
vincible tars jof Old England under
Aamirai Nelson, on the coast of Afrl
en. Admiral Nelson It Is said was
wounded In the cheek by a musket
The story is colored throughout in
lavor or tne English side, thus show
ing that even in the early days of
journalism it was difficult for the
press to be Impartial
In all, Mr. Sharon has 650 copies
01 oia papers which he has gradually
accumulated during the past
years. 11 is nis Intent on n turn
them over the the Oregon Historical
society some time In the future
Davis, who Is gathering statistics for
use In his father's comtnar trial T-n
of the girls, Miss Grace Dorothy and
miss Mary frhea, are students of the
renuieton Business college.
At the Gymnasium, to Men'i
Boys' Classes.
Next week wrestling work Is to be
taken up In the Commercial associa
tion gymnasium, and It Is Director
Wilson's Intention to give Instruction
In the art to all of the men's and
boys' classes. At first catch-as-catch-can
wrestling will be taken up,
and as the members become more ef
ficient they will be Instructed In the
different holds. However, those that
are liable to cause broken arms, or
other Injuries will be barred.
Also, a "members' night" la being
planned by Director Wilson In which
it Is proposed for all of those taking
work shall take nart. Unwa-u n
definite arrangements have yet been
made for the occasion.
The Good Old Way.
A severe cold or attack of la grippe
Is like a fire, the sooner you combat
It the better your chances are to over
power It. But few mothers In this age
are willing to do the necessary work
required to give a good old-fashioned
reliable treatment such as would be
administered by their grandmothers,
backed by Boschee's nvrnin
which was always liberally used In
connection with the home treatment
of colds and Is still In greater house
hold favor than an knmin
But even without the application of
tne old-fashioned aids German Syrup
will cure a severe cold In nniir tin,
It will cure colds In children or grown
people. It relieves the congested or
gans, allays the Irritation mil iiu.
lvely stops the coueh. Anv i-mm .hii
take It It is Invaluable in n. hmiBA-
hold of children. Trial alia hnttla.
15c; regular slie. 75c. For ui h.
Tallman A Co.
Waverly Post mauler Short.
Much comment has henn i.ui..j
here by the deposing of Postmaster
w. j. Smith at the hands nt ih nn.ni
authorities Friday, is the report that
comes from Waverly, Wash., says the
Walla Walla Statesman. It is said
the authorities found that Smith
short In his accounts something less
than $200. Bad business methods are
said to be the cause of Postmaster
Smith's trouble.
j Placing Your Money
J Advantageously is not such an easy matter as might appear before
you come to try it.
J Unquestionable security, combined with profit make our Coupon
Certificates of Deposit very desirable as an Investment Liberal
terms and Interest for three, six or twelve months' deposits.
j Commercial National Bank
j Pendleton, Oregon
O. R. & N. Distributing a Valuable
Map of the Northwest States and
Agent E. C. Smith, of the O. R. &
N., has Just received a shipment of
new maps of the northwest and Can
ada. Issued bv that comnanv and la
distributing them to the business
houses in the city todav.
The map Is 40x40 Inches In size and
gives all the lines of railroad, wagon
roads, streams, mountain ranges, for
est reserves, irrigation withdrawals,
and other Interesting features, many
of which have never been plaoed upon
a map before.
It is especially Interesting because
of the forest reserves And irris-ntinn
withdrawals being shown, this being
tne first map issued showing these
Will Engnge in Liquor IIuhIiicms.
E. R. Ferguson, better known as
l-ergy." who was lonsr em nlrtvpri
Hotel Pendleton cafe, will engage In
the liquor business in the nlapp now
occupied by Brolller & Crowner in the
f rank: , Frazler building on Main
street, between Webb and Alta,
February 1.
A Solemn Duiv.
A solemn duty which we owe society, our children and our-
eA1..ao l.:L V ,
13 iiuuiuig wwen can ue aone to assist nature
at that time when our wives are to become mothers
should be left undone. Of all the coundess details to he
observed at such a time, no single one is of more
importance than the bodily welfare of the expectant
mother j she must not experience undue suffering
through any lack of effort on our part
should be the recourse of all real mpn xnA wnmpn t ., . i.
, . - , . . " " "fc omvu unira ; u r3
easily obtainable, and it is a positive crime not to procure it. Its offices
are to relax the muscles and tissues intimately associated in this greatest
of the Creator's nhennmpnn. and hv simitTA n.tnm.l ..i: .: ,.
. , . j , . , r . , '. , i"- -"" i'uiirfuons a result
is obtained winch at the appointedtime permits the mother to unclereo her
rrr.,l.dl ,;,t, 1. 1 : ! . .i . , , .... O . .
;uj ."."iuuc, uiu-uung iiikj uie wona a ennu worthy of its
t . v..vv, .... u.u.u.. uui uui' luMuicnioou sent tree.
Jeroino K. Jerome In Portland.
Jerome K. Jerome, the noted Eng
lish writer and lecturer, ' will lecture
at the Baker theater In Portland to
morrow (Saturday) night.
In Police Court,
In the police court this mornlne
Jung Jack was given a sentence of
12 or one day in Jail for being drunk
on the streets.
This year the franchises, srood will
and other Intangible pronertv of tele
phone, telegraph, electric light and
power companies will be taxed for
the first time In the state of Washing
Dissatisfied Republicans May Furnish
Money to Start Lorton In Business.
A special from Walla Walla, tn Snn.
kane says: Two weetlngs of prominent
representatives of the boxers have
Cured by our Hand Woven
Elastic Bands and Stock
ings. fOver-fatness and
weaknesses relieved by
our Abdominal Belts.
II Writt for blanks and book.
West End Grocery
We have Just nut In a stivlr- f . ' ,
low rent and buv In for TLT. '"ZJr. on Bca"" '
city. Wo deliver" to'.ny , u I .. .Ul
- - "1UVI- IB EHlIlflltfVI.
C. S. Howard Co.
Near comer of W. Webb and Maplo streets. 'Phono M... x
The Life of the
lasts long Is preserved by our care
ful sanitary methods, of washing
strchlng and Ironing. it isn't ono'
two, three times and out by as many
visits of a shirt here. Our prices for
laundry work are modest enough, still
suffllpent to warrant us In rendering
efficient service.