'.'v-sjiii n i-ii: RMJHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY IS, 1M. page rm. PERSONAL MENTION R E M V A SALE Alter January II Donaldson' Pharmacy will be located In the ream now occupied bf ths olethlng department of the Feoples' TTarsnouse. Prior to moving we wtll give a removal sale tad cut price will prevail oo all druggists lundriea. This Include all Rubber Goods, leak Soaps, Brashes of all descriptions. Purges, Hand Bat. Ktr roe, fltlnm y, nutty China, Shaving Arllctoa, Hot Water BoUsaa, Syrtafe. eta. This Sole Will Mean a Saving of 25 Per Cent DONALDSON Reliable Druggist At old stand near eostoffloe until January II Tbo Home of'SUNSHINE" Preparation. CITY BREVITIES V C Rader. Nuf Mu. Radar Carpet Rader. Carpet Rader Carpet. Furniture Rader Furniture. Pound Store key. Call at Boston -Store. Pound C of P, pin. Owner call .at thai office. Por Rent Two light housekeeping room, furnished; 617 Aura street. Monlgie restaurant, 101 East Court street. Meals 10 cents and up. Hare that old hat made as good as new at the Hat Hospital. 101 East Ait street. Bog a Pianola for your plauo. Easy terms. BUer Piano House, 111 Mala street. When In Portland stop at the Hotel Oregon. Rates 11 per day and up ward. Buropean plan. Free 'bua A reasonable amount of food thor oughly digested and properly asslmt Jatea will always Increase the trnurth. If your stomach Is a "little off Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat and enable the digestive organs to assimilate and transform II foods Into ttsaue-bullding blood. Kodol relieves sour stomach, belch ing, heartburn and all forms of Indi gestion. Palatable and strengthening. Sold by Tallman & Co. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Amid Gathering; of th City Socle etlas Next Sunday. The annual gathering of the city Christian Bndeavor societies will be lield next Sunday morning and even ing In the Presbyterian and Congrega tional churches Rev. Mr. Sharpe, tficM worker for the state of Wash ington and Oregon, will be present to address the meetings. At 11:10 Rev. Sharpe will speak in the Academy chapel at the regular VICTOR EDISON COLUMBIA Talking Mad lies and Supplies 5,000 RECORDS J. A. OWENHOUSE III MAIN ST. Distributor. PINE NUT CREAM Brisk buying of Pine Nut Cream proves its goodness in curing rough hands and chapped faces. Pine Nut Cream is not sticky nor greasy. It is quickly absorbed and can be used at any time. i 25 cents a bottle. Koeppens' Popular Price Drug Store A. C. Koeppcn & Bro's. hour of worship for the Presbyter Ions, who worship there until repairs are finished on their church. At 1:11 Mr. Sharpe would like to meet all the members of the C E. societies In the parlor of the First Congregational church for a mutual conference. This meeting will take the place of the regular C. E. meeting In the different churches. Every mem ber should plan to be there and bring a friend. At 7: JO a union meeting of all the Christian Endeavorers of Pendleton will be held In the First Congrega tional church. Rev. Sharpe will make the address. To this meeting the va rlous presidents of the C. E. societies and the pastors of the same send a very courteous Invitation to the Ep worth League of the Methodist Epis copal churches, north and south, also to the B. T. P. U. to be present. Will all the societies of the city consider this as a personal Invitation and plan to be present? A good healthy meeting Is being planned and we expect to get "soul ful blessings" which will better fit us for the service of Christ and the church. You will be made welcome. Strangers specially Invited. R. B. HOMESTEAD DECISION. Residence on HomcHtceul Mont Be Continuous. Walla Walla, Jan. 18. The local United States land office yesterday received a decision of the general land office which brings out quite clearly the rulings of the department In regard to the establishment and maintenance of residence on home steads. The decision was brought about by a contest Instituted by Arrllla Merrl man on March 6. 1904, against the homestead entry of Ernest U. Oalla her, for the south half of the north west quarter, and the north halt of the southwest quarter of section 14, township I north, range 31 east. After a hearing and decision from the local office, the case was appealed to tho general land office In Wash ington, which, among other things In its decision, says: "As a general rule, to which the case under consideration furnishes no exception, residence having been es tablished Is presumed to continue until abandonment has been shown: and, In the absence of any other di rect evidence of the fact, It, abandon ment, can only be established by showing not merely that residence has not been maintained, but that Huch failure has continued for more than Hlx months; and in that regard tho contradictions In testimony are seemingly so, than real." Perfection can only be attained hi the physical by allowing Nature to appropriate and not dissipate her own resources. Cathartics gripe, weaken dlsslpntc, while DeWltt's Little Early Hlsers simply expel all putrid matter and bile, thus allowing the liver to assume normal activity. Good for the complexion. Sold by Tallman & Co. The house on January 16 passed iR special pension bills. Of the ben eficiaries, 4 2 are blind and 68 are paralytics. C. E. McLellan of Juniper, Is here today. Frank Spike of Echo, la In the city today on business. H. R. Nell of Holdman, Is In the city today on a trading trip. Charles Cunningham left this morn ing for Echo on a business trip. Dr. J. W. Ingram and wife of Walla Walla, arc In the city today on a bus iness trip. O. W. Hunt left this morning for Echo and Poster after a few days' visit in the city. John H. Lewis, state engineer, passed through here this morning on his way to La Orande. Dr. R. E. Rlngo has recovered from hi recent Illness and was at hi office for a short time yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Conser of Heppner, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brock for a few days. W. S. Stett, representing Wilson Bros, of Chicago, has been here to day In the Interest of his house. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Newport, of Hermlston, came up from that place last evening upon a short visit. C. B. Sampson left last night for Portland, where he will remain upon business until the last of the week. , Mrs. T. H. White and Miss Bessie Hutchinson left thl morning for Spokane, where they will visit for a short time. A. D. Stlllman arrived home this morning from Portland, where he passed yesterday attending to bus! ness matters. T. G. Montgomery left last evening for Helix on a short visit and to look over the crop condition In that part of the county, H. J. Stlllman left this morning for Durkee to Join Messrs, White and Ayer en rout for the Gold Coin mine eight miles from that place. J. A. Dozler, who moved to Weston some time ago for the purpose of sending his children to the Weston normal, is moving back to his farm at Nolln thla week. Engineer Scott Butler, of the Pen-dletrn-Spokane passenger run on the O. R N., 1 taking a short vacation, Engineer J. Melcher, of 8tarbuck, being on hi run. J. W. Sheer, night officer on the po lice force, Is again able to be on the streets, after having been ill for 10 days, during which time his work has been done by Jeff Stevens. Hon. William Smith, the Baker City attorney, who Is an avowed candidate for circuit Judge In opposition to Judge Samuel White, passed through this morning on his way home from Port land. William Colwell, formerly of Arl ington, and who served as agent for Charles Cunnnlngham In the past, haa been in the city today. He now has sheep In Wyoming and is residing in Portland. Dr. T. H. White and Thomas W. Ayers left last night for the Gold Coin mine, where they go to commence work again, the suit and Injunction which prevented the operation of the mine having been tried and they are now free to commence milling. INSTITUTE AT ATHENA. Teachers Will Meet at That Place January 27. On Saturday, January 17, a local teachers Institute will be held at Athena for the teachers of that place and tributary districts. The following program has been arranged for the occasion: 10.30 A. M. Opening exercise. Singing Selections, Primary Reading and Phonics L. R. Traver. Discussion Charles R. Dutro. Song Male quartet. Noon IntcrmlsHlon. 1:30 P. M. Kinging Selections. Roll call. Song Ladles' quartet. History O. A. Marquis. Discussion D. Lynn Uubser. "For the Good of the Order" Frank K. Welles. Discussion W. O. Read. Song Male quartet llecmi Song Ladles' quartet Question box. Song Male quartet. Adjournment The following teachers are expect ed to be represented In person or by letter: D. Lynn Gubser, Nellie M. Stevens. Vivian Sweeney, Anlce Barnes. Luclla Cralgen, Esther Coinpton, Viva War ren, Stella O'Harra, Charles Pinker ton, George Marquis, S. E. Darr, O. A. Cannon, Lizzie McKenzie, Amy Mc Danlel, Mary Gibbons, Jennette Mc Kinnnn, J, It. English, Lillian Dobson. Fannie J. Scott. W. O. Read, James Scott, Ueda Cnrlstrom, Nelly Darr. P. S. Rogers, Charles R. Dutro, Bertha Stachllng. Westbound Freight Heavy. Westbound freight business Is very heavy on tho O. it. & N. this month. Huntington yards are filled with westbound loads and extra trains are run out every day to catch up with tho rush, Tho shipments consist principally of general merchandise. Itut little coal Is moving owing to the Inaliillty of the Wyoming mines to se cure men to dig coal with which to fill orders. Third One in l niatllla County. Mrs. Cora Cooper today purchased from the Pendleton store of Eilers Piano House n magnificent and cost ly Autoplano, to a beautiful mahog any case. This is a combination, be ing a piano ami pl:ivr combined In one Instrument. This la tliu third Autnplann sold In this , ..unty. C. W. Steen of Milton, lv. ,T. L. Miller, nnd tho one today to Mrs. Cooper. Ik- only, by company the front THE WOOL MARKET. No Change and Prices Next Year Will Be High. The following review of the wool market of the world Is from the Chl caga Livestock World: There has not been much change In the wool situation for a long time, though the demand ts good and buy ers could evidently use more than they are getUng. The fact that agents have been sent to the range country to contract for next year's clip shows that buy ers are getting anxious about the coming supply, and this is almost an assurance that prices will continue strong for another year at least. Considerable wool has been engag ed on the range at 22 25c, which is an advance over last year's values. According to the best authorities the demand for wool ts stronger In Eur ope than It has been In many previous years and this practically means that the Australian and New Zealand clips will be well taken care of on that Bide of the water. With a decreased number of sheep on the ranges there is not much hope that the American supply of wool will begin to fill the demand which la growing more rapidly than the sheep. withycomb's platform. Candidate for Governor Adopts a Ringing Motto. Dr.' James Wlthycombe has filed notice of his candidacy for the re publican nomination for governor, says a Salem dispatch. His motto to be placed upon the ballot is: "Honest and fearless performance of public duty. A greater and United Oregon." His declaration of principles is: Taxation of franchises and gross earnings tax on telegraph, telephone, express and sleeping car corporations; uniform assessment and taxation of railroads; state regulation of state and private banks, trust companies and savings banks; protection of the state In Its ownership of public lands; a board of control for state institu tions; one board for management of normal schools; Improvement of the Columbia and Willamette rivers, and coast seaports; national ownership of the Oregon City locks; constitutional amendment permitting the governor or people to veto individual items of appropriations; an honest and fear less performance of public duty. CHICAGO MVTTON TRADE. HlgluMt Point for IjoiiiIm Thin Week Is $7.75 lVr 100. The following account of the Chi cago mutton market for the past week Is from the Chicago Livestock World: Trade was nbnut steady when re sults were averaged up. It opened under depressing auspices. A posted run of 25.000 looked heavy and weather was against the market. Buyers wanted to size up the run. If It proved to lie equal to the estimate they would have had no difficulty in making a lower ileal. As It was the run fell down to thu advantago of the selling side. Some could detect strong spots, but consonstis of opinion was not In that direction. Hulk of the stuff sedd Just where It would have been appraised on Friday's prices. Tlad the estimated run sot In the market would have worn a different nspect. It took the best lambs that ever walked with a strict sort to tnnke J7. 75. Westerns made ? 7 . ft r, , but good lambs sold nt J7.M1. The first north TiieWinningStroke If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as rt acts naturally and gently-on the Internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, Irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. It is because of the fact that SYRDP OP FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale In bottles of one size all reputable druggists and that full California rig Syrup Co., Is plainly of every package. Regular price, 50c CSl'fqrnia Rg Syrup Cbil San FralvtTsco, Cai ern Colorado lambs of the season made 17.(0. It took good yearlings to fetch St.GO but $(.(0 was paid the bulk selling between that figure and $6.15. The tt.EO yearlings today were the S(.t0 kind a week ago. Not many sheep were thrown on the market and It was a good thing. For the bulk it was a I5.E0O5.60 deal. Feeders held them out to their own distinct advantage. Buyers bid 15.65 for such fed wethers as sold at $6 a week ago, and did not appear to want them badly at that Western ewes sold up to 15.60, and choice heavy natives to 15.75, but It was a $6.26 5.50 market on the gen eral run of ewes, with short-fed stuff selling down to 15. Feeder demand was good. For iambs suited to feeders purposes 16.76 6.85 was freely paid. The for tunate feature of the day was the limited supply. Had It been other wise something would have happened. HIGH HONOR POR IDAHO BOY. Fields, of Moscow, Wins Oratorical Prize at National University. The Spokane Review announces that Oeorge Fields of Moscow, Idaho, won forensic distinction at the Na tional university in Washington, D. C, by capturing first place for composi tion and delivery In the senior univer sity debate on the question: "Re solved, That United States senators should be elected by direct vote of the people." The other contestants were Kemp of Virginia, Gardner of Maryland, WilBon of Arkansas, Whitney of Washington, D. C, and Bramhoff of Wisconsin. With Messrs. Kemp and Gardner, Mr. Fields had the affirmative of the subject, and tho affirmative won the decision. The Judges then awarded Mr. Fields tho highest grade of the team. Mr. Fields Is a member of the senior class of the law department at the National university. Argued Sunday Closing. The case of the State of Idaho, re spondent, vs. Frank Calloway, appel ant, being the proceedings Instituted to test the legality of the city ordi nances compelling the saloons to close at 12 o'clock, midnight, and Sundays, was argued and submitted to the supremo court today. Calloway was represented by Hawley, Fuekett & Hawley, nnd the state by City At torney Kahn and Judge Quarles. The entire session ot the forenoon was de voted by tho attorneys to an exhaust ive resume of the authorities bearing on the case, which was taken under advisement. Poise Capital News. Card of Thanks. I take this means of expressing my thanks to the Metropolitan Insurance company for the prompt payment of the claim of Insurance on my little boy. THOMAS A HOIMiHON, No. 201 llen-i'it Street. S1V JKWS KXECrTK.D. Convicted of Revolutionary Method and Conduct. Warsaw, Jan. IS. Six Jews, mem bers of a local nnarchlst committee, who were tried by court martial and condemned were executed today. They were convicted of engaprlnc: In revolutionary propi-anda, manufae tuiinsr bombs and extorting money. The olive crop of Greece Just Rath-j oieii. Is said to e.iual about 1.'..0nn.00 ) gallons. ' ! , -.v. -r'Jl' -SvVi" name of the printed on per bottle. uew vot-k.Ryn Mayflower Deal. There are two rumor afloat regard ing the Mayflower mine, owned by the McAUster Bros One Is that the mine ha been bonded to a Seattle mining company for 160,000, and the other 1 that they are about to U the property to a Denver party. Laldlaw Chronicle. An engineer declare that 56,000 people now do with machinery the work of 16,000,000 persons 50 year ago. BENEFIT BY OCR EXJERIENCE. In the repairing of vehicles of all kinds by getting us to examine, es timate on and thoroughly overhaul, repair, repaint, re-upholster your carriage or business wagon. We are masters of the art of carriage repair ing for it ts an art when rightly done and we want a good share of your patronage. We have Winona Wi-gona, Hacks and Rex Buggies. We guarantee all goods sold. See us before purchasing. Neagle Bros. V Tho Blacksmiths and Machinists. Egg Makei COLESWORTHY. BONE SHELL GUI r 127 nd 129 EAST ALT A. Poultry and Stock Svippll.x. ' Hs. Grain and Feed. ( ; J TI1K I'OPCLAR FliACP V KAT IS THK The French ! R estaurant Everything H-rvel ftrt-ch Itcxi regular mc.aU In Prinil ton for 25 rents. SHOUT OltDFIta SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. Walters' flounns Mil '''"r ex- h.ti .- 1 r.T whAl. Flour, Ml' '- .: ' , 4 ;